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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.49 MB, 1078x719, Royal-Red-Robin-6-29-2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12171894 No.12171894 [Reply] [Original]

Why do folks pretend to hate Red Robin's gourmet burgers?

>> No.12171896

Because they’re faggots. RR makes the best burgers out of any casual sit down restaurant. Not to mention the delicious onion rings and speciality sauce (which okay is just ranch and honey BBQ but it works)

>> No.12171922
File: 532 KB, 931x682, 2E74D0ED-0259-45B8-920A-24438685745A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>red robin
Pick one

>> No.12171925

i hate burger joints that skimp out on fries, i mean they're literally fucking potatoes, if im gunna pay 12dollars for a burger atleast hook me up with some fucking fries guys come on.

>> No.12171935

Doesn’t RR have bottomless fries or did they stop that?

>> No.12171944

they have bottomless fries
they did get rid of endless broccoli though
rip $6 for infinite broccoli

>> No.12171971

I don't eat at sit down fast food chains that only exist within exactly 150 yards of airports, banks, guitar centers and Mattress Factories.

>> No.12171975

The "bottomless fries" are a Jewish scam. The waitress will refill your fry basket like twice tops.

>> No.12171979

How do you know?

>> No.12171989

Because I've actually been to a Red Robin.

>> No.12171993

Not true. They just don’t want to talk to you because greasy neckbeards abuse them and eye rape them. I can get as many as I want no sweat, although since I’m not a lardass I never went past my 4th serving

>> No.12171998

>Going to restaurants alone
What a sad life you must lead.

>> No.12172004

>putting eggs on a burger
Fuck off.

>> No.12172008

>I get unlimited fries because I'm handsome and you're not
What a girly thing to say. You're a fag aren't you?

>> No.12172013

>assuming I wasn’t with family or friends
I have a life, to an extent. I’m not you anon

>implying I said I was handsome
I just said I’m not a fat neckbeard. Why are you so insecure?

>> No.12172025

>I have a life!
>Brags about getting fries on the internet
Something doesn't add up

>> No.12172027

I can tell by your posts that you're an early 20 something who is very insecure, but you think by pretending to have confidence people won't know what a little pussy you are inside. Fake it till you make it doesn't always work.

>> No.12172039

strangely true

>> No.12172042
File: 29 KB, 657x527, 1551111441683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another fast food thread

>> No.12172061

t. Assblasted faggots
Grow up

>> No.12172071

You sure we are the ass blasted ones, little pussy? Go cope with your bottomless fries that only you can get.

>> No.12172087
File: 82 KB, 562x1000, o (3k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you these are great gourmet burgers

>> No.12172094

>Y-you’re a pussy!
>go eat fries!

>> No.12172103

Gotta get that last word in on the anonymous image board. It's super important to super secure guys like yourself.

>> No.12172113
File: 923 KB, 290x163, AED4923D-7694-4F2F-BB36-1DABAC0161FE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says the guy desperately attempting to get the last word

>> No.12172565
File: 101 KB, 800x800, ctyp impossible foods burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my latest red robin burger

>> No.12172692

Just like the twofers of beers at Chilli’s. I bet both the mugs of beer with 2” glass bottoms can’t fill a pint glass.

>> No.12172859

>paying 15 dollars for a fucking burger with an egg on it
i had a co-worker whos life was eating at fast food places and he would sperg out over red robin. is this what all the hypes about? wtf is with the fries?

>> No.12173310

it's a good place to take a date. the fries are good. it's not just about the egg, there's some bacon and other stuff too.

>> No.12173341

The patties themselves are frozen and taste like crap, like fair burgers. Loaded up with a bunch of toppings, but the base sucks.