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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12163285 No.12163285 [Reply] [Original]

Why does claire get shilled so much when brad has so much more personality? Id love to hang out with brad and eat garlic.

>> No.12163291

brad doesnt have a vagina

>> No.12163296

Brad doesn't have what Claire has.

A vulva so fat it looks like two slices of a cantaloupe.

>> No.12163362

Brad does a lot of fucking gay shit while Claire sparkles in every single video.

>> No.12163370

deepfakes when?

>> No.12163385

at least brad seems to know a little, claire doesn't know shit and fucks up everything she does. Can't temper chocolate, laminates a cracker, she's a know-nothing frump

>> No.12163395

Jealousy is a stinky cologne

>> No.12163398

Oh look, it's the daily ba shill waifu thread.

>> No.12163403

Oh look it's the threadly reply

>> No.12163421

Oh look it's the daily faggot

>> No.12163429

>ywn bear children for Brad

>> No.12163430

no matter how hard you defend this pig, she'll always be shit. Just fetishized for her fat ass because you have low self esteem

>> No.12163435

Lick my taint you sad roast beef sammich

>> No.12163446

Kek. Freakin' based..

>> No.12163452
File: 55 KB, 902x762, 1530397305643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, sweety...why are you so upset?

>> No.12163464

>samefagging with a mom jeaned middle aged ass

>> No.12163466

OMG I LOVE BA'S CHANNEL!!1!! They're just soooo cool and quirky :) I adore Brad, he's so cuuuute and funny *rawr*

Next weekend I'm going to get my hair dyed like Claire and try to recreate her aaaamazzzing looking gourmet Lucky Charms recipe. I'll be sure to post pics here and reddit for everyone to laugh at!!!

>> No.12163480
File: 167 KB, 1920x923, Lelfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again

>> No.12163489
File: 126 KB, 1441x1113, Claire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12163495
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>> No.12163500

You have low self esteem if you have to claim that others have low self esteem to make yourself feel better, loser.

>> No.12163503

Watch it Saffitz. You're not wearing a f*cking leotard, push those jeans anymore and it'll be the 5th time this month.

>> No.12163504
File: 44 KB, 489x818, Noice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12163529

lol, keep coping. BA is shit in general, claire included. you can keep your waifu, i’m not stopping you

>> No.12163538


>> No.12163961

Brad looks baked every time. Goofy like a Labrador, but a little Chihuahua-esque when filming abroad.

P.S.Claire is grouse and even Carla is moar appealing.

P.S.S. Molly a best :3

>> No.12163966

Grouse meat is delicious

>> No.12163970


>> No.12163978
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>> No.12163982

never had the opportunity. havent even had the Spirit.

>> No.12164016

I'm pretty sure that most BA viewers are fans of both who follow along to soak in the barely concealed sexual tension between Brad and Claire.

I don't care if they're actually fucking, if they just want to fuck, or if the producers are telling them to play up the flirtness. Their chemistry is just so magnetic and it adds to both of their appeal

>> No.12164020

Brad is gay tho. Trust me, I can tell.

>> No.12164028

You talk like you know pastry. I bet you've never even made chocolate chip cookies.

>> No.12164579

Never understood it either. As far as cooking goes the entire channel is pretty bad. As far as females go, Claire is an obese jewess and I don't understand why she is so chilled either.

>> No.12164631

>when you crush the garlic, it realeses the allicin, it’s like two part epoxy and that’s the good stuff

>> No.12165063

youre retarded. if theres any tension its claire wanting that dick like a starving child and brad denying her. Reckon he started doing his show abroad just to get away from her.
>"look im oiling up brad! teehee"
>silence from brad

>> No.12165081

>headcannon about random cooking show hosts
seek help

>> No.12165121

>i’m not stopping you
Then shut up.

>> No.12165133

>ywn get to cuddle with Brad

>> No.12165179

Just a reminder that these threads get deleted when they're not even a little about cooking. It's happened to at least two I saw this week

>> No.12165275

You sound prtty mad anon, why are you madposting on a fucking cooking board? Pathetic...

>> No.12165364

wow thanks for letting us know how butthurt you are over these threads, consider seppuku

>> No.12165386
File: 320 KB, 1668x908, F299E761-9C24-4A5C-A848-6B5925DF82EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tell she’s thirsting for brad’s meaty cock.

>> No.12165419


look at those mutt features on her. disgusting

>> No.12165428

Her parents are both iranian

>> No.12165432

even worse

>> No.12165434


Yeesh, I was better off believing she was a mutt than that. Sorry based Brad

>> No.12165473

Who's that with Brad? That's not mommy! That's not mommy!

>> No.12165476

>be 6'4
>just don't have that weird acromegaly face people with giantism have
>considered 10/10 attractive just for being tall and not ugly

>> No.12165483

New it’s alive video with some arab making focaccia

>> No.12165484

Gaintism at 6.4? Where do you live?

>> No.12165489

This is bait y'all.

>> No.12165518

Jewish nepotism

>> No.12165752

Brad is 5'11

>> No.12165852

i hate that nigger that goes around to 100 restaurants in a day or something in whatever major city and tries to be witty but instead hes a massive faggot

>> No.12166017

>it's a "brad makes another with some Jew to promote their shit merch" episode again

>> No.12166038

I heard her on an NPR article discussing race/sex and I was like, "yeeech, fuck this bitch." That said I'm sure she's fine.

>> No.12166101

That's not even Claire fucking retards

>> No.12166108

that’s how ugly and fat and claire is, she can be confused with some literally who iranian fatty

>> No.12166269

>watch the video
>Brad actually happy to do video with her because she's a genuinely famous food writer not some random shill that paid the most money to publicity agents
>Samin smiling and flirty throughout the whole season

You just know she's completely soaked through.

>> No.12166293

Yeah, I don't really like the episodes where he's with some random factory owner. The Texas alcohol one was so awkward, that guy was just weird and prickly, and it was basically just regular spirits. Nothing interesting about the process. Best Brad videos are just him fermenting random shit

>> No.12167428

what happened to claire? yikes

>> No.12168052

He has a wife and kids, goobers.

>> No.12168121

Oh yeah, that definitely proves he's straight.

>> No.12168738

Which makes the sexual tension all the more scandalous and enticing

>> No.12169047

Bullshit I'm 5'10.

>> No.12169086

Brad must have fucked her so hard after day two that she couldn't walk four a couple of days.

>> No.12169367

This. Unless the dude and brad play off each other like good chefs do but most the time it's some humorless business owner.

I wanna see brad ferment more things. The show is fucking called "it's alive" not "watch me do random ass bullshit"

>> No.12169557

fuck off whitoid

>> No.12169580
File: 542 KB, 1920x1080, claire.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do people dislike claire? her videos are fun.

>> No.12170220

>The Virgin Carla
>The Chad Leone

>> No.12170301

>last name Nosrat

>> No.12170312

>"Id love to hang out with brad and eat garlic."

I' m pretty sure that feeling will not be mutual.

>> No.12170319

Have you looked at the other "chefs" and editors?

Brad is the only gentile in that place. Poor guy.

>> No.12170324

I cringed so hard watching her use a grill to crinkle ramen noodles

>> No.12170341

Molly might only be half goy h-haha...

>> No.12170612

You've gotta be kidding, man. Brad knows jack all and jokes around his incompetence. That's his entire premise.

>> No.12170645

the only tension in the air is from claire trying to pry more money out of BA by going on sabattical again.

>> No.12170671

he jokes about not knowing things, but obviously does
claire pretends to know things but makes first year culinary student mistakes
that's why he's endearing and she's awful

>> No.12170679

You are probs a coping manlet

>> No.12170686
File: 11 KB, 645x773, 1552846339917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ - YouTube Celebrity Gossip

>> No.12170715

>studied french cuisine and pastry
>can't temper chocolate properly

she slopped through culinary school after gliding through Harvard and then got a masters in *history* at a no-name program. she's the goddamned epitome of classroom culinary. Couldn't work a line if she had two lifetimes to prepare. Can tell you how to temper chocolate but then has 800 excuses on why she won't do it. Literally goes to watch "how it's made" episodes to prepare for recipes, and then still can't make them without ordering a pallet of boomer-tier equipment from amazon to hold her hand every step of the way... Can't problem solve in a kitchen unless it's taking 4 or 5 days to titrate temperature and fat content. Chris could do claire's job with his eyes closed and as a bonus, you don't have to listen to an insecure little jew bitch whine about how hard it is to make a kit-kat.

>> No.12170745

>why is this woman being obsessed over on this site
Do you even have to ask?

>> No.12170749

It's literally BA shills, they're doing it from their office. Don't doubt how prolific greedy fucking jews can be. They don't care about this board or any discussion, they just want to push their product. They don't even care if we like the videos or are just making weird sexual comments about the cast, as long as the videos get exposure. I can't watch the channel, it's just too fucking gay. Half the staff are flamboyant homosexuals and the other half of the staff just make a shitload of videos featuring them and dragqueens and shit.

>> No.12170783

really going after that hyper-influential market of "a few hundred anti-social people on the anime website considered abhorrent by normies."

>> No.12170818

>inb4 “word of mouth” like any of us have friends to share this with