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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12162202 No.12162202 [Reply] [Original]

Do you consider cooking an art?

>> No.12162247

In a sense, since everyone has their own preferences and it requires touch and instinct to do “well” but I’d say it’s more a science than an art. Proper proportions, temps, timings are required

>> No.12162248


>> No.12162249

to me cooking is art, fantasy and vocation

>> No.12162264

It certainly takes some learning, but I just see it as a skill more than art

>> No.12162266

I kicked all my vices cold turkey
Smoking drinking junk food masturbatin
And I got up at 6 am today. Guess what I did. Yep. Just been on this board the whole day. It's 6 pm now. I'm strung the fuck out. I've put my phone down like 5 times.
4chan is my last vice or just another I will have to kick.
Let's keep going down this rabbit hole.

>> No.12162269

apu5 burnt the pancake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.12162273

If you consider cooking an art around me I’ll beat your ass

>> No.12162276

cooking is domestic science

>> No.12162281
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If you’re doing it right.

>> No.12162284

What does that have to do with the thread? wrong board buddy?

>> No.12162292

that's what I love about you guys... hairpin trigger and not a damn thing worth saying.

>> No.12162359
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>> No.12162601

Do I consider cooking an art? Well one must define art. Do I consider banging your mom art? Many would say, "No!" But I myself have pontificated the matter greatly over many a hot stove. To ham slam your mother is to partake in something more than animalistic lust. There is a certain skill involved - a certain finesse if you will that is closer to the craftsmanship found in ancient marble sculptures and renaissance frescoes. When I unseal your mom's fatty thighs, I begin a careful ritual. With a light tug her beef juice encrusted panties give way to a tropical jungle of wild overgrowth and exotic smells. And like a seasoned native who remembers the way despite the darkness, I navigate the caverns and the folds while strange noises echo in the background. I summon my rod and emplace it firmly into the damp spot I know by heart and with a hearty thrust I begin to gyrate the place you once called home. I am methodical and precise. I bite your mother's nipples and slap her thunderous ass. With insatiable fervor, I grab her saggy breasts and squeeze them tight as I jolt back and attempt to ride your mom like a suzuki hayabusa, perhaps throttling her neck in a vain attempt to go faster. At my zenith, seconds away from releasing my essence into the void, time slows down, and I pause to think how I got this far. Is cooking art? I'd like to think so.

>> No.12163181
File: 15 KB, 428x401, 6a77ea1e2e90d765a870c3ed26f5ea3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quit drinking and smoking pot about two years ago. The best thing for you is to just keep yourself busy with things you enjoy. Get your mindset focused on "I'm doing this to get healthier so I don't die slowly and in lots of pain when I'm 50". This board has probably killed a few people with its glorification of al/ck/oholics, it's time to make being sober cool again. Let's change this board into a strong community of happy and supportive chefs and culinary enthusiasts. But let's keep the bantz please.

>love you guys with all my heart

>> No.12163618
File: 139 KB, 600x421, Ironchef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>create something aesthetically pleasing, spiritually fulfilling, nourishes the body, mind, and soul

Food is just as valid a medium as paint, even more so in a lot of ways.

>> No.12163634

Pot can be very positive if you're not some ghetto trash overusing it to get "fucked up"

>> No.12163747

It's more of a ritual than an art, innit

>> No.12163834

What a boring fucking life

>> No.12163851

I guess stuff like plating and cake decoration is art
Music is art, dance is art. What's art anyway? Expressing an idea creatively?

>> No.12163858

The way your mom sucks dick is a work of art, if you know what I mean

>> No.12163917

If it really makes you happy, then yes. If you get a fucking thrill out of it--from the grind to the finished plate, then why not? Everything can be that. Self amusement is really the name of the game...everything else kind of drags you down. Got these extra ______ hmmm okay let's roll with this. That's fun...to me at least.

>> No.12164001

haha that would really suck lol

>> No.12164017

Jesus christ imagine being addicted to something so boring as 4channel. what a tragic life you live

>> No.12164204

It's a science and once you realize that you'll get better.

>> No.12164212

I don't think anything is an art.
it's all science.
food is the best human science.

>> No.12164289

Cooking is a craft.
Baking is a science.
Cake decoration is an art done by middle aged housewives

>> No.12164305

Based and redpilled

>> No.12164385

A skill that can in some ways presented as artsy. But before all, cooking is a science.