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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 294 KB, 1200x675, grilled-salmon-collars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12131603 No.12131603 [Reply] [Original]

I'm conflicted guys...

We're a commonwealth of greatness. Food as far as the eye can see.

Yet... we're bombarded by popular shows who want to take junk pieces of meat from any species and call it a "culinary delicacy". I'm talking about end trimmings; the last bit of meat you can possibly get off of a creature for white and or red meats.

Now... does this mean we are at the precipice of the end times? Where, governments are telling us literal shit pieces of meat should be see as "peasant best cuts"? A literal secret that shouldn't be told about to the masses because its so good an cheap?

I feel like we're being sold a lie. There's nothing wrong with these cuts... believe you me... they're good. But... I feel; that we're being encouraged to eat the lesser--albeit definitely more tasty cuts of me--parts of meat for the wrong reasons. Not because they're forgotten about cuts due to their precarious affinities, but because big bother is telling us to eat shit parts of meat due to the fact that we're gradually running out of prime cuts--which are becoming more expensive--and particularly because they want us to eat shit and think it's a delicacy.

>> No.12131611

bitch, the meat near and on fish's head is the richest and fattest and most tender of all fish meat

if you don' t enjoy that's your loss.

>> No.12131614
File: 133 KB, 1222x759, 1552242920522 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you ever had fish brain spread on toast? try it, go buy a giant salmon head, cut it open BBQ it, scrap out of the brain fat and eat it on toast.

most fucking you fucks visit /ck/ earn less than 50k per year, judging by your sorry ass kitchen pictures.

wtf do you know about good food poorfags?

>> No.12131620

>we're gradually running out of prime cuts--which are becoming more expensive--and particularly because they want us to eat shit and think it's a delicacy.
This doesn't even make sense. If the trad cheaper cuts of meat become more popular, it's going to raise THEIR price. It's not going to affect the price of availability of the traditionally expensive cuts of meat.

>> No.12131623

>salmon collars
What in the goddamn?

>> No.12131624


bitch, I'm talking about all meats, bitch. not just fish, bitch.

we're being driven as a society to eat the shit end of cuts an told to believe they're the BEST cuts because they're a peasant secret.

Do you not fucking understand? Are you so tuned in to fucking CNN that your throat is so endowed with Trumps dick that you can't tell the difference between a filet and a shank?

>> No.12131630

If anything, it's going to make what was previously considered the 'good' meat, cheaper, or atleast slow it's rising price, because there will be less demand for it, due to people buying the 'lesser' cuts instead.

>> No.12131643

anon which do you prefer, chicken breasts, or thighs?
scotch, or eye fillet?

>> No.12131705

nose to tail eating is definitely trendy
because the idea is that no part of an animal should be wasted, as eating meat to begin with is highly resource intensive and environmentally unsound.

Why does that idea trigger you? It's just true.

Beyond that, culinary traditions around thrifty behavior result in the stocks, sausages, and braised dishes, things like coq au vin with an old chicken, which form the backbone of traditional European cuisine (and others), and far pre-date any environmental awareness.

The idea that a very lean piece of meat is 'the best' is just laughable.

>> No.12131718

it's hip to slum it these days. also why so many people like to pretend minorities are people.

>> No.12131732

Baste and /pol/pilled.

>> No.12131762
File: 3 KB, 224x225, 1550869015505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you pretending to be this retarded

>> No.12131823

The amount of "end cuts" and the amount of "prime cuts" consumed have to be proportionately equal to the amount of each that you can get from an animal.
You can't sell a hundred of pounds of beef tenderloin without selling fifty pounds of oxtail and beef tongue. People want to eat only meme fancy cuts these days because of social pressure to not look poor, so media makes an effort to offset the bias because it's stupid to want the same thing all the time and isn't feasible. Americans are sheep that need to be herded.

>> No.12131861

anon which do you prefer, chicken breasts, or thighs?
scotch, or eye fillet?
braised lamb shanks, or lamb loin chop?

>> No.12132718

pathetic cowards wont even defend your bullshit

>> No.12132725
File: 123 KB, 625x335, bt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lesser--albeit definitely more tasty

>> No.12133427

>pretend minorities are people.
damn fuckin right

>> No.12133525

Depends on the recipe, cooklet faggot.