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12128663 No.12128663 [Reply] [Original]

Synthetic Whiskey is finally here.

If it matches or beats the real thing in a double-blind test, and is cheaper, there are literally zero reasons to buy actual whiskey.

Can't wait for other drinks and food to be synthesized to perfection.

>> No.12128678

So its basically grain alcohol with flavor added?

>> No.12128687


>> No.12128697

Yes. Actual whiskey is just ethanol, water and flavors as well

>> No.12128826

whiskey is aged in charred barrels nigger

>> No.12128851

Yes, and it absorbs molecules from the barrels, which can be measured with gas chromatography and replicated arbitrarily.

>> No.12129009

That's a pretty big "IF"

>> No.12129017

It’s apparently not quite there yet, I’ve seen a few blind taste tests where every single person was able to identify it. They didn’t say it tasted bad, just distinctly different.

>> No.12129049

Why would anyone bother with this?

>> No.12129066

Once perfected, you can recreate the finest whiskeys at a fraction of the cost.
It's just chemistry

>> No.12129075
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how dystopian and depressing

>> No.12129083

this has never happened with any product that uses synthetic flavors

>> No.12129107
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I'm loving it. Can't wait for everything to be synthesized or bred by genetically modified organisms
Will stick to eating insects and other foods of the future until then. They're just a crutch until we have lab grown meat tho

>> No.12129120

>if it matches or beats
>once perfected
Or, they just use the MGP distillery that provides like 80% of the whiskey in the country to other companies to rebrand.

>> No.12129174
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The future is now!

>> No.12129358

I distill at home with a reflux column and use flavourings to imitate whisky, rum, gin etc.
Very few people can spot the ‘synthetic’ whisky- I make a very convincing Lagavulin that fooled my dad and uncle.
This is old news.

>> No.12129406

I'm skeptical, yet curious. I guess the question is, can you taste the difference?

>> No.12130215
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it's a nice idea
but look into just how many flavour compounds coexist in a bottle of whiskey and you'll realise that we're a fair way away from this stuff replacing single malts
that said, if it can be cheaper than bottom shelf and taste better, then I'm game

>> No.12130229

43% ABV? What's its selling point?

>> No.12131086

That makes me want to try it more, because it sounds like it could be appreciated on its own merits like a separate type of alcohol entirely. Might just be the 'tism though.

>> No.12131138

Why do you think it's aged in those barrels? What do you think those barrels add to it?

>> No.12131151

charred wood esters and minor congeners formed over a long period of time

>> No.12131175

almost all whiskey is made with a reflux still, i think only Irish whisky uses a pot still. The flavor come from a barrel. Age dose make it smoother

>> No.12131212

>If it matches or beats the real thing in a double-blind test, and is cheaper, there are literally zero reasons to buy actual whiskey.

So, yeah, zero reasons. As is the case with literally any other synthetic variation of something

>> No.12131220

I.e. flavor.

>> No.12131251
File: 1.86 MB, 3264x2448, 7DB2E90A-7EF6-4458-9335-9A1605A9175C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends, generally my spirits are ‘cleaner’ in that they don’t have congeners. I do have an oak barrel I use for Scotch style whisky that makes my stuff pretty much indistinguishable from the real thing. Rum is as good if not better and gin is about 95%. That said I have a botanical basket so if I want real gin I just screw it in to the distillation column after filling it with whatever flavourings I want.
The still I use is a Still Spirits T500 that I’ve modified with a copper repacked column, does an excellent job producing at about 92% abv. Pic related.

You don’t know shit, champ. Go do some reading and get back to us once you realise how fucking dumb that claim is.

>> No.12131280

>it's another "this replica is just as good as the original" claim

yeah, wonder how this turns out.

>> No.12131323

Also, barrels allow slow evaporation of the more volatile alcohols, making for a smoother liquor over time.

>> No.12131334 [DELETED] 

yep agreed

>> No.12131339

shut d fk up kid

>> No.12131355

I’m contributing relevant factual information, sorry if that chafes your cuntflaps, junior.
Judging by your comeback you’d be better suited to /b/, off you go.

>> No.12131369

>drinking syntheric whiskey
Ask me how i know you fuck a blow up doll.

>> No.12131370

I know more about brewing than you do. I made homemade wine at home. Making whiskey is the same shit, different container

>> No.12131390

Are there other examples of synthetic foodstuffs that are indistinguishable from the real thing?

>> No.12131407

multirepliers should be shot on sight
there are none, thats why there real shit and fake shit dummy

>> No.12131412

I feel like a lot of avid fans will know the taste of the alcohol they're tasting so the odd one out must be the synthetic as opposed to actually telling the difference

>> No.12131416

flip off

>> No.12131440

language please.

>> No.12131443
File: 1.63 MB, 3264x2448, D06C4793-617D-4CFD-827E-6BC854BF68F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s my pale ale, saké and bu jiu that I have fermenting right now. Pretty confident that if it comes to a dick-measuring contest I have you on both length and girth.

>> No.12131454

Nice brewing larp

>> No.12131456

And here’s my bottling from last week- raspberry cider, rauchbier and golden ale.

>> No.12131462
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Forgot pic, of course.

>> No.12131475

he is not me, and i know plenty pot stills are not as common as you make them sound and most whiskey is column still blended with a little pot still whiskey for flavor , barrels account for about 60% of the flavor. And my own run in a proper pot still has proven to me that age helps weather in a wooden barrel or glass jug, so what about my statement is
>how fucking dumb that claim is.

>> No.12131519
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My aging cupboard with 30-odd bottles of milk stout and my empties, so... not a LARP at all.

>Almost all whisky is made with a reflux still
Single malts are usually made with pot stills, grain whiskies, some single malts and bourbons use a continuous still which is not a reflux still.
I’d challenge you to name a single non-grain whisky that uses a reflux still (grain whiskey in the Scotch industry basically being mildly Scotch flavoured vodka).
Reflux stills basically strip out ethanol and azeotroped water only and zero mash flavour comes through. Useless for making anything other than vodka unless you add flavourings.

>> No.12131528
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go on

>> No.12131551


>> No.12131553

I’m not from the US, you have no power here. Go set fire to a religious compound or something.

You said that most whiskies are made using a reflux still, this is horseshit. Pot stills and continuous stills, sure. But reflux stills? Dead wrong.

>> No.12131557

>I’d challenge you to name a single pot still whisky that uses a reflux still
come on now your bending my words out of context.
part of the difference between Scotch and Irish is when the reflux still was invented the scotch started using them because of the efficiency and the Irish were like nah we'll stick to doing it the hard way. Also no shit there are some high end single malt scotch whiskys that use a pot still but most are blends

>> No.12131613

You need to realise that a reflux still is similar to, but not the same as, a continuous/patent/column/Coffey still.

>> No.12131708

from what i remember they're not that different aside from the continuous stills are setup to run nonstop and they just pull the alcohol sooner before its been purified to much.

>> No.12131744

>still arguing about who is the better home brewer
jesus christ just fuck already

>> No.12131758
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me brew? no i just like talking about

>> No.12131840
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its not impossible its just unlikely to work because sitting in a barrel for 12 years is the extraction process to remove just the right combination of sugars and oils from the wood. Trying to quickly separate those flavors in large quantities is going to result in other non desirable flavors coming out with it and separating them is near impossible, so i don't see Synthetic Whiskey catching on except for cheap plastic jug whiskey

>> No.12131852

most irish whiskey is industrially produced garbage too you know.
>the Irish were like nah we'll stick to doing it the hard way.
never happened

>> No.12131915

Reflux still is a sealed unit, once the distilling is done you have to chuck out the leftover wash before you can distill again. Continuous stills have input and output, meaning you can run them for extended periods. They are different stills.
That’s your opinion, not fact. Take it from me, the flavorings I use are the exact same elements you get in a normal whisky. It’d take a pretty serious scotch snob to pick my home-made stuff as ‘synthetic’, because the flavors I use are all natural anyway.

>> No.12131949

then whats your view on aging? because according to some whiskey makers in Texas they said you can get most of the flavor out a barrel in 90 days and the rest of the time is just aging

>> No.12131992

I have access to liquid oak flavourings extracted from actual barrels, or I can use wood chips from those barrels to rapid-oak the spirits. I can get wood chips from rum, sherry, bourbon etc. including from specific distillers (Jack Daniels and Wild Turkey being the most popular).
Using these to oak my spirit does a pretty good job for flavour but isn’t quite as good as proper barrel aging, as barrel aging helps smooth the whisky whereas wood chipping doesn’t.