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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12161861 No.12161861 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: foods or drinks that literally made you a better man

i'll start

>> No.12161865

your moms sausage

>> No.12161879

i really dont understand

>> No.12161911
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>here, bro. Drink this warm thing of filthy, bitter grass clippings in water.
>>Why? What does it do?
>>So why are you drinking it
>That's just what we do here, man.

>> No.12161989
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Salad. When I was diagnosed with diabetes, I knew I had to cut carbs and lose a lot of weight.
This was the second time I had been to this restaurant. The first time I ordered a burger, because why fucking not?
Ordering a salad my second time back meant something. It's a positive, sustainable change. In under a year I lost 40kg and stabilized my blood sugar.

>> No.12162005

Enjoy throat cancer.

>> No.12162008

>CONCLUSIONS: The role of hot mate in increasing the risk of cancer of esophagus, larynx, and oral cavity seems to be supported by several epidemiological studies.

>> No.12162017


>> No.12162030
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For me, it's Natty daddy

>> No.12162044

Based and nattypilled!

>> No.12162060

salad looks pretty good actually.

>> No.12162066

>study conducted on a small sample of chain-smoking, poverty stricken no guidelines food eating alcoholics from a basket weaving village in Paraguay

really makes u think.....

>> No.12162111

That shit is so horrid. I always thought budweiser was the bottom of the barrel until trying nattys. Even the stupor feels dirty.

>> No.12162788

Literally poison

>> No.12162793

good job anon

>> No.12162795

10/10 would crush a few with you bro

>> No.12162823

reading comprehension: 0

>> No.12162828

hurricane high gravity is unironically better.

>> No.12162830
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>> No.12162863

it's millennial as fuck but avocados. they helped me get into salads in a big way. i stopped eating avocado salads and now i eat all sorts of salads, all because of avocados.

i love you avocado

>> No.12162902
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Coffee makes me better at everything. I've quit several times.
I don't magically get my energy and focus back, even after weeks or months of quitting. It's a boost. It makes me better than I would be without it. Plus, it tastes and smells delicious.

>> No.12163246
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Kombucha tea
Grapefruit juice and seltzer water
Eating nothing (fasting)

I started drinking kombucha tea because of the hype surrounding it. I know I fell for it. But it's the best way I've found for me to get pre/probiotics into my system. It's a pretty well know fact that gut flora is tied directly with depression in adults. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/29397391/
I was at a really bad time in my life; alcoholism, jobless for 6 months, GF kicked me out of our house, depression, social anxiety, the works. I started reading about what causes depression and things that could fix it and I came across multiple studies that link your stomach biome to depression and vice versa. So I started taking probiotics and drinking kombucha (along with changing my diet) and I can honestly tell you guys it fixed my depression. I'm now a much happier person, I have a job, and me and my gf are back together.
Grapefruit juice and seltzer water helped me get over my alcoholism in a major way. The fizziness of the seltzer was kind of a replacement for beer for me and the grapefruit juice aided in digestion and tastes good. Everytime I thought about drinking booze I'd make myself a little tonic and just drink that instead. It took like 5 weeks but finally I'm clean and sober and off the booze, which has made a huge impact on my mood, depression, and the bloated skin that comes with binge drinking.

After my breakup with gf I didn't eat anything for 6 days straight because I was so heartbroken and depressed I couldn't even move. After my 6 day fast I lost 17lbs which was huge for me. I was 305lbs at the time. Basically what I do know is eat one very big dinner and that's it, I fast for the rest of the day. It's hard to get used to at first because your stomach really will start to hurt, but that's only because it's used to eating every single day 3x a day. It gets easier.

Any anons struggling with depression look into my advice please. Love you all.

>> No.12163268
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Kombucha, horchata, and red wine salad dressing. I lost 30 lbs last year but gained almost all of it back from October to December. In January I decided to get back on track and really try to not eat so goddamn much. I have a desire to eat something sweet after eating something savory and couldn't figure out how to combat this until I realized that eating a salad and drinking kombucha combats both. The horchata is for when I'm not eating salad. Lost 15 lbs since January, which might not seem like much but 5 lbs per month is what my doctor recommended. I should be at 20 but I was naughty last month and had too much fried chicken. Only downside of kombucha is I can't drink it more than once a day or else my stomach revolts against me like the French revolution.

What helped keep me on my diet last year was finding ways to eat a bunch of food in one sitting but not a lot of calories, so almost every day from January to July I had nothing but 2 large breakfast burritos consisting of eggs, goat cheese, spinach, and olives. Rounded out to about 400 calories for the entire meal, which was perfect since I was supposed to eat 1500 calories a day, so 500 calories per meal.

>> No.12163299

Love GT's booch!

>> No.12163302

Please don't ever call it that again.

>> No.12163324

But I love downing a few bites of 'za and 'deens with a swig of 'booch

>> No.12163338
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>> No.12163355
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no homo but I smell astroturf

>> No.12163514

Single malt Scotch.

>> No.12164897

If you season it properly salad can be really good

>> No.12165283

Liver (and pate) and other organ meats
Raw milk and raw kefir
Snake juice (ratio of different salts in water) when fasting (allows me to go much longer while feeling ok)

>> No.12165311

Any drink hotter >60 C is contributing to increased throat cancer risk.

Who would have guessed that scorching your mouth and throat is bad for you

>> No.12165327

I think you mean slurricane.

>> No.12165396
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American hipsters like it too.

>> No.12165402

It's a recreational drug they use in south america. nasty stuff. gets them high and gives them cancer. its like the smoking of the drink world.

>> No.12165421
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t. Soyboy