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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 26 KB, 350x350, stank ass fish oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12132537 No.12132537 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: ingredients that people use way too fucking much and need to fall the fuck out of fashion

pic related

>> No.12132544


this is a thing you have an opinion on? So what do you use as a neutral oil then?

>> No.12132546

cool? deflowered olive oil
medium? clarified butter or lard
freakishly hot?: safflower oil

>> No.12132553

what a special little snowflake you are

>> No.12132554

also i deep fry in corn oil.

>> No.12132558

i'm sorry for having offended your delicate oil-related sensibilities

is it normal to treat your diaper rash with canola oil or something special mommy whipped up in the kitchen for your bum-bum

>> No.12132595

For me, it's fucking EVOO

I hate seeing people use nice expensive olive oil for bullshit applications where it's just going to get burned and taste disgusting

>> No.12132603

at least people don't brag about canola oil the way they do with olive and coconut oils.

>> No.12132606

yeah but they put it in /everything/ and when it gets too hot it tastes absolutely disgusting like licking a rotten salmon covered in seagull shit

>> No.12132607

What's wrong with it?

>> No.12132616

>Canola oil
>Not olive/coconut
Is this an escapee from bizarro /ck/?

>> No.12132627


>> No.12132631

i dont hate things based on memes, i actually cook food irl instead of just looking at pictures of it

>> No.12132633

Sounds more like an issue with people overheating it not with the oil. Any oil will taste like shit if you do that.

>> No.12132641

well yeah i have no problem with it as an oil for mayo or salad dressing or whatever but if it's going to be heated past 250* its just not okay and i see restaurants coating smoking hot pans in it and several potato chip manufacturers use it to /deep fry/ their chips in the stuff making the whole batch useless because of the horrid fishy taste

see: cape cod kettle chips

>> No.12132659

I'm not offended it's cute how hard you'd try not to use what's convenient and conventional

>> No.12132672

bitch i like what i like
sorry you dont have the money or cooking skill to use anything other than store brand vegetable oil

>> No.12132685

nigger you're the one that's trying too hard
you have the audacity to claim that using more than one type of cooking oil somehow makes you a snowflake on the grounds that one is ""trying not to use what's convenient and conventional"""
do you not realize how contrived that sounds? it's fucking oil
in reality you're just a lazy fatass that cuts corners whenever you can either from lack of ability or lack of money

>> No.12132691

First time I hear of this. Olive oil master race
t. Mediterranean boy

>> No.12132694

it's really interesting how you can tell that someone's branching out from fast food threads. babby's first time deep frying?

>> No.12132699

lol my goodness

>> No.12132701

99% of restaurants and fast food places use some type of vegetable oil simply because it's dirt cheap.

>> No.12132703

None of olive oil, butter or lard are neutral. They're some of the most flavorsome fats available. I don't know about safflower.

>> No.12132711

get back to your mombie cooking blog

>> No.12132715

you missed the notation of "i use corn oil for frying/deepfrying"

>> No.12132717

did I violate your safe space? quite the reaction but I understand you're very passionate about variety in your neutral oils

>> No.12132726

corn, peanut, and soy oil are all fine

>> No.12132748
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>> No.12132763
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>> No.12132769

I'm getting sick of hipster fetishizing avocados.

>> No.12132778

bro me too. i've tried like three different "recipes" for avocado toast and they've all been absolutely disgusting

>> No.12132815

What’s wrong with canola oil?

>> No.12132817

it's the easy way out

>> No.12132821

I did, but that doesn't change anything. He was asked to name neutral oils and proceeded to name options that were not neutral at all.

>> No.12132828

literally nothing

>> No.12132855

cheapest oil you can get and naturally tastes the worst

>> No.12132867

I've never seen canola oil in my life personally, sunflower oil is the default vegetable oil where I'm from.

>> No.12132874

dude, why would anyone need a recipe? It's literally mashed avocado + salt + pepper with maybe some lemon juice.

>> No.12132880

i tried it like that first off and it was fucking gross so i tried to find out if you were supposed to put other things on it. tried it with sriracha and an egg, still disgusting. tried it with chunky guacamole, still fucking disgusting

i wasted perfectly good avocados on that bullshit meme

>> No.12132885

if you like avocados, what's so bad about it?

>> No.12132890

i dislike the flavor and texture combination of bread and avocado.

my attempts were on white buttermilk bread, rye bread, and nut and seed bread, all toasted golden.

>> No.12132894

> tastes the worst
lmao its neutral

>> No.12132906

nothing, highest omega 3 content of almost all oils

>> No.12132913

Neutral oils aren't 100% flavorless. A lot of the cheaper oils are rancid too which makes them taste bad.

>> No.12132929


It's not pretentious enough

>> No.12132935


>a lot of the cheaper oils are rancid

I don't know what crack den planet you originate from, but olive oil is literally the only I've ever purchased that has been rancid straight from the bottle, and it is so quite frequently.

>> No.12132961
File: 58 KB, 720x540, FB_IMG_1544566173226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least you don't live in a country with so much olive oil that people use it for everything thinking it's ok to fry with evoo and butter is the evil, even in zones where it was the stample 50 years ago when olive oil wasn't still so shilled by the gov and the doctors ( the first time my grandma used olive oil was in the 70's and we are italian)

>> No.12132985

I would've given up after 1 try lol, but good job on being persistent.

>> No.12133717

>le rancid oil meme
literally propaganda to get you to buy overpriced vanity oil

>> No.12133774

>industrial seed oils originally used for machine lubrication is healthy goy


>> No.12133793

has toxic properties

>> No.12133824


>> No.12133929

You're supposed to use corn tortilla chips for guacamole, anon

It's also good with meat and flatbread (tacos)

>> No.12134070


>> No.12134075

You were offended at people using motherfucking canola oil, I don't think you have a leg to stand on here

>> No.12134130


>> No.12134790


So many bottles of olive oil i have purchased have come out greasy with the taste of silly putty that im not even sure what olive oil is supposed to taste like. Meanwhile the "shitty" oils I purchase have only ever gone rancid after months of storage. Olive oil is a complete fucking scam at least in the states, they know some people will buy it regardless of quality because they think it's muh best oil, so they bottle it up and store it significantly past it's point of expiry for hipsters to buy at inflated prices and toss on their arugula and quinoa keto-salads. Literally the only reason they get away with selling rancid olive oil like this is because of dipshits like you who only buy it to feel like you have good taste, as if a fucking $8 bottle of oil makes you sophisticated.

>> No.12134805

Reminds me of subway, so many people ask for oil under the impression it is healthy because it's olive oil when in reality it's only labeled as olive oil and actually a 51:49 olive oil:canola oil blend

>> No.12134817

I've never gotten bad olive oil from Costco. I pretty much don't buy it anywhere else because it's so riddled with fakes.

>> No.12134851

>not even sure what olive oil is supposed to taste like.
If it's normal aka "refined" or "light" olive oil it should have very little taste.

If it's Extra-virgin then it should have a very vegetal or grassy aroma, and a very strong bite when you taste it. Most people don't like the taste of EVOO on its own, which is one of the reasons why so many examples of it are faked in some way or another.

>> No.12135075

not if its stale, kept in plastic (normal), or heated above 215*


>> No.12135087


baby kale or shredded kale are welcome in chopped salads, and kale is acceptable as a boiled green but adult fresh kale is fucking gross and a bad nutrition option because of it

have you ever had swiss chard? very similar vitamin profile and a million times tastier

>> No.12135101

maybe we should just start calling it that again so people will stop buying the shit

>> No.12135203

What, people don't just use the "light-tasting" olive oil for frying? What a bunch of dummies.

>> No.12135223

nice blog post

>> No.12135224

no they say a prayer to Rachel ray and throw 27$ low filter first cold press extra virgin olive oil straight into a smoking hot wok

>> No.12135530


iirc american olive oil is sold stale on purpose. there was a study that showed that the majority of americans prefer altered/stale olive oil to real olive oil, with a large number including top chefs and food critics thinking the real olive oil wasn't authentic.

>> No.12135658

>flax oil

>> No.12136689

>all these mooks cooking with these weak oils
>not frying in glorious black gold crude oil

>> No.12137065
File: 51 KB, 1100x734, bottle-of-olive-oil-and-green-olives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-how does it taste?
t. Mediterranean that only had olive oil and sunflower oil for most of his life.

>> No.12137069
File: 15 KB, 373x309, 1447560994577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to facebook mom

>> No.12137446

Did your mom drink when she was pregnant with you?

>> No.12137690


nothing, it tastes like nothing

>> No.12137918

Fuckin oil gourmand here

>> No.12138004

Most boomers' moms drank and smoked when they were pregnant because medfags hadn't turned into evangelicals and started preaching about it being bad. Ironically, autism rates were a fraction of what they are now. Really makes you think.

>> No.12138036
File: 753 KB, 1368x1600, 1547565396717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doctor is convinced that cheap vegetable oils most notably canola oil is responsible for our obesity epidemic.


PUFA is the main culprit here, but it's interesting that canola is actually the lowest in PUFA content among all the neutral tasting, refined, high-heat-safe oils. I'm not going to sear steaks at 300C with olive or coconut oil, after all.

>> No.12138060

>Youtubevangelist fish oil doctors

>> No.12138070


>> No.12138083
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Have a (You). Good job making me reply.

>> No.12138090


>> No.12138113

You don’t really have 9 different bottles of oil in your kitchen do you? Do you have 8 different brands of salt and 6 brands of pepper too?

>> No.12138124

It’s a meme for hipster coastie fags to spend a hundred more dollars on anything normal and brag about it.

>> No.12138131

I'm not that anon, but I have:
peanut oil for deep frying
evoo for dressings and sauces
sesame for the same
bacon drippings in the fridge
and light olive for general purpose use.

Salt? Just two: kosher and plain iodized table salt.
Pepper? Just one, unless you count chilies.

>> No.12138133

not only are you a samefag, but you've already posted in this thread before
jesus you're pathetic

>> No.12138134

Nuclear reactors produce water as a by product and you still drink it you dumb shit. Just because it’s used in some manufacturing industry doesn’t mean it’s unhealthy. Do some fucking research CNN.

>> No.12138144

Eating an assload of food is the reason for the obesity epidemic. This doctor needs his degree taken away for saying anything else.

>> No.12138150

Are you accusing me of posting in a thread twice?

>> No.12138468

yes, they are way over compensating

>> No.12138510

remember the super fruit craze, where everyone acted like pomegranate juice and blueberries were the healthiest things ever?

>> No.12138526

I don’t give a shit about credentials. Do you trust Big Pharma because they pay Harvard grads?

>> No.12138533

found the anti-vaxxer

>> No.12138548

yup, right now were on the exotic grain craze.can't just eat a normal loaf of beard.. no we need to eat a loaf of bird seed. Im not against trying new things but there a 99% chance if its not already popular its because it sucks.

>> No.12138576

You’re right. Every big corporation is going to murder their customers. That’s the real secret to getting customers. Killing them.

>> No.12138591

I'd argue that most things which are popular do suck. They're popular because of marketing, not because of quality. Most people have a very limited experience set and therefore aren't really aware of quality differences anyway.

If you had been raised eating home-baked bread you wouldn't even consider commercial supermarket bread to be edible.

>> No.12138604

shit that needs to die, hipster artisan food. Those faggots try to revolutionize things that have been slowly crafted over centuries. If i see a hamburger that has a avocado and kale on it im going to go on a rampage

>> No.12138616

I'd say it's more of a reaction against shitty industrial food products.

>> No.12138624

i agree with concept of what you're saying but people have been taking it to far lately like switching rice for millet

>> No.12138630

Bought some hipster soda pop today, tasted like ass.

>> No.12138631

Like in a restaurant, or just at home? If it's at home, that doesn't seem too much weirder than the cauliflower rice fad.

>> No.12138640
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im talking about this shit, the fuck was wrong with a normal proportioned burger?

>> No.12138647
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>> No.12138663

found the oxy addict


>> No.12138669
File: 474 KB, 5184x3456, notburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't even know how your supposed to eat this, it going to fall the fuck apart just trying to pick it up. S what am supposed to eat it with a fork like a fag or just grab the patter with my hand and get a bit of just meat then grab a handful of lettuce and shove it in my mouth?

>> No.12138674
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>> No.12138677
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"Hurr durr, doctor man bad."

>> No.12138689

why wouldn't you just make it a burger with two patties? what is to be gained from this? it can't have been easier to cook, and there's next to no toppings. it's like someone went "oh, and our special will be a sad hamburger the size of a baseball."

>> No.12138759

i fucking hate meatball burgers

>> No.12140171
File: 527 KB, 2450x1225, sunf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bow to the superior cheap coocken oyel