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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12120728 No.12120728[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12120736
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>> No.12120783

Nuke California

>> No.12120799

"Silly consumer, you can't prepare your own nourishment!"

>> No.12120801

I mean it's an apartment without a kitchen. Makes sense to make sure the tenant doesn't try something idiotic that damages the property.

>> No.12120811

No, that's fucking dumb. You don't need a no-cooking clause, you just need a "tentant covers cost of repairs for things that are your fault" clause, which is standard for a rental contract anyway.

>> No.12120831
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>unironically reposting a fox news article about san francisco

>> No.12120832

>And these dorm-like apartments aren’t that much cheaper than those with cooking access. As SFGate found, one person on Craigslist is looking for $1,790 a month for their master bedroom space in San Francisco’s West Portal. Another seeks a tenant willing to pay $1,400 a month for a master bedroom suite with private entrance in North San Jose. The only thing is that landlord requests:

>“No drugs, No marijuana/pot, No smoking, No pets, No overnight guests,” and… “No cooking.”

$1800 a month and you can't cook in your own home LMFAO

>> No.12120833

How is that better? What are you going to cook with in a studio apartment with no stove, oven or ventilation that this is preventing you from using?

>hurr hurr don't tell me what to do
It's much easier to prevent damage than deal with it even if you don't pay out of pocket for the repairs.

>> No.12120838

That's already in every rental contract

>> No.12120901
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When the economy is booming like that, it draws in a lot of fresh-out-of-college kids who don't know any better and even after shelling out 3k a month for rent, they still make more money than they've ever had and so tolerate the ridiculous living conditions because they have no frame of what a good living is. And whenever one of them says that shit like that is whack, people just like you start calling them entitled millennials. While posting the shitty living conditions they live in to call it whack.

>> No.12120902

So fellas, how would I go about getting a live-in cook/maid? I live in a nice place in Palo Alto, with a spare bedroom that I currently use as a makeshift homegym. I don't really want to rent the room out to some skeezy roommate who makes a mess. Do I just need to trek into the wilderness to find some super trad girlfriend to cook my meals in exchange for a room, or can I actually arrange something less weird?

>> No.12120929

Honestly open borders do more damage than nuclear weapons. Look at Japan. Just build a second wall.

>> No.12120960

Did you read it?

>> No.12120964

Of course not.

>> No.12120973

Nigga how the fuck are any of us broke ass faggits supposed to know that? Like we have live-in maids and shit fuck you we don’t know. You want advice on private jet shopping too? Ffs

>> No.12120983
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>No overnight guests

>tfw landlord is doing bed checks and you forgot to send your trap gf home and (s)he's still throat deep on your 3" peen

>> No.12120990

Can't cook and can't host a friend or partner. wtf is this.

>> No.12120994

The future according to liberals

>> No.12121000

no cooking clauses should be banned by international law. Banning people of making food in their living areas is fucking retarded

>> No.12121022

How is this worth it in any capacity unless you're doing crime and need a place to lay low some times. Paying cash under a false id obviously

>> No.12121028

Believe it or not this was my first thought. What if I bring a girl over? Also fuck yourself for telling me I can't cook.

It really should be considered human's rights abuse to deprive a person of the ability to 'safely' create nourishing meals within their own domicile.

>> No.12121033

as someone who lives in the bay area this does not surprise me

>> No.12121050

>as someone who lives in the bay area

I actually feel much empathy for you. I've traveled the country quite a bit and I know what CA is like.

Sometimes I feel like the only person on 4channel.org who lives in a nice part of the US and who isn't surrounded by foreigners at all times.

>> No.12121051

I think looking at japan argues for the opposite of your thesis

>> No.12121056
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>unironically reading a fox news article about san francisco

>> No.12121061

this de facto sounds like you live in a shit part of the US

>> No.12121067

If I were a landlord, I wouldn't want H1B poos stinking up the place with their curries. The smell probably permeates into the frame, never mind the sheetrock.

>> No.12121073

God I wish there was porn of her

>> No.12121075

What about instant pots?

>> No.12121076

I think you're a brainlet

>> No.12121079

>japan: 2 nukes
>doing fine
>mexico: no nukes

>> No.12121081

Everytime I think California can't possibly get worse, they keep lowering the bar

>> No.12121082

yeah it has everything to do with open borders and not rampant capitalism, good argument

>> No.12121084

There is, her nudes got leaked.
No, I don't have a source.

>> No.12121085
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>Fox News article whose source doesn't even exist anymore
What DID they mean by this?

>> No.12121105

>>>>>>doing fine

>> No.12121109


>> No.12121116

Nope. Safe, prosperous, rural and homogeneous. Some of the best-performing schools in the country, too. But our schools don't get counted in the annual "best of " list, even though Atlanta public schools, which shouldn't be counted at all due to corruption, make the list every year.

>> No.12121124
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>> No.12121138

No overnight guests lmao
>”My roommate doesnt want to leave can I stay with you tonight babe?”
>”Nah my landloard would kill me”

>> No.12121143

I've got my Ryzen Threadripper and 64GB DDR2 RAM working overtime to decipher that red block. Will report back after dinner with the results, lads.

>> No.12121146

butthurt calicucks lol

>> No.12121159

this seems to be common on all those CL housemate ads. No overnight guests...I could understand if you tried having someone live with you, but they demand you stay single and basically pay to live in a cuck shed?
Reading the insane demands of landlords/roommates on that site was like reading fat womens insanely high demands on tinder profiles. I opted to live in my fucking car until I could afford a down payment on a house rather than deal with any of these pretentious assholes.
>No loud music
>no overnight guests
>dont come in too late, so no weird schedule
>no pets
>no cooking stuff that smells
>one fucking room, shared bathroom
>800 a month + half the utilities and internet :)

>> No.12121167

You hire the autistic neet that wins the /ck/ challenge.
>can follow directions
>is a /ck/ poster, probably too autistic to want to interact with you socially on a regular basis
>is used to being a neet, pay them minimum wage and it will seem great
>charge them 20% of their wages for use of internet
>no need for bathroom privileges, piss jugs
>will never be bring girls back to your house
>will never get married and quit, like a trad gril would

>> No.12121168
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>SF= all of California

>> No.12121169

And then they’ll eventually blame bad economy or something for not being able to find tenants

>> No.12121172


>> No.12121173

Electric skillet, a hot plate. Jesus christ anon, what world are you living in?

>> No.12121178

Is the content of the article incorrect?

>> No.12121185

It's the free market, Fidel. Sorry if property owners exercising their rights offends you.

>> No.12121187

Why does California live rent free in the heads of the mentally ill around here?

>> No.12121188

>CA literally the 5th largest economy in the world
>literally props up flyover state governments which would immediately be bankrupt w/o their fed tax dollars
>b-but CA is the socialist state
LMAO, flyovers always get butthurt when they realize they're the socialists dependent on CA fed taxes to even exist.

>> No.12121193

Not actually Abigail Shapiro, just a look-alike
Just search for Rachel MFC, there's an album with 98 images

>> No.12121196
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>actually reading a fox news fear mongering fluff op ed

>> No.12121199

If by Capitalism, you mean state sanctioned usury, I agree to a degree. If you mean there are markets, property rights, and no central planners, you can literally kill yourself.

>> No.12121202

You can't reason with these people. They have a narrative to stick to! Reason be damned. California is some how a failed shit hole yet as the facts described super successful. Funny how that works.

>> No.12121203

How? Do you believe that subjective experience dictates objective reality? Are you medically retarded?

>> No.12121204

You're going to have a lot of fun when the tech sector migrates. Hollywood and tech firms are the two largest parts of your economy.

>> No.12121205

source my ass

my state feeds your shit hole state our excess electricity

>> No.12121207
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Breaking the law, breaking the law...

>> No.12121213

Commiefornians are riding on:

A: Economic momentum from when Cali was a red state, just a couple decades ago

B: Google.

GPD is a meaningless statistic. Economic activity and growth != a healthy economy. In about half a century, California will be a 3rd world shithole.

>> No.12121217

Cooking Cucked

>> No.12121221

>Being a leftist after the past century


>> No.12121225

Don't you guys ever get tired of hypotheticals and moving the goalposts? Why does Californian success trigger you snowflakes so much?

>> No.12121228

the absolute state of landlords

>> No.12121236

It's because it's an invalid argument, you loon.

>> No.12121246
File: 1.18 MB, 1212x1031, California.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not triggered, just laughing. California is immensely unstable. It looks like some dumb fucker that has won the lottery and is bragging about being better than everyone while buying a fleet of private planes. Have fun.

>> No.12121247

what the fuck looks good in japan to you?

>> No.12121253

Anri Okita

>> No.12121254

>okay so they're doing amazing now but that's not the point

>> No.12121260

A stable 1st world society 2bh

>> No.12121263

Is not her.

Have sex

>> No.12121267

GDP is a meaningless statistic made up my ideologically driven economists. Fight me faggot

>> No.12121273

>making 125k or less a year is literally considered poverty in California
>muh gdp!!!!

Fuck off faggot I can't wait until Facebook and Intel make the full move to Texas.

>> No.12121278


I'd bring my induction cooker and put it right on their precious little counter on the left.

>> No.12121284

> City of San Francisco = all of giant state California.

Stay in your fly over state that nobody gives a shit about hahaha

>> No.12121287

>i'm gonna get nuked when they bomb california
Run, bitch.

>> No.12121289

If it fit your narrative you'd be beating us over the head with it like you do with the obscure articles you guys constantly dig up. Every state has its issues. Why you guys harp on California so much is beyond me? It's little man syndrome I guess. I think being poor makes you guys really envious so choke on some more of our tax dollars and settle down sweetie because we don't even think about whatever little flyover you hail from at all. (^:

>> No.12121294

Nobody is nuking California you giving potato farmer hahaha

>> No.12121297

Not gonna lie, there are lots of good people in California that help it function. But it's terminal guys.

>> No.12121299

I'm sure LA and Oakland are so much better anon.
>but muh northern California

Why would I care about discount Oregon and Washington?

>> No.12121306

For the same reason people harped about the Soviet Union. There are legitimate problems that will cause disaster down the road.

The Soviet Union had a very high GDP.

>> No.12121309
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>California bad!

>> No.12121313

I mean, if you think something is a good idea because it works for 30 years, more power to you and your ancestors :^)

>> No.12121314

Way better ahahaha go tip a cow

>> No.12121332

>it's expensive to live there!
>it has to be a shithole!

You obsessed brainlets don't even think about what you're saying so you?

>> No.12121337

Not to many cows in Oregon, too mountainous. The flat smoggy fields of California are pretty good for that.

>> No.12121341

landlords will be the first to hang

>> No.12121342

>A: Economic momentum from when Cali was a red state, just a couple decades ago
Nice try, nigger. We just got done cleaning up the mess the republicans made of the state 10 years ago when Ahnuld was in charge.
That was when CA went into massive debt.
That was when CA had to pay its state employees with IOUs.
Jerry Brown built the state into an economic power house in the 80s and then he did it again to clean up Arnold and the rest of the republicans' mess.
You can make up all the lies you want about "commiefornia" but tell me how Kansas' economy is doing. Is Brownbeck's trickle down experiment working?
Sure doesn't fucking look like it.

>> No.12121353

Who gives a fuck about Republicans? Until Trump they were the party of Leon Trotsky and Israel.

>> No.12121357

GDP includes shipping, both incoming and through the state.
California occupies more than 2/3rd of the entire west coast.
That means a HUGE AMOUNT of their GDP is based solely on "it arrived here and then left here".
Sure, the bay area contributes a lot, but most of your GDP is literally an accounting trick. It's not real.

The entire rest of the state IS a flyover.

>> No.12121361
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Nice first world state faggot

>> No.12121362

Trump loves Israel.

>> No.12121369

During Bush II, they became the party of Rupert Murdoch and Rush Limbaugh and Sean "Lumpy" Hannity.
Trump is just the result of the party rejecting reality, true conservatism and all sense of decency. Not the cause.

>> No.12121380

Your back most be really sore carrying those goalposts around.

>hurrr durrr area big mean big GDP hurrr
See Russia.

You guys are absolutely fucking obsessed.

>> No.12121381
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Totally doing great and not just a small .01% of your shithole state's population carrying the whole state on its back.

>> No.12121390

USA imports more.. Russia is practically xenophobic.

>> No.12121397

>goods and services aren't real
Damn, nigger. You're desperate.
CA has 12% of the US's population, yet contributes 16% of the entire US's GDP. You're just jelly that we carry your flyover ass.
Just looking at agriculture, CA is number 1, producing 13% of the US's cash crops. With over $46 billion from just that, that's more than $20b over the number two state, Iowa.

>> No.12121399
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I wonder why Facebook, Google, Apple, and Intel are eyeing Texas and Arizona. Can't be the massive business taxes and huge government red tape causing businesses to not grow and be stifled.

>> No.12121402

Russia has been a clusterfuck since before Lenin and shows no sign of ever improving.

>> No.12121407

Oh, and Ag is less than 2% of CA's total GDP.

>> No.12121412

Learn to fucking read you absolute mongoloid. California could be a 10-mile wide strip down the entire west coast and it would maintain most of its GDP because the US as a whole IMPORTS EVERYTHING. Most of it from China, Japan, and Korea.
Guess what coast they ship to, fucknuts?
Every single $1 piece of plastic toy the entire rest of the united states buys has a 66% chance of going through your wasteland of a state. That adds a shitload to your oh-so-precious GDP that, may I point are, you are the one to have brought up and are now trying to shrink away from.

See above. GDP is a nearly meaningless metric for a state with such vast coastline. It's not "goods and services" if you count the value of the good shipped through your state as part of your GDP. A good you didn't make or have any part of, you just took it off a boat, put it on somebody elses truck whose company is not based in california, and decided "yeah that's all me baby!"

California is a big state with a big GDP but it's not anywhere near as important as people who live there want it to be. Additionally, the "cash crops" figure comes from you guys using up every ounce of water from every neighboring state to farm nuts and avocados in a fucking desert like absolute morons, vastly driving their price up. Good for you, your contributions are "having a coastline" and "expensive legumes". So jealous!

>> No.12121414

Yeah, that's why Apple totally didn't just drop over a billion dollars to build a new spaceship campus in CA.
Oh wait.

>> No.12121415

>Guys DAE know that California (neutral to positive to homeless people with nice year round weather where you won't die do to the elements) has a homeless problem! Oh my God no one has ever had such an issue and it totally invalidates everything else going on there!

>> No.12121423

Yeah, and people have to process those goods that come into the country.
Shit, nigger, you have no clue how an economy works. Keep on beating that dead horse that real money is "fake" because you don't like it.
I'll leave you to your flyover shithole.

>> No.12121430

A book that glanced over Russia's history called The Magical Chorus gave me the impression that ever since Catherine the Great decided it would be a good idea to screw over Russia in foreign affairs there's been so many events to cause Russia to become arrogant, callous isolationists.

>> No.12121440
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>Paying $4000 per month for a 300 square foot apartment in a city where dogs accidentally step in human shit instead of the other way around
>Go to work and sit next to Rupar, Mugundihariparkurpeet, and Xihang Zhang who all reek of curry and sweat
>Can't even go home and cook a meal
lmaoing at coasties

>> No.12121441

To be fair, whenever Russia tries to get involved in foreign affairs ever since, they tend to get their shit kicked in.
See: WWI, Russo-Japanese War, WWII, Cold War, Afghanistan, etc.

>> No.12121443

>customs paperwork = several billions worth in gdp
Learn. To. Read. Processing means "take it off the boat, put it on the truck". But what it does for the GDP is "we '''''processed'''''' 500bn worth of goods! Add that to the tally!"
There IS value and service in there, but it is ENORMOUSLY overinflated.

There's nothing more butthurt and retarded than a californian when they get called out, I swear to god. Your only response is always "DURR FLYOVERS! FLYOVERS! ITS GREAT! LOOK AT THE GDP! NO YOU BROUGHT UP GDP! FLYOVER!"
I live in fucking philly, but I bet you'd call that a flyover just the same.

>> No.12121447

Texas is worse than Cali, and I’m not even a Califag

Enjoy rebuilding your home every 5 years.

>> No.12121448

That's literally what he said in his post, you dummy.

>> No.12121451

>>No loud music
As long as the city's noise ordinance is followed they're being jagoffs.
>>no overnight guests
Yeah, no...I have my parents or friends who live in the midwest stay with me in the east coast once a year for about a week or longer. All of my previous landlords haven't had an issue as long as I've gave them a heads up.
>>dont come in too late, so no weird schedule
Eh, understandable unless they are anal.
>>no pets
I'm fine with cats but not large dogs. A neighbor couple has an unruly large dog that breaks shit.
>>no cooking stuff that smells
Fair enough.
>>one fucking room, shared bathroom
Fuck that noise.
>>800 a month + half the utilities and internet :)
Eh, what I'm paying right now for rent, water, gas, electric, parking, and internet.

>> No.12121454

You go on pretending it's not real.
You go on pretending anyone but you is mad.
You go on pretending you're not yet another flyover fuck just because "muh Iggles!"

>> No.12121455

>be san fransisco
>decide you want to be the tech capital of the world
>encourage tech companies to set up shop
>they hire a bunch of asians and autistic white bois because that's the job market
>suprised that San fransisco becomes Autistic Hong Kong

>> No.12121458

>guys GDP doesn't mean anything but my arbitrary definition of what "business" means is how places should measure their productivity

Is it tiring living with your inferiority complex?

>> No.12121461

But SF has been autistic Hong Kong since the 1840s. Only difference now is that the brothels and opium dens have to have front businesses.

>> No.12121462

That's what I meant. Catherine wanted to be a part of Europe and sent massive amounts of her people to slaughter to no benefit. Things just continued from there. Russia continued to survive as Russia, but giving them a rather hardened view.

Though from what I understand they did alright in WW1 vs Austro-Hungarian forces.

>> No.12121464

They did so bad in WWI, the peasants killed the Tsar.

>> No.12121468

>“No drugs, No marijuana/pot, No smoking, No pets, No overnight guests,” and… “No cooking.”

Gaze upon your globalist future, now work, consume products, eat out, sleep and repeat goyim, savings would hurt the economy after all

>> No.12121470

It's a real accounting trick
Californians always get buttmad when they get told their GDP is made up of basically being a postage box
And they always insist that anybody who points these facts out is some jealous angry sour grapes hick, no matter what
At least philly is a nice place to live. Enjoy your $5k shoebox.

If you knew anything about how GDP is calculated you wouldn't even blink at anything I've said. Transient good shipment is utterly meaningless GDP outside of the processing and docking fees, which absolutely do not amount to the value actually derived. There's a reason no self-respecting economist ever refers to direct GDP, it's the BMI system of economics.

>> No.12121471

>California has a 20.2% poverty rate
>the highest in the United states.
>has the 4th highest income inequality rate
>the white middle class families that are educated are leaving California meanwhile spics and middle easterners, neither of which have high skills or speak English are replacing them.
>only silicon valley is bringing in the money.

>> No.12121473

Not an argument

>> No.12121477

>N-no! Don't look at our enormous homelessness problems! They're not real problems anyways, everybody has gigantic shanty towns and has to pressure wash the sidewalks because of hep c risks due to all the homeless shit, right? r-right?

>> No.12121487

Yes, they are...? Are you some blind weebhater?

>> No.12121492
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Repeating a lie won't make it true, anon. Real life doesn't work like Fox news.

>> No.12121494
File: 18 KB, 400x373, 411F6506-B973-4961-A840-92CBC07C2AED-667114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw californians are too dumb to cook

>> No.12121504

>Go to San Francisco
>Heroin needles litter the street, smells like shit, and there is trash everywhere
Why would anyone want to live there? If you want to get cheap drugs and have degenerate fun you could just go to Vegas which is at least cheap and has legal hookers and a population which is shit but at least entertainingly weird instead of a bunch of art students and faggots.

>> No.12121511

>I don't want to understand the information a graph presents, I just want to say LOOK! LOOK AT THE BIG NUMBER!
Whatever dude. Just stay in your crackden of a state, since we both know you work for pennies and can't afford to live in the nice parts of the three actual cities. I don't want you leaving like the rest of them and shitting up my home state any further.

>> No.12121512
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was just ranked as the least educated state in the nation. That means they are dumber than the people of fucking Mississippi. Think about that a moment.

>> No.12121519

That's fucking stupid, but sorta related:
My brother lives in a hotel room and all I think is how I'd have a hotplate and a toaster oven if I were him. He just eats mcdonalds everyday, or he just goes hungry/eats at work.

When he lived with our parents he just ate tostinos frozen pizza and cup ramen, he never really learned to cook outside the food he cooks at the bar he works at.

>> No.12121522

It's more complicated than that. After the success at Galicia, they failed to push forwards, and soldiers began to desert and turn into brigands, or worse, seize larger manors. Instead of instituting new policies they sat on their liberal asses and ultimately blamed the Tsar before locking his whole family up.

Then they woke the whole royal family up in their heavily secured detainment center one morning, had them seated, and executed them by firing squad without warning.

>> No.12121527

>bay area has the best food in the country
>the only people who can afford to live in the bay area are autistic tech tards and trust fund venture capitalists
Welp. It turns out the actual state of California is yet another reason to vote democrat.

>> No.12121535

>keep lying that imports are majority of GPD and thus "aren't real GPD"
>gets proven wrong
>throws tantrum
top lel

>> No.12121539

I'll let you in a secret anon. MOST people don't know how to fucking cook more than basic shit with a cook book beside them. My Mom taught me how to cook as she didn't want me to be a faggot who depended on a woman or microwave meals for the rest of my life.

One of my ex's couldn't cook as the action of anything more than scrambled eggs intimidated her. People, from my perspective, view cooking as a scary experience where you cannot fuck up making a meal. Instead of viewing it as a fun experiment where you are able to make anything depending on what you have at your disposal.

>> No.12121540
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>Any American political party
>Not the party of Israel

>> No.12121550

Blame fucking Germany for the state of isreal. our hands are tied there.

>> No.12121553

[citation needed]

>> No.12121562

When are kicking all the cucks inmigrants spics and retards out of here? Man jesus christ
>japan is a shit country
>california is somehow the best state in us
>IS capitalism faults
Holy shit is like im back in venezuela 8 years ago pure braindead retards. Fit is already cleaned btw

>> No.12121567
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At this point this entire topic has derailed.

>> No.12121587
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I thought it was Britain's fault. It was their territory and there was just a few nomads there.

Is that some crab water?

>> No.12121597

Yes, would you want some? I have Mountain Dew as well.

>> No.12121599

His ass

>> No.12121600

>keep lying
It's not a lie
>gets proven wrong
I wasn't, that graph you posted didn't detail where shipping and processing fell under. That's easily under 3 of those categories.
>throws tantrum
I was going to explain why what you posted is still utterly meaningless, but I knew you'd just say WHATEVER FLYOVER REEE so I didn't bother. Which is how you'll respond to this, with another complete non-argument of "UR LYING FLYOVER"

>> No.12121605

Stay salty, lying nigger.

>> No.12121606

>no pets!
>no guests!
>no cooking!
>must have full-time job outside the house
Imagine forking over all that money for essentially a bed and storage space which you aren't allowed to use 80% of the time.

>> No.12121631
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>> No.12121635

t. white boy from Brentwood, Tennessee

>> No.12121639

Seems like you could spend less to insulate a storage space, put in a heater, and be better off.

In fact, I know you can get 20X20 storage units. You could easily build a full wall, normal door with threshhold, past the unit door. Over a period of a year you'll have saved yourself thousands on rent.

>> No.12121665

>It's not a lie
Then show a citation.
Saying shit on 4chan counts for as much as a hobo rambling on a street corner.

>> No.12121671

>Every state has its issues.

California wouldn't have ANY issues if the people running the show had some balls and catered to the hard-working folk who make this state great instead sucking off every homeless, druggie, or illegal dick they find. This former great state has gone to shit when it had the potential to be so much more.

>> No.12121678

A world where businessmen take contractual measures to mitigate their risk on investments? There's a certain amount of demand for tiny apartments in 10/10 locations from people who won't be there often or who just don't cook to begin with. If you model your business on catering to those people it makes sense to discourage people from doing things that don't fit your risk model/construction of the unit.

I couldn't cook in my college dorm room, and while I don't aspire to live that way again it made good sense because the place just wasn't set up for that.

>> No.12121689

>vague non-answers
About as I'd expect from nationalist weebs. Japan has incredible problems ranging from drug to child abuse, an awful work-yourself-to-death culture, and is dealing from the fallout from post-ww2 imperialism. They don't report any of these things, both at the individual and government level, because all they have left is the image retards like you have of them. Japan itself is equivocal to the bay area (awful work, extreme population density, awful metro culture, and high cost of living) but you eat it up because haha the loli is lewd xD.

Check out this article.

>> No.12121693

Get married.

>> No.12121700

>Just build a second wall
they should probably start by building the first one

>> No.12121710

the poor just shouldn't eat

>> No.12121712

>What if I bring a girl over?
It's San Fransicko, you'd be arrested for merely being heterosexual.

>> No.12121715

Neck yourself.

>> No.12121720


>> No.12121722


>A ticket for this grueling exercise will run a cinematic completist $90 and includes such perks as 22% off concessions (no outside food is permitted), access to shower stations, and Monster Energy refueling breaks on Tuesday and Wednesday night from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.

>> No.12121760

You all balk at this, but NYC and the areas around it (West Chester, Long Island, parts of NJ) are similar. Not quite as expensive, but similar conditions. Want to rent a room from this family? You can cook during a small two hour window and have a 10pm curfew and $800 a month, please.. shared bath, btw. I once found a craigslist ad for a dude's walkin closet. You couldn't stay there as an actual living space, just to sleep between 9pm and 7am, then you had to leave. You could shower during that time if you needed to. Wanted $600/month for it

And this is where Cuomo wanted a fucking Amazon building so it could be more like San Francisco, fuck's sake.

>> No.12121777

bUt AoC kILlEd AlL tHoSe JoBs!!!11!

>> No.12121796

Coastlines are ridiculous

>> No.12121809

Make sure to build it around california. Nothing good comes from there.

>> No.12121812

>economically productive areas are ridiculous, just live in the desert and live off porkbarrel projects like a Real American

>> No.12121816
File: 238 KB, 602x397, california.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Californians are below human intelligence and shouldn't be treated as equals

>> No.12121836

By hundreds of years of accounts by people both foreign and domestic, the coasts were rich in beauty and natural resources to a degree you cannot imagine. Were.

After too many years of the "tired, poor, and huddled masses" crowding it the coasts are just another unrecognizable urban hellhole. German and Scandinavian immigrants sowed the land while Irish and Italians raped it.

>> No.12121849

not him, but the housing issues aren't just about economic opportunities being concentrated in a few areas. That's probably, 65% or so. The rest is the fact that nu-money from the third world and trustfund kids from the flyover states come in and pay any price asked for places to live. It artificially inflates everything and generates more competition than would naturally exist otherwise. Look at Canada, their urban real estate markets are getting absolutely raped by Chinese richbois.

>> No.12121852

Fuckin owned. Weebs btfo
But seriously this is nuts and should be known worldwide. America not so bad hehehe

>> No.12121886

the bay area is the 3rd most expensive place in the world to live in
could it be expected to have other unworldly things to concern itself with
reminder 10k monthly rentals have been a thing for nearly 20 years
never had it, never will opinions should rightfully eat a dick
the eating cup of noodles threads are more suiting to such criticism

>> No.12121901

>One of the leading experts on how this plays out in Japan, Jake Adelstein, explained to me:
Alright I trust this article now.

Anyone /lit/ read Tokyo Vice if you're interested in a more honest view of Japan.

>> No.12121911

American voltage is too low to run these.

>> No.12121912

I'm assuming it's an attempt to save money on insurance for removing a fire hazard

>> No.12121916

The thing is the property owner still needs to have their own insurance for cases where it's their fault the apartment catches on fire.
This was/is probably an attempt to save money on insurance.
Still an asshole move, but I can see where the jew is coming from.

>> No.12121922

You think they want to live in those places for no reason? Everyone is moving to cities, that's the trend in domestic migration, and the well-off are the most mobile.

>> No.12121924

You do realize you subtract imports when calculating GDP?

>> No.12121930

No it isn't, there are set ups like this sold all over. I'd still go for a propane one, though. Get a single burner for $20.

...so I talk about foreign housing grabs and your only rebuttal is in regards to domestic migration as though the coasts only just became popular in the last 30 years? You think they're going to the coasts to work and produce shit? You actually sat there and thought this was enough for a response?

>> No.12121938

Why do people assume we can't change the 120s?

Can you not buy burners that would take a 220?

>> No.12121944

Actually the US census for 2013-2017 rates California dead last. Meanwhile your link is based on projected rates and if they have gender equality programs in place among other useless metrics that somehow still only manage to bring California up to 25th place. Meanwhile if you look at the census and the actual education rates you'd see that California is dead last.
With a pathetically low high school graduation rate of 22%

>> No.12121946

Yes, domestic migration is the dominant factor in growth and real estate prices in major American cities. Foreign investment doesn’t help but the demographic trend towards cities is accelerating and significant. Yes, lots of people with some sort of nest egg work and that includes the people bringing cash from overseas. There aren’t millions of idle rich 22 year olds in every city.

>> No.12121948

You've never been to NYC, bud. No one said it was their money they were playing with.

>> No.12121952


you guys are fucking retarded
The message is required because some percentage of the population is so inept and retarded that they will fuck the who apartment up and hurt themselves and others.

They post it for liability reasons so they can say... " i told them not to <insert obviously retarded thing to do>"

this is why we can't have nice things

>> No.12121981

honestly if you can afford to live in the bay area you can afford to eat out everday.

>> No.12121995
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that is not even close to how electricity works, you could run a hot plate on 12 volts as long as you have enough amperage

>> No.12121997

I've only been to SF once and nothing about it was all that great. Why/how is the cost of living there so high?

>> No.12122009

If you had something to convert it to the voltage it needs.
And you have to remember that most American outlets max out at 10 Watts total power. And power is amps times volts.

>> No.12122016

NIMBYs, Chinese money laundering, big tech money, restrictive zoning laws, and high taxes

>> No.12122023

Sure if you have unlimited wire thickness. You can only pull 10 amps through standard outlets.

>> No.12122029

1. Jobs and amenities. Not unique to SF but without those the other reasons don’t matter. They’ve got well-compensated tech and finance jobs, good weather, attractive architecture in a naturally beautiful setting, and arguably the best food in the country.

2. Zoning. Homeowners fight new development tooth and nail so the city can’t grow any more dense. This makes the homeowners rich on paper by inflating the value of their homes since supply is constricted. This is the biggest problem since there is so much capacity for more dense housing that’s not being used.

3. Geography. SF is surrounded by water on three sides, so outward expansion is limited.

>> No.12122039

California is also up to its eyeballs in debt and unpaid pension obligations, is one of the states with the most income inequality despite having a "progressive" government, has the worst quality of living in the Union, and has a ridiculous number of people on welfare per capita. California is literally the future of the United States: A wealthy elite consisting of Jews/Whites/Asians/Hapas ruling over the unwashed masses of impoverished blacks, Hispanics, white trash, jungle Asians, and mixed race mongrels.

>> No.12122044
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We have 10 AMP breakers which is more then enough to run a burner element. You only need high voltage for things like a spark plug, burners make heat through electrical resistance

>> No.12122052

>a state with a lot of poor people elected politicians who want to help poor people
Wow liberals btfo why didn’t they just solve poverty overnight like Kansas.

>> No.12122060

>testing if a boolean is true
Learn to code.

>> No.12122065

>a state with a lot of poor people elected politicians who want to help make more poor people

>> No.12122090

You should not legally be able to call something an apartment if it doesn't have at least a basic kitchen.

>> No.12122099

What’s this nanny-state bullshit? If I don’t want to cook and do want to save some money on a place to sleep I’d like to reach a mutually beneficial agreement with a landlord about that.

>> No.12122105

Get out statist

>> No.12122113

Not that guy, but fuck off, that's a motel room not an apartment.

>> No.12122124

>syntax nitpicking for already ugly pseudocode

>> No.12122127

The whole point is that it's legally a dwelling, why pay for a kitchen when Google does your laundry?

>> No.12122193

everywhere they should build commie blocks until a 5 bedroom appartment cost $700

>> No.12122196

I live in Vancouver and a shitload of places don't have kitchens because they are renovated offices or SROs that somebody made into 'micro housing' so you can't even put a hot plate/induction plate in there without getting kicked out.

It's a fire law thing. Clownshoes city council pass so many regs that you need a million dollars to afford a kitchen unit due to all the sprinkler and other fire regs. Landlords are also compressing people into smaller and smaller units so unable to keep up with range/sprinkler and other regs.

Another part of it is fire alarm calls, every building I've ever lived in there was a retard who came home wasted to put something on the stove, passed out, and then the pan smoked away until fire crews showed up and gave the landlord a bill for $2k for responding.

>> No.12122245

Imagine being such a loser that you don't live in your own house and have to rent lmao!

>> No.12122257

You need at minimum 10+ million to buy a house in San Francisco. Not everybody lives in rural Kentucky

>> No.12122301

Well maybe your grandparents should have bought property that you could inheret then.

>> No.12122390

Go online and find a Russian/Ukrainian/Thai/Fillipino/Viet mail order bride. Specify in your search that you want one who knows her way around a kitchen.

>> No.12122392

707 son, I agree it’s retarded what I hear people pay sometimes. Glad I’m an owner and will never ever rent. Fuck being a landlord take the money and run.

>> No.12122468

You're incredibly dramatizing the problems of Japan like 9/10 people know of child molestation taking place or karoshi being a central tenet of the japanese values (nice orientalism, it derives from kamikaze, right?). Even more laughable as you claim Japan is recovering from post ww2 imperialism - 令和 means peace by order and Abe is dogwhistling to his secret Rising Sun imperialist buddies with it?
What does awful metro culture even mean? Japan has the most developed mass transit system of any nation.
Japan has problems that other first world problems have, there's no doubt. But it isn't a shithole of institutionalized racism and fascism like useless idiots Debito Arudo and Jake Adelstein complain it is.

>> No.12122684

Mine (japanese) had their Californian farm seized during ww2 and never received compensation due to the IRS destroying documents.

>> No.12122685
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>> No.12122730

>San Francisco
I have a nagging feeling this is because the local eateries lobbied for this shit, and because San Francisco is run by a bunch of retarded sheltered yuppies they actually let them have it.

>> No.12122744

All California needs to do is stop letting all these homeless waifs prowl about. They'd easily jump up ten places if cities like SF actually did something about it.

>> No.12122754

t. seething millennial

>> No.12122768
File: 221 KB, 1242x968, FC7C6FFB-CB85-4FC4-88F5-89B34EE591D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s capitalism! You get less and it costs more because we’ll keep buying it up because we lower our standards and pretend the situation doesn’t need a big change. I mean, I guess you can switch to a raw vegan diet or just open an app and get anything delivered. If you can afford San Francisco housing, you can afford daily delivery.

>> No.12122806

>I have a nagging feeling this is because the local eateries lobbied for this shit
Wouldn't surprise me.
Local politics in San Francisco is an absolute shitshow of morons and useful idiots who will zealously fight for causes they've given only the briefest cogitation.


>> No.12122825

It’s pretty inhumane to deny tenants the right to cook theirselves a god damn meal.

>> No.12122839

>Another part of it is fire alarm calls, every building I've ever lived in there was a retard who came home wasted to put something on the stove, passed out, and then the pan smoked away until fire crews showed up and gave the landlord a bill for $2k for responding.

I don’t know where you live, but where I’m from (and I imagine this would apply anywhere in Western law), the tenant is definitely going to have to pay this considering passing out with food in the oven is undoubtedly culpable and therefore makes him liable to any damages. Also where I’m from, landlords are very jewy so they know this very well and if the tenant is not paying, they proceed with eviction and collect their claim by force using the swift force of the justice system.

>> No.12122841

If they wanted to have an acceptable standard of living they should have inherited a stable start in life that predisposed them to easily developing a capacity to accumulate wealth as adults.