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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12116550 No.12116550[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>actual vegan thread
No cheatday falseflagging, no fat, and heart diseased carnists, no crying because vegans are ethically superior.
Post recipes and /vegan general/
I'm making sweet potato curry night. What are my fellow vegans making tonight?

>> No.12116556

it's 2019 bro why u assuming a vegetables gender?

>> No.12116557

I only stick my penis in the peppers with 4 bumps

>> No.12116566

I've always done this too and now I know why.

>> No.12116621

What do you use as cheat nights? I cheat usually just the weekends, where I may have a small course of steak and eggs or a nice char broiled brisket. But other than that I'm vegan all week unless I have an egg or two for breakfast, or need a quick lunch and stop at McDonalds for a burger. But vegan other than that. I'm having impossible burger with roasted asparagus tonight, topped the burger with lettuce, tomato, and vegan mayo.

>> No.12116623

less seeds

>> No.12116645

>vegan hugbox thread

>> No.12116648

Lol. I don't go near red meat but I assume we're all cheating somewhat? I don't know of any real vegans.

>> No.12116654

If you cut it right the seeds stay in the middle undisturbed.

>> No.12116656

>and the males are better for cooking
are they sweeter when cooked?

>> No.12116678

this isn't true at all, not a single thing in that image

number of lobes is dependent on variety

>> No.12116679
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I make my vegan burgers with 80% ground beef. I just tell the rubes that its pea protein or some shit like that. Then I preen about saving the planet and how the carnists are killing themselves with heart disease and how amazingly beef like my ethical burger is. Pretty good life, man.

>> No.12116751

>Assuming the pepper’s gender
How about you ask them?

>> No.12116754
File: 24 KB, 323x207, carnism hairloss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 proof by examples
>zero arguments
>fallacious arguments if any argument
>balding, sunstaring, flatearth, antivaxx

>> No.12116783

>Attributing a genetic condition to diet
I love how every day vegans prove that are just as anti-science as anti-vaxxers and flat earthers.

>> No.12116793
File: 1.16 MB, 1300x1800, 1548628963972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like we've got a buttblasted vegan. Would you please let sverige out of jail?

(He's in vegan jail in England for eating meat)

>> No.12116800

Is that image real or bait

>> No.12116809

>When every (((fucking shill))) on kikechan is shilling for vaccines.

Keep your shekels but go shill somewhere else.

>> No.12116840

>Pro-plague shill calls others shills to cover for his own shilling

>> No.12116871

This, it's the current year you bigots.

>> No.12116879

From Oregon State's website:
>This is a garden myth. By definition, all pepper fruits are ripened ovaries containing seeds formed after pollination. Those seeds will then form new pepper plants. The bumps or lack thereof are primarily related to the variety and growing conditions. Sweetness is usually a factor of ripeness. Thus red bell peppers are sweeter than green.
source: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/gardening/vegetables/are-there-male-female-peppers
Literally fake news.

>> No.12116893

>The Jew cries out in pain as he poisons your child.

Isn't sucking baby penises enough for you yid? You have to poison them too?

>> No.12116914

Hoooooh shit. Are you an actual antivaxxer? Dude stay ITT.. Talk to us. Are you a carnie? Are you a sunstarer? Are you balding? I'd bet your next post being a falseflag that you are literally retarded!

>> No.12117005

>wanting to inject mercury into babies
Absolutely psychopathic. Yes, I sungaze. Not with my eyes open, obviously. Just fifteen minutes a day with my face tilted in the direction of the sun. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel in general.

>> No.12117006

>/pol/ posters so psychotic that anything they get backlash from has to be a jew

>> No.12117012

go suck some baby dick blood and calm down

>> No.12117017

>Retard jumping at (jew) shadows

>> No.12117052
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>bbbut teefs are totally not needed on an ethical plant based diet guise

>> No.12117055

>The Israeli government literally funds organisations to post on /pol/
It's not paranoia if they are out to get you

>> No.12117101

Yeah, I don't give a shit about them. They aren't fucking asshole dickhead annoyances like the /pol/tards like you who have to swarm every. single. fucking. board. with your fucking sewage-soaked posts.

>> No.12117108

>gender is a spectrum<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F308;</div>

>> No.12117219
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>Why do they persecute me so!?

>> No.12117236

I'm not vegan i just like veggies
anyway i make a mean vegetarian mushroom and pea gravy

>> No.12117399
File: 50 KB, 795x454, 1552125848424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like how the carnis are behaving but I am very pleased the vegan thread is ruined.

>> No.12117503

I don't think this is true. I see peppers with five segments, too. WTF are they? Intersex? What about the ones with only two?

>> No.12117619

Why are Vegans so full of themselves?

>> No.12117671

I could just eat bowls of mushrooms in gravy and be pretty happy with that.

>> No.12117682

Do you prefix every recipe that happens to lack meat with the word "vegetarian"?

>> No.12117701

tbqh hairloss is more associated with malnutrition which in turn is associated with veganism much more than eating meat.

>> No.12117827


>> No.12117922

The picture literally says the four bump ones have more seeds.

>> No.12118001

I was vegan for all of last year from January to October. Although I did have some cheat days, where I'd cook buttered egg- toast for breakfast, or go to sushi on Friday night, or cook up a nice steak with a Potatoe and garlic, I was fully vegan the rest of the time.

I also was vegan with all purchases, except the two pairs of dress shoes I had resoled with leather soles.

I was not directly responsible for the killing of any animal except for the feral hog that I magdumped into and finished off with a headshot point blank with my problem solver glawk.

Feels good to know I'm morally supreme compared to all of my friends and colleagues.

>> No.12118106
File: 61 KB, 720x929, dd0fd33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A holy shit from me... Carnists are actually antivaxxers? I thought you retards just hated vegans so you tried to eat only meat. You guys are more fucking retarded than anyone then, my god.
Carnists are literally antivaxxers... Maybe the vegans are right here.

>> No.12118718
File: 1.29 MB, 1242x2073, 1548224451890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like vaccines you should take them every day.

Kind of sad, most liberals are killing their own children in the womb, now if they even have the kid they poison it with vaccines designed to sicken and kill the 'patient.'

BTW what is a "carnist?"

>> No.12118741

bell peppers are actually fruit since they surround the seed with flesh

>> No.12118747


>> No.12118766


>> No.12118801

>Retard thinks that's what's happening here
>Retard thinks everyone calling him out for his bullshit has to be a jew

>> No.12118814

>If you like vaccines you should take them every day.

>Kind of sad, most liberals are killing their own children in the womb, now if they even have the kid they poison it with vaccines designed to sicken and kill the 'patient.'
This has to be a troll to say something this fucking stupid.

>BTW what is a "carnist?"
It's a retarded vegan meme that eating meat isn't a natural evolutionary need, so they try to flip it around that people with a normal diet are the ones doing something wrong by calling it "carnism."