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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 46 KB, 1200x857, Chicken-Cordon-Bleu_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12117800 No.12117800 [Reply] [Original]

Good Youtube cooking channel recommendations.

I don't know why but there's so many shitty ones that have thousands of subscribers. It's like 90 percent of the people watching don't even make the food or even know how to cook.

My picks:
Food Wishes (Good for beginners, kino as fuck)
Basics with Babish

Also a good recipe for Chicken Cordon Bleu you can recommend would be cool.

>> No.12117814

Chef Wang

>> No.12117826


Great, just what I wanted.

Recipes written in bing-bong that I have to google translate.

>> No.12117840

Fuck you

>> No.12117847


>> No.12117873

Butthurt from too much Wang

>> No.12117909

alton brown is great for specific types of cooking.

>> No.12117953
File: 32 KB, 474x316, download-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooking with dog

>> No.12117981


>> No.12117999

Bruno Albouze

>> No.12119079

Jaime Oliver and Martha Stewart

>> No.12119153

Ever since dog died, it hasnt been the same.

>> No.12119161

The Staff Canteen.

>> No.12119214

Unironically Gordon Ramsay has some great recipes for everyday cooking on his channel. What I like most about his cooking is how he brings the speed required for restaurant cooking into home cooking so a lot of his recipes are done in 15 minutes from start to finish while producing amazing dishes that impress.


>> No.12119332

SORTED Food if you can handle how London they are. Though they don't do recipe videos as often as they used to since they actually published their own cookbooks.

>> No.12119342

>Food Wishes and Babish
I was going to come and suggest my most favorite, prized youtube cooking channels but you already have shit taste so you would not appreciate them.

>> No.12119601

True dat

>> No.12119632
File: 194 KB, 357x615, Screenshot_20190318-182409~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Souped Up Recipes is my go-to for good Chinese dishes

>> No.12119642

>insulting Father John
why dont you head on back to /pol/ and /mlp/ there buddy

>> No.12119647
File: 507 KB, 1125x924, 67003DB7-0284-4551-9C0C-AE0D52A1F966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated channel


>> No.12119724

happy wok

>> No.12119778

Breadbaking = Jack's. He's kind of a cheesy shit, but his tips are on point.

>> No.12119843

organize the following and feel free to add:

>Chef Wang
>happy wok
>Food Wishes
>basics with babish
>Alex French Guy Cooking
>Brothers Green Eats
>Great Deprepession cooking
>cooking with depression
>Weber cooking microwave
>Artger Mongolian Cuisine
>Bon Appetite
>Martha Stewart
>French Cooking Academy
>Chinene Cooking Demystefied
>Asain Street Food Compilations
>that one asain lady with the poodle that died recently
>you suck at cooking
>public acess show paint workout and make mixed drinks
>that one fat lady that makes those flyover recipies.
>that one girl with muscular dystrophy or something that cooks breakfast in the most adorable way
>english heritage

>> No.12119861
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, step_one_chop_a_pound_of_garlic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. He's a pretty cool guy.

>> No.12119979

>All those meme channels like tasty, Jack, Joey, and Emmy
>No Bruno Albouze

>> No.12120046

You can peep all of Heston's shit while bearing in mind some of his shit is so ridiculously complicated for no reason other than getting stars

>> No.12120356

French cooking academy

Its not an actual academy just some really good recipes, mostly fit for bistros and restaurants though, usually need some adjustment for home cookinh

>> No.12120370

the katering show

>> No.12120540

Steve's Kitchen is pretty kino

>> No.12121459

Can't believe no one has said CookinginRussia. It's actually legit as fuck.

>> No.12121489

Only guy I follow, everything from his channel is great. Anyone else you'd recommend?

>> No.12121603
File: 42 KB, 700x499, Boris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12123399

Unless you meant this as a warning of not what to do in cooking, this is a horrible suggestion.

>> No.12123600

Not sure if you're just shilling yourself or not, either way I loved the gumbo recipe, easily one of the best things I've ever tasted

>> No.12123607


Try this one. Follow it closely.

>> No.12123661
File: 29 KB, 480x270, Chef Tifa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12124060

Maangchi you fags

>> No.12124139

checked and based

>> No.12124150

Kay's Good Cooking

>> No.12124167

The best channel for baking has to be Michael Lim. I made his jam doughnuts and they were so good.

>> No.12124402

>the katering show

Legit the only females that have ever made me laugh.