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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 16 KB, 220x293, 220px-Xi_Jinping_2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12123489 No.12123489 [Reply] [Original]

favourite chinese food?

>> No.12123495


Boneless spare ribs, egg rolls, teriyaki beef, tea, and most of the rest of it as well. I’ve even had real Chinese (pig knuckle) and it was great.

>> No.12123502
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>> No.12123504

Why do niggers from /int/ and /pol/ keep spamming this guy?

>> No.12123506

>teriyaki beef
Are Ameripigs really this dense?

>> No.12123518

>Americanized Chinese
Pepper steak with onions.

>actual Chinese
Not totally sure I’ve actually had that but once at a Chinese noodle shop in America I had this appetizer listed on the menu as “slivered potatoes” that consisted of potatoes and carrots shredded like hashbrowns that had been parboiled and then chilled and doused in rice vinegar and chili oil. Shit was delicious.

>> No.12123521

Because he based

>> No.12123530

This is what you're looking for, indeed incredibly delicious

>> No.12123532
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What is japan other then a Whiter China?

>> No.12123533


>> No.12123558

yellow pussy

>> No.12123563

Living Fish cooked in gutter oil Taiwan style! Uma Delicia!

>> No.12123566

General Mao's chicken

>> No.12123584

you mean chairman Mao or general Tso?

>> No.12123593

Hey thanks anon, that’s a more complex version of what I had but it looks even better. Will probably try that soon.

>> No.12123604

Cream of Sum Yung Gai

>> No.12123672

I'll bite, because too many ameritards ITT

You have way too many different variations. Sichuan? Hakka? Hunan? Henan?

I will say I really fucking love fried tomato and egg over rice. It's really simple but it tastes awesome.

Anything braised in soy sauce, cooking wine and star anise is great.

>> No.12123680


>> No.12123690

Chairman Tso's chicken

>> No.12123692

You're a butthurt socialist, that's why.

You still believe in global warming so you're in no position to call anyone dense, you dense lazy-minded fascist hypocrite faggot.

>> No.12123708

Italianised Chinese:
Either spaghetti di soia con maiale piccante (IE spicy pork lo mein) or gamberetti e piselli (IE shrimp in lobster sauce).

Italianised Indian Chinese:
Spaghetti di soia al curry (curry vegetable lo mein)

Real Chinese:
Either whatever those slimy roll things stuffed with pork and mushrooms are called, lamb and cucumber soup, beef and pickled lettuce soup or hot-and-numbing cumin lamb fry. I don't know the chingchong names, sorry. Maybe one of you would know.

>> No.12123716

Italianon here >>12123708
I forgot about egg and tomato over rice. We have that in Italy, too, but it usually also has onion and ham. Is this Italian-Chinese or the real stuff? Most Chinese people we have in my part of Italy are from some weird part of China I can't remember the name of. they seem to only move here for some reason and avoid other Chinese. They integrated well into society, unlike the other Chinese in Italy who avoid co-mingling.

>> No.12123830
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Never tasted them, but I'm really curious about century eggs and tea eggs. Our new overlords are fucking madmen.

>> No.12123839

Ginger beef, even though it’s technically from Alberta.

>> No.12123863

in my 'sperience, century eggs vary considerably in flavour. some are okay. most taste like oh god why

>> No.12123870
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Pork or red bean filling

>> No.12123905


>> No.12123926
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I would say chinese food (not "asian-american") is probably one of the top 3-5 cuisine's in the world

>> No.12123933

tea eggs are okay, just taste like you have egg and tea in your mouth at the same time

>> No.12123935

jesus fuck
this looks terrifying

>> No.12123944

Biang biang noodles and dan dan men

>> No.12123951

In congee its amazing

>> No.12123970

Yeah not the best picture, but terrifying? Did you mean to (you) the century eggs?

>> No.12123983


>> No.12123997

>century eggs
those don't even look like food

your pic literally makes me wanna puke

>> No.12124010

honestly, good mantou is already good enough for me

meat buns always delicious, because you don't know what meat it is

>> No.12124022
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>> No.12124037

They just taste like eggier eggs. All it takes is getting over the mental hurdle created by their horrifying appearance.

>> No.12124045

go eat your mcdonalds, fatboi

it looks like alright food for you, mcnuggets specifically

>> No.12124055

i will

>> No.12124387

Cumin lamb. North Chinese, so probably more mongollyan

>> No.12124392


>> No.12124393

Potstickers, egg drop soup, broccoli beef.

>> No.12124434

>American Chinese
pork lo mein or mapow tofu
>The real thing
pork dumplings drowning in chili oil

>> No.12124438

love this bitch

>> No.12124479
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Peking duck, braised spare ribs, mongolian hot pot, chicken feet, char siu bao.

But the one that I crave the most, that you could get delivered to you anywhere and I wish we had in the states, is just a little rice, choi, and a few dumplings with soy and chili sauce on the side. Simple, filling, and relatively healthy.
>pic related closest I could find, but less dressed up and think take-out

>> No.12124486

>Cumin lamb
good choice

>> No.12124529

Orange chicken
Crab rangoon
Fried rice

The holy trinity of chink shit.

>> No.12124535

my nigga

>> No.12124577

my takeout place really cheaps out on the crab in the crab rangoon but they're still good

>> No.12124647

>hates being called Winnie The Pooh
>bans it from China

All the more reason to keep calling him Winnie The Pooh. That is grade school bullying 101. Like, if I had a shitty haircut or something generally stupid about myself and I got all flustered and said "DON'T MAKE FUN OF MY HAIRCUT!!!!" then I'd be begging for people to start teasing me going "HAHAHAHA LOOK AT HIS STUPID HAIRCUT!"

>> No.12125130

Memes are the only way to combat the red devil because our government won't.

>> No.12125192


>> No.12125200

Duck with plum sauce and fried rice, with either spare ribs or chicken noodle soup to start.

>> No.12125257

The only century egg I've been able to taste was fucking horrific. Tasted like rot and mold, probably wasn't preserved right

>> No.12125585
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The mango.


>> No.12125604

sweet&sour pork

>> No.12125612

dandanmian especially when it's dry and oily instead of just soup. i could eat like 5 bowls of dandanmian

>> No.12125637
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Bases and 红色药丸

>> No.12125685

crab rangoons

>> No.12125903

Fried wontons dipped I garlic sauce. Hard af to find

>> No.12126134
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>> No.12126167


>> No.12126183

General Tso's chickybone

>> No.12126188
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So much grease, I can feel my gallbladder exploding.

>> No.12126484

Rice traitor, get the fuck out of my country

>> No.12126489

That's sauce, anon.

>> No.12126494
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>> No.12126504

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.12126537

>somebody on an anonymouse knitting bbs told me this would troll people, even though the only pro-chinks are just american trolls trying to get my goat
I can't tell who's trolling who, but rest assured you are all retarded.

>> No.12126544

ugly whitoid

>> No.12126548
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general tso with extra sauce

>> No.12126562

I stick to those boy piss eggs

>> No.12126631

Century eggs are pretty good though, along with salted duck eggs. This is /ck/, it's funny to see how it's transformed into a bunch of little kids who can't go out of their tendie zone.

>> No.12126896
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>char siu bao
the only good sweet baozi is the custard one

>> No.12126915

Except they risk getting arrested, dumbass

>> No.12126928

Twice eaten pork

>> No.12126950
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For me, it's the stewed duck heads

>> No.12127023
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For me, it's jiaozi lately. I've been making them at home.

>> No.12127082

lol retard

>> No.12127345

i like the crab rangoon
they look like butterflys

>> No.12127363

where are you from, anon? i'm struggling to think of a country that doesn't have some sort of dumpling variation.

>> No.12127393


>> No.12127399
File: 164 KB, 800x1199, 1710_Beef-Chow-Fun_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beef Chow Fun. It's a simple dish but goddamn do I love it.

>> No.12127406

I like chow mein more.

>> No.12127421

Chow Mein is fine, I just prefer the rice noodles being nice and thick. Lets them absorb flavor from the sauce better.

>> No.12127428

red bean filling in shit is the absolute best.

>> No.12127438

Lol no. Chinese food is great but they just can;t into desserts because of their weird obsession with bean pastes

>> No.12127441


>> No.12127446

>absorb flavor from the sauce
it is nice
but do you know for chow mein
if you quick enough, not let the sauce spread out too much
the noodles around the edge are actually still crispy
that's nice too
can't done it with rice noodles

>> No.12127452

True but you're not supposed to do that with rice noodles anyway, it serves a different purpose in the dish.

>> No.12127454

It's more because the word dessert literally didn't exist in their language until it was introduced to them by the west, they had no concept of it.

>> No.12127457

like this >>12126134

>> No.12127485

>they just can;t into desserts
>because of their weird obsession with bean pastes
what is tang yuan
what is 豆腐花
what is 芝麻糊
what is 西米露
what is 糖不甩

>> No.12127502

>it serves a different purpose in the dish.
noodles can absorb flavor too
so with noodles you can get two textures:
crispy at first, juicy with sauce afterwards
but it's all the same dish anyway, just me personally prefer chow mein
pretty sure they can chow something else

>> No.12127504
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rat meat, 5 year frozen chicken/beef, gutter oil, MSG and other toxic chemicals.

>> No.12127505


>> No.12127509

forgot to add the spiced, fruits and vegetables contaminated with heavy metals and heavy amounts of pesticides all in the name of saving a few cents and poisoning millions of children

>> No.12127524
File: 1.25 MB, 720x576, China insectoids.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

educate yourselves you ignorant cattle



>> No.12127531

chinese are greedy selfish heartless inhuman insects.
if you eat their food you will get poisoned and eat lowest quality shit spiced with toxic chemicals to mask the flavor.

>> No.12127534

I don't know what those are, since I don't know Chinese.
Can anyone help us out?

>> No.12127547

just ask the autistic /pol/tard

>> No.12127548
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I know people say it a lot these days but; imagine the smell

>> No.12127552


>> No.12127557


>> No.12127562


>> No.12127565
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>> No.12127574

What's up with videos that have a computer voice like that?
Are they made by someone who can write perfectly cromulent English but can't speak it?

>> No.12127591

>like how the chinks themselves make it
Szechuan chicken.
The jap version of Mapo Tofu with their tofu that isn't a soggy piece of imitation shit.

>> No.12127596

And the one in little children

>> No.12127618

soy sauce
green onion

>> No.12127793

>can't be done with rice noodles
What about mee krob? It's literally chow mein made with rice noodles. It's wonderful because the rice noodles puff up when fried, similar to how gwuoba does.

>> No.12127807

Bourbon chicken, crab rangoon, fried calamari.

I don't think I've ever truly had "authentic Chinese" food before, just buffet fare.

>> No.12128173

>le ebin insectoid food maymay

Fuck off

>> No.12128194
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You'd never actually pick any of those if a western dessert was up for grabs. Their desserts suck, especially that second one which is literally just a powder with water added.

>> No.12128203

Based chow fun poster

Its my favorite too

>> No.12128206

Braised pork and noodles with chilli

>> No.12128833

>Their desserts suck
>especially that second one which is literally just a powder with water added
>just a powder with water
Thanks for your opinion, autismo.
Your opinion might matter one day.

Roasted dogs taste good btw.

>> No.12128841

>favourite chinese food?

American tears of submission.

>> No.12128848
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>American tears of submission.

>> No.12128872
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I, for one, bow down to our new Chinese overlords.

>> No.12129016
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>> No.12129042

That's barbecue pork, a savor bao. And bao means bread, if you didn't know.

>> No.12129046
File: 51 KB, 600x349, Chinese Carrier Dominance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I, for one, bow down to our new Chinese overlords.

China already has: hypersonic missiles, Rail Guns, targeted microwave weapons, AI drone swarms, etc, etc.

Americans are still using 40 year old outdated shit left over from Vietnam. lol World leader my ass.

>> No.12129144
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This is a chinese delicacy. They somehow got this developed through crispr.

>> No.12129155



It's just MSG, fags

>> No.12129167

>5 year frozen chicken/beef
I have that in my freezer

should I gift it to Chinese?

>> No.12129185

Can you stop sperging out? Neither the US or China is ever going to conventional war each other, so you can stop being stupid now.

>> No.12129379
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3 in 1 and some chicken balls

>> No.12129397

>Americans are still using 40 year old outdated shit left over from Vietnam. lol World leader my ass.
White people are basically just living off of past glory at this point. Europe is already economically dead & has little political or military power. America is next.

>> No.12129587
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Top-tier taste, friend

>> No.12129588

probably dumplings, but crab rangoons and sesame chicken are great when you're drunk

>> No.12129894

They can't even make an edible mre for their forces kek. Shit has green pork in it

>> No.12129962
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>> No.12131455
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Orange chicken is my favorite. It has been for years. I live in California, and there are big Chinese ethnic communities in certain cities here.

>> No.12131472


>> No.12131941
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