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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 274 KB, 900x1200, 20190329_090305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12099193 No.12099193 [Reply] [Original]

I made it, you bastards, and it was divine. Behold the donut burger.
>2 80/20 beef patties
>glazed donut cut in half
Had it for breakfast, but this will probably be the only thing I eat today, haven't eaten since 10 am yesterday. This fucker is GOAT and I'll be having one tomorrow as well. Honestly one of the best things I've ever eaten. One donut instead of two was the perfect sweetness balance and the mozzarella paired nicely, I gently fried it for 10 seconds so it was extra gooey and melty. Total cost about $3.50.
America fuck yeah!

>> No.12099203
File: 244 KB, 1200x900, 20190329_090315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is seriously satisfying. Somehow the glaze from the donut paired perfectly with the grease of the burger.

>> No.12099211

Holy fuck that's amazing

>> No.12099219

Old news, move on

>> No.12099244

Do americans really do this?

>> No.12099263

Put BaACON on it. That would make it an truly epic burg. XD

>> No.12099620

Do you feel good about yourself? Is this your ideal life?

>> No.12099631

Looks good, one question though: how'd you come to using mozzarella? That's not normally a cheeseburger cheese. Did you just think the mildness wouldn't clash with the donut or is it just what you had around?

>> No.12099639


>> No.12099746

My thoughts were that cheddar or american would clash with the sweetness of the donut. mozzarella is more of a sweet, mild cheese. It was the perfect choice imo, i'd never go with anything else. I had also considered swiss but it wouldn't have worked as well as the mozzarella.
I feel very good about myself. It wasn't even unhealthy, if you break it down. A pile of protein and only one donut used. It had great nutritional value.

>> No.12099753

Truly an abomination OP

>> No.12099758

>a pile of protein

... and saturated fat. You seem to have conveniently forgotten that part. Not that /ck/ is about healthy eating, but let's at least be honest here.

>> No.12099771

Dietary fat is good for you. My BMI is 20 brah, with blood pressure slightly lower than ideal. I need all the salt, fat, protein, and cholesterol I can get. Grain and sugar are the only bad foods, but all things in moderation.

>> No.12099776

Pic saved.

Unlike the bitter shitfags that have inundated ck, I always appreciate OC, and this certainly is.

>> No.12099784

>Dietary fat is good for you.

Says who?

>> No.12099858

I bet you buy low fat yogurt.

>> No.12099871

fantastic thread op, ill be having this for dinner today

>> No.12099977
File: 1.38 MB, 1080x1920, glazed_burger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

attempt at screencap. not quite sundae ramen but still

>> No.12100005
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I see you too have been enlightened.

>> No.12100007

>glazed donut cut in half
it's supposed to be two separate krispy kremes

>> No.12100030

too many carbs, the thinner the bread (or doughnut in this case) the better

>> No.12100067

Well, I'm glad you enjoyed this fine culinary adventure.
One, I'm not sure how many dicks you've sucked as practice but I can't fit that kind of width into my mouth. Two, it's about the balance. If it's too sweet it would be overplayed. One cut in half was the perfect ratio of flavors.
My only initial concern was that the donut would fall apart, but just use a sharp knife and it turns out that it's fine.
I don't think I can eat burgers with regular buns again now. I've sipped the nectar of heaven, and the flowers of mere earth are now distasteful to me.
A fellow man of culture. Note: one donut cut in half.

>> No.12100075

How's the stroke?

>> No.12100077

i've seen people use the donut cut in half but placed inside out so that the glaze isn't on the outside where you're grabbing it. thoughts?

>> No.12100091

tasty as fuck i bet

>> No.12100104

you should've taken this shit to reddit to get upvotes you faggot

>> No.12100162

>sharing a recipe and image of it on a cooking imageboard is bad

>> No.12101021

OP here. My digestive system is not enjoying this day. On second thought I can't recommend this suffering to anyone. I have regrets.
Still haven't eaten anything else today, that was so filling. But I think it might be sticking with me for a few days.

>> No.12101072

Kill yourself in irl as soon as possible

>> No.12101365

Actually mine was unlikably more ridiculous in that the buns were two donuts. Yours seems much more reasonable.

>> No.12101407

you fail bro. i have been using krispy kreme donuts as hamburger buns since the late 90s. i kept it a secret but you have forced me to show my true powers tonight.

>> No.12101409

saturated fat isn't the one that's good for you, but nice try.

>> No.12103126

It's a burger and a donut you enormous homosexual. Eating it once in a fucking while isn't gonna kill me, hoooooooly fuck. I weigh 110 lbs.

>> No.12103145
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kys bro!

>> No.12103321

looks delicious OP

>> No.12103409

Looks fine, next try a donut with no glazing at all to see how it goes.

>> No.12103420

4chan, duh

>> No.12103512

I like the idea of it, I might try it one day. Did you raw ground the beef cut yourself? I feel like if I did this, I would also have to make the donut by scratch as well

>> No.12104004

Currently making the other one for today's meal. It's addictingly good
The glazing was the best part.
Shitty frozen burgs, doesn't make a huge difference, this isn't high cuisine. I wouldn't bother making a donut from scratch for it.

>> No.12104669

As someone who has had it, the sugar glaze is part of the flavor; when it melts into the grease. You cold use a cane donut, but I don't see it as being as good.

Question: how did you feel after eating this? Happy and energized or lethargic and shitty?

>> No.12104679

>how did you feel after eating this
Contentedly full like after a thanksgiving dinner. It had bathroom issues coming out the other end. I had the second one just a bit ago and i'm not sick or anything. ah, the bathroom issues could have been misuse of coffee, too. but it doesn't hurt your stomach or anything, just your shit won't be nice. I'm very content at the moment. One of these can feed you all day long.

>> No.12104710

>doesn't make a huge difference
It fucking does
>Making burgers is high cuisine
Apply yourself. Its not a bad Idea, but imagine what it would taste like if you actually put some thought into it.
Other than that its stoner food, not that im bashing it, just thing you could improve it

>> No.12104770

>Thanksgiving meal content.
I can see that. I just found it weird after I ate mine that I felt extremely happy and full of energy. I was expecting to feel overstuffed and sluggish. definitely agree that it's the only thing you need to eat all day.

>> No.12104822

>muh saturated fat
Nice job running that same lie from the 70s, faggot.

>> No.12105143

>me grug, like saturated fat
>doctor say bad, don't eat grug, you die early
>grug want eat so find fake study say it good
>fuck doctor, fake study true
>grug fat and happy now

>> No.12105183

t. lowfat yogurt buyer.

>> No.12105433
File: 140 KB, 500x955, Needs Help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spotted the butt-blasted roastie.

>> No.12105503

OP here. I'm female. This is the cooking board...everyone here should be a girl. Nice sexism though.
That poster is simply retarded, but you're also retarded.

>> No.12105586

There are no girls on the internet you fool

>> No.12105620

I agree
tits or get the fuck out

>> No.12105625

Men are better at everything, including cooking

>> No.12105626

>ctrl-f luther
its called a luther burger OP

>> No.12105657
File: 70 KB, 824x960, Dirt Bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP pic in RL.

>> No.12105719


>> No.12105728

has everyone in this thread really not seen this?

>> No.12105740

haha, this chick just called you gay

>> No.12105756
File: 599 KB, 1028x675, 1553552096119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The dirt has fucking nipples

>> No.12105778

That looks fantastic. Good choice on the mozz op. Normally I would call mozz on a burger sacrilege.

>> No.12107470


>> No.12107475

have you considered flipping the donut parts upside down so the glaze is touching the inside of the burger and you grab it by holding the non-glazed dry portions

>> No.12107509

What's next? Using a maple bun as a hot dog bun? Holy crap I'm a genius.

>> No.12107516

needs some bacon and maybe an egg too and change the donut to a cronut and you've got the platonic ideal of burgers

>> No.12107895

Fug. I might try this.

>> No.12107913
File: 61 KB, 349x326, 1549506399775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>glaze from the donut paired perfectly with the grease

>American cuisine

>> No.12108068

>Not that /ck/ is about healthy eating
then why come in an unhealthy thread to shit on someone?

>> No.12108229
File: 1.52 MB, 4088x2868, 1553464900484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were saying...

>> No.12108240

Bongs BTFO

>> No.12108430

do americans really do this?

OP are you ok dude? i think no one sells this to people for a reason , its too much fat.