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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.58 MB, 4032x3024, 20190412_123826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12170460 No.12170460 [Reply] [Original]

Lets make some chicken fried rice.

>> No.12170468

I am watching

>> No.12170467

1) why is the seasoning on your wok fucked up?
2) why is there no aromatics in your wok before the chicken went in?
3) why does the heat appear to be nowhere near hot enough?
4) why are you posting even though you are making these mistakes?

>> No.12170470

is chicken/pork fried rice the only thing you eat?

>> No.12170471


>> No.12170474

Nope but it's cheap and i like making it and trying different combos.

>> No.12170484

keep going senpai im watching

>> No.12170490
File: 1.45 MB, 3024x2268, 20190412_124617-3024x2268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onions, garlic and ginger in.

>> No.12170513
File: 3.80 MB, 4032x3024, 20190412_125035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peas, brocolli and green onion in.

>> No.12170529
File: 3.76 MB, 4032x3024, 20190412_125420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rice and seasoning in.

>> No.12170536

whats in the seasoning

>> No.12170541

Why wouldn't you marinate your chicken?

>> No.12170549
File: 3.59 MB, 4032x3024, 20190412_125933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken back in

No time

>> No.12170561

there's no need to, since you would get plenty of seasoning from the armomatics you're supposed to put in the wok first, like doubanjiang for example.

also, wet meat won't brown properly, so if you did marinade it you'd have to wipe it off before you cooked it. That's no biggie for a large cut of meat, but it's a hassle for diced meat.

>> No.12170570
File: 3.93 MB, 4032x3024, 20190412_130225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eggs in

>> No.12170581


he's white

>> No.12170587

How are you plannig to increase the umami?

>> No.12170590

>peas instead of carrots
There goes my erection. Thanks anyway OP

>> No.12170596
File: 3.96 MB, 4032x3024, 20190412_130644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red pepper flake and a pinch of sugar added. Almost done.

>> No.12170610
File: 3.24 MB, 4032x3024, 20190412_131147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12170619

Trying a different combo than last time. Swapped carrot for broccoli florets.

>> No.12170628

how does it taste

>> No.12170632

The finished product still looks good, I just don't like to use peas because their texture can overpower the other ingredients.

>> No.12170636

>No time
It takes 20 minutes!

>wet meat won't brown properly
Jesus, man I don't even know where to start. Please add a bit of oil to your marinade.

I'm white too. We're all white on this blessed day.

Also having a round bottom wok in a regular kitchen lol.

>> No.12170637

Looks a little wet and I'd have loved to see more color on the chicken, but I'd eat it.

>> No.12170639

looks good to me, better than most of the cooking on this board

>> No.12170658

It's really good. It gets better everytime i make it. I would be consider this ready for serving to guests. Rice could have been a bit drier though. I have another bag of rice in the fridge that i will give another 24 hours to desiccate.

Peas are actually my favorite veggy specifically because of their texture. Brocolli was actually a good addition. I wasn't sure if it would work. Next time i will do all three and see what happens. This is why i like making fried rice. There are a million variable to try. Plus it helps season my wok which is only a few weeks old so it needs to be used a lot until its well seasoned.

>> No.12170663

How many eggs ?

>> No.12170665

To each their own. Good luck with your future meals, OP.

>> No.12170672

Ya rice wasn't as dry as i would have liked.



>> No.12170677

Why even bother making a thread if you don't want to give basic details.

>> No.12170681


Its much easier to cook the egg separately from the other ingredients

>> No.12170703
File: 1.36 MB, 3024x2268, 20190412_133203-3024x2268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True but I'm trying to learn how to do it the "traditional" way. It also helos me see how well the seasoning on my wok is coming along. This is the first times the eggs didn't stick at all.

>> No.12170711

Needs some prawn crackers, pickles and a cold beer.

>> No.12170719

Well done. It looks only partly carcinogen.

>> No.12170739

rice looks shit
rice to ingredient ratio is way off

enjoy your bullshit "fried rice"

>> No.12170751


>> No.12170794


Obviously don't know how it tasted, but some carrot would really help the appearance and give you a bit of sweetness.

Also: heat your burner as hot as you can. The chinamen have these big fucking jet engine things they use to heat their woks.

>> No.12170834

True but I'm not as skilled as they are yet. I'm still very new to asian style cooking. Each time i make fried rice i crank the heat up higher. At first the rice was burning and sticking because the seasoning wasn't good enough yet and i hadn't learned to use enough oil. Now that I'm getting the hang of it I'm turning up the heat higher and higher. Tomorrow I'll make it again but with peas, broccoli, green onion and carrot. I like bean sprouts in my fried rice too but mine went bad so i have to head to the asian store for more.

>> No.12171071

Thanks for being honest as cooking is a learning process.

I think you have it right by having your heat up high for "asian style cooking" like stir fry, but you might be using the wrong type of oil or maybe not enough of it. Different kinds of oil burn off and become ineffective at certain temperatures, so you can't really use virgin olive oil for stir fry. It took me a while and a lot of burned, shitty dishes to learn that. You also have to consider that your kitchen stove top doesn't heat up as high as your ching chong flame grill, so there's that as well.

>> No.12171124

Nah I use peanut oil in the wok. While I’m sure my stove doesn’t get as hot as Asians would use for a wok it’s still a flame thrower when you take the dial to six or higher.

>> No.12171162

have you ever tried sesame seed oil? To me it always adds a nice asian taste to my meals

>> No.12171187

Sesame oil is great as a seasoning, but a dish cooked solely in it is going to be overpowering. A couple dashes in your peanut or other neutral cooking oil is GOAT though.

>> No.12171205

White seasoning: balance of flavor and aromatics that compliment the dish without overpowering it

Non white seasoning: HOT SAUCE NIQQA DIS SOUL FOOD. Ling Ling prease put arr bag of sart in. I marinade my rancid meat to disguise the taste pls show vagene

>> No.12171219

nice risotto

>> No.12171220

I haven’t tried it but since there is no generic store brand of it at the grocery store it’s relatively expensive. I’ll pick one up next time just to try it out.

>> No.12171221

lol agreed, sesame oil can definitely be overpowering.

I once found a broken xbox when I was a kid that I took apart. I don't know what the fuck they spilled to break it, but I think they were Korean and it was definitely sesame based and two hours of goo gone and Q tips resolved it.

Is there a popular asian, sticky sesame seed drink that I'm not aware of? Because I'd love to know what the fuck that was lol.

>> No.12171222

Looks tasty

>> No.12171232

Two comments:
1) sesame seed oil is for finishing, not for cooking with. It's like EVOO. It has a very low smoke point. If you want to use it, add it at the end of cooking. Don't use it to cook with.

2) Sesame oil is pretty much unheard of in Chinese dishes. It's a Korean thing. If you like it, use it, but it's certainly not a traditional ingredient in fried rice.

>> No.12171315

No idea if there's a drink like that, but kids love putting stuff like peanut butter and whatnot in disk drives for some reason. I wouldn't be surprised if some little Korean kid found a jar of bean paste on a low shelf and decided to jailbreak dad's xbox with that shit.

As a side note, I found a cool article on staples for a Korean pantry if anyone is interested.


>> No.12171350

That's funny you say that because the disc drive was the one thing it didn't work properly lol. Had to use a paperclip to open the drive. Thing still worked well running Halo 2 on Xlink Kai back in the mid 2000s.

>> No.12171376

>Halo 2 back in the mid 2000s

Brings back memories. I haven't fired up a console in years.

>> No.12171421

heat wasn't high enough, but good effort

>> No.12171435

wait, seseme seed oil has a pretty high smoke point. IIRC its above 400F and comparable to peanut oil

>> No.12171448

time to scrub and reseason that ol rusty piece of shit wok.
muh diced garlic thats not supposed to burn up before the end of the dish.
kys. i told you last time if you cook on a fuckin flat bottom wok you do shit differently, in batches.
idk famalam, very starchy, like you didnt rinse the rice or use old cooked rice.
did you finish it with a little shaoxing nigga? if not BOOOOO

>> No.12171459

They’re thinking of toasted sesame oil.

>> No.12171460
File: 69 KB, 600x600, 889-kadoya-sesame-oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you may be confusing two different things.

REFINED sesame oil has a high smoke point. It's also virtually unheard of and hard to find in the west, and it has no flavor either. when people are talking about the "flavor of sesame oil in asian dishes" they are using pic related. Roasted sesame oil. It has a low smoke point.

>> No.12171491

Ah i see

>> No.12171504

I have this same toasted sesame oil.

>> No.12171514

Imagine the smell

>> No.12171606

>muh diced garlic thats not supposed to burn up before the end of the dish.
Where's the doubanjiang, the douchi, the tienmenjiang?

>kys. i told you last time if you cook on a fuckin flat bottom wok you do shit differently, in batches.
You were wrong then and you're wrong now. I even asked you to explain your reasoning and you were unable to.

>> No.12171741

do you find it intriguing that on a worldwide board of millions of completely anonymous people, i fuckin pinpointed you out like you were glowing in the dark on a hot summer night?
that should tell you what a complete and utter insufferable prick you are.
>rules are meant to be broken
the first thing you learn after they teach you everything about a 'creative' trade is that now that you know the rules go throw them out the window. but you dont know that, which means you truly dont know shit.
youre a complete piece of indian beach shit and you should never post in this board again.

>> No.12172294


>> No.12172338

No thanks. Bacon, sausage, corn and mushrooms have no place in fried rice. This whole recipe is bizarre.

>> No.12172342

>Bacon, sausage, corn and mushrooms have no place in fried rice

>> No.12172347

not op but the garlic will burn if you put it in first, though some people prefer the burnt garlic taste. i'm a chink, you can trust me on this.

>> No.12172381

How about grape oil. I love cooking scrambled eggs with it. They always come out fluffy and taste great.

>> No.12172422

The boundless hubris of ignorance.

>> No.12172431

Put your mommy’s thesaurus away little Johnny.

>> No.12172434

I have no idea why you're replying to me there, I didn't tell op to use garlic.

>> No.12172435

You're an fucking dumbass, does that work better for you? Honestly the fucking brass neck on you.

>> No.12172447

>do you find it intriguing
Not really. The number of posters here is pretty small, and I stick out since I don't post pepes or wojaks, my grammar isn't absmal, my punctuation is usually correct, and I know what I'm talking about. It doesnt surprise me one bit that you identified me. I stick out here.

>the first thing you learn after they teach you everything about a 'creative' trade is that now that you know the rules go throw them out the window.
That sounds perfectly reasonable.
But you don't come across as having learned the basics yet. You can't explain the logic or reasoning behind your method, so I don't think you have any knowledge at all. I think you suck ass at cooking and are buttmad that you're being called out on it.

I'll gladly STFU if you simply explain the thought process behind your method, but just like last time you can't do that. You just keep repeating yourself.

So once again, either explain why your method works better and why we should listen to you instead of centruies of tradition, or STFU. Experts can break the rules all they want, but you don't seem to be one.

>> No.12172625

wang gang cooks the eggs first. I try to make fried rice at home but my stove is no good. I need a jet engine like this guy.

>> No.12172628

honestly, looks pretty fucking good. I wont bother reading all the replies but i can only assume its full of retards shitting on you op.

>> No.12172661

There really is no right or wrong way. As long as the end product comes out good the rest becomes meaningless debate like these anons are engaged in >>12172447

Ultra high heat isn’t even necessary, it’s just traditional and speeds up the cooking process. It doesn’t serve any real purpose.

It’s about 50/25/25 trolling, compliments and legitimate criticism.

>> No.12172691

if you don't have enough heat shit just steams instead of frying. if you at least have gas you can manage but I can't get it right with electric.

>> No.12172738

Jeez that’s a weak stove.

>> No.12172808

bumping this

>> No.12172833

Most electrics are way hotter than gas

>> No.12172850

I would also like to know. I usually use a bit of salt, garlic powder, onion powder, sugar and MSG.

>> No.12172855

>broccoli in fried rice?...i'm out

>> No.12172862

marinades are actually garbage
the majority of marinades don't penetrate the meat and you're FAR better of creating a brine or adding some sort of sauce towards the end of the dish

>> No.12172874

I use fried rice seasoning which is basically soy sauce with white pepper, soy bean, garlic, onion, chicken stock and turmeric. I also add a pinch of sugar and red pepper flake.

>> No.12172876


>> No.12172877

that’s not how you greentext

>> No.12173065

my pan will get hot if I let it sit long enough but then as soon as I throw stuff in it loses heat and can't get it back because the element doesn't stay on. also my stove is a real piece of shit. I accidentally left it on low overnight and it wasn't even warm to the touch in the morning.

>> No.12173105

>Not really
1/100000000 assholes and you shine like a diamond.
reevaluate your life. also accept christ as your personal savior. you are hurting.

>> No.12173107

I was one of the other people to call him out on flat bottomed wok too, kind of astonished that thread is still memorable. Atleast the tripfagging is gone I guess.

>> No.12173117

was he a tripfag? i use chanx so i dont see attention seeking tripfags or namefags.
its based you know the deal with flat bottom woks. sadly this redditfag is a bitter, angry person who will be destined to eat burnt 'aromatics' forever because of a few stupid youtube vids.

>> No.12173288

very shameferu dispray

>> No.12173669
File: 101 KB, 1024x796, 1547370528775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're making me hungry.

>> No.12173699

this place houses the epitome of it.

>> No.12173801

What was the trip?

>> No.12173874

Can you guys do me a favor and argue over your respective autism somewhere else and stop shitting up my thread?

>> No.12173918


>> No.12173992

>Ultra high heat isn’t even necessary, it’s just traditional and speeds up the cooking process. It doesn’t serve any real purpose.
Come on dude I like that you're actually posting OC but you can't drop shit like that, especially when you've said in this thread that you're still learning to get it right.

>> No.12173995

Ok explain exactly what cooking at ultra high temp as opposed to medium high heat does other than cook things faster. I’ll wait.

>> No.12174001

It cooks it differently you fucking retard.

>> No.12174021

Wow what a convincing argument. There has been no discernible difference between when I’ve used medium heat or when I’ve used high heat other than cooking time. Everything tastes and looks exactly the same which explains why a jet engine wok burner doesn’t magically make better rice and stir fry than a regular stove.

>> No.12174024

That's because you don't know shit about cooking you fucking retard.

>> No.12174032

Honestly you're asking me to explain a lot of food chemistry, which I'm very happy to do if you're actually interested, but not if this is just an internet fight. Do you know about, for example, the specific heat capacity and enthalpy of vaporization of water, the Leidenfrost effect or the Coulomb force?

>> No.12174057

Another elegantly delivered point that forces me to take you seriously

I would actually be interested in hearing about how electromagnetism plays a role in cooking.

>> No.12174071

I don't give a shit if you take me seriously. I'm just calling you cooking retarded because that's what you are.

>> No.12174078

>I'm just calling you cooking retarded because that's what you are.
The irony here is palpable.

>> No.12174123

Alright, so I'm guessing you know about the >Maillard reaction because it's practically a meme here. Two of the many results of the reaction are the production of water, and proteins in the food denaturing. Denaturing is the result of intra-molecular bonds being broken, which leaves the protein in a higher energy state. In order to return to a lower energy state, the protein will tend reform those bonds with any available coreactant.

You want the protein to bond with other molecules from the food, because that's where you get interesting Maillard results, and you don't want it to bond with the pan, because that's where you get sticking. The strength of this interaction is governed by Coulomb's law. The water that's produced is critical here, liquid water is a conductive solvent, whereas water vapor is not. You need enough energy to vaporize the water produced before the surfaces get a chance to come into contact. If you've ever seen a droplet of water dance around a pan (the Leidenfrost effect), that illustrates the qualitative difference between a hot pan and a pan that's hot enough to stir fry.

This takes far more heat than you expect, because water has an enormous enthalpy of vaporization, which is the extra energy you need to add to go from boiling point to actually gas. It takes one calorie to heat one gram of water by one ˚C. It takes _540_ calories to turn one gram of 100˚C water into gas. Having the ability to do that to the amount of water that's produced by your food is what makes the difference between a domestic cooker and a commercial wok stove.

>> No.12174143

Sure but you don’t need temps high enough to get the leidenfrost effect to get the Maillard reaction which happens above 350f. It might help things not to stick better and reduce the time it takes to accomplish the Maillard reaction but it’s not actually contributing the the flavor. Again while having that jet engine wok burner makes things faster it doesn’t make them necessarily better and it’s why I can’t taste any difference between my rice and the rice from the Chinese restaurant down the street who has one.

>> No.12174179

you're supposed to use old cooked rice for fried rice retard

>> No.12174187

Why the sugar?

>> No.12174188

Two things: Liquid water cannot go above 100˚C at sea level, so even with one of those jet engines, you're not going to get any browning if the food is resting on a layer of water. Cooking in general and the Maillard reaction is not a simple linear process, different things occur at higher temperatures. As an extreme example, you don't get the same result heating a steak at 180˚C for ten minutes as you do heating it at 400˚C for two minutes.

>> No.12174213

ask the chinks

>> No.12174222

What an insufferable prick you are, Anon.
You sound exactly like the guy in the Irish Stew copypasta.

>> No.12174230

>he believes everything he's told

>> No.12174235

Too much broccoli and too wet. I like my rice dry

>> No.12174271

>that is not how you sick a dick

>> No.12174395
File: 39 KB, 800x491, 11794771_shift-966x593_1qw-Dq_O5V33A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fried rice is a technique, not a recipe

>> No.12174398

looks undercooked

>> No.12174400


>> No.12174408
File: 746 KB, 400x275, 2B2A1A10-6DA2-4721-BADA-EADE0F39C03B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fried rice

>> No.12174510

he is right, though
the most important ingredient is heat and op slacked in that regard

>> No.12174617
File: 3.85 MB, 4032x3024, 20190413_110934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remade it again for lunch. I need to switch my rice. This was in the fridge for 48 hours and its still too wet for my taste. I think its just holding too much water.

>> No.12174713

did you turn your stove all the way up, op?

>> No.12174721

did you have to fuck up your wok?
chinese cooks do it because they use a furnace, you use a stove

>> No.12174723

Maxxed it out

>> No.12174726

dude. you dont have to use old rice ffs. you can just let it sit for as bit.
if you put it in the fridge uncovered, say on a cookie sheet, the fridge will dry it out for you quickly.

>> No.12174729

>a pinch of sugar

>> No.12174738

I don't have to wipe my ass either but my day runs smoother if i do.

>> No.12174786

what an awful analogy.

>> No.12174964

made sense to me

>> No.12175301

>leaves his rice overnight

>> No.12175483

Got a picture of your rice before it goes in the pan?

>> No.12175543

No sorry. I think ill cook some more rice today and cut the water by 25% and see what happens.

>> No.12175683

Well I probably wouldn't have been able to tell much from a photo anyway, are you already cooking with less water than usual? I have a sneaking suspicion you might want to do the opposite. The starch in the rice is going through three stages, crystalline, gelatinized, and recrystallized (as it cools). The trick is that it recrystallizes into a different, stronger structure which resists further cooking. Any of the original form left in your rice might be cooking in the wok and making the rice softer than you want.

>> No.12175709

I just use the recommended amount for this rice which is a 2 cups water to 1 cup rice. Its just cheap store brand white rice.

>> No.12175725
File: 118 KB, 850x516, Starch-retrogradation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, might be worth a try varying in both directions while you're experimenting.

>> No.12175738
File: 134 KB, 1500x1125, 20150213-chicken-fried-steak-step-6-joshua-bousel-1500x1125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't chicken fried rice mean that you take some balls of rice and batter and fry them like fried chicken? Like chicken fried steak.

>> No.12175759

Looks like a big slop o' shit

>> No.12175761

>their texture can overpower the other ingredients

Are you fucking serious? Texture?

>> No.12175858

Honestly looks pretty good.
Could use some carrots though. Also I would prefer to add some dark soy sauce to give the rice a bit of a darker look.

>> No.12175911

This one came out better.

I can't find dark soy sauce anywhere unfortunately. Been to half a dozen stores and no one has it. There's a chinese grocery store that I'm certain has it but everything is in chinese and I'm too intimidated by the mean looking chinese lady that runs it to ask for her help.

>> No.12175942

Why is the colour a priority to you? You sound like one of those idiot TV "chefs"

>> No.12175960

Dark soy sauce has a much richer flavour compared to light soy sauce.

>> No.12175971

no anon thats deep frying.....but i guess you americans deep fry everything so its understandable that you'd just equate it as the same thing.

>> No.12175992

Well yes, that would be the reason I use it in some dishes. I wouldn't just use it because "I think I like my food to look darker tooday"

>> No.12176004

Colour affects your perception of taste.

>> No.12176295

Not to the degree you add ingredients just for the colour. That's retarded, and I think you could be too.

>> No.12176301
File: 10 KB, 236x230, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12176387

just filter out namefags, it works wonders

>> No.12176390

it's like how a fish burger is made out of fish and a turkey burger is made out of turkey, but a hamburger isn't made out of ham

>> No.12176422

Chinese people do, or in Indian cooking turmeric is basically there for the colour in some dishes. Probably the majority of manufactured food contains dye, for example caramel e150 in coke, because people think it doesn't taste as sweet if it's not brown. Colour also helps you distinguish tastes, in tests where the colour of food and drink has been changed people are worse at identifying the flavour. It also just makes food look better, which affects your appetite and enjoyment.

Appearance is a perfectly reasonable goal. Imagine if all your food was the exact same shade of dull beige.

>> No.12176579

I'm intrigued by the dual oil thing @1:00

>> No.12176590

I think it’s because of how hot this kinds of works get. The first oil is lower quality and kind of creates a new now stick layer which is nearly instantly polymerized by that jet engine burner and the second oil is a higher grade to actually coat the food itself.

>> No.12176665

You've got to an extreme, I'm aware of everything you said already, the psychology is interesting, but in this conversation all of that was unnecessary and far fetched.

Just making a quick snack of fried rice at home doesn't warrant fucking colour manipulation. You can eat a stew of brown slop with potato all mixed in a brown and enjoy it informing of the TV. Stop being pretentious.

>> No.12176681

Anon said
>I would prefer to add some dark soy sauce to give the rice a bit of a darker look.
Why wouldn't you make an effortless substitution if it's something you personally enjoy? Do you deliberately avoid doing things you like in case it makes you look pretentious to a non-existent audience?

>> No.12176686

You are comparing putting soy sauce on white rice to a brown stew. Chinese don't use table salt. They use soy sauce for salt. Get a passport and travel to a few countries before spouting bollocks.

>> No.12176741

Did you, the stew, or the potatoes inform the TV? What are you on about?

>> No.12176756

Not how I like my fried rice, but I’d eat it.

>> No.12176843

I try and make it different every time for the most part. Maybe next time it will be your style.

>> No.12176881

>Chinese don't use table salt.
>Get a passport and travel to a few countries before spouting bollocks.
Been A While Since I Laughed This Hard...Cheers m8.

>> No.12176960

When did all these newfags who don’t know how to to greentext properly show up?

>> No.12176977

>be a full-blown retard
>comes back with a "newfag" gag
You Sure Provide Top Notch Comedy m8

>> No.12177185

I lived in Hong Kong for 3 years and China for 2 years. No table salt just soy sauce. Also, never hear of General Tsao Chicken. Seems to be an American made up dish.

>> No.12177206

>I lived in Hong Kong for 3 years and China for 2 years.
>No table salt just soy sauce.
Just...don't embarrass yourself further, okay?

>> No.12177231

Stop shitposting and let my thread die assholes.

>> No.12177271

If you can't find any table salt in China I will let it die, dickhead.

>> No.12177276

I'll never understand why people put eggs in everything. Am I the only who grew up like this?

>> No.12177286

I don’t give a fuck if the Chinese use table salt or not.

>> No.12177300

"lets make chicken fried rice so we can talk shit about asians later" white people are such culture vultures...fuckin eat pretentious asian food with chop sticks but see a duck in the window and scream ewww like some faggots

>> No.12177305

They don't have table salt to use, you idiot.

>> No.12177316

I don’t know and I don’t care. I’m not even the retarded anon you where spewing autism on.

>> No.12177341

Lol. I am not even the guy you talking to.

>> No.12177361

Then why you act like you have autism with severe mental retardation?

>> No.12177399

pretty sure they have salt in china you fucking retards

>> No.12177406

Not all white people are like that. I grew up in Asia and I happily eat fish maw, chicken feet, tripe, BBQ intestines etc. Quit being a salty little manlet.

>> No.12178384


Wow I haven't spoken to people with this kind of shockingly low intelligence in a while.

Soy sauce adds flavour, key word being flavour. I'm not adding a something to a dish I'm cooking to give it a colour I feel like seeing when it adds something that will totally change the dish. I have no idea how you degenerates think of colour before how something tastes when deciding which ingredients go well.

>> No.12178410

looks like it tastes like when people at home try and make fried rice. Which is to say, rice with some chicken and vegetables in it

>> No.12178698

Of fucking course they use bath salts you stupid cunt.

t. lived in Shanghai for 4 years and Guangzhou for 2 years

>> No.12178706

Serious question but has there ever been anyone who's upset at the sight of a barbecue roast duck in a window? They look and taste fucking delicious and I can't imagine any place not having them.

>> No.12178728

wow that was so funny anon, are you a professional comedian by chance? or do you just suck dick full time and do comedy on the side for fun?

>> No.12178730

If they don’t have salt maybe we can donate some of the excess we have in this thread.

>> No.12178740

omg kys i bet you've never cooked in your pathetic life you greasy fuck

>> No.12178741

>t. butthurt seething retard

>> No.12178802

Consider the possibility that your (I hope performative) confusion is largely a failing on your part.

>> No.12179890

What rice are you using?

>> No.12179987

kek. I love it when kids get assblasted about some anonymous post here.

>> No.12180584

was that rice pre-boiled?

>> No.12180625

Looks greasy as fuck. Why use a wok? Your stove is obviously not nearly powerful enough to use it effectively. Also that wok looks nasty.
Did you use refrigerated rice? Any chicken stock, clam juice, soy sauce or worchestershire sauce?
I give it a 2/10.

>> No.12180643

Honestly this needs to be stickied.

>> No.12180644

The egg is supposed to coat the rice to make it more juicy.
You cooked the egg separately!
That's a big FAIL!

>> No.12180690
File: 37 KB, 620x350, mushroom_620x350_41485340382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sears the food instead of steams it. You were not cooking at medium high heat, you were cooking at medium low (if it were a professional cook's stove). This picture is of steamed mushrooms that were put in a cold pan and cooked over medium-low.

>> No.12180697
File: 106 KB, 1200x800, How-to-Cook-Mushrooms-Video.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These mushrooms were put in a hot pan and cooked over medium-high. The taste and texture is very different.

>> No.12180729

Are you stirring your rice while you cook it? You shouldn't, it makes it starchy which is how this looks.

>> No.12180742

What is paprika?

>> No.12180822

looks good

>> No.12180956

Nope. I think carefully about ever ingredient I add to something, if it ads a good visual aspect then even better

>> No.12181484

Cooked and cooled rice shouldn't have starch available to become starchy. >>12175725

>> No.12182636


>> No.12182693

Alright, anon, I've cooked in a wok professionally for 4 years, so I'm just gonna throw my recipe out there whether you like it or not.
>oil hot as fuck
>throw in protein and onions/mushrooms
>cook until nearly done
>throw in garlic, chili paste/thai chilies if you want spice, and green onion
>crack an egg in once aromatics are done
>sauce can just be a simple bit of oyster+soy sauce or you can make your own fancy one (I'll give the recipe if you ask)
>toss is day old rice, jasmine is best
I've cooked Chinese and Thai, kinda split on which I like better. Your stovetop isnt gonna compare to a real burner though, you'd probably be better off cooking in a different sort of pan. Also, season the wok

>> No.12183547

Not OP but I kinda wanna hear this sauce recipe.

>> No.12183608

That's what he said. lrn2readingcomprehension
I'll even break it down for you, because I'm a nice guy who enjoys educating the mentally-deficient.

>idk famalam, very starchy, like you didnt rinse the rice or use old cooked rice.
>I don't know, person who is not related to me but with whom I feel a familial bond due to our shared usage of this website, it seems to be in excess of starch, as if you did not rinse the rice before it was cooked, or as if you used fresh rice instead of old, cooked rice.

>> No.12184175


>> No.12184325


>The egg coats the rice to make it more juicy

I would never call rice "Juicy".

>> No.12184369
File: 6 KB, 210x240, 1555328112486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it whenever anyone posts pictures of themselves cooking fried rice on this board it always, without any exception whatsoever, looks like absolute soggy shit.

It's supposed to be properly FRIED not boiled into a stodge.

>> No.12184568

Because most of the retards on here can't cook worth a damn. I figured you would have realized that by now.

>> No.12185754


>> No.12186621


>> No.12187306

Just order off Amazon, eBay, or Walmart.

>> No.12187737


>> No.12187742

>t. seething chink wannabe

>> No.12188061
File: 509 KB, 3000x2000, IMG_4194 (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets make some dumb meme ingredients shrimp fried rice

>> No.12188068
File: 702 KB, 3000x2000, IMG_4188 (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brine dese shrimps

>> No.12188079
File: 995 KB, 3000x2000, IMG_4191 (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a bit drunk dumb meme ingredient dinner
>kaffir lime leaf


>fish sauce
>brown sugar

>> No.12188083
File: 583 KB, 3000x2000, IMG_4197 (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remove shrimp
>carrot and lemongrass and kaffir lime IN the shrimpy oil

>> No.12188087
File: 648 KB, 3000x2000, IMG_4198 (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the carrot starts to burn in with the aromatics so they absorb all the oil and make the entire thing stick later just fuck my wok up
brown them a little
then in wi

>> No.12188090
File: 736 KB, 3000x2000, IMG_4199 (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

th the rice
fry it for a while
then sugar & fish sauce & peas and move it all to the side and fuck up scrambling the eggs in the free space and mix them through when they set because i like the eggs to not steal all the flavour or turn into a paste and just be eggs but this is not going well at this point

>> No.12188096
File: 813 KB, 3000x2000, IMG_4204 (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peel the shrimp
lime juice and shrimp back in at the end taste and adjust

wa la

>> No.12188280
File: 2.67 MB, 640x800, mcdonalds_ns.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a single >you again

>> No.12188320

Let's go 'splode some d-d-d-ducks!

>> No.12188472
File: 2.91 MB, 640x480, slow motion duck explosion.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12188566

how do i get a cleaver that cuts like this?

>> No.12188577

There's nothing special about that cleaver. It probably cost less than $10. If yours doesn't cut like that then sharpen it.

>> No.12188585

how do i sharpen it
i haven't taken the sharpenign pill yet

>> No.12188591

i don't have a cleaver either

>> No.12189086
File: 65 KB, 1024x820, _c22-38-359_l_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12189167

get a whetstone and repeatedly pull it across the blade

>> No.12189285

How did you get it looking closer to porridge?

Based and straightforwardpilled

>> No.12190413


>> No.12191254


>> No.12191259

can't you just mix it with regular cooking oil so that it doesn't smoke????

>> No.12191480

>How did you get it looking closer to porridge?
what part of 'dumb meme ingreidents' and 'im a bit drunk' don't you understand anon?

not him but no you can't and you can't do that with butter either

>> No.12191649



beans, beans, and beans?

I think we can fairly substitute all of these with chili con carne.

>> No.12191752


>> No.12191761

Not really. Take your fresh cooked rice and spread it in an even layer over some parchment paper or something. Let the steam release and cool down for a bit. You're good to go and get a better product, if you're other technique/s correct.

>> No.12191812

fried rice is a quick lazy vehicle for leftovers
if you're actually cooking rice explicitly for it, or planning it more than 30 mins in advance, you're going against the spirit of the dish

>> No.12191815


>> No.12191826

it's like if you bought or made fresh bread for french toast or bread pudding or croutons and dry aged it with a hair drier or something

>> No.12191833


>> No.12191836

yes that would be stupid
because who doesn't regularly have leftover rice and stale bread to use up?

that's what these dishes are for.

>> No.12191852


>> No.12191862
File: 84 KB, 849x693, autism meltdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n-no muh special asian dish is fancy and special it's not just something every takeout makes and asian people exclusively eat as lazy leftover meal its special and you cant ruin it reeeeee

>> No.12191865

I accept your concession

>> No.12191944

>Ultra high heat isn’t even necessary
You are right. I do feel like you used too much product for the amount of heat you had. Can't really say because I can't taste it. Looks good though.
The cunts in this and every other thread like this nit picking are all theory and no practice. They could pass the written chef test, but not the performance test. Theory is good and all, but practice is more important for a trade skill.
Last wok I had I took to work where I had a 60,000 BTU range to season it. Was pretty easy. But now I have a glass top at home so I just use a large non-stick pan. Same thing, just don't overload the pan.

>> No.12191962


thats how you play around with an autist on /ck/

>> No.12193175

>it can still fly!

>> No.12193202

>It doesn’t serve any real purpose

High heat is essential for carmelizing the naturally occurring sugars in the food, as well as causing the malliard reaction. Claiming that high heat serves no real purpose is just as stupid as claiming that a grilled steak is no different from stew meat.

Educate yourself. I'd start with looking up the terms "bao" and "wok hei". The section in Modernist Cuisine on wok cooking explains the science behind it if you like that kind of thing.

>> No.12193853
File: 3.73 MB, 4032x3024, 20190417_140125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you retards have somehow kept this thread alive lets make some pork fried rice this time. Wok smoking on highest heat setting.

>> No.12193868
File: 1.42 MB, 3024x2268, 20190417_140606-3024x2268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
