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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12154110 No.12154110 [Reply] [Original]

I drink the broth, I don't care

>> No.12154115

the fact that you made instant ramen in the first place tells us that "you don't care".

>> No.12154117

Same, especially when im hungover. Fuck anyone else who disagrees.

>> No.12154120

It’s like the sugary milk leftover in a bowl of cereal. It’s the best part.

>> No.12154126

Go fuck yourself, instant ramen is delicious as hell, especially if you get some of the Korean brands like Samyang. Their Carbo ramen is amazing.

>> No.12154147

not everyone is a NEET who has infinite time to cook every single meal of the day, neckbeard-chan

>> No.12154149

first off, I wasn't talking about flavor at all.

But since you brought flavor up: no, they're not "delicious as hell" unless you have some kind of shitty flyover palate who hasn't been exposed to much. I've got a pile of Nongshim and Samyang in my pantry for emergencies. Delicious as hell? Not even close. More like "passable when there's no alternative". Get out more.

>> No.12154174

arent you meant to? at least for some of them

>> No.12154175

>unless you have some kind of shitty flyover palate who hasn't been exposed to much
I've traveled Asia pretty extensively and I've had hundreds of bowls of ramen in Japan, China and Korea. While instant ramen is never as good as the fresh thing, it's still delicious as hell and worth the dollar I pay for it every single time. It's even good enough that you yourself have some in your pantry. If it's not tasty, why do you bother even having it?

>> No.12154176

that looks super umami

>> No.12154180

Go choke on a chicken bone

>> No.12154182

You have plenty of time. You just choose to waste it on other things, probably playing vidya or masturbating with your phone toy, instead of cooking.

Of course you're meant to. But many people don't because the broth is generally loaded with a fuckton of sodium.

>> No.12154186

Subhuman scum - might as well start drinking piss

>> No.12154193

because for some reason cooking is a more valuable use of my time than vidya or masturbating? sorry my hobbies arent the same as yours buddy
people need time to relax, especially working people, and cooking isnt always relaxing

>> No.12154195

This is what meal prep is for.

Chicken. Broc. Rice. Cook it lean and plain.

Hits your macros.

>> No.12154198


>> No.12154206

>While instant ramen is never as good as the fresh thing
>still delicious as hell
Why do you contractict yourself so?

> If it's not tasty, why do you bother even having it
I'd give the upscale instant brands a 6/10 for taste. "Delicious as hell" sounds like you're talking 10/10 territory, which instant ramen is not.

As for why I have them? They are a starting point. Throw out the flavor packet and use a block of frozen pre-made stock instead. Add some meat and veggies. Now you're looking at a decent meal.

>> No.12154216

I do too OP. Especially the spicy ones.

>> No.12154217

why would you buy instant ramen just for the noodles? noodles are already the easiest part of that dish youre describing. thats just retarded

>> No.12154227

>why would you buy instant ramen just for the noodles?
Because they cook FAST. That's the only reason why I keep instant ramen around, if I happen to need food FAST and I don't have time to boil a pot of water for cooking proper noodles.

>> No.12154228
File: 1.84 MB, 4032x3024, 43D154C8-4EA9-42E2-84ED-0C6A98065EBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure drinking the broth is the whole fucking point of soup.

It’s alright but making ramen from scratch isn’t too hard and the results are far better than even the best instant ramen. Here’s a bowl I had at a tiny corner restaurant in Tokyo, pretty sure the pile of stuff in the middle was shredded scallions mixed with chili oil or something like that. I don’t speak much Japanese at all so I basically got by with a few English words and body language in Japan. Was absolutely the best ramen I ever had though. Pretty sure legit ramen broth is made using a meat stock of some kind and dashi, which I think is a stock made from bonito flakes, shitake mushroom, kelp, and mirin. You should be able to get all that from either an imports section at a regular grocery store or an oriental grocer.

>> No.12154245



nobody drinks the soup in japan

>> No.12154248

so you need food fast, like 2-3 minutes fast, but youre gonna cook meat and veggies as well? something doesnt add up bro

>> No.12154266

I think we're using different scales. To me, delicious as hell is just like an 7/10. With a few additions, I feel that some of the higher end instant ramens can achieve this, and for less then $3 for the ramen and additions.

>> No.12154284

>but youre gonna cook meat and veggies as well?
I chop them up really small and dump them in the hot broth. They cook nearly instantly in the boiling hot liquid....and that's assuming that I'm starting with raw ingredients. I generally use leftovers from the fridge which require no cooking, only reheating.

>> No.12154287

You clearly have never been to Japan. Unless it's pretty mediocre ramen, people absolutely drink some of the broth. They don't usually drink it all, because it's not very healthy for you, but no one will give you a strange look if you do and I've seen Japanese people do it frequently.

>> No.12154291

>wasting all that delicious bone and beef broth
They have lost de wae

>> No.12154294

Come to think of it I never actually watched any locals closely enough to remember whether or not they drank the broth, but after putting such complexity into making it you would think it would be a shame to waste it. Also what about all those scenes in animes where characters eat ramen and finish it by lifting the bowl and drinking the leftover broth? I think you may be bamboozling me anon.

>> No.12154297


thats why america nuked them twice

>> No.12154310

>it's another I didn't want that until I saw a /ck/ thread about it episode
Shin ramyun hoooooooo!

>> No.12154315


>> No.12154319

>because for some reason cooking is a more valuable use of my time than vidya or masturbating?
well sure, you have to eat to live. You don't have to play with your phone toy to live. Eating out wastes a ton of money, cooking doesn't. It's a basic life skill just like knowing how to wipe your own ass.

If you can't manage to find time to relax, cook, and work, then there's something honestly wrong with you.

>> No.12154329

>I think we're using different scales. To me, delicious as hell is just like an 7/10
Fair enough.
I call 7/10 "pretty good but not great".

>> No.12154332

Nice chain ramen, Conrad. All those choices and you ate at the ramen version of Subway or Dominos.

>> No.12154350

If that’s chain food in Japan I want to go back right the fuck now, and take lessons so I know how to say anything other than konichiwa and arigato gazi mas.

>> No.12154354

but i dont need to spend hours to cook meals every day to get nutrition. there are plenty of very quick meals that barely count as cooking. i can obviously cook btw, i didnt come on this board to argue against its value

>If you can't manage to find time to relax, cook, and work, then there's something honestly wrong with you.

Or maybe I have a high-stress/long hours job that doesn't leave time to do whatever I want?

>> No.12154378

>but i dont need to spend hours to cook meals every day to get nutrition.
I agree. Nobody said anything about you spending hours to do it.

>>there are plenty of very quick meals that barely count as cooking.

>i can obviously cook btw, i didnt come on this board to argue against its value
You just implied that video games were more important than cooking.

>Or maybe I have a high-stress/long hours job that doesn't leave time to do whatever I want?
Welcome to the real world. Nobody on earth has the time to do whatever they want. Not even billionaire CEOs. "Whatever you want" isn't relevant.

I'm not saying you have to cook yourself 5-course 3-star quality meals every day. all I'm saying is that the line "I don't have time to cook" is nearly always 100% bullshit.

>> No.12154384


>> No.12154399
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How are there people who can't figure out how to eat ramen? This is worse than that idiot who needed to google how to open a bag of onions but couldn't find any tutorials.

>> No.12154404

you're a tastelet bud

>> No.12154418

If you haven't done it yet, let me blow your mind and change your life by telling you to crack an egg into the pot when you put in your noodles. Same amount of time and more protein on the cheap in your diet.

>> No.12154424

I've been doing that since 1988, anon.

>> No.12154442

Good, I'm glad. It just amazes how many younger people and even people from my generation haven't thought of it. Hopefully one of them stumbles on to it and has a life changing moment then. Cheers.

>> No.12154446

meant for

>> No.12154487
File: 178 KB, 750x735, Thbbttbtbttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12154512

>You just implied that video games were more important than cooking.
its more important that i get some time to relax than that i cook every single night of the week. not everything is an absolute.

>> No.12155244

Macaroni is better then spaghetti.

>> No.12155346
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For me, it's Maruchan Yakisoba.

>> No.12155471

I fucking love that stuff, but everyone I know thinks it’s a kind of ramen and adds tons of extra water to it.

>> No.12156589

The broth is great for a hangover cure since you'll need shitloads of salt and water.

>> No.12156730

>hurrr i-i only have it for the noodles, s-sometimes i make a stock!
>asian market has dozens of brands of dehydrated noodles that cook just as quickly and are much higher quality and come in a proper quantity for a proper pot of soup

>> No.12156813
File: 44 KB, 441x300, 14494769_10154004759687709_7001296793025809838_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill me on instant ramen /ck/
Is it good or bad to eat it?, I've seen people bitching around that it is bad for your health and shit, is it true?, i've eaten it before and it's pretty good actually.

>> No.12156823
File: 40 KB, 500x281, 1537563300824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12156908

It's got a ton of sodium lad
Nothing wrong with having one now and then, just be sure to eat more than only ramen all day

>> No.12156933
File: 56 KB, 600x800, 1445887165893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watashi wa... nobody drinks the soup in nippon, desu