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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12173601 No.12173601 [Reply] [Original]

(Geographically) Why is Korean food so spicy when Japanese food is not?

>> No.12173616


>> No.12173621

maybe they're trying to compete with Japan without being Japanese and being spicy is easy

>> No.12173625

>Why is Korean food so spicy when Japanese food is not?
thanks for the question
Korean food is spicier than Jap food and also Chink food due to easy access to SEA/pajeet spice trade

"geographically" Japan is a lot more isolated than Korea, and farther away at the edge of Asia

>> No.12173651

Korea was and is a much poorer and more backward nation than Japan. Where Japan focused on freshness, flavor, and perfection, Koreans had to focus on getting enough food to keep themselves from starving, which meant covering up bad flavors from rotting food, hence the massive amounts of spices -- same as India and Mexico, for two other examples. You find the same thing in the more backwards parts of China -- Sichuan and Hunan.

>> No.12173659

do you spek english?

>> No.12173663

You certainly don't.

>> No.12173938
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imagine getting memed on this hard

>> No.12173950

>"geographically" Japan is a lot more isolated than Korea, and farther away at the edge of Asia
Also, they politically isolated themselves for nearly 400 years, and didn't develop a tradition of cooking with spices (except for Japanese pepper, which is a variety of Sichuan and sesame/poppy seeds).

>> No.12173956


>> No.12173991

This meme is retarded and usually a flyover cope when someone claims white people don't season their food.

>> No.12174169

Koreans didn’t even have access to chili peppers until the Colombian exchange; it wasn’t spicy for the vast majority of its history

>> No.12174178

Different ingredients

>> No.12174202

this. i think it honestly just appealed to our taste buds dont know if theres a historic/scientific reason why

>> No.12174258

The Korea/Japan part is true, though.

>> No.12174263


>> No.12174289

>until the Colombian exchange; it wasn’t spicy for the vast majority of its history
that's true for european cuisine too
look up medieval recipes, it was completely different

hell, so called "italian cuisine" is 99% a 18th and 19th century invention

>> No.12175055

Koreans are nigs

>> No.12175060

Like most cultures that developed a taste for spices, it was because spice can be used as a food preservative which is incredibly beneficial for cultures that did not have access to large amounts of salt.

>> No.12175076

>Korea is a peninsula in the ocean

>> No.12175077

[hint hint] 4channers are mostly racist autist. /pol/ is made for that specific reason. [/hint hint]

>> No.12175152

Wow I did not think my answer through. Anyway after some digging Koreans have been using sea salt and clay salt farming for hundreds/thousands of years.

>> No.12175197

We have a lot of nonspicy foods and Japan has spicy foods

But nigga. We loooove our dried chilli peppers.

>> No.12175224

That's just true for southern italy, Amerilard

>> No.12175255

Japan was pretty isolated so they didn't get a lot of New World ingredients until Perry tore them a new one. They don't eat a lot of corn potatoes or tomatoes either although they are creeping into the culture

>> No.12175606

I must note that Vietnam has a massive amount of sea salt, and it mainly goes into the production of fish sauce.

>> No.12176020
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well they would store cabbage as kim chi - salted and spiced in earthenware containers called "to" right outside their homes in the winter long before there was electricity/refrigeration available. when the weather would suddenly change and there would be a warm spell - some of that cabbage would go bad but they would still be able to use it to make a soup - like kim chee chige

>> No.12176067
File: 55 KB, 550x430, Jap_Surrender-2_Sep_1945-105767-004-13B91A69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple answer... see pic related.

>> No.12176068
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>> No.12176072

Apparently the japs can't take the heat.

>> No.12176319


>> No.12176346

It's not a geography question because chilli peppers were only introduced about 500 years ago. I guess it just caught on because they liked the spice.

>> No.12176680

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.12176689

retarded question imo

>> No.12176794
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>> No.12176799

>and also Chink food

>> No.12176900

Isolation for centuries does things to you, makes you peddle uncooked fish as a delicacy

>> No.12176921

Because one region took the time to develop complex flavor profiles and sophisticated cooking methods while the other just dumped a raw egg on there rotten cabbage.

>> No.12176925

Geographically, why is north Chinese food so spicy, when south Chinese food is not, and while Indian food is too???

>> No.12176927


>> No.12177067


>> No.12177068

16th and 17th centuries, akshully.
Neapolitan cookbooks of those time periods contained recipes using tomato, chilli, potatoes and new world beans.

>bologna is in southern italy

>> No.12177074
File: 15 KB, 299x168, tteokbokie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not that korean food is "more spicy" per se, its just that they love eat red chili paste (gochujang)

>> No.12177127

Korea got chilli from Japan in the early 1600s just fyi

>> No.12177130

>Look at all my extra chromosomes!

>> No.12178132
File: 238 KB, 720x960, 7888446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12178301

kimchi is literally just sauerkraut:
Local fermented cabbage. Koreans just add some spice to it as well.

>> No.12178785

based and redpilled

>> No.12178800

It's really just a bunch of context. There is no unified reason certain places like spicy foods while other places do not. There is SOME common ground like northern European countries that were starved for spices not having any sort of heavily spiced foods. But it's basically just like "oh this country met this country once and now they have a shit ton of spice and it wasn't too different to what they were making before also it could be used as a preservative"

There are plenty of countries that were along the spice trade routes that didn't end up with specifically hot or heavily spiced foods.

>> No.12178845


It definitely is spicier. They love chili paste, chili powder and fresh chilis. It's a common site even in Seoul to see shitloads of chili drying out in the street.

Most of their food isn't excessively spicy, but like 90% of it is quite spicy.

>> No.12178868

we get it, you eat spicy food and consider it a part of your identity, just like how someone who goes to the gym 4 times a week thinks it's a unique and interesting part of their life

>> No.12178873

>Korean food
>Spicier than chink
Ok you got me triggered anon. Some pls tiananmen me cause this post made really fucking butthurt at this barbarian's ignorance.

>> No.12178889

mmm see:

the % of spicy food is several times higher over the whole range in Korean food versus Chinese where it's limited to relatively few dishes

We're not saying Koreans have the SPICIEST dishes, just that they have more spicy dishes/total

>> No.12179099

>hell, so called "italian cuisine" is 99% a 18th and 19th century invention
that applies to almost all cuisines

>> No.12179108

>barbarian's ignorance
you bump your thick skull and forgot you are in 4chan or something?

>> No.12179135

>that applies to almost all cuisines
yes that was my point, so it's pretty disingenuous to highlight that about Korean cuisine

>> No.12179991

tastelet confirm

>> No.12180298

>Muh white people dont eat spicey food cause they dont have soul

No its because it ruins the taste for most people, adding some herbs and flavours is fine but making every meal taste like pepper and then the next day smelling like shit is disgusting

>> No.12181267

>thinking Japan never traded with SEA

>> No.12181501

rolf lamo

>> No.12181653


>> No.12181692

did i ever say that

>> No.12182465

>and also Chink food
but the chinese had undeniably easier access to SEA trade

>> No.12182876

nice comeback, faggot

>> No.12184140

You clearly have psychiatric problems. Take a shower and you won't smell bad, it's like magic.

>> No.12184196

Why usa food is so fat and derpfried when american food is so good?

>> No.12184437

soul vs soulless

>> No.12184453

Korean army using the brand of their nemesis. Japan won the culture war, huh

>> No.12184592

I think a lot of people forget that the chinks and such used chile peppers to cover up the taste of their rotten low quality shit meat. It wasn't so much because it was a spice back then, it was to cover up rotten shit taste.