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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12114554 No.12114554 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to lose weight but my day is packed with work and gym, what are some quick meals I can cook on a budget to lose weight?

>> No.12114562

boiled chicken and steamed broccoli, add hot sauce as needed

>> No.12114647

frozen veg<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F4A2;</div>

>> No.12114655

Red beans and rice desu. Very filling so you'll be less hungry. You can always add chunks of meat as well. Very cost effective.<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F438;</div>

>> No.12114656

Pan, nice and hot

>> No.12114783

empty plate, instant prep and free too

>> No.12114853

The cheapest meal to lose weight I could think of would probably be fasting.

>> No.12115465
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>> No.12115499

I have a great recipe
Step 1: get 4 cups of cold water
Step 2: drink it

>> No.12115500

Variety and convieniance

>> No.12115503
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>> No.12115515

>my day is packed with work and gym
Have you considered a bullet?

>> No.12115519

Chicken, pasta, tomato sauce.
56g of pasta = 200 calories
1/2 cup of pasta sauce is 70 calories
100g of boiled chicken breast = 165 clories

Boil a lot of chicken at once and just heat it up with the pasta/sauce.

>> No.12115575

Brined oven-roasted chicken breast, spice negotiable.
Steamed broccoli and carrots with butter (I add cabbage as well, but w/e)
Peppered jasmine rice.

The poor man's dead-simple /fit/ food meal prep. Make enough to last entire week, will still be fine for up to 5 days. Chicken will still be edible even if you can't reheat because brine. Literally a 4 year old can do any of them.

>> No.12116792

Can I used a microwave for vegetables? Or do I have to do them stovetop? I'm asking mostly for nutritional content.

>> No.12117939

You can get frozen veggies bags? Those work too. Nutrition is actually kept well in tact for frozen veggies and microwaving doesn't damage nutrition. It'll just taste of shit

>> No.12117959

Cheap as chips and filling. Very cost effective when you make it for a whole weak.