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12128209 No.12128209 [Reply] [Original]

tried to eat vegan the last few days, here's what my meals consisted of in order from breakfast to dinner:

>a banana (wasn't hungry much that day)
>spaghetti aglio e olio e peperoncino + an apple
>a salad with tomato and red bell pepper

>raspberry oatmeal with soy milk and hemp protein
>2 rye buns with salad, cucumber, tomato and a thick layer of some kind of pepper spread + an apple
>a healthy portion of giant beans in garlic-parsley oil with a grilled onion and red bell pepper as well as some fresh sliced tomato + a naan

>raspberry oatmeal again
>another serving of giant beans in garlic oil with a green salad and a naan
>planning on having a potato-sauerkraut pan-dish for evening

rate my diet goys

>> No.12128227

Looks good. You'll be losing your teeth like a true vegan in no time.

>> No.12128229

I am not planning on going vegan full time

>> No.12128278
File: 557 KB, 2160x3840, metric.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure you're getting enough calories but it looks fine.

>> No.12128292
File: 255 KB, 1000x649, veganisms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proof by example
>no logical arguments
>getting this butthurt by altruism
Stay unhealthy carnie ;^)

>> No.12128493

Try to incorporate more beans and lentils, also eat more nuts and seeds. Apart from that it's not too bad. Get in enough calories so you dont binge later, this is where most vegans go wrong imo

>> No.12128496

where does this retarded meme come from? Sverige again? teeth falling out is a sign of starvation, not veganism. Though you could starve yourself on a vegan diet like you could on any diet

>> No.12128516

my diet is mostly vegan but I'm not even a vegetarian. the only animal product a regularly eat is non fat yogurt (after breakfast)
veggie bean chili with bread for breakfast
then macaroni with fresh and frozen chopped vegetables in tomato sauce for dinner.
that's it.

>> No.12128527

that's cool dude, as long as you feel good and do minimal harm you have my respect

>> No.12128533

Based and healthypilled

>> No.12128575

thanks for your reactions, as I said to that one dude, I'm not really planning on going vegan full time, but to cut out meat most of the times. I did the same thing last year with vegetarianism, but due to my acne, I tried to stop using dairy products entirely at the beginning of the year and I figured, I might just start eating vegan from monday to friday at least.
Also, nuts are a great tip, I will try getting my hands on some seeds for my oatmeal and some peanuts for general snacking purposes

>> No.12128596

good luck man, you should try tracking your calories for a couple of weeks, just to be sure you're getting in enough calories and nutrients, untill you can eyeball it

>> No.12128614

>spaghetti aglio e olio e peperoncino
are you italian?

>> No.12128622

It's okay but you should probably try to get a bit more protein in your diet. You're eating a lot of carbs.

>> No.12128628

15% of calories from protein is fine for the average person who's not an athlete or trying to build muscle

>> No.12128809

You had 3 servings of vegetables Tuesday and will likely have the same number again today. Eat more like you did yesterday. Also, I understand all this about animal welfare or environmentalism and so on, but consider getting a hen or two as a pet so you can have guaranteed cruelty-free eggs. They're filthy, but loving animals and most don't give half a fuck about any eggs they pop out. They literally fall out of them mid-stride and the chickens don't bother to so much as glance back at them.

If you're still set against eggs, that's fine, but you'll need to eat more complete protein combos and make sure to take your vitamins.

>> No.12128862

nope, germanfag

>> No.12128879

thanks for your hints, I am not surprisingly not against eating meat as a concept, so I guess some eggs from our farmer's market or what not might be a good idea. Also, the last few days were planned very spontaneous, so I'd usually get my hands on some tofu, nuts, seeds and legumes next week anyways

>> No.12128947

oh and btw, I usually snack on a teaspoon of peanut butter every then and now, don't know if that is very important

>> No.12129020

Can someone redpill me on exactly what is essential about eating meat versus a plant based diet and why eugenicists like Bill Gates want everyone to be vegan eating fake meat?

>> No.12129106


>> No.12129126

protein combining is a non issue, although OP might want to up his protein a little bit
that's good, just get the unsweetened one for more nutrient density

>> No.12129180

Bill gates knows you're going to do the opposite of what he says

>> No.12129215
File: 52 KB, 550x330, magaret-sanger-eugenics-hitler-planned-parenthood-abortions-negro-project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bill Gates and other eugenicists who believe anyone who isn't rich and of a particular bloodline deserves to be weeded out, while at the same time promoting a meat free lifestyle to the masses
Fair point, I myself keep meat consumption to a minimum and mostly eat beans, lentils, pasta, and green veggies.