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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12155339 No.12155339 [Reply] [Original]

Who else love American diner food?

>> No.12155782

>a literal Big Mac
>"diner" food

okay anon, i do love me a big mac but thats not diner food

>> No.12155910

Something’s not right about that Big Mac

>> No.12155918
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fuck diners, imma hit up wendys gnomesane

>> No.12155929

>imagine trying to sound smart and failing horribly
Where do you think McDonald's ripped it off from?

>> No.12155948

Seriously this. If you think a double-decker sandwich is McDonalds you are braindamaged beyond repair.

>> No.12155959

Where I live, diner food is entrees like country-fried steaks and pork chops, sides are black eyed peas, fried okra, etc. and biscuits or cornbread come with every plate. I like diner food but not burger joint diner food.

>> No.12155972
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I was actually referring to Bob's Big Boy.

>> No.12155981

Don’t forget your sister’s cunny for desert, Scooter.

>> No.12155995

Hey, say what you will, but $7 for a rib eye steak, broccoli casserole, fried squash, and okra with corn and tomatoes will always beat a burg n' fry for me.

>> No.12155999

see https://i.4cdn.org/ck/1554845030378.jpg
you fucking basement dweller

>> No.12156000

i love american diner food, lunch food and breakfast food equally.

>> No.12156013

Jesus, what are you doing?

>> No.12156017

Do Americans actually eat this?

>> No.12156025

everyday bitch

>> No.12156036

Seriously how did this madman get trips

>> No.12156438

That looks good you bitch

>> No.12156518
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The American Diner is the quintessential symbol of freedom in mobility and space that we'er afforded here in God's Blessing of the United States, the quintessential symbol of freedom and liberty for the contemporary American era. It's perhaps one of the most glorious American institutional establishments that will forever be here regardless. This is what the world wants, because they dont have it, and we do. God Bless the USA

>> No.12156756

>tfw been reading Jack Reacher novels
>always at some point Reacher goes to a diner
>it's always described as a max comfy place with booths and a waitress, dirt cheap food
>tfw Aussie
>tfw want to go to an American diner one day

>> No.12156771

It's actually pretty much how you're imagining it: you go into this little place where the decor has clearly not been moved or replaced for several decades and there's a CASH ONLY sign by the register, seat yourself, then a 50-year-old woman who calls you "hun" takes your order and you get two eggs, bacon, hash browns, toast, and a cup of coffee for four dollars

>> No.12156789
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As a trucker this has usually been my experience, except every place accepts plastic now, and if I'm lucky the waitresses is a gorgeous southern belle who calls me love after I flirt with her.

>> No.12156806
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well, that was easy.

>> No.12157389

Doesn't Australia have Denny's? Probably the closest thing you can get even though it's not entirely authentic.

>tfw 2 pancakes, 2 eggs and 2 sausages for $4

>> No.12157399

That's the prettiest big mac ive ever seen

>> No.12157671
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I fucking love little diners, they're so comforting and cozy, but you go to a diner to get breakfast food or like a club sandwich and a coffee, not a burger.
Three eggs, sunny side up with some bacon and home fries.
Fuck, I'm going to a diner first thing tomorrow morning.

>> No.12157681

this. always a nice experience.

>> No.12157702

Denny's is pretty far removed from an actual diner.
I think Life is Strange has a pretty decent depiction of your average diner if you're into video games.

Pretty spot on. Sometimes they use "sugar" instead of hun and sometimes those old waitresses have their daughters working with them trying to hook you up. Pretty much all diners accept cards though over the $10 limit unless you live in the middle of nowhere. I fucking love diners.

>> No.12157723
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you have no freedom you brainwashed cattle tax slave.

>> No.12157725


>> No.12158009

Don't you have a Muslim to suck off somewhere Hans?

>> No.12158012


>> No.12158025
File: 113 KB, 500x333, Salisbury Steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Diner food
>Not Salisbury Steak

The epitome of "diner food" and it's fucking delicious. Shame that it's mostly reserved to frozen TV dinners nowadays.

>> No.12158076

>no argument to my dose of reality
>goes straight to immature name calling as a typical seething loser
ok dumb cattle, keep getting brainwashed.

>> No.12158301

filthy indon here

they're not very filling

>> No.12159570
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Personally i think they can absolutely fuck off and I’d rather eat anywhere else, the food is always bland and the menu is boring. They’re breakfast is ok. We’ve got atleast 2 in every town in new jersey

>> No.12160835

>Fly to America
>About a full day without eating
>Check in at inn
>Ask receptionist where I could find food nearby
>Recommends a adjacent diner
>Go in
>Sit down
>Order hamburger, buffalo wings and chips
>Wings are by far the most sour thing I've had in my entire life
>Receive the blandest hamburger I've ever had
>With a side of crunchy flat potato slices aka crisps by some
I really hoped it'd be as comfy as in the movies, but my first American food experience was trash.

>> No.12160839

I do but only breakfast food. And the waitresses have to be at least under 30. They can be Mexican, whatever. Just don't want an old bitch smiling at me. Ruins my appetite.

>> No.12161524
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last time I had diner food I was on a multi day alcohol and cocaine binge and remember waking up in the middle of the night to vomit it

not for me

>> No.12161892
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NJ diners are the true way. No Taylor Ham egg and cheese, fuck off.

>> No.12163237

>Doesn't Australia have Denny's?
No, not unless it's quite recent.
There are some tgif but not many and they're not exactly Denny's either.

There are a handful of US-style diners around, they're usually more US-style in appearance (boothes, jukebox etc) than cuisine but they'll do a burger etc.
More likely to do souvlakis and pizza slices as well rather than Cherry pie, pancakes and chicken-fried steak.
You might get eggs benedict but don't expect biscuits and sausage gravy.

Australia is a big place and its main cities are truly international so there'll be a few diners around that have legit US regional cuisines like 'southern' or whatever. Plenty of Australians have backpacked in Texas and loved the food and decided to open a diner back home based on it . So they're around but quite rare.

>> No.12163356

They can be hit or miss Anon. I use to live in the north, and I think diner's up there are the quintessential diner experience.
I also think it was a bad sign that they were completely empty. A good 24hr diner will still have folks come in after their night/skeleton shift or after a night drinking.
I would've suggested against wings also.

>> No.12163376

Im a regular at a local diner, it's comfy because the interiors skeleton is the same since the 1950s. It's not a gimmick 50s restaurant. Just been there since, and has gotten redecorated. It's super nice and for some reason, receives a lot more light than other establishments. Sitting in there in the morning with a cup of coffee and just soaking in the sunlight is pretty therapeutic. I feel like a turtle on a sun rock, and my mood is quickly lifted from dark places.

The girls know my name and immediately being me a cup of coffee and ask me if I want the usual. I nod like the driver from drive, and in a few minutes they bring out my usual: chicken fried steak, scrambled eggs, sliced tomatoes, and a bowl of grits with butter. I work it down at my pace while listening to the chatter of spanish and the traffic outside. It's my one solace.

>> No.12163404

Hans, the muslim cock is waiting!

>> No.12163413

Restaurants that are next to hotels generally aren’t very good since they don’t exactly rely on repeat business

>> No.12163434

I'm pretty sure there's nothing cozier than a US diner with good food.

>> No.12163558

I would unironically choose the Super Big Boy combo as my last meal

>> No.12163582

>the interiors skeleton
fucking creepy man, I wouldn't go to such a spoopy place

>> No.12163590

What is s'poopy (I am assuming you are conjugating "so poopy") about anything I said???

>> No.12163823

Sounds like a place called Rudfords in San Diego.
It's pretty comfy.

>> No.12163894

>Sitting in there in the morning with a cup of coffee and just soaking in the sunlight is pretty therapeutic. I feel like a turtle on a sun rock, and my mood is quickly lifted from dark places.
this is cringe and cute at the same time

>> No.12163948

I'm glad as hell that I moved out of Jersey after growing up, but you guys are right. The diners were nice.

>> No.12163977

it means spooky

>> No.12164111
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I'm an american and I've never been to a good diner

>> No.12164218

that's criminal. what state do you live in?

>> No.12165722

>(bastardized) spanish chatter

>> No.12165731

Don’t worry you’ll be back, everyone comes back. I’ve left the state 3 times

>> No.12165965
File: 244 KB, 1200x800, 98830105-33F1-4B72-84B6-6185EDBB734B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My childhood favorite diner burned down

>> No.12165990

salisbury steak is 100% underrated nowadays, it's a shame

>> No.12165992

wtf is wrong with you

>> No.12166074

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

>> No.12166081

T. flyover fag

>> No.12166114

won't be English, but catch a plane to Japan and go to a Johnathan's.

>> No.12166825

I’m Australian and I’ve been to a couple of US style ‘diners’ over here, but they always miss the point.
>missing diner classic dishes like chicken fried steak, Salisbury steak, meatloaf, corned beef hash and buttermilk biscuits
>expensive as fuck
>only open nine hours a day
>not comfy at all
>good coffee at $5 a cup not American dirt water with unlimited refills
Plus they never seem to stay in business long enough to really get their rhythm down.

>> No.12166830


what's up route 46 fag tick tock is overrated

>> No.12166851

>Plus they never seem to stay in business long enough to really get their rhythm down.
with your description it's easy to understand why.
the whole appeal of American diners is that they're open long hours (usually 24-7) and the food is big portions at low prices. Nobody goes there for the quality of the food. You go there because you get a fuckload of comfort food cheap after you've been up half the night boozing.

>> No.12166858

Imagine being this ass backwards about what diners are....you won't find them in fucking NYC or LA, dumbass, the good ones are in the fucking Midwest and South

>> No.12166923

Try travelling more than 50 miles from your hometown if you're not too terrified that you'll piss yourself, flyover.

>> No.12166926

Part of the problem is that our cost of living is so high that you just can’t run a cheap place.
I mean, I’d be happy for a place open 6am to midnight where I could get hash browns, eggs and a sausage patty with a bottomless coffee for $10.
I’m a former chef and I’m halfway tempted to try to make this happen for myself, but I don’t need the hassle DESU.

>> No.12166931

I live in Detroit you fucking assclown, there is no other state that would make me "piss me pants" you fucking yuppie faggot retard.

>> No.12166932

I live minutes from there.

>> No.12166934

>He lives in Detroit

Wow. Sorry for you bro

>> No.12167097

>i live in detroit
>it's a state
Flyover education meme is real!

>> No.12167136

calm down tyrone, we dont need you robbing more gas stations

>> No.12168387

Fellow Ausfag who knows this pain all too well. You're not alone, brother.

>> No.12168810
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C H I L L I D O G S ? !

>> No.12168868


He seems a little too salty to be a Hans, I'm gonna go with francois.

>> No.12169725

Never been to it, drive by it everyday for work, heard there was a lot of drama with the owners there. As far as dinners go I think they’re all overrated