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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12115443 No.12115443[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>waiter at Applebees
>fuck you i know
>aprils fool day
>hate that faggotry
>people doing it at work
>have to play along
>get a table of SWJs
>2 have purple hair
>who cares, smile do my job as always
>literal faggots want malt vinegar for fries
>hit soda before running vinegar bottle to table
>swallow slightly wrong
>feel need to clear throat
>can barely control it
>about to cough
>already at table now
>say "heres your vinegar"
>halfway through vinegar
>cant stop the cough
>leave and go to back
>table asks for new server
>get called immed into managers office
>sent home to shitpost
Apparently the fucking idiots thought i said 'vin-NIGGER' and put emphasis on the word nigger on purpose. I honestly was speechless. Of course i said i was holding back a coughing fit a the table.
Manager believes me i think but he said it could be some aprils food day stunt on my part and it was best I went home. what and why. dont even know if i wanna go back.
I think im fired.

>> No.12115454


>> No.12115456

Things that never happened for 500, Alex.

>> No.12115464

Get on antidepressants

>> No.12115467 [DELETED] 
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Subscribe to pewdiepie

>> No.12115470


>> No.12115476

Don't go back. You don't need such a pussy boy manager in your life.

Also, i wouldn't serve anyone who has dyed their hair in a stupid rainbow color. Its a matter of principles.

>> No.12115479

based and subbed
happened my fren

>> No.12115486

Just get your unemployment check if you are fired.

>> No.12115492

call HR and change your gender they cant fire you if you do that

>> No.12115495

Go back, OP. Go back and shit on those tables

>> No.12115528

best idea yet
dont think i can
literally i should

>> No.12115625

You’re an idiot. It’s called vinafricanamerican. It’s written on the fucking bottle.

>> No.12115723

Based and pewdiepilled

>> No.12115727

have a like

>> No.12115838

If you weren't fired then just show up as usual your next shift. Chances are he only pretends to give a shit because "the customer is always right".

>> No.12115848

well i have to show up, whether or not i work remains to be seen

>> No.12117339

>>be me
why the fuck
>>waiter at Applebees
you see id rather be dead .... kys i would
>>fuck you i know
yea right
>>aprils fool day
my ass
>>hate that faggotry
it suits you faggot
>>people doing it at work
filthy jobber
>>have to play along
fucking pussy ... going to bet you are some sort of cuck NO JOKE
>>get a table of SWJs
>>2 have purple hair
they must suck like major dick undercover
>>who cares, smile do my job as always
enough already i would rather die
. fuck off with having be me >> kys
>literal faggots want malt vinegar for fries
>hit soda before running vinegar bottle to table
>>swallow slightly wrong
>>feel need to clear throat
>>can barely control it
>>about to cough
out of context you be me is entirely gay WTF
im done here
fuck off faggot
>>already at table now
>>say "heres your vinegar"
>>halfway through vinegar
>>cant stop the cough
>>leave and go to back
>>table asks for new server
>>get called immed into managers office
>>sent home to shitpost

>> No.12117362

neck yourself, vi-NIGGER

>> No.12117373

you put in a lot of effort for something you seem to have no interest in. faggot.

>> No.12117429

>swallow slightly wrong
why would you do that vinegro<div class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" width="32" height="32" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/pckl.png"></div>

>> No.12117443

yikes<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F494;</div>

>> No.12117447

get a job at chillis. it's far superior

>> No.12117451

Make sure you thank your boss. Who the fuck would want to work at motherfucking applebees?

>> No.12117468

Really, just go back?

On second thought a waiter job is easy to come by anyways, personally I would just get another job if your manager is being such and idiot...

>> No.12117481

were either of them even black?

otherwise the insult makes no sense

>> No.12117670

You only get that if you're laid off dumbass.

>> No.12117714

Go back in there. Don't grovel. Explain what happened calmly and don't beg or seem desperate.
If they don't take your side and fire you, just leave. Maybe spit on the floor. I wouldn't bother trying to insult because they're just faggots who manage an Applebee's, they're nobodies and you don't need to impress them, plus it'll only make you seem sad and salty.
If they decide to let you stay, quit immediately, maybe spit on the floor, and leave. Perhaps chime in a few words about respecting employees. They're nobodies and you'll only get trapped working in a place like that.
-t. worked at Applebee's for like 2 weeks (maybe six years ago) and quit because Applebee's is for niggers.

>> No.12117757
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Blog somewhere else faggot.

>> No.12118140

yeah thats very epic HOWEVER, the question that must be asked is: WHO are YOU quoting?

>> No.12118492

Yup thats russian propaganda from a trollfactory right there.

>> No.12118601

The next time you go in and tell your boss you said vinne-kike

They thought you said nigger so they won’t be expecting it

>> No.12118605

god i had a dream about that last night. SPOOKY AF
DISLIKED!<div class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/skeletons/9.gif"></div>

>> No.12118626
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>> No.12118635

Having to say it really happened means youre lying

>> No.12118648

>le russians

holy shit watch out guys boris and natasha are gonna steal the kentucky derby by posting r/notalwaysright tier banalities about the service industry on a board about mcchickens, weak ass hot sauce and jollibees

>> No.12118656

Anon called a a table of sluts niggers

>> No.12118703

There's 0% chance this happened and OP is clearly a NEET who has never had a job.
No manager would send his own people home over such a stupid complaint.
Then again I live in a normal state so if you live in some hyper-liberal shithole then maybe this is what happens there idk.

>> No.12118707

ive been fired for less

>> No.12118720

No you haven't.

>> No.12118722

nigger ive been fired from at least 30 jobs. once i was fired for walking racist

>> No.12118786

>Drinking soda
You deserve it

>> No.12118816

I'm not American, I'm from Kentucky

>> No.12118821

hows nigtucky rastus?

>> No.12118852

One thing you fail to mention is that you and all these other nut huggers in here didn't think of is that if you're being fired over something like this then you either you have a shit boss or more than likely you're a fucking sperg and a shit worker and this is a convenient reason to let you go. Imagine getting upset over losing a job at Applebee's LMAO at your life m80. This never happened though anyway you just wanted to come in here a drop some "le redpills." Eat a nigger dick.

>> No.12118856

managers usually have families and shit, they dont wnat to get fired for not firing an employee, or at the very least covering their own asses you absolute shit for brains.
>no concept of CYA
>found the neet

>> No.12118876

They wouldn't let go of a good worker over someone misinterpreting the word vinager. They would certainly throw a bad employee under the bus for a convenient reason to fire them however. This is a made up story anyway.

>> No.12118891

this is where you are wrong.
managers are shit, they're just faggots who wwent no where in life, they have the job of their dreams (bossing people around) so they protect that by shitting on people.
why do you think the managers are the first ones shot when people come back with guns? because they are great, pious people? um sweetie, no.

>> No.12118921

LOL if you think any low level manager finds his job truly fulfilling you've never worked a day in your life. This story was made up so OP could tell his friends back at leddit he owned the libs in his head epic style. You guys need to hop off the cross the world isn't out to get you. Better yet start a fucking career.

>> No.12118930

how did i own any libs if i get fired?
youre an idiot, managers suck, you suck as a manager and your employees hate you.
sorry i dont make the rules, fren

>> No.12118937

This is some ass ravaged wagie thinking.

>> No.12118938

Don't project you're failures as an APPLEBEE'S WAITER onto me you worthless sack of shit. Get your shit together anon and move the fuck out of your parents they are sick of you mooching and shit posting all day.

>> No.12118959

imagine a career a restaurant manager.
youre one step above AL BUNDY.
>comping food all day for any complaint
>thinking employees are actually his friends
>always trying to fuck the waitresses who ruthlessly make fun of you behind your back
>being an actual restaurant manager

>> No.12118967

Um sweetie I work in IT. Maybe next time you'll be able to memorize the menu at Chili's and not get fired. Good luck.

>> No.12118971

>I work in IT
id have more respect for the restaurant manager who actually knows what work is.
>change my password

>> No.12118976

cant work at chilis or any brinker rest. anymore id imagine. been fired too many times.

>> No.12118978

>IT is just help desk stuff
Your parents want to see 3 filled out applications on the table before they get home anon. Better hurry.

>> No.12118985

>Not ever meeting that kitchen manager or F&B director that masterbates themselves to 27% food cost
Wanna know how I can tell you've never worked in a restaurant?

>> No.12118987

if you did anything respectable that was computer related youd say you were a programmer.
ok script kiddie
im from IT, i can help.

>> No.12118989

Not that guy but I have a friend that works in IT and he tells me often how stupid easy it is

>> No.12119004

We call ourselves coders now.

>> No.12119006

>all this COPE
Keep moving the goalposts anon. Not only do I have a job, earn more than you, not live at home, but I'm "working" from bed right now. Pretty comfy not to have to make up stories to tell my parents about why I lost my "career" due to mean libs and unfair managers.

Most jobs are easy outside of hard manual labor if you know somewhat what you're doing. Imagine being retarded enough you can't keep your Applebee's waiter job though. Sheesh.

>> No.12119016
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tfw i worked in the office for 3 years running SOCKS5 from home that was able to bypass every filter in the office.
tfw "IT" saw my internet traffic go to a crawl and i got complimented on it.
tfw shitposting on 4chan and irc 40 hours a week.
tfw i removed the CPU's from the broken office computers and sold them on ebay
tfw i used the work serials to activate all my windows computers
tfw 6tb of my NAS comes from taking the IT's drives out of their computers
tfw i added my own drive to my workstation to install my own software
also im on the clock too from my living room faggot

>> No.12119018

there's nothing respectable about about being a coder. That phrase calls to mind endless waves of unwashed neets and pajeets who couldn't hack real engineering.

Real programming is done with a soldering iron.

>> No.12119032

>every IT job is help desk or desktop support
>bragging about being a thief
Jamal you're not fooling anyone. Give it back. Also I wouldn't ever know who you were as I don't work with service desk.

>> No.12119236

>Browses 4chan
>Gets accused of making racist remark
Seems right

>> No.12119246

Not buying this story. However, congrats on working at Applebee's! The slop cooks in back were tye people on /ck/ claiming to be "chefs".