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File: 29 KB, 550x309, grosvenor-fish-bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12120007 No.12120007 [Reply] [Original]

American is a meme for deep frying most things, yet I haven't heard of Americans deep frying sausages, something that is extremely common in the UK and makes more sense than a lot of other stuff

>> No.12120017
File: 277 KB, 650x492, bobby-hill-king-of-the-hill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UK having anything worth copying

>> No.12120022

Sausage is mostly shitty in America because we stopped using casings for some stupid reason. Most Americans will express disgust at the idea of consuming sausages made with actual intestines.

>> No.12120023

every country has their own fatfuck foods.

people just like to pick on america because its the cool thing to do.

>> No.12120057
File: 192 KB, 800x600, CornDog-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about corn dogs do they not count?

>> No.12120062

This. And they're way better than OPs battered sausage.

>> No.12120077

*invents half of the modern world*
nothink personnel kid

>> No.12120079

No, they don't. A hotdog is to sausage as ground beef is to steak.

>> No.12120085

they're just as mediocre as battered sausage don't tell lies to make friends.
don't turn this into another retarded UK/US fight.

>> No.12120091

Hot dogs do not exceed other sausages in any capacity, unless you count ability to be boiled but why would you want that?

>> No.12120094

The brits deep fry or just fry everything.

>> No.12120121

Corn dogs are delicious. You're clueless.

>> No.12120135

in the UK at least, hotdogs are turned into a mushy paste with questionable meat content whereas sausage has to be at least a certain % meat and is much less homogeneous

>> No.12120185

lol Good one. Next you will tell me that the best meal you ever had included mozzarella sticks or onion rings.

>> No.12120199

Eh, the idea of deep frying sausage doesn't sound appetizing.
The outside crunch right over a skin doesn't sound appealing.
The sausage would be so thick and chewy it wouldn't compliment the fried exterior

>> No.12120212
File: 35 KB, 422x506, a proper lady she is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't turn this into another retarded UK/US fight.
It's too late for that. It was always too late.

>> No.12120246

>but still didn't add anything of culinary value
Thank god for France, our greatest ally.

>> No.12120250

>scottish people unironically deep frie chocolate candy bars
it's a hard yikes from me

>> No.12120252

>using casings for some stupid reason
Because intestines are much more expensive than the petroleum based synthetic used in america.

>> No.12120257

>A hotdog is to sausage as ground beef is to steak.
A hotdog is a sandwich made from sausage and a soft bun.

>> No.12120311
File: 1.52 MB, 4088x2868, 1553464900484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deep frying something that already has high greasy fat content makes sense. America deep frying vegetables doesn't.

I feel like the joke is as much as you UK fags bitch "Do Americans?", we still share a potency for greasy fried food. We should really just hate fuck and get it over with. Pic related is UKs creation.

>> No.12120338

>something being delicious equates to being the best meal of your life
haha.. i don't think so.

>> No.12120348
File: 28 KB, 428x410, 0a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a part of the pig that people literally throw away otherwise
>more expensive than petroleum based synthetic shit
>made out of million-year-old fossilized tree juice that people routinely fight wars over

>> No.12120429

>he writes in english

>> No.12120474

every country has their own fatfuck foods alright
but what murica does is just too much.

>> No.12120487

Go online and price them you retarded tripfag. But I'm sure you know as much about making sausage as an amoeba. Faggot.

>> No.12120612

Looks like you've got a shitty rip off of the Dutch viandel there, mate. We're already the masters of deep fried snacks. Just fry your fish and mash your peas, no one is gonna nibble on your sausage.

>> No.12120836

I just go to Rutt's Hut!

>> No.12120868

You can make corndogs with any kind of sausage, dumbass. The only requirement is the corn bread.

>> No.12120880

Battered sausage from the chippy is lush.

>> No.12120911
File: 392 KB, 652x562, 24111512-5963-45D9-8E10-3E2C77C7A537.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>French food

>> No.12121048

I never understood why meat pies weren't more of a thing in the states. I like America but that seems like a missed opportunity, nothing like a good steak and ale pie or chicken and mushroom pie.

>> No.12121094

we export them to europe they pay more

>> No.12121098

We eat them all the time they are made at home not restaurants

>> No.12121107
File: 1.20 MB, 960x960, 1529448387448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah. That's alright then. Meat pies are great, glad you guys enjoy them as well.

>> No.12121135
File: 1.59 MB, 280x210, a9b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A hot freshly baked chicken and mushroom pie with the goopy white pastry inside..

>> No.12121344
File: 259 KB, 779x683, 1553101954434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never had one, I just watch people eat them on YouTube. Such is coastie life

>> No.12121347

This sounds good and I wanna try it now :/ we deep fry oreos, for fucks sake, but we wont deep fry sausages?

>> No.12121401

nigger buy from an actual butcher
we still use casings

>> No.12121798
File: 452 KB, 1772x1329, RUTTS-HUTT-RIPPERS-e1533239259264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It may look ugly but this is what peak hotdog performance looks like.

>> No.12122258

>enslaves half the world, subjecting billions of people to the horrors of unseasoned food

>> No.12122260

is it common? like we have deep fried oreos here but its mainly just a gimmick at county fairs from what ive seen.

>> No.12122261

chicken pot pie is god tier, with the potatoes and carrots and peas

>> No.12122263

should have dijon/yellow mustard and plain cole slaw

>> No.12122287

but if you season it you can taste all the natural blandness

>> No.12122315

That's why hotdogs are better deep fried, you don't deep fry the good shit.

>> No.12122319

They're pretty big in the Midwest from what I heard.

>> No.12122357

pies are pretty normal but like the other anon said, it's mostly eaten at home. the most popular one are single serving chicken pot pies.

>> No.12122359

>American is a meme for deep frying most things
Scotland deep fries way more than we do

>> No.12122763

>I haven't heard of Americans deep frying sausages
What are corn dogs you lousy yuke

>> No.12122783
File: 140 KB, 680x1020, beef-noodle-casserole-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In America we see pies as being strictly sweet dessert items with a produce-based filling. The closest thing to European savory pies in American cuisine would be American-style casseroles, which in themselves can be summed up as "literally anything but you cover it in a lot of cheese and shove it in the oven for a bit" and by god is it extremely fucking delicious.

>> No.12122872

>not horseradish sauce and a shit ton of onions

>> No.12122884
File: 45 KB, 615x409, pizza-crunch-resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans will deep fry an oreo but not a pizza, why?

>> No.12122889

Chicken pot pie is a very common dish in America, you fucking faggot.

>> No.12123163

Haven’t been there is so long. That relish is god tier

>> No.12123179

to be fair, in a frozen shithole id deep fry everything

>> No.12123270

Been a year or 2 for me, I'm only about a half hour from the place. Need to go asap

>> No.12123304

thought this was fat nick for a second

>> No.12123340

Not for long. The UK is a middle eastern country now, pork will be outlawed by 2020.

>> No.12123573

>literally steals cuisine of every nation they invaded because yts cant make decent food

>> No.12124637

So are tacos and fried rice but we don't consider them American

>> No.12124740

the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.12124799

That's is a very good point

Nothing, get on our level.

>> No.12124944

Dumb salty winefag

>> No.12124950
File: 1.85 MB, 162x288, #YOLOSWAG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget that most of the world learns English to do business with AMERICANS, not the irrelevant Brits.

>> No.12124970

>he thinks the English just invented a language out of nowhere

>> No.12124973

most annoying thing about a sausage in batter is that can fly off in that sort of box i prefer it wrapped then consume when i am in a seating position so no danger niga

>> No.12125318

Dude what, most sausages I can buy at a grocery store that are intended to be eaten straight up still have casings. Aside from breakfast links and franks of course.

>> No.12125875

They're synthetic, imbecile, but you wouldn't know because requiring corporations to divulge what their "food style products" consist of is an atheist, gombunist, socialist conspiracy.

>> No.12125901

There isn't a single American out there right or left that would mind knowing more about their food. Don't be ridiculous.

>> No.12126115

No they aren't their like the disabled gay cousin of battered sausages you fag

>> No.12128061

Deep fried food is gross.

>> No.12128078

you haven't truly lived until you've eaten a classic Ned Kelly pie

>> No.12128231

Then why does the right block those attempts at informative food labeling?

>> No.12128279

>british cuisine is the really unseasoned cuisine
Nigger have you eaten nordic cuisine? I'm not saying I don't like it (I do), but holy shit compared to that english cuisine might as well be indian cuisine. We, along with the other major colonial powers used A LOT of fucking seasonings, since spices were a huge component of trade in that era, which is reflected in the fact that most any english dish includes plenty of seasoning.
British cuisine confirmed for the most undeservedly shat on on the planet.

>> No.12128298

Yes, we do. Where the fuck are you from

>> No.12128303
File: 105 KB, 666x491, angry non anglos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget that most of the world learns British English partially due to the historical importance of the British empire, partially due to the current importance of the United States of Greater Israel, but in most places they don't even bother to teach American English, despite its (inarguable) greater importance currently.
>mfw American English is basically African American Vernacular English with a mildly better reputation

>> No.12128309

The right as a political party isnt blocking anything. It's not like this is a referendum. Companies obviously dont want to pay more and it's an issue that unless someone dies or is sued because of it will hardly attract popular attention amongst the thousands of things that happen politically in America. If it was some kind of federal regulation the right would be against it only because the states have the power to do this already.

>> No.12128629
File: 88 KB, 720x724, 1523871420168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol """""""""""""""British""""""""""""""""""' English is only learned in the former colonies fuck off

>> No.12128637

But makes less sense than fried fish
Who seriously gets these when you're already at a FISH and chip shop
Faggots, that's who.

>> No.12128653
File: 889 KB, 3264x2448, Patat_speciaal_and_frikandel_speciaal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior deep fried snack food coming through

>> No.12128660

>fried poo poo

>> No.12128671

Stop being retarded, the right is in the pockets of the food corporations and oppose any attempt at a more informed consumer from the proposed labelling of gmo products to the recent change of permitting "pink slime" to be labeled as regular ground beef. An informed and educated consumer is the rights' worst nightmare.

>> No.12128748

"""""""""""British"""""""""""" English

Yeah you're right, it really should just be called "English".
As for the rest of your "argument", if you'd even looked at the map you'd realise American "English" is only taught in some parts of latin america, and some parts of the pacific, of which only Japan is really important. It's not even taught in Canada, nor Europe. Even China teaches British English.
>your status :
absolutely seething m8

>> No.12128840

"English English" ;)

>> No.12128870

fite me irl

>> No.12129259


>> No.12129264

I thought that’s Hebrew?

>> No.12129269

You go and deep fry a mars bar and you aren't in a position to be talking shit, UK.

>> No.12129276

Any real butcher has natural casing. Try something other than a grocery chain for once.

>> No.12129279

hotdogs are not sandwiches

>> No.12129282

Somebody needs to get over there and show you fuckers how to make a proper pizza.

>> No.12129349

america itself is a copy of the UK you fatty tubby mutt

>> No.12129634
File: 53 KB, 557x768, 1527637205782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English is still taught internationally because of American businesses. If you think Chinese kids are eager to learn English to do business with Britain you are dead wrong.

>> No.12129715

around 1/4th, france, italy and russia get 1/2. The remaining 1/4th you can divide between benelux scandinavia, poland and switserland

>> No.12129917

Yes and no. Are chinese kids eager to learn english to do business with Britain? Of course not. Are they purely eager to learn it to do business with america? Also no, its because its the international lingua franca, I'm not denying America post ww2 plays a huge role in that, but you'd equally be a retard if you tried to claim britain didn't play at least as large a role in that in spreading the language to such a wide range of regions, and you'd be flat out wrong if you tried to claim they were explictly trying to learn amercian english. They learn british english as a general rule - like it or not, that's just the reality of the global education systems.
There's also other factor such as british universities which also play a large role in the decision of many to learn english. It just isn't as simple as "the only reason they learn it is for muricans whooooooooooooooo *bald eagle explodes inthe distance*"