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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12110545 No.12110545 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever get embarrassed in this situation?

>> No.12110554

I don’t drink. :)

>> No.12110564

>caring what other people think.

You’re not a real alcoholic.

>> No.12110576

you should spread your booze purchases around to several different stores through the week, if you don't want to get known as "that guy" by the store staff.

>> No.12110579

If Alan Partridge served me at Tescos? Yes, I would be embarrassed for him

>> No.12110671

You just know this is germany or eastern europe by the inbred facial structures painted on everyones face. Strange. So easy. Many such cases.

>> No.12110682

No. Its England

>> No.12110686

>the signs are all in English
>the register has a advert for Tesco's Clubcard

it's in Bongistan you fetid cunt

>> No.12110694

Yes especially when they see I bought extra small condoms

>> No.12110716

Of being an alcoholic? I constantly embarrass myself.

I don't really get embarrassed when purchasing until a cashier tells me I need to get help, or slow down on drinking.

>> No.12110851

what situation? I forgot my club card again?

>> No.12110877

I hate going to my local harbor freight for this reason, they only seem to hire boyish dyke cashiers who speak really softly and just stare at you during the whole ordeal.

>> No.12110896

based retard

>> No.12110899

U mad

>> No.12110910

Just remember that you'll never quite be as bad as the homeless-looking guy who would come into the liquor store I worked at and buy a nip of vodka with a couple of crinkled-up one dollar bills.

>> No.12110918

I used to go out of my way to a liquor store where the clerk was friendly, saw the guy multiple times a day sometimes and always had a nice chat, even invited him to my wedding. I moved even further away and don't drink nearly as often so dont see him much anymore.

>> No.12110925

When I worked in an off license(liquor store) I worked the night shift. That meant all the shy hardcore drinkers would come in. I also had to deal with the drinkers from the pub across the road who would come in to buy some cans on the way home.

Anyway. This one Asian guy used to come in and buy a bottle of Jack Daniels every night. He paid in notes and coins and his hands shook all the time that I had to help him count out his money.

>> No.12110963

no way jose

>> No.12110971

Nope. I go to the same liquor store every other day and get a quart of bottom shelf vodka. The clerk has it on the counter as I walk in the door and gives me a 10% discount. We make small talk and bob's your uncle!

>> No.12110993


>> No.12110995

You mean paki or china man?

>> No.12111007


>> No.12111018

>being a cashier?
yes, as you should

>> No.12111024

Where is this I need to check that out

>> No.12111183

perhaps the stupidest burgerpost on 4chan

>> No.12112632

self checkouts with age verification when

>> No.12112706

That's the joke. England basically is Germany/middle East.

>> No.12112750

At least can still discern what their facial structure is. For Americans it's a blob with four chins and two foreheads.

>> No.12114027

Alchies are obvious, this guy is too put together. I'd just assume he's stocking up or throwing a party.

>> No.12114043
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Ring my shit up, minmum wagie.

>> No.12114325

I don't like being junk food if I'm going to use a human cashier because I'm unreasonably paranoid. So if I'm buy mostly crap (for a party or something) I use the self-checkout.

>> No.12114336

>go to the liquor store
>"hey sir, can i help you find som--oh it's you. you don't need me help do you?"
I have to go to the liquor store in the other county just to avoid that embarrassment<div class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" width="160" height="160" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/xmashat.gif"></div>

>> No.12114345

do cashiers really do this?

>> No.12114370

I doubt it. Only happened to me once that i got sympathy from a cashier that noticed i looked like a broken man/boy that had nothing to do with the purchases i made that day.

>> No.12114453

worked as a cashier in a store specialised in liquor/non-alcoholics when i was in school. it was easy to identify the alcoholics after a short while but i just rang up their stuff, wished them a good day and went on with my life.

>> No.12114584

Yea, he said inbred Germanic's. Can't you read your own language.>>12110682

>> No.12114639

i dont buy alc<span class="fortune" style="color:#9d05da">

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck[/spoiler]

>> No.12114746

I’m sorry anon

>> No.12114760

I don't buy my booze at discounters. Their beer tasted terrible anyway.

>> No.12114766

>tfw they let cashiers sit in England

Must be nice.

>> No.12114780

Wait, they have to stand in the land of the free?

>> No.12114784

Alan Partridge works in Tesco?

>> No.12114803

>Eastern Europe
>Middle East
Second most retarded burger post right here.

>> No.12114813

Honestly if you can't recognize Steve Coogan then what are you doing here

>> No.12114846

>buying eggs without cheese
My face would get quite red. Never happened to me tbrh.

>> No.12115081

A cashier at the gas station I go to every day told me this a few months ago. He's not wrong.

>> No.12115192

Aren't gas station prices too high compared to grocery stores?

>> No.12115206

Depends on what you buy, liquor is usually more expensive, (like a 1-10 dollar mark up) but I can get 4 tall boys for 4 dollars at one gas station that does 2 for 2 dollars.

>> No.12115209
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>4 pack of eggs

Do bongs really buy their eggs in packs of 4?

>> No.12115224

thats a sixpack

>> No.12115226

Oh also, if you're drunk all the time you likely aren't fit to drive, so if the gas station is closest prices don't really matter.

>> No.12115231

It's probably not related. Though most people buy them in dozens (12-pack €1.60) i always buy them 30-pack from a turk. Enough for a month, and fucking cheap. €2.80

>> No.12115241

Wagies are not even allowed lean.

>If you've got time to lean, you've got time to clean!

>> No.12115257

I guess slavery is still a thing there, huh?

>> No.12115262
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>Work at a fancy liquor store
>Sit all the counter all the time
>Have literally laid on it a couple times

>> No.12115292

Fuck no. I was proud to buy 700 dollars worth of liquor at once, it's like whipping out my dick in public and it's three feet long.

>> No.12115305

I usually pick up some krab sticks, spam, sardines, or cottage cheese when I go on a liquor run, so I don't think they really bat an eye that there happens to be a handle or two of vodka there as well.

>> No.12115322

I do this too when i was still into biyig junkfood and candies and cookies for my weed. I'd be like:"shit, i need to buy something that's not garbage food to make it less suspect
>Puts toilet paper in basket

>> No.12115344

Everyone needs toilet paper, anon.
>just remembered that i'm on my last roll and should probably go on a liquor run later tonight

>> No.12115353

Nah, if I had that kinda money to spend on liquor I wouldn’t give a shit what other people think.

>> No.12115587

t.56 %

>> No.12115637

I've cut back to maybe two bottles of wine a week

>> No.12115656

based soccer mom

>> No.12115673

Just got tired of beer and have never been a big fan of liquor. Gin and tonics are good sometimes, same with bloody Mary's and tequila sunrises

>> No.12115680

You coward

>> No.12115717

I didn't know we were competing for depths of depravity.

>> No.12115719

>yfw you stop drinking after a 9 day binge of drinking constantly
>the dreams come
>they are more vivid and real than ever before

>> No.12115730

no, the cashier knows me, ever since i was kid, i have had my ups and downs alkie wise, but never been embarassed about it, who the fuck gets embarassed anyways thats dumb

>> No.12115732

>tfw I can't ever fall asleep for at least 2 days after a binge
The second I fall asleep I will hallucinate something like an arrow going through my head and I will wake up in a cold sweat. But after those 2 days I always have some crazy dreams

>> No.12115898

I though in a pack of party hats so they thing I have friends : 3

>> No.12115902

Clever. I'll do that next time.

>> No.12115908

>not bringing in you calico bags and get a increased tax on plastic
Yep, that boomer's an idiot.

>> No.12115928

or a bag of ice, only time anyone buys bags of ice is when they're having a party.

>> No.12116092

Looks like an AHAlcoholic

>> No.12116104
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I think getting called out by a cashier would guilt me into quitting. Yes this means I'm not a real alcoholic.

>> No.12116125

What do people do for fun that doesn’t involve drinking?

>> No.12116136


>> No.12116138

test<div class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" width="160" height="160" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/xmashat.gif"></div>

>> No.12116144

Masturbate.<div class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" width="77" height="13" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/nofile.png"></div>

>> No.12116151

Porn, guns and games.

>> No.12116153

That takes like 3 minutes. And I was being serious. Maybe it’s just a southern thing but all activities and events revolve around booze and I just wanna stop drinking and hating myself

>> No.12116156

Not spending time with other people. Whenever I hang out with friends sober I'm just waiting to leave so I can spend time alone.

>> No.12116157


>> No.12116162

>so I can spend time alone.
And do what?

>> No.12116163

Used to work retail.
I felt the guilt emanating from alcoholics even with just one bottle. The ones not intoxicated at the time, I mean

>> No.12116164

Theatre. Art galleries. Hiking. Movies.

>> No.12116168


>> No.12116169

Write poetry, mostly.

>> No.12116170

Maybe I should clarify. I’m straight.

>> No.12116178

Research about toxic masculinity.

>> No.12116185

I’m in my 30s and don’t give a shit about new wave buzzwords. Maybe it’s time to knock a girl up and do kid like activities so I have an excuse not to drink

>> No.12116204

Mostly vidya. I hate multiplayer games so even playing with friends isn't interesting because it always takes forever to get shit going. Wagecucking for all these years has made me obsess over how I spend my free time.

>> No.12116210

Your mental health and disposition will be less negative after you quit drinking. You will be a better version of yourself.

>> No.12116212
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>Research about toxic masculinity.
This would normally be obvious bait but it's /ck/ after all.

>> No.12116221

Yeah I go on 6 month tears of being sober and going to the gym and I always fall back into it and it’s always worse than before. This time I used a breakup as an excuse. I think I’m getting into permanent damage territory.

>> No.12116235

31 year old alcoholic boomer chiming in. I quit drinking for over a year and the whole time I saw no point in it and overall gained nothing from it. You're born an alcoholic, it's not learned.

>> No.12116242

Based for making all the bongs seethe

>> No.12116257

I think I slipped into it because of CTE. I boxed pretty much my entire childhood/teens and had to quit in my 20s after getting knocked out two fights in a row. Bad knockouts. I wonder if getting into coaching and mentoring a young talent would help but i doubt it.

>> No.12116275

CTE does all kinds of wacky shit to your brain so it's totally possible. For me time slows down when I drink and I appreciate that. You are an addict now, finding a healthy addiction is best, but alcohol will always be calling your name.

>> No.12116297

God that’s so true. Even when I get back into training and trying to stay fit the alone time is constantly pushing me to the booze.

>> No.12116436

The rem beast hasn't even had sip of synapse in 9 days. Of course it will gorge.

>> No.12116544
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>> No.12116553

More importantly it stops men from doing basic shit like going to see a play because they're scared of how they look.

>> No.12116554

Heads youre a bitch
Tails I fuck you<div class="like-perk-cnt"><b style="font-size: 14px">Coin Flip: Heads</b></div>

>> No.12116578
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Or maybe they just don't like plays?

No. It's the masculinity that is wrong.

>> No.12116682

Plays are boring as fuck

>> No.12116848

You understand that like all men went to plays in the glorious days of Rome, days of actual men, right?

>> No.12116925

Go to hood liquor store
>say no thanks to guy offering to sell me drugs outside
>be nice to Pajeet
>Pajeet is so surprised someone is nice to him after dealing with Demetrius and Cletus all day
>Pajeet is friendly and gave me a free case of damaged beer he couldn't sell.

Thanks Pajeet for making my alcoholism friendly.

>> No.12117003

The Asians sell “expired” beer for 50 cents at the store down the street. They also do nigger shit like cut 24 packs in half to sell as 12s covered in tape

>> No.12117004
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Gordon's gin in the green bottle. I wish I could buy that in the USA. All Gordon's exports are in clear bottles.

>> No.12117009


but why think critically about things right? Easier to just assume the fact that your likes and dislikes align with societal norms is a total coinkydink.

>> No.12117015

Dude. Follow the conversation or don't bother participating.

>> No.12117068

I once stayed in a B&B in the poorest province of a Caribbean island and visited the ghetto as fuck Chinaman stores they had everywhere, and god damn it was ridiculous. They'd sell single beers (Polar) for $1, and all the local poor ass blacks would loiter around drinking them up. Nobody bought cases of beer. Just single beers from the Chinaman ripping them off.

It was all very surreal. Definitely a food desert. I bought bread and cans of tuna fish and mayonnaise and ate mostly that for the eleven days I stayed there. That and a bunch of single Polars.

>> No.12118027

Mine told me to "Stay safe."

Had to switch because my manager where I worked decided to work there as a second job.

>> No.12118102
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Holy shit I bought $700 in liquor a few times.
Technically I had to get my friends older brother to buy it because I wasn't 21. My Indian roommate and I would sell the booze and cigs he imported from Ukraine (our reasoning was he was tribal so he couldn't get in trouble for skirting the feds tax) we made thousands that way.
Oh boy that was when drinking was fun.

>> No.12118126

spending $700 isn't exactly impressive...people regularly spend 400 bucks at costco

>> No.12118134

Once, a girl who knew me from elementary school was cashier at my local liquor store.

>> No.12118139

wow, a girl from your school got a retail job in your town?

>> No.12118152
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No, this is now a nigger thread :)

>> No.12118260
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well, you were correct on the inbred part atleast

>> No.12118477

isn't that steve coogan at the register?

>> No.12118482

not at Aldi, which is telling since it's not an american company