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File: 163 KB, 1024x768, Tarragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12149600 No.12149600 [Reply] [Original]

ITT:Underrated ingredients

>> No.12149604
File: 227 KB, 1200x1200, large_square_Fennel_Seeds__Whole__close.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12149614

I only use them in curry powder, what other uses are there?

>> No.12149625
File: 101 KB, 800x800, ctyp impossible foods burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite ingredient is the Impossible Burger

>> No.12149629

pasta sauce, sausages, bread
to name a few

>> No.12149634

You can use fennel in sausages?
I'd imagine it would suck to bite directly onto a seed when eating

>> No.12149650

nah it's not an issue; fennel sausages are my favorite

>> No.12149680

It’s the signature flavor in Italian sausage if I’m not mistaken

>> No.12149684

I know it's used in salsiccia but the spices are ground and mixed in with the pork there

>> No.12149738

They are really good in turkey, chicken, and pork meatballs and sausage. I've never tried them in beef ones. I've also used fennel in turkey chili. It goes really well with white meats.

>> No.12149754

I don't know if it's underrated but sage is awesome, and I don't see it used much when I look around for meal ideas.

>> No.12149777

Based tarragon.
Essential sauce herb.

>> No.12149786

yeah, in burgerland it's usually saved for thanksgiving.

>> No.12149796

Sage is great, I add it when I roast a big thing of vegetables and meat, just adds a nice flavor. It’s also great as an herbal tea either by itself or with mint. Fun to grow too especially with all the variegated leaf types and the flavored ones like pineapple sage

>> No.12149798
File: 1.61 MB, 2731x2731, SFS_Chicken_Saltimbocca_for_Two-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I could think off using sage was chicken saltimbocca...

>> No.12149805
File: 11 KB, 355x269, bay leaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sage tea
huh, that's a new one to me.

pic related is mine.

>> No.12149807

I fucking love it and it works on all meats (haven't attempted on fish). Really good just for a simple roast chicken with garlic, salt, and pepper.

>> No.12149895


goes great with eggs and cheese

I like putting tarragon in my crepes too.

>> No.12149921

that's what caraway seeds are for

>> No.12149952

I've had Tarragon soda before. You can get those in Armenian and Russian stores usually. It would be cool to have a cocktail version that uses fresh Tarragon like that.

>> No.12149970
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>be me
>buy tarragon seeds and plant them in the garden
>shit grows like weed
>happy as fuck because of unlimited tarragon
>try it for the first time
>tastes like grass
>google it up
>only Russian actually tarragon sprouts seeds and it's nearly tasteless
>what i wanted is french tarragon
I got dabbed on by the seedmerchant jew

>> No.12150059

Fennel seeds are part of the defining flavor of several types of italian sausages and charcuterie. Basically fennel+chili is the flavor of standard supermarket italian sausages.

Sherry vinegar. Hardly see it in supermarkets (they all have 86 varieties of shitty balsamic, though), but it's easily my favorite acid seasoning. Bright but not overly sharp, complex flavor but actually melds into the flavor of the dish without being super overt like balsamic would be. Anything with a little bit of maillard/caramelization to it, it goes great with.

Honestly acid seasoning in general is underutilized, it's just as important as salt if you want to get great flavor out of things.

>> No.12150113

Fenugreek >>> fennel

>> No.12150183

Those two things are not in any way interchangeable.

>> No.12150195

what does fenugreek actually taste like? all googling said was that it had a "maple-like aroma."

>> No.12150211
File: 39 KB, 450x450, 86b45389-92dc-4a51-85f8-f29753eca49f_1.bcd45064274ab08b59661c963f83bb48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything with MSG. Got some boring ass rice? Add some Sazon! Got some boring ass soup? Add some Vegeta!

>> No.12150219
File: 36 KB, 350x411, vegetavwx2014_928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, but I don't think he'll fit in the pan.

>> No.12150309

Not so sure

>> No.12150845


>> No.12150853

Sage tea a bit odd tasting, sort of like that weird smell old people give off, like antiques or something I dunno. Combine it with mint though and you get an amazing sore throat relief tea

>> No.12151708

This, I discovered it making a soup from a cookbook and I wanted to know where it was my entire life.
Acids also help with the cooking process in a way salts and other seasonings can’t

>> No.12151720

have you never had sausages before... it's like the most basic ingredient after salt

>> No.12151739

>Be me, 7
>Love mint tea
>See neighbor has some cropping up next to sidewalk
>Rip out small plant and transplant to family garden
>Spend 11 years hearing my mom rage at me for planting it

Finally the menace is under control.

>> No.12151759

I made the same mistake anon, except the mint still remains, hiding in my perennial herbs and hedges

>> No.12151801
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>> No.12151811

Tarragon isnt underrated, it's just out dated and overused in the culinary world.

It's tastey as fuck with chicken and rabbit tho. And pairs nicely with grilled or braised carrots.

>> No.12151817
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>> No.12151837
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>> No.12151960
File: 417 KB, 600x600, vinegartf8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use tarragon vinegar. It adds a nice touch to salads

>> No.12151970

i feel like dill doesnt get enough love
you basically only see it on potatoes

>> No.12151972
File: 509 KB, 2280x1728, 1554493055429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's kranch

>> No.12151980

In Victorian England they were put on baked apples, wonder if its good

>> No.12151989
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>> No.12152243

two words: tarragon lemonade

thank me later this summer

>> No.12152311
File: 107 KB, 540x540, photo_2_blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's actually a Russian/Georgian soda that's made with tarragon and it's fucking delicious. Tarkhun.

>> No.12152402
File: 425 KB, 1920x500, D6EFDF15-2AFA-43C4-96D7-44AACF02786E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12152631

Fish sauce
Black garlic
Ume Vinegar

>> No.12153234

They all fucking suck. Russians can't into sodas. They all taste like bubblegum and way too sweet

>> No.12153240
File: 27 KB, 550x354, coriander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pleb filter of ingredients

>> No.12153315

Cheeki breeki

>> No.12153326


it's fucking amazing as a pizza topping

>> No.12153376

ah yes the famous english cuisine, i am sure they are delightful

>> No.12153426

....I gotta try this with some cured ham and a white sauce

>> No.12153875
File: 395 KB, 1716x1080, 65681AB9-26F7-4E22-BFCB-386AD9CDA9C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These little fuckers- ikan bilis (dried anchovies).
Shallow fry them with peanuts and a little chilli, they’re crispy and dank.