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File: 444 KB, 1500x1000, salmon sashimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12129625 No.12129625 [Reply] [Original]

I am absolutely obsessed with salmon sashimi but I don't have access to a good sushi place (I live in idaho) so how can I make this stuff at home? Can I just buy packaged wild pacific salmon at wal-mart and eat it raw, or will that give me a parasite/kill me/wreck my shit in some way? Is the salmon at the fish monger any better? I once asked the dude behind the counter if the salmon is safe to eat raw and he said he had no clue. I just want to feast on my sashimi without getting a tapeworm

>> No.12129632

you probably don't have a sushi place because there's no place to source reasonably priced sushi grade fresh fish for a restaurant professional.
you're probably fucked on that front, homie.

>> No.12129639

so you're saying I can't eat the fish at walmart raw?

>> No.12129652

I personally wouldn’t but if you must eat raw fish from the market check out gravlax, it’s fucking great

>> No.12129689

No, you cant the buy any fish and eat it raw. You have to buy sushi grade fish. They're some online places that sell it, but know your going to have to pay a pretty penny for it.

>> No.12129695

Are you me OP? I was just about to make this exact same thread. I really love Japanese dishes but a lot of what I want to make needs sashimi-grade fish. The supermarket stuff is apparently no good in comparison due to how it's stored/frozen, I don't think I would risk it.

It seems like the only options are local fishmongers/asian markets, which can also be dodgy, or ordering online which is obscenely expensive for small portions. Shit sucks man.

>> No.12129780

I know this is just worthless anecdote but I when lived in Indianapolis I used to go this asian market and buy fat chunks of salmon marked only "salmon" and eat it sashimi-style at least once a week. I did this for like 5 years and never once had a problem.

>> No.12129791

He's wrong. It's safe to rawely eat any salmon that was farm raised in the US

>> No.12129797

i could be wrong but i thought sushi grade fish was just frozen insanely fast and then thawed very slowly to kill the parasites in it?

>> No.12129832

If price is no object, get a small freezer that can do at least -4 F (-20 C) and freeze the fish in that for at a week before thawing.

>> No.12129837

Go fishing? You can catch salmon in Idaho.

>> No.12129839

What azn market?
>tfw living in Indy right now
There's a good butcher near the north split called Kincaide & Sons and I can get sushi grade fish there for really good prices. They want obscene amounts for skin-on pork belly though, when I can just go to Saraga and get it for $3/lb.

>> No.12129849

eat yout moms pucci

>> No.12129873

"Sushi grade" is a fucking meme. There is no FDA regulation. It's just there to raise the price and sell it to suckers. Buy a nice looking piece of fish and freeze the shit out of it. Freezing is the only approved method to kill parasites in raw fish. -> >>12129832

>> No.12129887

i suspected as much

>> No.12129915

>Buy a nice looking piece of fish
That's part of the "sushi grade" qualification. It means the fish is good enough quality that it's firm and blemish-free enough to be served raw.

>> No.12129985

all fish sold in the USA is frozen by law (ensures bacteria is killed). so if you get some good fish shipped in frozen it will technically be the same quality as any fish from a coastal town

>> No.12130008

do i have to freeze it to -4? there's some dude on youtube who said a normal freezer should work fine as long as you freeze it for like a week

>> No.12130030

Also does "curing" make any raw salmon safe to eat? in this video the guy just soaks it in salt water for 3 minutes then chills it in the fridge and says its safe to eat

>> No.12130045

if you use decent quality and FRESH salmon, yes, this is in 99% of the time safe

>> No.12130067

If by fresh you mean 'looks and feels fresh', then yeah. That means it was frozen and handled properly.

>> No.12130092
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>> No.12130095

Salmon sourced from Norway is always safe to eat raw, according to the website of their national health system. I wouldn't risk it with random salmon from the supermarket unless it specifically says it's safe for raw consumption.

>> No.12130153
File: 198 KB, 1082x726, thumb_DSC_2404_1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the greatest risk with raw fish is parasites
this can be reduced to near 0 by freezing your fish or buying it when it has been frozen already (the degree of freezing and duration required is a little debatable, but -20 for a week is pretty solid)
the second greatest is spoilage bacteria, which multiply at room temp - these can be avoided by eating as soon as you df or buy your fish

your best bet is getting flash frozen fish from the coast and defrosting yourself, or making some friends in the fishmonging industry

gl gg

>> No.12130162

The fish over there may be required to be frozen to kill parasites, check your state laws to see if that's the case.

>> No.12130164
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Or Salmon from the Kiwis. A local place has been selling Ora Salmon for about 40 a platter

>> No.12130213

That's absolutely false, which is obvious when you go to reputable fish markets where they label the fish fresh or previously frozen and the difference is obvious. During the Alaska salmon run I order a case of fresh sockeye overnighted and it isn't previouslyfrozen.

Why do you lie on a MS black widow venom milking strategy board?

>> No.12130248

"Food and Drug Administration regulations stipulate that fish to be eaten raw -- whether as sushi, sashimi, seviche, or tartare -- must be frozen first, to kill parasites"


>> No.12130346

>to be eaten raw
Yes? But that isn't "all fish sold in the US." I like your back pedalling style, maybe try out for the defunded Special Olympics, shortbus.

>> No.12130677

flyovers deserve their sushi-less fates

>> No.12130802

If you get it in a store it has been frozen. So likelihood of parasites is pretty much nil.

>> No.12130808

That hasn't stopped 98% of other sushi places from opening.

>> No.12130813

Pretty much all fish is handled that way. Especially if it has to travel. Flash freezing has been a food industry staple since the TV dinner came to the scene.

>> No.12130817

Agreed. This is just like Waygu. 99% of shit labeled as these memes is not what it is supposed to be.

>> No.12130821

There is not qualification. It is made up marketing bullshit. Just because it says sushi grade doesn't mean shit. You put a lot of trust in the supplier not to fuck you. Just look for your own good cuts.

>> No.12130823

is this true? walmart has fish that says "previously frozen" and fish that says "fresh, never frozen", does that mean both have been flash frozen? this is exactly what I'm talking about, I hear somewhere I need to freeze it for a week or deepfreeze it at negative 4, and then I hear all the fish has already been frozen and is safe to eat, damn which is it? can I eat the walmart fish raw or not? can some /an/ or /sci/ fag help out here?

>> No.12131075

Newer technology has made it even cheaper and easier to ship fresh salmon without freezing it. If the label says "never frozen", assume it's never been frozen.
Walmart buys its salmon from Chile, and does not carry the same parasite-free guarantee that Norwegian salmon does. Eat it fresh and raw at your own risk.

>> No.12131241

Like other anons said it needs to be frozen first, I don’t know the specifics so I’d google/YouTube it. Unfortunately if you’re not a coastal state seafood is pretty mediocre

>> No.12131246

You can order fresh seafood online and have it flown to you by express courier.

>> No.12131315

yes, food poisoning from raw meat is a myth that has zero fucking evidence whatsoever dude. eat all your fucking meat raw, fuck that frozen sushi grade bs that kills all the beneficial bacteria that keeps our gut healthy

>> No.12131421

maybe american meat will murder you but european meat is perfectly safe to consume raw

>> No.12131458

You are unlikely to get parasites because most salmon is farmed and likely frozen too. The bigger problem is bacteria. Bacteria will depend on a lot of factors. This video breaks down the issues: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62L_uqk26KE

Because of the risk of bacteria, it is safer to buy Salmon marketed as "sushi grade" or "for sushi/sashimi". While "sushi grade" is a marketing term not a government regulated grading, it at least indicates the seller attempted to keep temperature levels safe for bacteria growth while handling the fish. Ultimately you also have to use your own judgement, e.g. there are two stores from the same chain near me that sell fish for sushi, both clearly packaged from the same source, but the fish from one store doesn't look or smell fresh while the other does. I've eaten about 5 lbs of fish total from the good store and never got sick

Since you are in Idaho, I suggest getting frozen salmon for sushi shipped from an online store. There are a number of them, you can Google them. Look for somewhere that ships from close to you, and avoid getting shipments in really warm weather, because they usually ship in dry ice and it's not perfect.

They buy from some wholesaler, frozen farmed Salmon is not hard to come by it's just hard to ship because it has to stay frozen so retail is expensive.

>> No.12131466

While the term sushi grade has become marketing jargon, there is in fact health code pertaining to fish meant to be served raw. You don't know what you're talking about.
Source: servsafe manager certification

>> No.12131526

How do I defrost a fish? Just let it sit there until Soft? Is there any technique?

>> No.12131581

Defrost in the fridge overnight

>> No.12131669

Based and redpilled.

>> No.12131685
File: 3.18 MB, 3648x2736, banzai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is a great write-up on just what 'sushi-grade' means and how to navigate it.

>> No.12131707

you're a faggot, op

>> No.12132204

fuck you

this was very helpful, thanks. seems the general opinion is that walmart salmon is too shitty quality to be used for sashimi even if it was safe to eat raw

>> No.12132206

>farm raised fish

>> No.12132264

Drive to Portland and go to Yoko's.

Faggot city? yes it is.

but that place is lowkey the best sushi around the pnw

>> No.12132294
File: 1.29 MB, 1165x1654, 1543704103425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my brother had me eat a raw slice of bacon and nothing happened to me seems safe

>> No.12132515

Isn’t “Sushi-Grade” fish just basically fish that was frozen, since freezing the fish for a certain amount if time kills of the parasites?
If so, you just need to purchase frozen fish fillets, and thencarefully defrost them.

>> No.12133378

Wouldnt the fish become mush?

>> No.12133396

Heads up I work with raw meats and seafood; the only way to insure that there are no parasites in your raw fishes is to freeze them.
Parasites are extremely common in farmed chilean salmon; canadian haddock, russian cod, asian tilapia, asian swai etc. Things like previously frozen tuna and salmon(bought frozen then thawed under your control) will be extremely safe to consume raw.
If that's the best you can do given your area that is.

>> No.12133404

What? No. Why would that ever happen...
Stop thawing things in water.

>> No.12133661
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>my brother had me eat a raw slice of bacon and nothing happened to me seems safe
is that some sort of gay incest lingo or?

>> No.12133665

>Why would that ever happen
because freezing and unfreezing damages the tissues and cell barriers

>> No.12133669

If frozen once yes, when freezing and refreezing though it's guarenteed as the water in the goods is doing the same thing it does to concrete.
It's really not an issue unless you thaw and refreeze.

>> No.12133680

>It's really not an issue unless you thaw and refreeze.
Nearly all modern freezers thaw-and-refreeze automatically. That's how the freezers defrost themselves.

The only way to avoid that would be if you had an ancient old-fashioned freezer which doesn't have auto-defrost, or a lab-type freezer which also lacks this feature.

>> No.12133718
File: 274 KB, 2000x1500, 95DC423E-B737-46A0-9AA1-91790B2C63E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you get/order this? It is incredibly good and absolutely amazing for sashimi.

>> No.12133751

That's not raw, it's cured

>> No.12133767

"raw" bacon isn't actually raw

>> No.12133784

The freezers I have experience with defrost once every 4 hours for 20 minutes. That is not nearly enough time to 'defrost' or thaw and checking my temperatures every 2 hours for years I have never had one go over 5F which is well below freezing.

>> No.12133799

Do you work in the US?

I recommended farm raised based on info from modernist cuisine. The writer was under the impression that US farm raised fish are so drugged up that, especially after flash freezing, they're perfectly safe to eat raw

>> No.12133814

I am in the US but please note what I said HAD parasites from my experience
Parasites are extremely common in farmed chilean salmon; canadian haddock, russian cod, asian tilapia, asian swai etc.
I agree completely that american farmed fishes are extremely safe.

>> No.12134208

>uncooked meat isn't raw
Cured and cold smoked meat is not cooked, the meat is still raw.

>> No.12134211

So any fish is relatively safe to consume raw if you've frozen it at it least -4F for a week? In a similar boat as OP since the only place that sells fish near me is a Harris Teeter.

>> No.12134308

where can I buy this online and how much does it cost?

>> No.12134376

You would have to check that depending on where you live. I guess prices increase the longer away you are from Norway (where it is produced)

>> No.12134411

A lot of shitposting today, isn't it?

You can go on youtube to see some videos on how to prepare entire fishes for sashimi and sushi. The process involves carefully skinning the fish, deboning it off all of it's spines, cutting it into a long retangular shape, salting and washing with a water+vinegar mix followed by water rinsing, wrapping it in a clean cloth and plastic and freezing for 2 weeks or so to reach perfect texture, then carefully slicing it into delicious thin slices.

Here are several videos on the subject with step by step instrunctions:

Remenber, the most important equipment you will require is an extremely well sharpned knife, you might want to invest in one or 2 if you dont have any good ones, a couple sharpenning stones (one of 3000 and another of 5000 granulation would be perfect), and a fish deboning twizzers, those are cheap so dont be scared of investing in one.

And yes, the fresher the fish, the better, get them from fishmongers, cut them up, prepare it, package and freeze it yourself in order to ensure top quality sashimi.

>> No.12135368

Not all refrigerators and freezers have a defrost function.
I have one of those environmentally efficient Vestfrost “Eco-Ftidges” and it doesn’t have a defrost function.
It does have a “quick-freeze” function, that keeps the freezer running to quickly freeze meats and other items you want to freeze.
The Quick freeze can also be used when you want to occasionally defrost the freezer, by ultra freezing any items, then turning the freezer off to defrost, then once defrosted, you put your frozens back in, and run the ultra freeze function again.
Vestfrost stopped manufacturing household refrigerators, but they still make commercial freezers and refrigerators last I checked, so you may still be able to purchase freezers from them without the defrost function.

>> No.12135385

>Not all refrigerators and freezers have a defrost function.
Yes. That's why chose to use the word "nearly" in my post. The overwhelming majority have auto-defrost.

>> No.12136091

Fuck I'm going to sushi katsu bros