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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12165582 No.12165582 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think of restaurants that have an official dress code? Have you been to one and how did you dress?

>> No.12165607
File: 680 KB, 720x1280, b5f3f2a8a36c7d875528202a48b5bbb6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been to a two Michelin star restaurant in London with the official dress code as "casual". I wore jeans, trainers and a Shirt.

>> No.12165612

For me I wore my finest HnM suit

>> No.12165619

Stop posting useless whores

>> No.12165630 [DELETED] 

I'll find you and cut your dick off, OP. You insist to post these faggots and it makes me think you don't want to be a man anymore, you fucker. You absolute cock sucking fuck, I will fucking find you
And no, all the restaurants here aren't that uppity.

>> No.12165635 [DELETED] 


who are these two thots

>> No.12165636 [DELETED] 

I'm ashamed that I know the female names of these men. Father, forgive me.

>> No.12165651 [DELETED] 

To be fair, they are spammed in pretty much every board.

>> No.12165652 [DELETED] 
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I'm not sure. Cute though aren't they.

>> No.12165709 [DELETED] 

I used to believe in "born this way" but after a decade plus of linetrap and friends on these boards, I'm not so sure. Maybe a mild case of gay can be induced through exposure.

>> No.12165724 [DELETED] 



>> No.12165740 [DELETED] 

I've seen this dude take a dragon dildo up his ass that looks like it would rearrange his organs

>> No.12165751
File: 91 KB, 750x1054, AoDuVaX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So more of a smart casual kind of aesthetic?

Would you say this kind of outfit would be appropriate on a date?

>> No.12165755 [DELETED] 

Post casual non-nudes of Mars so I can fantasize about being a girl you faggot

>> No.12165774 [DELETED] 

Sue Lightning and Natalie Mars

>> No.12165784 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12165791 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12165798 [DELETED] 

Only real fans know their dead names, chaser.

>> No.12165954 [DELETED] 

>having the entire TSAngel filmography
if you wouldnt let Natalie(with bangs) suck you off, you're lying

>> No.12165964

I think they keep me from having to look at/hear the pieces of shit I'd rather not look at/hear while I consume a nice meal. As you were...

>> No.12166011 [DELETED] 

Natalie is extremely mediocre and if you disagree you're probably a homosexual. They only put her in the Sue videos for contrast. It's like BLACKED but for traps.

>> No.12166048 [DELETED] 

> extremely mediocre
who's the high tier TSAngel then

>> No.12166051 [DELETED] 

Sue is jew and too boyish. Nat's biggest down side is the freckles. everything below the shoulders is irrelevant for me

>> No.12166073 [DELETED] 
File: 297 KB, 853x1280, FyR9yIV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about, Natalie literally has a superhero jaw. Also her neck is as thick as a 100 year old redwood tree and her shoulders are like Conan the Barbarian. Whereas Sue is cute and feminine from her face to the tip of her penis (female).

>> No.12166123 [DELETED] 

>cute and feminine
are you also one those travesties that obsesses about Finn Wolfhard? because thats who Sue looks like. I feel bad for Cumia having gotten his dick sunk by that thing.

Natalie with bangs and no glasses is 10/10 trap face. !!FACT!!

>> No.12166145 [DELETED] 

I just googled that name, it's a 16 year old movie actor? Why do you even know who that is?

And yeah, Natalie looks like a dude in drag. So "10/10 trap face" is correct. Whereas Sue looks like an actual girl. There's nothing wrong with being into dudes wearing panties, but it does make you a homo. Unlike me, I am 100% straight as proven by my preference for Sue.

>> No.12166212 [DELETED] 

having a trap fellate your sex junk isnt gay, retard. and Sue is about as girly as Bailey Jay

>> No.12166222 [DELETED] 

>Not knowing who Finn is

Jesus fucking Christ you hick just get netflix

>> No.12166257 [DELETED] 

I've had it for years, but I only watch foreign-language films. Why would I watch zoomer shit when I am not a zoomer?

>> No.12166273 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 200x313, 700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Show set in the 1980's
>Zoomer shit

>> No.12166278 [DELETED] 


>> No.12166449 [DELETED] 

I'd fuck all three in their boipucci

>> No.12166492 [DELETED] 


put that in at my buddys house as my smash ultimate name and had to explain it to 2 of my friends gfs who were there. didnt go over well

>> No.12166498 [DELETED] 

>Exposing your power level

Fucking loser

>> No.12166544 [DELETED] 
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>playing smash

>> No.12166616 [DELETED] 
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>show set in the '80s
>it must be for people who were children in the 80s
Whoa... so like, if a show is 1000 years in the future, I'm actually a time traveler?

>> No.12166643 [DELETED] 

Probably not since you only watch foreign-language films, and only english will exist in the future

>> No.12166994 [DELETED] 

They be sum cracka ass racis muthafuggas. They bitches told I to pull up muh pants and they racis ass cracka ass whiteys dun threw me out of their fancy ass cracka ass oleev gardin. Creepy ass crackas.

>> No.12167084
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I don't appreciate your attempt to turn this fine dining discussion into an off topic argument about a controversial social issue.

>> No.12167106

Went to Commander's palace in NOLA last month. Stopped by a thrift store on the way and bought a blazer for $8. No problem.

>> No.12167165
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>> No.12167174

I won’t pay somewhere to tell me how to dress

>> No.12167191

>dress code
Eat shit boomer

>> No.12167199

Only been to one place with a black tie dress code, and the food was style over substance "molecular gastronomy" shite. Thankfully it was paid for, because of my employee of the year status, i'd have been pissed if I had to pay $80 for someone to drizzle a fucking vinaigrette on a piece of wax paper.

>> No.12167202

>not even a simple ordinary blue blazer to his name
How much of a pleb are you holy shit?

>> No.12167210 [DELETED] 

All of you faggots, neck yourself

>> No.12167269 [DELETED] 

I hope you die of aids, faggots

>> No.12167319 [DELETED] 

Just post the porn already

>> No.12167413


>> No.12167821
File: 80 KB, 600x900, 21LOANER_SPAN-articleLarge-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just a moment sir. Would you care to try this on before being seated? Size 48 if I'm not mistaken?

>> No.12168123 [DELETED] 
File: 259 KB, 411x599, 1554100326332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having all of these images saved to your pc

>> No.12168177

Who else knows the female names of these men?

>> No.12169609
File: 159 KB, 1280x960, photo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even ihop is too fancy for me
What's it like being this much of a slob?

>> No.12170210

do sandals/slippers count as shoes? how about toga's, do they count as shirt?

>> No.12170225

dat Sue Lightning?

>> No.12170338

Shes top tier. Shame shes hardly ever on CB

>> No.12170445

It's actually 52 now... heh. You guys still have that brunch buffet on Sundays?

>> No.12170457

Basic sanitation is different than a dress code homofag

>> No.12170585

52 European though right? Ha ha...