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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12181354 No.12181354[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

To many people the simple thought of cooking with urine is intolerable but this something that we should embrace and not shy away from. Urine has been used for centuries and is still used today. Infact, just late last year I was in China and actually had food prepared in horse urine. The meal was great and the horse urine was barely palatable but it was there and added to the flavor of the meat. But urine is not just used for cooking it is also used in medicine.

Dr. A. H. Free, published his book Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice, where it is now recognized that urine contains literally thousands of compounds. Among the urine constituents mentioned in Dr. Free’s treatise is a list of nutrients that will knock your socks off. Here’s just a few…

Alanine, Arginine, Ascorbic acid, Allantoin, Amino acids, Bicarbonate, Biotin, Calcium, Creatinine, Cystine, DHEA, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Folic acid, Glucose, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Inositol, Iodine, Iron, Lysine, Magnesium, Manganese, Melatonin, Methionine, Nitrogen, Ornithane, Pantothenic acid, Phenylalaline, Phosphorus, Potassium, Proteins, Riboflavin, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Urea, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Zinc.

People have lived and died by being trapped in places without food and water for days. Those that survived did so because they drank their own urine, those that perished did not. Urine can also be such a powerful healing substance in and of itself, land has been known to completely eliminate allergies.

>> No.12181358
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Using urine in cooking is completely safe provided you heat it as you would other unpasteurized products. Until recently there were thoughts that urine was sterile but even for people who have no active bladder infection, bacteria is present but at very low levels. But what we have to remember is that almost everything we eat can contain bacteria. The secret here is to kill the bacteria.

The USDA States … FDA Cooking Temperatures

Cook all raw beef, pork, lamb and veal steaks, chops, and roasts to a minimum internal temperature of 145 °F as measured with a food thermometer before removing meat from the heat source. For safety and quality, allow meat to rest for at least three minutes before carving or consuming. For reasons of personal preference, consumers may choose to cook meat to higher temperatures.

>> No.12181360
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So, it comes to reason that we can remove bacteria by cooking it. But what temperature should we cook urine to in order to kill bacteria. How should we cook it? Many website talk about distilling the urine into pure water but that removes the taste and all benefits of urine. So what do we have to do to kill the bacteria. The CDC does note that on their website

Boiling (Rolling boil for 1 minute) has a very high effectiveness in killing bacteria; At altitudes greater than 6,562 feet (greater than 2000 meters), you should boil water for 3 minutes.

Now this is what I do and you may or may not wish to do this. (for the ladies out there that want to try this, unfortunately your urine will be more susceptible to bacteria etc due to your anatomy)…. Personally I cook it in large quantities. I have a 2L bottle that has been sterilized. I cleans the tip of my urethra using an alcohol wipe and then urinate a bit into the toilet. I then urinate into the bottle and when almost done I stop my stream, cap it off and place in a very very cold fridge. I urinate in it again and again repeating the process with the alcohol wipe until the bottle is full. I then flash boil it for about 3 min to kill the bacteria. I then actually use mason jars and can it as if i was preserving jelly and when cool it goes back into my fridge. Once I open the jar of urine i use it that same day so on this day I plan to do a lot of cooking but be warned there is salt in urine and you will need to cut back on adding salt to your recipes.

>> No.12181361

Nobody is gonna cook with piss, nor is anyone going to read this garbage. Go fuck yourself dude

>> No.12181368
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So now you have read up a bit about urine and its benefits and now your ready to take the next step. But I need to share with you a little more information about urine. You may have noticed that throughout the day your urine looks different and smells different. Human urine is yellow. We all understand that but its shade changes. So why does it change, and what causes it to change color.

Urine can change color depending on how hydrated you are, what you have been drinking and by what you have been eating as well as by whats happening within your own body, When you are dehydrated you urine tends to be darker. The darker it is the more dehydrated you are. To change this, normally all you need to do is drink more water. If you are properly hydrated your urine should be a light clear yellow. If it is clear you could be over hydrated / drinking too much water or you have been drinking alcohol.

When drinking alcohol, one must remember that alcohol is a diuretic ( which is any substance that promotes the production of urine). When you drink alcohol, water is pulled from your body along with electrolytes. This is one of the main reasons why the next morning you feel hungover. One of the best ways to cure this is to drink plenty of fluids and replace the missing electrolytes.

>> No.12181372
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Other Urine Characteristics.

Cloudy Urine / or urine with floating stuff – can be a sign of a urinary tract infection, kidney stones, semen or other issues going on within the urinary system.

Reddish Color – Primarily seen when blood is in the urine but can also be seen due to foods that are eaten that contain red dye.

Orange Urine – Aside from medical issues one should already know about, orange urine could be caused by a person taking certain medications, or eating certain foods.

If your not sure why your urine is of a certain color or has an unusual characteristic you should seek medical attention / advice.

>> No.12181378
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Most of the time when a measurement of any given urine sample’s oxidation and reduction reading (the ORP value) is taken, it often shows the urine in a reduced state. Chemically this means that there are more electrons (the charge is reduced in the negative direction). We like to say that the flow of life moves on the flow of electrons. If there are a lot of electrons in the urine, then where are they coming from? Yep, from you. So if your papa ever said, child, you’re pissing your life away—might there be more to that statement then meets the ears? Free electrons can be given to free radicals to fight oxidation so perhaps urine therapy also works along these lines. Something to think about. Or maybe it is just that things are better the second time around – they’ve already been processed somewhat once.

>> No.12181388
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Ok, so lets say you get sick with the flu. By using the Law of Similars, you would give yourself an additional dose of some same or similar flu virus, and this would stimulate your immune system to go into battle. That’s using the Law of Similars. However, in homeopathy, you never take the similar substance full strength. You take an infinitesimally smaller amount. Actually, it is so small as to be unmeasurable by physical scientific instruments.

To get to such a small level, the original substance goes through a dilution process. For example, suppose you were making a flu remedy. You would take, for instance, 99 drops of distilled water and add one drop of flu virus. You would vigorously shake that solution 50 to 100 times (homeopaths call this succussing). Then you would take a drop of that solution and add it to another 99 drops of water and shake again. Then take a drop of that solution and do it again, and again, and again, etc. By the time the homeopath is through with this process, any scientific laboratory could analyze the solution and all they would say is that the substance is just water. BUT, and this is a big but, the power of the remedy is in the vibrational imprint that has been stamped on the water itself by the original flu drop and through each successive generation. And this is where we get into quantum physics and subtle energy, areas where our physical sciences are not yet capable of going.

When the body is given a homeopathic remedy, it is stimulated into action, not because of the physical or chemical nature of the substance, but because of the energetic nature. The body receives new vibratory information and acts accordingly. Now to anyone trained in the physical sciences, this is not provable. But whether you believe this yourself or not is irrelevant, the fact is, homeopathics can be a very powerful healing resource when used correctly.

Drinking and cooking with urine will bring you strength and health. Please consider.

>> No.12181405

how do fuckers do this and not get banned. trolling outside of b?

>> No.12181482

Consider not being so closed minded, and think :)

>> No.12181485
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at last I understand

>> No.12181495

This is the most detailed I’ve ever seen a piss fetishist get, OP is no doubt masturbating until the skin comes off.

>> No.12181514
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i know this is bait but i just need to say... kill yourself

>> No.12181519

Just ask me to piss in your mouth and I might just do it. No need to write a paper on it

>> No.12181527

Tourist just passing through here - is this type of thread typical for /ck/?

>> No.12181535
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i've been here awhile and can honestly say i'm not sure

>> No.12181538

Urine is actually quite umami.

>> No.12181681

cleans the tip of my urethra using an alcohol wipe and then urinate a bit into the toilet. I then urinate into the bottle and when almost done I stop my stream, cap it off and place in a very very cold fridge. I urinate in it again and again repeating the process with the alcohol wipe until the bottle is full. I then flash boil it for about 3 min to kill the bacteria. I then actually use mason jars and can it as if i was preserving jelly and when cool it goes back into my fridge. Once I open the jar of urine i use it that same day so on this day I plan to do a lot of cooking but be warned there is salt in urine and you will need to cut back on adding salt to your recipes.

>> No.12181815

>Infact, just late last year I was in China and actually had food prepared in horse urine.
That's the cleanest water they can get.
Piss is a waste product that the body tries to get rid of. Don't put it back in.

>> No.12181828

shut up

>> No.12181833

>A healthy person’s urine is about 95 percent water and sterile, so in the long term it’s safe to drink and does replenish lost water.
Stop trying to spread misinformation about your preconceived notions of what is and isn't acceptable, please and thank you :)

>> No.12181846

>trolling outside of b
I don't think Jannies or mods give a fuck about that report reason. I'm pretty sure it's just there to mollify the reporter and not because any staff give a shit about trolling.

>> No.12181848

i love drinking piss but cooking with it sounds nasty

>> No.12181850

piss isn't sterile.