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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12120218 No.12120218 [Reply] [Original]

why has this caveman shit not been improved upon?

>> No.12120220

your mom is caveman shit

>> No.12120227

>why has this caveman shit not been improved upon?
burr grinder; food processor

>> No.12120228
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>> No.12120264

mortar and pestle is better than that junk

>> No.12120268

in what way is that in improvement?

>> No.12120288

Because you can grind dry stuff and mush wet stuff fairly easily.

>> No.12120292

I like my mortar and pestle.

If I just need to mash together some herbs or spices for one dish, it's easier to just grab it from the shelf, toss the shit in, mash it and then quickly rinse under hot water. Done. Plus, it gives a much smoother grind more efficiently when using fresh herbs or garlic or something.

If I use some sort of mechanical grinder, ever a small one, for one I need set it up, in short time, but I still gotta set it up. Then I need to watch my like half a tablespoon of spices and herbs all fly around and stick to the walls.

M&P is superior at some tasks.

>> No.12120300

Can't improve perfection

>> No.12120301
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I don't think caveman had that much spice selection.
Also these were probably used a lot more.

>> No.12120302

Poos use electric stone grinders for grinding large batches, they look like a bitch to clean though.

>> No.12120307

record players were invented in the 1900s

>> No.12120314

dont fix a broken thing

>> No.12120323


an elegant tool, from a more civilized age....

>> No.12120327

>tfw brought a cheap "granite" mortar
I am eating Chinese plutonium am i?

>> No.12120330
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>brainlet can't into alchemy
I pity you

>> No.12120331
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It's meant for people whomst enjoy the process and the end result.

>> No.12120334
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>why has this caveman shit not been improved upon?

>> No.12120360

That's it.

I'm running for office in my local area. First on my agenda, ban all caveman technology, no more wheels, spoons, fire pits, pointed objects, rocks. That's just the start. It'll be great.

>> No.12120372


>> No.12120385

his dream came true.

>> No.12120524

Helloooo Appalachia!

>> No.12120533

cavemen ate with their hands, dingus

>> No.12120537

Why hasnt the wheel?

>> No.12120546
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Go back to russia, faggot

>> No.12120564

i dont think even authentic granite p+m give out a measurable amount of radon

>> No.12120571
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ITT retards

>> No.12121037

>what are tires

>> No.12121226


>> No.12121231

Megacorporations building in petroleum based obsolescence where you have to replace them every 40,000 miles if they're decent quality and 20,000 for average quality.

I have 2 of the op mortar and pestles and will be leaving both to someone when I die which is more than we can say for your grinders designed to fail within 2 years.

>> No.12121243


oof, good one dad

>> No.12121463

how can we improve crushing shit with a stone

>> No.12121576

>hurr durr let me put fresh herbs in a pepper gringer

>> No.12121690

>work in a chem lab for NASA one summer
>coworker drops a solid agate mortar
>it shatters into a million pieces
>look up the price to replace it
>boss didn't give a shit because it's federal gubmint funds

>> No.12121694
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>eating stone dust

>> No.12121708

>Eating metal dust

>> No.12121714
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Or you can just move to England

>> No.12122087

stone dust isn't bad for you because it has minerals,however metal dust is poisonous because it binds to receptors in your body preventing minerals from being absorbed

>> No.12122111

Based Koreans and Japs made better mortar and pestle.

>interiors have boring to substantially cut down on grinding time
>made of lightweight but sturdy ceramics

Compare that to everyone else's.

>smooth interior requires you to pound and pound and pound forever
>made of 45 tons of granite from China (it's lead, not granite)

>> No.12122259
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>caveman shit

>> No.12122355

>no "Brazzers" label
You had one job

>> No.12122692
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Mortar and pestle porn?


>> No.12122718
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>> No.12122843

Not that I disagree with you but this explanation is retarded

>> No.12123121

It has, it’s called stirling silver,
Poor people just don’t know about it.

>> No.12123136

The grooves in Oriental mortar and Pestles limit the grinding fineness, wereas “smooth” mortar and pestles sllow you to continue grinding till the desired fineness is reached.
Also, there are ceramic mortar and oestles made in the west.
Milton Brook and Wedgewood have been making them for decades if not a couple hundred years, and nowadays they’re high strength ceramic.
Coors makes ceramic mortar and Pestles for laboratory use, but they’re also sold for cooking.

>> No.12123216

You don't fix what ain't broke. Also do you even alchemy bro

>> No.12123425


Sterling* you melt

>> No.12123507
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Did you know that granite in its naturally occurring state emits more radiation than uranium in its naturally occurring state?

>> No.12125618

Well. I didn’t know I need that kind of knife, but now I do and I’m a little less happy.

>> No.12125619

>not been improved upon
>mortar and pestle is better than that junk
care to take a guess, asshole?

>> No.12127420

I'm guessing that your primary form of interaction with the world involves your wallet

>> No.12127810

There was an attempt at a joke.

>> No.12127835

Thought it would be more expensive. Laboratory grade alcohol is like 100 bucks a gallon from some places, I went through probably 500$ of that shit weekly when I worked in a molecular bio lab

>> No.12127840

Ignoring how much faster it is, a burr grinder will produce much more uniform results.

>> No.12127858

Use unglazed hard wood you wankers

>> No.12128174

that cant be real

>> No.12128358


>> No.12128890


>> No.12128903

t. poorfag

>> No.12129237
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why has this caveman shit not been improved upon?

>> No.12129552


>> No.12129567
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It was

>> No.12129579
File: 602 KB, 760x741, Screenshot_20190404-150002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one of these. Really should use it again.

>> No.12129595
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Get one of these grinders, dont cost most, saves you a lot of sweating.

>> No.12129622

>still needs to use fire to generate electricity
nice modern technology bro

>> No.12129673

T. Sawdust eater

>> No.12129676


>> No.12129925

>use a built in obsolescence piece of technology so you don't have to exert muscle effort
I'd wager you're one of the /pol/tards screaming about feminized males.

>> No.12130388
File: 302 KB, 2048x1067, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your credit card out!~ The Almazan Kitchen Knife is on sale, only $89.00. The build is what you expect from a Rugged, Adventure seeking, “Do it all”. This knife does not disappoint. Make sure to get both Bushcraft style and the Chef style for the best of both worlds!

>> No.12130602


how about crushing shit with glass and plastic?

>> No.12130644

>eating crushed glass and plastic
Enjoy your internal bleeding