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12142880 No.12142880 [Reply] [Original]

It took this moron over ten years to learn how to make white rice

>> No.12142889
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>$300 gaijin

>> No.12142898


Im compelled to try it. Fuck the fish, i just want to try a bite of his rice. Just one bite to see if the end justifies the means in being the literal rice nigger of a restaurant for years on end.

Im totally open to the idea of something so simple being prepared with such expertise that it becomes trancendentally delicious but maaaan.. how fucking good can rice get???

>> No.12142903

He’s learned to cook rice in less time than it’s taken you to come up with new trollbait.

>> No.12142915

He says he only gets his rice from one guy who runs a small farm. Jasmine rice is objectively superior to plain white rice. Maybe his rice really is tastier and more nutritious than the stuff us plebs eat. Either way he's still an old faggot.

>> No.12142918
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>> No.12142919

>making sushi with jasmine rise
are you retarded?

>> No.12142923

Fuck you

>> No.12142928

Actually ate at Jiro’s a few weeks back. Honestly it was nothing special. It’s a product of its own success if anything.

There were also some pretentious assholes there too that were trying to kiss Jiro’s ass and he wasn’t having any of it.

Pretty awkward to have him stare at me eating every mouthful. All in all it wasn’t worth it.

>> No.12142958
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It feels weird in my my mouth thinking about eating sushi with jasmine rice.. Id like to try it. I think the appeal for short grain white rice comes from its relative uniformity and “forgettableness”. Jasmine rice has more character thus becoming a less suitable accompaniment for raw fish.

Ill admit that i havent eaten a fuckton of sushi/omikase, but only because the food isnt compelling to me. Like, yeah, this beautiful hamachi brushed with top tier olive oil and sprinkled with juuust enough crunchy salt, placed on top a rice delivery system and dunked in soy sauce is FANTASTIC, but i get it. I know exactly what to expect out of every single bite; same textures, same flavors, fuckin boooooring

>> No.12143014

sumeshi (sushi rice) isnt just plain white rice, my dude

>> No.12143043

>jasmine rice
Americans everyone

>> No.12143046
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>larping this unconvincingly

>> No.12143075

I love that video of him eating strawberries. He looks so happy. ≡^ω^≡

>> No.12143086

+ tip

>> No.12143090
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more like jiro dreams of pussi

>> No.12143102


>> No.12143104

>Jasmine rice
fucking disgusting

>> No.12143106

he can cook minute rice in 59 seconds

>> No.12143251

They don’t eat Jasmine rice in Japan. They eat Japonica rice.

>> No.12143277

I bet Jiro gets milf japanese pussy after work

>> No.12143441
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jiro probably doesnt even talk to his wife at home and pays for foreign prostitutes at the red light district

>> No.12143483

<It took this moron over ten years to learn how to make white rice

you wouldn't know the difference between his sushi and ones from a Chinese buffet plebe. stick to fast food

>> No.12143627

Yeah, spending ten years learning how to do something that will end up providing you with a net worth of $10 million is really dumb, he should've just spent no time on rice and became $15 / hour ragie wagie like yourself.

>> No.12143658

Did he kick you out after a certain amount of time? According to some reviews he rushes you out the door.

>> No.12143672

>implying Jiro isn't a virgin and didn't get some secret descendant of ancient japanese emperors to impregnate his wife

>> No.12143684

If the differences arent immediately apparent, then what the hell does it even matter

>> No.12143693

Thats an Asian thing in general, even at buffets

>> No.12143697

Really? How fucking rude.

>> No.12143702

It's understandable at buffets since they need fast turnover due to low margins but not at a $300 meal place. I mean you can't even really enjoy it.

>> No.12143738
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>stick to fast food

>implying sushi isn't fast food

>> No.12143764



>> No.12143774

Correct, the only difference is one is made by a Mexican.

>> No.12143779

>If the differences arent immediately apparent
The differences ARE apparent.
You just think they aren't because of your ignornance on the subject.

>> No.12143848

Based and weebpilled!

>> No.12143865

I tried poblano rice casserole once. Rice itself was some sort of long grain thing, nothing special really, but the sauce coating everything was amazing.

>> No.12143960

You may be a retarded faggot for saying jasmine rice, but I actually really love Japanese rice and it's gotten to the point where it's the only rice I buy for use as a side dish.

>> No.12144114

What's it like having over 300 million people live rent free in your head