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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 26 KB, 245x350, Super_Size_Me_Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12130014 No.12130014 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck was his problem?

>> No.12130020

vegan propaganda dollars

>> No.12130083

lying for irl (you)s

>> No.12130101

He wanted to simulate being a brainlet.
Somehow even the blacks in the interview figured it out.

>> No.12130150

There's a good documentary out there called FatHead that totally debunks this film

>> No.12130151

he loves McDonald's as much as he loves sucking nigger cocks

>> No.12130251

>takes common conception of how junk food is bad
>drinks a bunch on alcohol running out of money
>decides to eat a fuck load of trash for money
>whoa is me I fucked up my life

Doesn't matter he had issues before doing it, or anything damage is done dude is a millionare.

>> No.12130371


>> No.12130379

He knew that the health awareness in the public was picking up just enough to cash in, but not so much that the public wouldn't see through his bullshit immediately.

Right place, right time, right amount of propaganda.

>> No.12130380

He was an alcoholic.

>> No.12130531
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>> No.12130544

No shit dumbass. Fuck that guy.

>> No.12130559


He was a vegan masquerading as a meat lover to attack the fast food industry

>> No.12130561

I've seen it and while it is good at debunking Super Size Me, it goes off on its own retarded libertarian tangent and some blantantly untrue stuff about the history of human biology.

>> No.12130577

The rules stipulated he had to eat there three times a day, and had to super size it if they asked, and each time he had to order a main, a side, and a drink. of course he opted for soda, probably the easiest to consume and most calorie dense things available across the country.
he also had to try everything on the menu at least once, but I think he stuck with what he liked

>> No.12130579

>watch this movie in middle school
>"so class, what did you learn!"
>"n-no you're not supposed to-"
teach was btfo

>> No.12130586

This (((documentary))) was fucking stupid. No shit eating fast food 3 times a day for a month is terrible for you!

>> No.12130593


>> No.12130632

The real con of the movie is that he presents unpalatable facts about nutrition as if they only apply to McDonald's food.
Look, the scary fries under a bell jar never visibly decomposed! They were boiled in 350 degree oil, of course they're fucking sterile.

>> No.12130656

Actually a few years after Super Size Me came out some other autist made a counter-film about how McDonald's menu can provide nutritional needs and Sperglock's eating choices biased his results.

>> No.12130665

Years ago some bullshit about "mcdonalds hamburgers don't age! look i left it out for a month and there's no mold!" and so someone immediately made their own hamburger and it didn't grow mold either. of course nobody cared by that point, all they knew was they could repeat was "mcdonalds food! imagine that going in you!"

>> No.12130908

In a way it's the same phenomenon McDonald's has made it's money exploiting, so I don't feel that bad for them. Fast food places work by selling generic food fast and cheap. McDonald's is particularly good about doing little things (sight, smell, salt, soda) to make you remember the food being better than it really is. They took that and made it into a selling point: there's some Disney-like engineered magic that makes their burger better than any other, and you can only get it here. Also, free toys.
A lot of people don't want to believe that they've simply been tricked by good marketing into buying a so-so product, and they'd rather believe there's some kind of evil secret ingredient that McDonald's has been using to manipulate them. That's silly, but it's also the logical result of trying to convince people that the perfectly manicured burger in the advertisement was prepared in three minutes for $1.

>> No.12130935


can someone gimme the lowdown on morgan being a scam

>> No.12130983
File: 190 KB, 560x337, 67F66B1F-0499-4254-935A-870A556E9A58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cucked by his vegan girlfriend. You could tell he loved every minute of it when he was eating McDonald’s

>> No.12131071

You mean science? Wow you solved the biggest conspiracy of all time! The Scientific method!

>> No.12131152

I mean it was a pretty interesting concept. He cashed in on it.

Now days it would have just been a youtube video

>> No.12131215

I'm not a scientologist.

>> No.12131223

Did they start the Detective Pikachu toys yet
I can't eat DcMonalds but I want some pokemons

>> No.12131261
File: 25 KB, 474x355, wkukwhsikey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not going on a whiskey only diet

>> No.12131304

never said he hated mcds. he was fully willing to do a interview with mcd's but they kept giving him corperate fob off.
he did diet because fat fucks were doing this diet more than he was.
he was going to quit stupid idea but his brother convinced him to keep going...

he has never eaten a big mac since.

remember don gorsky has eaten over 30, 000+ big macs and he is still alive. hasnt had a heart attack etc but doesnt eat the fries

>> No.12131310

Would have made more sense if he had a control group, larger sample size, maybe eat a normal amount of calories and exercise but still have negative health effects. As is it's a stupid movie with a hook and that's about it.

>> No.12131420

Tbh if eaten in moderation you can lose weight eating only McDonald's. Its not even difficult at all.
Same can be said for anything though, just most americans dont have moderation.

>> No.12131429

yes most people seem to ignore the fact he was eating like 2k calories surplus every day, like shoving several big macs per meal down his gullet was supposed to prove a point

>> No.12131511
File: 154 KB, 478x309, 1554026393449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tbh if eaten in moderation you can lose weight eating only McDonald's
yeah if you eat apple slices and lettuce

>> No.12131521

Looking back at the film, it's entirely retarded. Eating King Sized McDonalds every single day for every single meal, and then you're somehow surprised that your health is getting destroyed.

>> No.12131549

Same, had to watch this is my High School health class and all it did was make me want some McDs.

>> No.12131621

The negros nailed it tho
>Hahaha how is fattening fast food real
>Like so some pullups, even crunches hahaha

>> No.12131629

still heart disease, that's why black people die young

>> No.12131633

He jerked off punks under the Brooklyn Bridge for $15 a man.

>> No.12131639

No it's actually really easy if you just eat at a calorie deficit. Eat 1700 calories of McDonald's every day and you will lose weight. It's just math

>> No.12131662

No it's because of /k/ reasoning

>> No.12131698


>> No.12131711

You'd get fat off of 5k calories of anything per day without exercise.

>> No.12132128

>whoa is me

>> No.12132172

He only proved overeating makes people fat

>> No.12132181

I need to eat 800 calories to lose weight. I'd gain on 1700

>> No.12132187

>800 calories to lose weight
manlet or roastie detected

>> No.12132189

Congratulations on being a 4'6 sedentary anorexic.
Or else not being able to count calories for your life.

>> No.12132804

Pointless documentary. If you overindulge like he did with McDonald's on anything else you'd become unhealthy too. Few people eat 5k+ calories worth of fast food every fucking day, and those people are typically super morbidly obese.

>> No.12132827

Someone did a Twinkie only diet and still lose weight. The problem is not necessarily what you eat, but how much of it. American portion sizes are too big. The inactive lifestyle doesn't help.

>> No.12132853

Maybe that was a witty American joke?
>whoa dude
>whoa is me

>> No.12132872

>The inactive lifestyle doesn't help.
Trust me when I say that it's the inactive lifestyle. People sit at a computer desk at work for 8-10 hours and then turn around and go home and sit on the couch for the remainder of the day.

>> No.12132897

Wasn't there a high school teacher? He needed to lose weight but did it by exercising and eating McDonald's and counting calories to make a point to his students. Everyone takes shit from one extreme to another when moderation and responsibility is all it really takes to be healthy.

>> No.12132904

It definitely doesn't help, and an inactive slim person is still a pretty pathetic sight, but it is ultimately the food.

In fact you can sit in bed all day, don't move a muscle, eat nothing, and lose weight.

>> No.12132911


Lost 60lbs by eating three meals at McDonald's a day at 2000 calories total and walking 45 minutes

>> No.12132927

Imagine the stank on her

>> No.12133006

I seriously didn't know there was this much hate for this movie
Personally I think it was a pretty important film at the time. There was a lot less awareness of health and food's effect on it in the early 2000's than there is now. He exposed a lot of the insidiousness of advertising and upselling in fast food and shamed McDonald's into taking responsibility for their contribution to the obesity epidemic. After this movie McDonald's stopped asking to supersize and add fries to every order.
I know all you enlightened geniuses are far too smart to not realize fast food is bad for you, and how could anyone fall for the simple proposition to supersize your meal? All you have to say is no! But it worked, and that's why they did it. It really didn't use to be such common knowledge that fast food was poison and the success of this movie did a lot to raise awareness.

>> No.12133072
File: 335 KB, 383x512, dvrunobtainablehomeobesity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12133382

Lmao what are you, a pygmy?

>> No.12133400

Except fast food isn't poison nor inherently unhealthy.

>> No.12133409

There are valid points, explanations, and acknowledgements made in this documentary. But they're hugely overshadowed by the gluttonous stunt Spurlock performed. No shit, you are going to ruin your body if you eat 5000 calories of sugary, salty, fatty foods every day. Most people aside from borderline vegetables (ketchup) and dumber, know this.

>> No.12133410
File: 47 KB, 700x400, biggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they took away super size
wendy's didn't even get in trouble and i can't get a biggie fry anymore

>> No.12133416


>> No.12133418

That he faked a lot of the shit and not only ruined his body but also his reputation and potential career.

>> No.12133431

>takes botle of coke
>boils it
>all water evaporates
>only left with burnt syrup
>woha so you are drinking this

>> No.12133622

I've never super-sized anything even before this movie came out. Didn't even know it was an option.

>> No.12133636

dont make potate

>> No.12133660


This. I always assumed everyone knew that the main point of SSM was how McDs, at the time, promoted their menu as a balanced diet while agressively upselling

>> No.12133834

So for him, it was the McChicken?

>> No.12133930

I couldn't understand how he gained so much weight, as I was eating like a pig myself at the time, and doing a sedentary job. It was only when I got a desk job, and piled it on, that I realised how much the importance of the exercise (or lack of) component had been downplayed in the movie.

>> No.12134009

I came to this thread to post this