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12174967 No.12174967 [Reply] [Original]

We all been there.

>> No.12174988

Wings suck. They're overpriced, small, covered in pissy vinegar, messy, and there is no meat on them. Horrible boomer meme for idiots who watch sports to eat and drink domestic beer.

>> No.12174992

no i have not because i have a job and am financially responsible enough to afford my rent every month

>> No.12175003

No. I've never been late on a bill ever.

>> No.12175016

Shit I wish my rent was that low.

>> No.12175017

Actually i haven't because I'm employable and responsible with my money.

>> No.12175019

Personal finance is basic grade school math. OP why are you a bigger fuck up than a 12 year old?

>> No.12175022

585 is such a weird rent amount. every where I've lived it's been an even number.

>> No.12175026
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I’m 20 and still live my pops so LOL @ u faggot

>> No.12175027

hell yeah
the problem is i think a few years ago they fucked with the whole credit score thing
like you can be delinquent and shitty and it's fine. and this whole time i agonized over it and i had the best credit score
but now some n-word in collections is probably right around me
if im being honest i dont give a flying fuck because it's all fake, but it was one thing i was kind of proud of

>> No.12175029

im rich

>> No.12175043

With no incentive for paying early, why would you? At work, all vendors we deal with offer 1 or 2% discount if paid within specified time.

>> No.12175051

no such incentive that im aware of on personal cc debt

>> No.12175056

Surprisingly not. Not being able to pay rent and a possible eviction is my worst night mare.
I'd rather eat dirt.

>> No.12175063

>electricity bill
>water bill
>natural gas bill
>cable/internet bill
>phone bill
>insurance bill
There are more expenses other that CC debt...assuming you have CC debt.

>> No.12175064

It's what happens when the landlord can only increase the rent by a set percent each year

>> No.12175087


>> No.12175099

Flop house rent. Probably has a toilet kitchen combo or a bedroom that is just a loft over the living room.

>> No.12175103

584 can be evenly divided by 2 making it an even number.

>> No.12175106

makes sense.

>> No.12175109

misread it as 585 at first.

>> No.12175115

rent? are you a fucking teenager? make some money and buy a house already

>> No.12175117

Rent for 584?
My fucking mortgage is just under 800.

>> No.12175118

yes, just walk into a company give the manager a firm handshake and ask for a job

>> No.12175119

I doubt any of those give you any incentive to pay early either.

I'm not the anon that posted above, but I've only ever seen discounts offered like that on commercial accounts, never for anything related to individals. You'll never see terms like 2% 5 days / net 30 for apartment rent, power bill, insurance, etc.

>> No.12175122

Perhaps you meant "round" number...like $600?

>> No.12175124

missing the point.
why is it such a wierd number? why not $575 or $600?

>> No.12175136

600 would make more sense. I've paid 420 and 700 for rent so far.

>> No.12175147

I really don't get how people can be so poor. if my 20 year old daughter with two kids who dropped out of High School because she was more interested in cock and drugs, can make 2000 a month minimum buying shit from AliExpress and selling it on Facebook.... well basically what I'm trying to say is op is a nig**r

>> No.12175156

I know. That was my point. I'll keep my money in my interest bearing checking account until the bill's due date. I'll get .08% on my money...not much i know..but it's more than what i'm getting by paying early.

>> No.12175199

>pay 0 rent at home collect almost 2000 in NEETbux
I used to be very sick but since january ive been faking it lul dont wanna go back to wagecucking bros

>> No.12175265

Which food would you recommend, sir?

>> No.12175274


>> No.12175440

Not a bad choice if you're saving money

>> No.12175628

Thighs are the best part of a chicken.

>> No.12175840

>for idiots who watch sports
That's all you had to say

>> No.12175876

How do people spend all of their money

>> No.12176297


>> No.12176438

niggers just can’t not buy fake sneakers, jewelry, and hair

>> No.12176467

Lol! Memes!

>> No.12176468

That doesn't make any sense. Even if he didn't get the wings he still wouldn't be able to afford rent

>> No.12176804

>not making your own for half the price and putting whatever sauce you want on them

>> No.12176809


>> No.12176917

Rent is 1750 but he has 2 roommates and he and one roommate pay the extra dollar

>> No.12176936

Did you miss the part where they have no meat and are a mess

>> No.12176942

Nope, never been there.

>> No.12177881

>buys shitty wings and doesn't realize you can eat the same volume in meat as other parts of the chicken by having more
>"a bloo bloo bloo! they're messy! O no! Babby needs a bibby!
>"Bring me the soy milk! Give me the whole carton! *glug glug glug*"

fucking faggot.

>> No.12177893

Based wingtard rage

Let me just eat more of the shittiest part of the chicken which is so bad it has to be fried and then smothered in sauce so as to conpletely eradicate the taste. Haha yeah wings are so cool man pass the budweiser king of beers and put on the saints vs raiders wooooooooo

>> No.12177906

>pass the budweiser king of beers and put on the saints vs raiders wooooooooo

This is when I eat wings, fight me

>> No.12177907
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>angry children overly upset on a forum to the point where they have to make up story headcanon for social interactions they'll never experience

>> No.12177913

Haha fucking dipshit

>> No.12177918

Based panzy rage

Pass the soy milk and semen bro!

This is 4chan, what the fuck do you expect?

>> No.12177928

Yeah being fat and watching other people run around sure is tough haha pass the corn

>> No.12177931

No I'm not that fucking stupid with money

>> No.12177932

The joke doesn't really work because the protagonist can't afford rent anyway. The choice needs to be between having exactly enough for rent or the dinner and choosing the dinner 48 times.

>> No.12177970
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idk to get on their knee's and suck a hero officer's dick

>> No.12177977

yep wings do suck. Wing Zone near my house sells 20 wings for like 18 dollars. and actually post a sticker on the window advertising it. as if thats a good deal. total ripoff. absolute bullshit.

>> No.12178094

Yeah I'm sure you've got thousands in the bank.

>> No.12178103

I can't imagine what a stressful existence living paycheck to paycheck must be.

>> No.12178128

12 dollars for something called a wing combo?

>> No.12178247

You're not very well informed about the world are you

>> No.12178250

No it's that she's a ok looking bitch who's chubby but not too fat and hustling on social media.

>> No.12178256

There are addictions everywhere. It happens when you're bored and don't like going out or they do like going out and spend it all on that.

>> No.12178257



>> No.12178259

I would love to look at what you spend your money on and shut your mouth through evidence alone.

>> No.12178260

It's a lot like not being stressed because you don't give a shit because you save money on the side. Your credit score is sky high as long as you realize that you only have to save a certain amount a month to eventually accumulate wealth.

>> No.12178262

>wednesday afternoon
>go to hy-vee
>request 16 wings
>pay $4
Maybe it's good most people don't know

>> No.12178267

Rent, groceries, utilities, internet, fuel, a couple hundred on ammo for the range and the occasional vidya, save the rest for rainy days.
It's not fucking hard.

>> No.12178273

It takes only one clerical error. It happened to me.

>> No.12178278

It's pretty fucking hard if you don't make enough for the area and I know you're leaving out shit you spend on other than fucking normal expenditures including only two hobbies.

>> No.12178283

I guess he might as well have those wings.
It's not like the landlord will hate him any less for paying twelve bucks than if he paid nothing at all.

>> No.12178288

>you don't make enough for the area
Not my problem
>I know you're leaving out shit
No I'm not
What the hell is wrong with you

>> No.12178291 [DELETED] 

>Not my problem
I never asked if it was your problem. You don't have any say into what goes on in my life.
>I know you're leaving out shit
>>No I'm not
Then you live a sad life where you never have friend's you have dinner with or even a date night. Sucks to be you.

>> No.12178295

that's the most pathetic post I've read today
Calm your tits my dude

>> No.12178308 [DELETED] 

You're the one who can't even deny that you never spend time or money on going out with friends or any semblance of a date.

I'd make some comment about the irony of you asking me to "calm down" when I clearly struck a chord with you but I'll just lay back while I enjoy this movie while you desperately try to concoct a comeback.

inb4 nerd rage

>> No.12178311

>You're the one who can't even deny that you never spend time or money on going out with friends or any semblance of a date.
>I'd make some comment about the irony of you asking me to "calm down" when I clearly struck a chord with you but I'll just lay back while I enjoy this movie while you desperately try to concoct a comeback.
>inb4 nerd rage

>> No.12178315

>gets absolutely butthurt at minor bantz
>doesn't know how to greentext
You should just crawl back to whatever hugbox you came from.
And get a better job than McDonald's while you're at it.

>> No.12178367

Look at your keyboard

>> No.12178375

Honestly if your rent is $584 and you're down to $11.98 you may as well buy the wing combo seeing as you're not even close to paying that rent.

>> No.12178376

>looking at apartments
>found a great one, lots of space, nice patio, nice appliances
>only problem was that there isn't a garbage disposal
>tell the landlord and owner that I'll only move in if they agree to install a garbage disposal that I pay for if they knock a few bucks off my rent every month
>they agree, take $25 bucks off a month
>go on Amazon and buy a cheap garbage disposal for $50
>save a good amount of money on my rent for a year long lease get to have a garbage disposal and I move out after a year anyways
Try talking to your landlords and shit boys. If you're quiet, keep the place in good shape, they accommodate a lot of requests

>> No.12178378

If you're a woman you could just do a porn

>> No.12178405

The wageslave life sucks, honestly I envy your neet life, only high IQ people know that dropping out to live the neet life is the only way to achieve real happiness.
I was neeting for 5 years then the employment agency cracked down on me and forced me into employment or otherwise I would have lost my neetbux.
I still got a plan to escape this mess. Currently got cash aside so I can find someplace cheap to rent at a small town on the coast where there are basically no jobs unless you are qualified in something. Word is the employment agencies do fuck all down there and not really give a shit about you and don't care if you are employed or unemployed. Can't wait until I escape the city, shits fucked here anyways. I'll be free again one day.
That been said I don't even need the money I make from this job i'm working at, I was happy with the amount I got from neetbux. I can live cheaply and be happy. Society always thinks that having a job is some magical way to make us into better people and it somehow makes us "grow" as a person but that's a load of bullshit.

>> No.12178417

I have a decent income right now so I can live comfortably. No nice shit, not a lot of vacations, but I'm good. I can splurge on something like deciding I want to have an aquarium. But there is something to be said about being broke, and I feel bad for people that don't know about it. When a cigarette and a bag of chips and a cool drink from the corner store is your afternoon on a sunny day off, it's heaven man. It's great. Those were some of my best summer days with nothing to do. Maybe just a podcast and a walk to the beach.

>> No.12178646


>> No.12178653

I don't see the point in wings or ribs.
You pay for 85% bone, and 15% meat, but it's the same price or more expensive than things that are 100% meat.

>> No.12179399

That doesn't sound like living paycheck to paycheck

>> No.12179423

Renting is cheaper even in the long run fuckwad

>> No.12179456

Consistently choosing the cheapest option despite the negative impact to your quality of life is a poorfag trait you mongoloid.

>> No.12179460

special kind of retard right here >>12179423

>> No.12179507

If you're renting you may as well be burning money. Buying a house will actually give you a return value and equity money.

>> No.12179525

Depends, but moreso than it used to be since (((they've))) fucked over the middleclass by eliminating most of the house loan interest deduction to pay for the tax cut for the extremely wealthy.

>> No.12179530

Not that anon, but I live in NYC it's impossible to buy here unless I'm actually a millionaire.

>> No.12179538

Suck it, lib. MAGA.

>> No.12179551

Yes your entire city is a con where your bosses pay you inflated wages to move there and then take all that money you make back since they own all the buildings and businesses, getting basically free labor for the price of reduced taxes they pay on the buildings. I don't know why so many millions of you accept that con.

>> No.12179722

Since you're here, you obviously aren't extremely wealthy and are either middle or lower class. That makes you a bootlicking Uncle Tom. Enjoy your reaming, lol!

>> No.12179828

No. Never been there. Not even close.

>> No.12179886
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>> No.12180093

Why so defensive anon? You're not saving any money?

>> No.12180714

>tfw bought a condo
>none of the pros of buying a house, but all of the cons of renting an apartment

>> No.12180756

why did you do that

>> No.12180762

>their money
lol, wishful thinking bruv

>> No.12180765
File: 252 KB, 460x489, 1534664752949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are people so stupid that they spend all of their paycheck every time they receive it?

>> No.12180767

it's a bad time to buy right now idiot

>> No.12180771

Because they rent places they can't afford and spend the little money left over on booze and outings. See >>12178278

>> No.12180773 [DELETED] 

I don't like wings and I'm also not irresponsible with my money like that, so no.

>> No.12180809 [DELETED] 

>renting BAD because expensive
>buying house GOOD because equity pay and return on investment

>actually, renting is cheaper in the long run

>> No.12181003

>rent $585


Try something like $1900-2300 for some shitty studio or 1bdrm. Even if you have housemates, try like $1500 for a crackhouse

>> No.12181008

Yep, two mangos one habanero and some salt. DIY butthole cleanser

>> No.12181013

>unironically living in a city

>> No.12181108

Must be a flyover thing. I live in bumfuck Tennessee now and mine is $505/mo.

>> No.12181115

I'm moving to downtown LA for grad school in a couple weeks

>> No.12181129

Hope you got on some kind of fat scholarship or have rich parents. You're gonna be writing some fat checks, my dude.

>> No.12181140

The latter. Not rich though. It's just that it's kind of important for the family that I get this masters degree. I still lose sleep over the guilt and it's given me IBS. But I make the best of it, whenever I feel a start coming I pull up my college groupchat and hit the record audio button and let it rip. They've just been getting fart recordings from me for the past few months.

>> No.12181146


>> No.12181149
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>> No.12181176
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I remember renting a place for a few months and the fat, greasy fuck refused my damage deposit. There was a small streak on the wall (that I washed off in front of him) from a couch, and some dust in a pile, and he said that was "damages" and he pulls out the $400 and slowly starts flipping through it. I go "what the fuck dude" and he's like "YOU DAMAGED MY RENTAL PROPERTY", so I'm like "where the fuck is it damaged" and the fat fuck (I'm talking 350lbs+ cocaine beast) points at the dust pile and I'm like nigger I just swept all your floors I was going to sweep it up afterwards, and he LITERALLY goes "nah-nuh" waggling his finger and slowly "counting" out 20s. I grabbed his phone, threw it into the wall, pushed the guy into the wall and destroyed half of it the fat fuck. Note I'm like 130lbs and skinny af. Guy called the cops, but all they did was phone me and ask me not to do that. Never got my damage deposit.

>> No.12181192

Based af.

>> No.12181218

>things that never happened

>> No.12181222

it absolutely happened

>> No.12181292

No Hy-Vee in the hampton roads area, Iowafag.

>> No.12181293

haha dude hating poor people is BASED my fellow magapede

>> No.12181296

The irony is most trump supporters are poor compared to people living in major cities

>> No.12181302

>having a halfway acceptable job and being responsible with money is being a republicunt
maga I guess then

>> No.12181502

do not respond to soy, please and thank you

>> No.12181503

Don't tell me what to do fagolino

>> No.12181508

but I said please

>> No.12181515
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I'm sorry

>> No.12181523

Yep, and they vote against their own self interest. They is being kangs 'n shite, they saving us, ok?

Our thoughts and prayers are with you, lol

>> No.12181524

and voting for Hillary was in their self interest?
surely you're not indoctrinated enough to believe that one for real, right?

>> No.12181559

>got kicked out of my apartment by my roommates
>can't sublet my lease
>living with parents and still paying rent for an apartment I don't live in
Fuck my life

>> No.12181576

How do you get "kicked out" on your own lease?

>> No.12181626

I'm genuinely afraid to hear what beta reason he could possibly give for this. Best case, they have some blackmail on him or something.

>> No.12181644

Quality first post. This thread never really stood a chance, did it?

>> No.12181756

You can really tell who can suck all the meat off a flat and who screamed because mommy didn't make tendies

>> No.12181971 [DELETED] 

This guy was making fun of

>> No.12181999

I also want to hear this.

>> No.12182023


I buy wings and ribs but I also follow up by making bone broth with the bones.

Persian rice boiled in a nice bone broth is great.

>> No.12182068

Call the police on them you complete retard.