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File: 219 KB, 1200x799, cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12154949 No.12154949 [Reply] [Original]

I want to try actual good cheese but I live in Burgerland. Is there a website which is known to ship affordable good cheese?

>> No.12154955


>> No.12154996

Have you ordered from them before?

>> No.12155000

Try google.com, it's a very useful site, used by many on a day to day basis.
Burgerland has a lot of brie, gorgonzola, etc. too.
With all the foodiefaggotry around you should have plenty of hipster cheese places to choose from.

>> No.12155040

Try readingcomprehension.com you inbred fuck.

There is a reason I am asking for suggestions for places. I am not a retard like yourself and only follow what listings come from google.

>> No.12155043

>cheese shop
>current location
>fuck off

>> No.12155052

order some cheese from China that's the good imported stuff

>> No.12155057

>buying food online
Go ask leddit, fucking idiot.

>> No.12155074

>just google it
God I hate faggots like you.

>> No.12155087
File: 384 KB, 1084x569, Screenshot_2019-04-09 publix cheese wall - Google Search.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't have a publix? the one by me actually has a pretty acceptable selection for a beginner, its not elite but its a good place to find a direction on wat you like so you don't wind up mail ordering a $50 block of disgusting meme cheese

>> No.12155090


How are you people so retarded that you cannot comprehend someone not living close to a shop which sells good cheese?

You do realize not all of us are skinny jean wearing faggots living in a metropolitan area, yes?

>> No.12155098

Well the closest to specialty that I have seen at my local publix has been Brie and various goat cheeses. Nothing too crazy imo. I was hoping to try some more adventurous stuff.

>> No.12155159

I just have my buddy Jaques send me some from euroland. Be careful about what you import though, US customs does confiscate things time to time.

>> No.12155225

thats a bummer, i guess its a regional thing. They cheesefag out pretty hard in Vermont, they have cheese clubs that were pretty cheap to join and they would mail you verity samplers of cheese all year long. Thats how i found out that i don't actually like extra sharp cheddar and the stuff the sell at the store is not even close to sharp let along extra sharp

>> No.12155319

Your publics offers cheese clubs?

Customs will seize cheese? what is the problem with cheese?

>> No.12155376

no the club wasn't part of pubelicks, although i get the flyer for it there. I once ordered a bunch of drugs from euro and Customs seized them, so i ironically asked for a refund from the seller and they unironically gave me my money back. Im still baffled by it

>> No.12155638

Ok but op didn't say hey can't find good cheese because he lives out in the country, he said because he's in burgerland.

>> No.12155645

Murray's is great. I've ordered from them many times.

>> No.12155656

>Customs will seize cheese? what is the problem with cheese?

Any "raw" food product not inspected by the FDA is illegal.
There is also a blanket ban on cheeses made with unpasteurized milk aged less than 60 days, which is why you cannot get real Brie de Meaux in the US unless you get it on the black market.
Other cheeses might accidentally trigger some other law. A common one is mimolette, which may be rejected because of the mites on the exterior.

>> No.12155673

Bruh I don't care where you are in burgerland but you should have a Whole Foods near you. Just go in they have samples and good variety of cheese. Try it out

>> No.12155692

Lets say the cheese has some kind of Brazilian ants on it. Next thing you that ant is infesting half the US.

>> No.12155697

Whole Foods variety might be better than a flyover supermarket, but it sucks ass compared to a proper cheese shop.

There do exist good cheese shops in burgerland. They're few and far between, and are located in metropolitan areas only.

>> No.12155717
File: 91 KB, 800x534, jjcheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not having the most based grocery store on planet earth near your home.

>> No.12155770
File: 39 KB, 500x251, home-3can4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give Washington state university's cheese a try. Apparently it's actually good and a tradition of the school dating back from WWII.

>> No.12155789

Don't you have some actual cheese shops in burgerland?

>> No.12155805

I mean, it might not be as good as French, Italian or Danish cheese shops, but I'd imagine American cheese shops have at least SOME good cheese, no?

>> No.12155857

Yeah, we do, but like I posted above, they are rare here. If you live in a big city you've got access to one, otherwise you're either dealing with high-end supermarkets or mail-order.

The supermarkets near me have very good cheeses from all over the world, but their selection is a bit limited. If I want things they don't have I order from Murray's.

>> No.12155926

Where the fuck did I imply that in >>12155074 you dumb cunt? Please enlighten me.

>> No.12156083

No, whole foods near my location.

Closest is an hour and a half away.

>> No.12156099

Take the greyhound bitch

>> No.12156111

Reminder American cheese is better than Euro cheese. So are our beer and wines. Deal with it.

>> No.12156132

And are gramar and pselling

>> No.12156144

Go to a deli you mong. And don't bother trying to say there are no delis where you live because that is a straight up lie.

>> No.12156174
File: 48 KB, 310x310, Britishaveragecitizen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The deli's which we have here are not like what you have on Cuck Island. They literally only have American shit cheese, swiss (americafied to hell), and some cheddar variety's (unaged).

>> No.12156190

The guy might live in some small town in West Virginia with a population of 1500. There's a lot of places like that.

>> No.12156207

>he called me dumb so that must mean he is british!

Canadian actually and I have been to several US delis which had decent cheese selection.

>> No.12156220

Yes and I am totally sure in your one weekend trip to America you saw all the parts of the country and what is contained in their delis.

I am sorry that you possess a smoothbrain.

>> No.12156233
File: 115 KB, 538x566, 1524169940952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love cheeses from raw milk, my gut flora is doing great!
I recommended to anyone to add 20-30g of cheese daily.

>> No.12156234

hey anon, odds are pretty good you can find imported cheese in most grocery stores. (try the ones that aren't in poor neighborhoods)

>> No.12156235

All down the west coast actually as well as Florida once.

>calling other smoothbrain when you literally cannot google for yourself

>> No.12156245
File: 77 KB, 645x729, brainlet3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your non-wrinkled brain ass can't even read the OP. I am aware of place to order online... I am looking for anyones previous experience.

Just how polished is your brain?

>> No.12156252
File: 24 KB, 500x500, canadianpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>West coast and Flordia

Pick one Canuck

>> No.12156259

I only meant to good parts of America (and Florida)

>> No.12156272
File: 78 KB, 517x650, leafshitpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I went to LA and Miami once the post.

Find a rope

>> No.12156296

Wrong again. Like I said all down the west coast as in drove from Canada all the way down to Mexico. Besides why would I even want to go to the shitty parts of America that don't even have decent cheese?

>> No.12156324
File: 35 KB, 852x480, AE6BE9AB-BE2F-4AFF-A47E-1474B76B78F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make cheese for a living OP, here you go.
fofarms dot com---> product - category--->cheese

>> No.12156408

Thanks senpai. The two which I might get are Butterkase and calico as I have never heard of those. The others I can typicalyl get around here.