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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1013 KB, 1500x1000, king-oyster-mushrooms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12112090 No.12112090 [Reply] [Original]

What is /ck/'s favourite mushroom?

>> No.12112092

Magic and shiitake.

>> No.12112107
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Pennsylvania Dutchman

>> No.12112116

The plain old button mushroom thqh. i like its chewiness.

>> No.12112118
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I'm partial to this box of mushrooms personally.

>> No.12112133
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>> No.12112156

the one that looks like a penis

>> No.12112194

psilocybe mexicana sounds nice

>> No.12112199

i am lik murhrums

>> No.12112237


>> No.12112240

My peanus weenus of course

>> No.12112244

Tried shiitake recently and really liked them

>> No.12112246


>> No.12112700

Oh yeah, OP, king oyster is the best mushroom!!

>> No.12112793

I don’t eat mushrooms because I am not a deranged vegan

>> No.12112800

Why did I instinctively read this in a true Irish accent?

>> No.12112803 [DELETED] 

Tastes like fuckin' raisins and vanilla

>> No.12112816

The one that grows on my cellar walls

>> No.12112822

I love actual murdered animal
Meat, but i also love mushrooms.
Youre just some picky, super tasting incel.

>> No.12112830

Terrible LARP, peta
For future reference killing an animal is not murder because god gave man the right

>> No.12113478
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>> No.12113492


>> No.12113498
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My kitchen. Morel, porcini, shiitake, lions mane, wood ear... love them all, maximum tasty. My fave though is porcini. In this recipe.


In Ramsay's own words "forget fish and chips, no more curries, this is british at its very best"

>> No.12113510
File: 40 KB, 434x491, psilocybe-cubensis-mckennaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here tried Golden Teacher? Was thinking of growing some myself but Ive heard its hard as they can get contaminated easily.

>> No.12113516

psilocybin is repugnant imo. utter fucking chaos. i once took 40 grams at once and lost consciousness. never again. you're absolutely out of control on the damn stuff, you'll have a thousand different voices in your head and you'll struggle to know which is your own. lsd is a million times nicer.

>> No.12113520

Discovered shiitakes during thanksgiving and still horny on those.

>> No.12113522
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>i once took 40 grams at once and lost consciousness.

Dried or fresh? That sounds like a lot.

I'd prefer LSD but I'm scared of being sold 25I-NBOMe instead. Ive heard real LSD is hard to get and I'm a wimp when it comes to drugs.

>> No.12113523

My nigga. Mushrooms are extremely versatile. They can be the star of a dish, used for mushroom soup shots to start a dinner, be pickled, served as a side to meat, seafood or poultry. You can even make desserts with mushrooms.

>> No.12113544

fresh, but still, fuck that noise. there is literally nothing enjoyable about tripping on that stuff.
use darknet markets bruh, customer feedback yields trustworthy vendors.
also drugs are bad, mkay.
fact. plus they last forever when dried. i prefer them even to truffles. food of the gods.

>> No.12113991

How do the mushrooms differ? I don’t think I’ve had any besides portabello and I’m curious if I’d like the others more or not.

>> No.12114031

>take 40 grams at once
>wtf this isn't fun i hate mushrooms now
that's like the equivalent of eating an entire blotter of acid no shit it's not fun at that kind of doses

>> No.12114050
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>> No.12114079

I live in rural Missouri and one of my favorite /out/ activities is picking wild morels. So damn comfy plus theyre delicious pan fried. Really hoping I can get a cute girl to go with me once it warms up

>> No.12114230
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>> No.12114270

25i isn't a bad trip desu, it just has a gross flavor and can also kill you

>> No.12114304

The fried ones you get with Full English Breakfasts.

>> No.12114623

For me it's morels
But if you want a true mushroom then it's Lion's Mane
God gave man the right to kill other people too though
Try Lysergi and get 1P-LSD or ALD-52, I can vouch that it's the real deal

>> No.12114924

Those little grey ones that grow on my bath mat<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F603;</div>

>> No.12114935

For lunch, I just made a chicken breast cut into cubes and sauteed in a sweet garlic szechuan sauce with shiitakes and black wood ears. Came out so good. I gotta start naming these dishes.

>> No.12114953


>> No.12114956

You absolute fucking mad lad

>> No.12114978


>> No.12115002
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Lion's mane

>> No.12115233

get a test kit dude

>> No.12116033

Aparently someone has them growing umexpectly on their benis juice rag.

>> No.12116619

That looks gross

>> No.12117131
File: 397 KB, 1500x842, morels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry i'm late bros. To busy be the king of mushrooms.

>> No.12117513

I grew b+ for a year. Sterilize/sanitize every work surface and growing container, pasteurize your substrate. I never had a contamination there the mycelium couldn't beat.

>> No.12117666
File: 3.33 MB, 1728x1847, strobilomyces-floccopus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they taste faintly of shellfish and are very good for you

Strobilomyces a best though.

>> No.12117726

Phoenix oysters. I wish I could try the ones you can't grow, but at least I have access to fresh ones that you can. Paddy straw, every kind of oyster you can imagine, shiitake, chicken of the woods, lion's mane, you name it. It's amazing how much variety there is in flavor.

>> No.12117747
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>here we have psiocybe cubensis
>it's recommended you dose at an eighth of an ounce
>lol imfuckingplying

>> No.12117760

Pine mushroom/matsutake probably, closely followed by morels, black trumpets, hedgehogs, and lobster mushrooms.

>> No.12118011

Lions mane is known to cause neurogenesis. Some people even take it daily in capsules of dried powder.

>> No.12118508

how many britbux was that jar of porcinis?

>> No.12118538

You should have started with 1g dried or 10grams fresh.
You went for the nuclear option on the first try.

>> No.12118652

>How do the mushrooms differ?
difficult question dude. texture, taste, price? all you really need to know is that they're all delicious.
'bout £4 iiirc. out of stock at the moment so can't be sure.
either way they're a hell of a lot more affordable than morels, but imo porcini are the nicer of the two.

>> No.12118840
File: 66 KB, 1080x1440, cultivated-mushroom-maitake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my local asian market stocks these suspiciously unlabeled packages of what looks like maitake but im not sure since its sold really cheap
been using it a ton and im probably gonna get some unspeakable illness from my neglect
great in soups and pasta, though

>> No.12118880

idk what the GBP to USD is like these days but that's better than here i'm pretty sure. I can get 40g for about 6-7 dollars

>> No.12119035
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>> No.12119738

>and can also kill you

This is the bit I'm a little concerned about DESU

>> No.12119755

If you aren't dead or have organ failure they are probably fine, even though there are mushroms that have accumulative poisons, but I doubt it.

>> No.12120245

How do use darknet market?

>> No.12120256

Morel, if unavailable, then trumpet

>> No.12120393

Eating mushrooms is probably worse ethically than eating animal products.
Remember that they’re not plants with primitive chemical systems, but a distinct kingdom still barely understood by science. They are the mysteries of the wood, and there is promising evidence that they can communicate between and within superorganisms (including plants and animals, even man (“magic mushroom” “hallucinations” are no more than the superorganism and human ego “compromising” in a way that’s alien to both)), including what can only be called a weak telepathic link, since it requires no direct connection or sensory signaling.
There’s a little experiment you can do yourself: if you’ve got more than one shower in your house, pick the one you use less and turn the water to a slight drip, and let it run for a few weeks. You should see a buildup of black mold on the walls, that’s stachybotrys, it’s a good place to start.
When the walls are about 75% covered, you can take off your clothes, stand in there, and try your hardest to consciously clear your mind, just relax and try to keep out any intrusive thoughts. Eventually you’ll get into a sort of trance, this is from the mold. They say it’s not healthy to breathe it in but any damage it does is going to be pretty much nothing unless you’re doing it over a long period of time, which you won’t be once you get the hang of this method. This is a form of direct communication between you and the superorganism, which didn’t “grow” but was merely invited.

>> No.12120405

Doing this will literally make you retarded or kill you.

>> No.12120441

I eat two teaspoons of dried lions mane a day.

>> No.12121829

This picture makes me sad, because you just know they don't move enough stock to keep them fresh.
All that waste, and packaging, and effort, for nothing.

>> No.12121831

The ones that smell and taste the least

>> No.12121897
File: 2.71 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20190120_192904995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are some shitty oyster mushrooms
T. Mushroom farmer

>> No.12121906

>being this autistic

>> No.12122062
File: 484 KB, 1843x1382, Lactarius paradoxus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Pleurotus. Ever forage wild mushrooms?

>> No.12122247

No wonder you had a bad experience, you took 40 fucking grams, dipshit.

>> No.12122561

The only mushroom I can truly rate is the shit-taki

I've cooked a few common types, buttons, swiss, oyster

Always seems to turn out bland. Maybe I'm overcooking them but I havent been impressed recently with mashrims.

>> No.12122566

For me, it's shiitake.

>> No.12122581

Ones without agaratine

>> No.12122733

The ones that are magical.

Other than that, mushrooms have no place in this world. For anything.

>> No.12124194
File: 81 KB, 1024x733, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohh! that makes a lot more sense, thanks mycoanon (i feel dumb now)
do you grow mushrooms in an industrial capacity? or more local/small scale?

>> No.12124702

my mushroom tip niggaaaaaaa

>> No.12124733

Yellowfoot and black trumpet.