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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 43 KB, 480x360, lacroix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12127819 No.12127819 [Reply] [Original]

When did this stuff become a meme? It was just a shitty brand of fizzy water when I was a kid and all of a sudden free unlimited la croix in the employee break room is worth more than the stock options if you work for a startup.

>> No.12127828

It's a staple in offices, because cubicle cucks do nothing but eat and drink shit the entire 8 hours they are there. Also as the pic shows trannies live it too. Long story short, it's soda methadone for fat women.

>> No.12128132

It's also huge in the alcoholism recovery world. It's gotten so bad that it's pretty much a meme now. Some people post about how they brought 5 or 6 cans to a work party so they'd have something to drink, having a few after a long shift, etc, etc.

>> No.12128142

I had no clue she had a YouTube channel.

>> No.12128159

If I drink a la croix while eating matcha covered avocado toast made with activated charcoal will I become the ultimate memelord?

>> No.12128177

How do you pronounced La Croix? for me its Lae-Croycks

>> No.12128181

I say Luh Kwaa

>> No.12128183

I dont know why anyone would want to drink carbonated pornstar piss in a can. Really boggles my noggin

>> No.12128217

la croy, dipshit. you know? the way it's supposed to be pronounced.

>> No.12128223
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>> No.12128244


>> No.12128247

It’s a meme but not the way you’re thinking. Sparkling water is actually really good but La Croix is VERY overpriced and doesn’t really offer anything over competitors other than a handful of unique flavors. Aldi sells knockoff La Croix for half the price that tastes exactly the same, so I buy that stuff when I feel like having something fizzy to drink. Lime is my favorite flavor.

>> No.12128248

I'm a drunk and I have like six diet Mt dews a day, I can confirm this

>> No.12128252

La Cra

>> No.12128359

luh croy

>> No.12128420
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>> No.12128446
File: 48 KB, 691x578, LaCroix's_Sheriff_vtmb_game_model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12128448

Yep, I alternate between cans of Coke zero and bottled water. The artificial sweeteners will likely kill us before the alcohol but at least my mind thinks I'm making the right choice

>> No.12128518



>> No.12128528
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>> No.12128531


>> No.12128535


>> No.12128542

la croix is the shittest seltzer water
it's not carbonated enough so it tastes flat and lifeless compared to other brands, but it's too carbonated to taste like flavored mineral water

>> No.12128569
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>> No.12128572
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>> No.12128588

Can you imagine going on a date with him and laughing, joking, having a wonderful time. You decide to take it back to your place and slip of his booty shorts only to find a huge veiny cock waiting for you?

>> No.12128597

>when your movie flops so you take out your anger on innocent Anons

>> No.12128607

I prefer Polar but that's because it's cheaper and local.

>> No.12128611

/ck mods are going to ban you one of these days /jazz poster

>> No.12128621

That was my first post in this thread.

>> No.12128636
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>> No.12128662
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>Implying the jannies aren't trannies

>> No.12128664
File: 95 KB, 500x501, downloadfile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from the US, where everything French-sounding is intentionally mispronounced.

It's "la croy" instead of "lah kwah" like baguettes would say it. It's also written on their website that it's supposed to rhyme with "enjoy."

Also, who here /pamplemousse/?

>> No.12128764

Sorry Anon but I'm into it.

>> No.12128806

Imagine if you actually sucked on it.
As a joke...

>> No.12128857
File: 632 KB, 232x196, 1551394459703.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, like who would do that...

>> No.12128867

she’s so fuckable

>> No.12128874

she already had surgery so you’d see a raw, mitigated skin hole

>> No.12128882
File: 408 KB, 1125x2250, A934CE21-A840-4898-B57B-E8E72EAF42B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, pamplemousse is my fave and that describes me

>> No.12128925

>la croy,
fucking retard
it's la kwah

>> No.12128934

>How is ‘LaCroix’ pronounced?
La-CROY. It rhymes with ‘enjoy’.


>> No.12128943

>based reddit poster sourcing factual information and ruining the thread for no reason

>> No.12129550
File: 124 KB, 1500x1500, 8714789934846_PHOTOSITE_20180822_160728_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no idea what exactly this shit is, but here in france, ''la croix'' is a the most known brand of bleach.

>> No.12129560

I just buy american clear because it's 50 cents a liter.

>> No.12129609

Open it.

>> No.12129615

I tried it once out of curiosity. It was so disgusted I threw it out.

>cubicle cucks do nothing but eat and drink shit the entire 8 hours
I don't work in a cubicle, but I am in an office job. This is accurate except that in my job, gym is mandatory and do is being physically able to to run and lift things. Most people around me drink pre-workout, Gatorade, energy drinks, and dirt soda. We don't eat all day but food is brought in quite frequently. I myself have a drawer full of snacks and some pickles I'm the fridge. I portion control, don't eat on my days off and one Huge mistakes office workers do is EAT AT HOME. I do not eat after work. That is the easiest way to bulk. In order for me to eat a snack at home I need to have not eaten anything in the office.

>> No.12129658

Your work and life sound odd. Are you a military desk jockey or firefighter?

>> No.12129697

Dump eet

>> No.12130453

Maybe works for one of those sports apparel companies or sports equipment companies. Rapha or Underarmor or Nike or some such thing.

>> No.12130472
File: 61 KB, 800x600, 4-update52-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't open it