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12103520 No.12103520 [Reply] [Original]

I hate walmart more than a greek hates paying minimum wage, but its the only store within 100 miles that carries what I like. When i go i stock up, here's my sauce run for the month of April.
Thoughts/alternative suggestions on my haul?

>> No.12103525

Why do you use so much hot sauce

>> No.12103538

a note about my trips to walmart, i have never stopped at the fucking pathetic receipt cuck at the door. never have, never will.
you are within your rights to walk past those motherfuckers and not give them the time of day.
why are you such a flaming homosexual?

>> No.12103540

Just go to a Hispanic tienda fuck. It’s gonna be a lot cheaper than Megacorp Mart and it supports local businesses.

>> No.12103542

Considering you’re a wanna be wetback there ought to be a beaner-villa with a more authentic selection nearbye

>> No.12103548

maybe you missed this important tidbit: its the only store within 100 miles that carries what I like. if there was some kinda spic market dont you think i would have found it by now? id rather drive to mexicao to buy this shit than go to fuckin walmart.
also fuck off, texmex is god tier food. you can take the redneck outta texas but youll never take the texas out the redneck.

>> No.12103570

I’m a Texan. You wanna be redneck fake beaners all deserve to be hanged

>> No.12103583

>I hate walmart more than a greek hates paying minimum wage

I'm going to use this one at some point

For real that is a lot of hot sauce for a month, I like my spice but i'd use a quarter of that in a single month. What do you use it all in? Is it just yourself you're cooking for?

>> No.12103586

eat shit you south texas spic.
born/raised in carthage in east texas, dont get more texan than that nigger. the fuck outta here with your bullshit. you like in a fuckin libshit city and that makes you as good as a yank or commie.

>> No.12103587

>that is a lot of hot sauce for a month
for you

>> No.12103588

Why exactly haven’t we let you Texasfags fuck off and be your own country again?

>> No.12103610

white people drenching their food in sauce instead of just seasoning it properly

>> No.12103629

what are marinades? What are sauces? What are ingredients? Not everyone dumps sauce all over their food you worthless lump of dried dog shit
just give it back to mexico at this point. sam houston, davey crockett, jim bowie and steve austin would be collectively spinning like rotisserie chickens in their graves if they knew what texas was like today.

>> No.12103655

I’m an east Texan too dumb fuck. That just makes your fake Redneck facade all the worse

>> No.12103702

not sure how you can discern that im fakin being a texan but ok. Born in panola county frend. mom's from elysian fields and dads from deberry. all my kins in deberry or carthage.
i think you may be the bullshitter round here amigo.que piensas?

>> No.12103772

Worst flavor EL Yuc makes. You can do better desu

>> No.12103778

East TX is as much of a shithole as MS. Go cornhole a cow, shit kicker.

>> No.12103797

hey i agree, and that why i moved. i aint working at a cup factory or chicken plant my whole life.
their supply is limited or i would get a variety. its either this or the yellowish habanero and i prefer the red one

>> No.12103802

your momma shoulda washed your mouth out with soap you idgit

>> No.12104002
File: 1.24 MB, 300x149, 1553484891704.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Amazon: the thread.

>> No.12104019

Op I don't know why everyone is being so mean to you. Having said that, have you tried Amazon?

>> No.12104223

whats wrong with your tastebuds that you need so much sauce?

>> No.12104298

>east texas
Settle down Boomhauer.

>> No.12104310
File: 549 KB, 500x287, 1548343953896.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>red el yucateco
>not getting the chad XXXtra hot

>> No.12104856

because theyre redditfolk who think they're supposed to be edgy on 4chan.
wish they had it fren, im breddy cheap so xxxtra hot means more capsaicin per dollar.

>> No.12105641

is there a hot sauce like classic chalula before they changed their recipe? I swear it used to taste more like tapatio but with garlic and now its just generic red sauce

>> No.12105658

Fuck Texas and fuck your dick in the booty hot sauce

>> No.12105715

This. Who the fuck still shops at walmart?
It's like people forget the internet exists.

>> No.12105722

Best hot sauce for general use that I've found. Roofer putting new shingles on my house turned me on to it. Real good guy for a beaner.

>> No.12105739

This. I also like the green and black sauce more than the red.

>> No.12106202

Strange, I don't see anything with a green nozzle.

>> No.12106213

Wait till fall, drive to a Walmart in Albuquerque, buy 50 pounds of roasted green Chile. No more supply runs. No more bullshit.

>> No.12106219

You'll be dead of bowel cancer by 50 and I'll be loving every laugh you obnoxious loser