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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 800 KB, 802x545, 2019-04-12 18_47_58-Impossible Burger Unleashes the World's First Kosher 'Cheeseburger' _ Food & Win.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12171948 No.12171948 [Reply] [Original]

how does it taste, /ck/??
any of you co/ck/su/ck/ers tried it yet?
more importantly how does it compare to vegetarian/vegan alternatives
ta x

>> No.12171961

Tastes and feels like a slightly above average burger

>> No.12172190

You literally can't tell the difference.
t. girlfriend made me do a blind taste test

>> No.12172196

That only shows that YOU can't tell the difference

>> No.12172202
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>another fast food thread

>> No.12172204

Try it for yourself then. It's surprisingly meaty. Reminds me of high quality grassfed burger. I originally thought it was the real meat burger.

>> No.12172211

Vegan food just doesn't have same level of umami

>> No.12172214

umami maymaying or for real

>> No.12172220


>> No.12172284

Fucking great ,from 1 to 10,a solid 7 to 8,healthy as fuck,not vegam or vegetariam by the way

>> No.12172288

because of the heme? thought it was synthesized

>> No.12172298

loves you bb

>> No.12172478

Holy shit I fell for the meme.
There's a burger bar that had one near me on special for cheaper than their regular slop. I tried it and while the patty wasnt as big as I prefer it tasted like fucking meat. If they can make them cheaper tham regular meat I'm sold.

>> No.12172567
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I thought meat was disgusting dead flesh?

>> No.12172578

I tried it at A&W.

I bought an impossible burger and a normal burger together to taste test.

Impossible burger tastes pretty good but it just kind of lacks something in actual meat.

I'd pick it over cheap frozen patties but real fresh meat tastes a bit better.

>> No.12172580

I'm not vegan. Are you in the wrong thread?

>> No.12172636
File: 98 KB, 605x500, 1554897013910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I thought this was a thread about vegan food, my bad.

>> No.12172644

It's a literal shill.

>> No.12172646

It's nice and umami

>> No.12172665

>be me
>upcoming social visit to restaurant
>look at menu
>they serve impossible burger
>oh shit, I'll try it
>before ordering, realize I live in middle america, Trump cuck milkshake territory
>the impossible stock is probably old as democracy
>it's also $5 more for it
>get a chicken entree instead

>> No.12172681

I researched the ingredients of impossible burger, it is literally wheat gluten and soy protein lol. I can't believe you dumb niggers fall for this shit.

>> No.12172752

It's less than 2% soy, in fact it is stated that the soy leghemoglobin (the only soy in it, which wasn't found in the 1.0 version) is only used in minimal amounts for preservation and for the heme. It's literally synthesized into heme.
Nice try you fucking retarded nigger.

>> No.12172758
File: 95 KB, 600x401, fat-guy_1434626904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No vegans here. Only proof by example omnivores. One of three in the world!

>> No.12173453

$0.05 has been invested into your account.

Good goy.

>> No.12173472

Tastes nothing like a good beef burger but it's not too bad. Can be dolled up with sauce to make it taste less like fake meat.

>> No.12173490

>above average
if you like your burgers dry as fuck, a real burger has tougher protein that releases fats as you chew. I don't even dislike these burgers but pretending they're a better-than-beef substitute is retardered. They're legitimately enjoyable for what they are but not as a competitor usurping beef

>> No.12173584

Like dog food

>> No.12173587

>impossible burger
more like imposter burger

>> No.12173831

They're better than every meat burger. Literally better in every way. Stop lying anon.

>> No.12173848

I'll.not going to try it simply because you faggots shill it all the time.

>> No.12173873

I can’t wait until they’re truly identical to beef in taste and texture, so I can use it to trick vegetarians into eating beef.

>> No.12174065

Is this before or after the inevitable ban of all animal products?

>> No.12174124

You mean
>another vegan thread

>> No.12175748
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>> No.12175796

it tastes different from a burger but close enough to real meat that it doesnt matter

>> No.12175829

They serve them at the burger place down the street and I got curious.
The texture is pretty decent although it is too soft and crumbles too small. It just tastes like a boca burger 2.0. It isn't horrible but doesn't really taste like meat. It was juicy though which was a nice touch.

>> No.12175849

It doesn't taste like a Burger. It doesn't chew like one either. Went up to downtown GR by the river about 2 weeks ago, wanted to go to Founder's, but friends talked me into getting food first.

I was not told I was getting a fake Burger, was not hinted at, didn't do some faggy blind test. But after a friend placed orders ahead on their phone, We got our food, I nearly sent mine back till she fucking copped to it. It tasted like a shit frozen paddy that doesn't hold together well, but worse.

>> No.12175882

So I'm an avid meat eater and truth seeker. but this is just ridiculous. I know that vegans are lame but do we really need to sink this low? This is just rank propaganda if I ever saw it.

it's the oldest trick in the book to just paint your opponents as sickly disgusting monsters, or demonize them by portraying them as sub humans.

We can honestly do better.

>> No.12175912
File: 1.15 MB, 1300x1800, 1546805980928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegans do the same, and worse to us, because they have the entire (((western media))) fawning all over veganism like the second coming.

And you think our side should just shut up and take it? Surrender? Roll over and give up???


Here is typical Australia TV network pro-vegan propaganda. The "other side" in the 'debate' ends up calling for all kinds of pro-vegan crap by the end of the 'discussion' fuck me


>> No.12176010

It's good. If all fast food places switched over to impossible meat for their burgers I wouldn't mind in the slightest.

>> No.12176019
File: 350 KB, 506x408, rgfg585858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you're treating it like a war, like it's some hardcore battle. This is 2019 the world is grey and boring, there's no civil war, there's no world war, you're just bored.

Tribal instincts are flaring up and you need somebody to resist and fight back, I was a teenager too once.

You know what you do to Vegans to win though? You don't destroy them epic style, you don't paint ridiculous caricatures, and you don't just "roll over and give up"

You go and debate them and you win the debate with real arguments and substance. You make actual points that aren't just made up shit. You don't just insult them and make stupid quips to own them.

You wanna win? show them that you're an adult, and let them act like children.

The clown world meme is getting pretty close to reality when people can't even talk about food without making it into a civil war

>> No.12176028
File: 55 KB, 512x512, IMG_20170514_203658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good at Fatburger
Bad at Carl's jr.

>> No.12176032

It's still being improved. Wait a few years and it'll be better. If it tasted exactly like quality hamburger, then it would be EVERYWHERE--today--rather than everywhere ten years from now.

>> No.12176117
File: 254 KB, 540x540, Its not the same sheeple go vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do that, and Shawn Baker and Dr. Darren Schmidt can do that and I respect you.

But as for me I want to laugh in their face and mock them for the self-harm cult imbeciles they are. They are all leftists, and I love to see them self-destruct.

Post your vegan teeth long term vegans LOL!!!

>> No.12176129

Taste exactly like a whopper but the patty is noticably drier

>> No.12176148

>They are all leftists

Looks like you fell for the propaganda and you've been radicalized. No more intelligent dialogue or peaceful resistance from you, only destruction and value signalling. or perhaps you just take meat eating way to seriously, especially when meat isn't being taken off the shelves any time soon.

How closely do you fit the mold you were casted into? what are you opinions on gay marriage and healthcare lol. something tells me they probably aren't to progressive.

>> No.12176165
File: 7 KB, 259x194, images.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a vegan, but hereth's my teefs as a lifelong proud carnisth.

>> No.12176169

>what are you opinions on gay marriage
No such thing. The more we humor them on this, the more power they get over us.
Should every person be allowed to "Marry" 100,000 foreign national shitskins and bring them all into the west as "spouses?"
> and healthcare.
I don't want to pay for niggers and illegals health care.

My only 'progressive' views would be for legalized drugs etc. anti-drug war. I don't think there should be a drinking age or a cigarrette age.

>> No.12176176

Since when is gay marriage and polyamory the same thing?

>> No.12176178
File: 55 KB, 894x538, Follow Arnolds way to superior Vegan Dental Health.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

laugh online, but IRL the mirror will tell you the stark truth (if you stay vegan ten years plus)

And carnivore humans have perfect healthy teeth, for the most part including me.

>> No.12176183

Once "gay marriage" is normalized, then your side will start raging at how we are homophobic bigots if we don't let you marry every single non-white person in the world, to bring them to the west.

"Gay marriage" is itself an obscene joke, but you have already won that one. What's next? I fear to ask.

>> No.12176195

I thought so.
You basically fit the bill for a typical bigoted asshole nobody wants to listen to or take seriously.
And this is why Vegans get to be on TV and you do not.

Maybe if you quit hating niggers and took some responsibility for yourself, cleaned up and started making real arguments for your single correct opinion. Then you might get somewhere in life.

as it stands your an insecure little fag who thinks the lefty commie boogeyman is gonna take your meats away.

>> No.12176206

I'm a carnivore / omnivore (but I love meat and I eat it in place of other food vices like candy or chocolate)

My teeth are fucking shitty.
I brush and floss daily, exercise, eat meat, drink milk
I'm not even 25 and my molars are basically crumbling already

>> No.12176226

>2% of the population is vegan, a fraction of which is radical
>th-the meat genocide is at hands bros! To arms! To arms!
>When the Nazis came for the communists,
>I remained silent;
>I was not a communist.
>When they locked up the social democrats,
>I remained silent;
>I was not a social democrat.
>When they came for muh meat there was no one left to speak out.

>> No.12176240
File: 103 KB, 800x539, Leftist Brigaders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12176248

Sorry to hear that, same thing happened to my parents, and I guess they ate the same thing as perfect teeth me. But the rotten teeth vegan meme is still real.
(perfect as in strong, not as in perfect model bright perfect, lets keep it real)

>> No.12176253

Trump doesn't get on television and talk about how much he hates niggers you fucking retard.
He's not a racist like you are. It's probably a sad realization that Donald Trump is more intelligent and social than you.

I don't see him saying shit about gay marriage either.

Either Trump lied and he's part of the establishment

or he has nothing in common with trash like you.

>> No.12176264
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You're just gaslighting. (((Your side))) controls 100% of the western media, (and governments) you are shoving veganism down the childrens throats in schools, etc etc.

Are you a strict vegan (sickly idiot)? Or just a veganism promoting leftist, who eats healthy as fuck meat included... like Chzenk Yiugher of the young cucks?

Only good thing about this, is I get to see leftists crash and burn hard on the worst diet humans ever invented veganism.

>> No.12176270
File: 108 KB, 780x438, Typical Hysterical Leftists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>leftist tears.

>> No.12176325

Since we're a food and cooking board, how does trump's shoe polish taste?

>> No.12176428

Nice strawman! But stay scared of muh handful of radical vegans who are going to have enough money to outspend the megacorporate meat industry in buying off politicians to put a tiny dent in meat production subsidies. Find other strawmen to fret about like a clucking hen, your worldview encompasses many, I'm certain. Are you a bogan, btw? Asking for a friend.

>> No.12176469

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.12176488

except mega corporations that farm and sell meat are not interested in losing profits.

What if and this is CRAZY.
What if there was no conspiracy and corporations wanted to sell meat and vegans on TV are just talking heads