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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12104372 No.12104372 [Reply] [Original]

How do you like your coffee?

Pic related

>> No.12104400

I like my coffee black just like my metal.

>> No.12104431


>> No.12104666

Based and turkpilled. Do you add cardamom?

>> No.12104685

1/4 teaspoon, I only add sugar if my girlfriend is having some too

>> No.12104690


>> No.12104704


>> No.12104725


>> No.12105062
File: 315 KB, 1512x2016, IMG_20190323_130453_compress_88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't mind getting into Turkish coffee more. About a few years ago I made coffee on the stove top chai style a few times. That was the smoothest, richest stuff ever.

Pic related is my moka pot I use daily.

>> No.12105127

Thinking about gettting one of those, looks sweet, how long does it usually take to be ready?

>> No.12105133

Not long. Every Italian has one. Just get it.

>> No.12105182

Depends, but not long, though I think a smidge longer if your on electric glass top. If say 5 minutes to prepare and then 5 minutes on the stove; no higher than medium. pro-tip make sure to put hot water in the base so you don't accidentally cook the grinds in your coffee pot. I find a fine ground works best. Bialetti will still you some where around $30 but you can probably use it for life since you can buy replacement gaskets and such. I got the "red emotion" color one, but they have basic octagon silver. Just know they make the pots in different factory locations depending on the intended market.

>> No.12105189
File: 19 KB, 500x377, copperbull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turkish here, too. have pic related. don't bother with cardamom anymore.

>> No.12105193

That mug is funny because a large contributing factor to my lack of children is the fact I've never partied with adults.

>> No.12105209

Honestly, when I bought it I didn't read it as, "sad isolated house wife" but read it as "person who parties like there young". It's glaring obvious now but not when I bought it. I like the aesthetics though, and it's the perfect size for my coffee with some sweets in the morning.

>> No.12105216

I think it's a bit over powering sometimes especially if you have good coffee, it's fun for impressing guests tho

>> No.12106199

I think that I remember you from the last coffee general, did you just get the Moka pot recently?

>> No.12106201


>> No.12106214

I like it nonexistent because I'm not a caffeine addict. Yes that does make me better than you.

>> No.12106243

have sex

>> No.12106320

Same. No sugar, just one and a half tsp of robusta -- unless I can be arsed to add half a tsp extra of arabica (the taste is not important, the body is) and some cinnamon. Thrice rolled, twice risen.

>> No.12106330

v60, 4:6 method
lido e
sweet fruity african beans

>> No.12106352

I hope to god that this wasn't an ironic post

>> No.12106624


>> No.12106634


>> No.12106654

Are you supposed to use whole or ground cardamom for Turkish coffee?

>> No.12106705

Can you use regular coffee grounds in a moka pot?

>> No.12106715

A got one of those about a month ago as well. Love it. Can also use it when we go camping as well which is fantastic.

>> No.12106727


>> No.12106733
File: 1.86 MB, 480x270, How i take my coffee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like Mr. Wolf

>> No.12106758

That's me.

Been thinking about trying savory coffee - Instead of dairy and sugar, you add a bit of butter, salt, and pepper. Apparently it compliments the flavor and masks the bitterness just as well, but from a salty/spicy angle instead of sweet, and contains that bit of fat you would have gotten from the cream/milk to help it digest.

>> No.12106776

I like my coffee just like I like my men.

>> No.12106778

Really? That's the first time I've heard of that, I might need to try that.

>> No.12106783

ive been trying my hand at turkish coffee, but i'm not great at it. any tips?

>> No.12106786
File: 532 KB, 976x713, comfy uwu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a thermos and I regularly make coffee and forget about it, and then i find it again 12 hours later and it's still drinkably hot.
I'm really enjoying drinking coffee all day.

>> No.12106800

which thermos?

>> No.12106828

It's an h2go houston.
It seems they only make them as bulk promotional/branded swag for companies to give out, I can't even find the option to buy just one, or even one without branding.
It makes sense, I bought it from a swap meet vendor who had tons of random branded drinkware.

>> No.12108077

black metal is trash
heavy/progressive/symphonic are objectively better
change my view

>> No.12108081

Underage please leave

>> No.12108085

"regular coffee grounds" does not mean anything

>> No.12108088

I bet you got soft squishy tits

>> No.12108092

Please type it in plain english next time. Being cryptic doesn't mean what you said is great or cool. Fucking cringelord. For some reason coffee attracts lots of fringy incels

>> No.12108099

Brown ?
Like spics or goatfuckers ?

>> No.12108105


>> No.12108119

t. grown man who unironically the edgy shit featured in the garbage that is black metal

>> No.12108123

Guys did you know that metal is the spiritual successor to classical music? It's true!

>> No.12108175
File: 207 KB, 498x498, 1552545886963.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course he's barley home. Couldn't be fucking some other guy otherwise.

>> No.12108180

No worry baby girl. C'mon now let daddy look at them tits. I bet your pussy smeels like that coffee roasters you absolute roastie

>> No.12108199
File: 80 KB, 300x250, 1553051143638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They actually bought that

>> No.12108200

Ohh gee a female on this board. Wow can you quickly rate my dick ? If yes then I will post it here don't give a fuck if I get banned

>> No.12108255

coffee drinkers statistically live longer ;)

>> No.12108282

Oh God kys

>> No.12108294

not bound to change anything with that 'tude monsieur ad hom
go listen to your screamer shit will you

>> No.12108326
File: 210 KB, 1500x1500, 46bb8f80402d7630d5fddbce7d3b191d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12108338

I dont even like BM, I just think you're a fucking faggot for suggesting symphonic metal is anything but fedora trash

>> No.12108344

in a paper cup

>> No.12108609
