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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 646 KB, 1612x1209, IMG_20190328_143400752_HDR-1612x1209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12094819 No.12094819 [Reply] [Original]

Todays a good day. I live where its winter nearly 6 months of the year.
Bringin the grill out today to powerwash and use for the year, so im pumped to be grilling outdoors again, even if it is 35 outside.
>nearly 7 year old spirit 310
>daily use except in winter
>store outdoors all year
>no cover
>no rust
>works perfect
Post em lads

>> No.12094825
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Webber baby q changed my life you fucking faggot

>> No.12094845
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Bought yesterday.

>> No.12094868
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But you CLEARLY went against the advice of Modernist Cuisine.

>> No.12094888
File: 36 KB, 600x721, The King of Grills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, what losers. Propane? Really..? Clearly you know nothing about barbecue.

Meanwhile I'm cooking up a storm on my REAL grill.

>> No.12094912

i remember you anon, great choice although wtf is weber up to now lol??? the spirit models get chinkier and chinkier i swear. anywhoo weber is still a great grill even though the spirits are made in china.
>heres a tip youll never hear otherwise, remember this.
weber has a safety on the regulator so you cannot tuen the burners on and then open the propane without the limiter activating.
so you always have to have the valves OFF then turn on propane then wait for pressure to equalize, then ignite.
anything other than that and you will active the safety mechanism and the grill will not heat over 180-200.

>> No.12094972

Thanks for the tip anon

>> No.12094980


so you open the propane, wait for it to equalize , open the burners then ignite? isn't that how its normally done>?

>> No.12094986

no thank you for not buying a shit grill. id like to see the grates on that spirit 2 tho....
does it have the burner protectors aka 'flavorizor' bars??
no with some you can turn the burners on, then turn the gas on and light it immed after. weber wont let you do that.

>> No.12094998

>does it have the burner protectors aka 'flavorizor' bars??
It does. It looks to me like anon got a weak-ass sear because he either had the heat too low, or didn't get the grill thoroughly heated before putting the meat on.

>> No.12095002

Oh, are we going to call out the guy who said he spec'd his grill design to modernist and really only made an adjustable rack for his grill and ignoring the fact that Modernist cuisine were really asking for a shiny material that was easy to clean because that's how infrared works?

>> No.12095004

Very crowded cast iron grates, not a lot of space for direct flame. I've made burgers and steak so far, both ended up delicious.

>> No.12095013

Go for it. I tend to mock pretentious faggots wherever I see 'em, I just saw this thread and happened to remember one of them.

>> No.12095017
File: 278 KB, 560x531, 2019-03-28_152255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you saw his sear too? i was dissapoint
crowded? like these?? these arent crowded anon, this is well designed.

>> No.12095025

that grill has never been cooked on wtf weber.. at least it sure as fuck didnt cook whats on there

>> No.12095027

Are you guys doing smashburgers on your grills?
I guess i'm looking for a plancha for my gasser.
When I made smashburgers on the stove it smoked up the whole house for 4 hours, although they were the best fucking burgers I've ever had.

>> No.12095032

use cast iron skillet and press?

>> No.12095043

I usually make 6 or 8 burgers (enough for each person to have a double burger) and I want them done at the same time, plus a cast iron is too deep for a good press. There is no need for sides on a griddle. I was thinking about getting a carbon steel sheet from a welder but I don't know what kind or thickness would be needed.

>> No.12095088

look for a cast iron plate. dont get aluminum

>> No.12095102
File: 48 KB, 560x453, hibachi-roast-chicken-wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is well designed.
Na, thick cast iron bars are for plebs who still go for the quadrille marks. The japanese has it right, the grills are just there to keep the food from falling into the flames.

>> No.12095147

A little closer than that

>> No.12095224

Cast iron is shit on grills.
You use a grill to strip the seasoning off of cast iron, you never use cast iron on a grill it rusts.

>> No.12095286

What can you do on a propane grill that you cant do with cast iron skillet and an oven?

>> No.12095294

Not smoke up your house

>> No.12095301

I meant in terms of food and flavor dickweed.

>> No.12095330

So your asking "what does grilled food taste like?"

>> No.12095334

In comparison to something seared then baked

>> No.12095366

You're 18 or over and you don't know what grilled food tastes like to make your own comparison?

>> No.12095405

Because who the fuck wants to sear and bake a steak indoors on a warm spring day? Purists and fanatics will gatekeep whatever side of the fence they happen to be on when it comes to any aspect: gas, propane, charcoal, wood chips, dry rub vs. marinade, Texas cheat vs not, fucking anything. But at the end of the day BBQ is as much about the experience as the flavor.

>> No.12095407

I dont have a grill.

>> No.12095423

I just open a window.

>> No.12095435

Buy a bag of charcoal for like 6-8 bucks and steal the cart you buy it in or rob a hobo for his

then use the cart as a grill

>> No.12095454

I don't own a rollercoaster but I've experienced it. I don't own a plane but I've flown. You don't have to own a grill to experience grilled food.

>> No.12095457
File: 1.13 MB, 1024x1365, IMG_20190328_170902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using solid uncoated cast iron grates on your weeb grill

>> No.12095462

Havent had any grilled food that was worth remembering.

>> No.12095508

The fact it's cooked over an open flame gives the food extra flavour, due to the fats hitting the flames and then the resulting smoke hitting the meat.

Charcoal is better though.

>> No.12095531

You sound like a miserable faggot.

>> No.12096815

>bakes the cast iron to remove the seasoning
this is the saddest thing ive seen since my doggo died in february. anon get help

>> No.12096840

So you've never stripped cast iron of seasoning.
Your dog committed suicide having to suffer a retard like you as an owner.

>> No.12096848

not putting it on a grill i havent.
and the only way ive stripped seasoning is to physically remove it with degreaser and steel wool
fuck yourself

>> No.12096859

>and the only way ive stripped seasoning is to physically remove it with degreaser and steel wool
So you're inexperienced and stupid. we knew this already, no need to beat a dead horse.

>> No.12096884

t. mod of /r/castironskillets

>> No.12096892

t. never owned a grill with cast iron grates but still has an opinion.

>> No.12096919

how much weed have you smoked?

>> No.12096928
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You're strugglin' my man.

>> No.12096947
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>What can you do on a propane grill that you cant do with cast iron skillet and an oven?

>> No.12096952
File: 289 KB, 1620x1080, IMG_3994 (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

although obviously charcoal is better, i haven't found a way to make this dish as well inside

>> No.12096956
File: 288 KB, 1620x1080, IMG_3980 (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same with these, you can do this in the oven, but it isn't as good

>> No.12096958

t. mod of /r/castironskillets

>> No.12096959
File: 785 KB, 3000x1728, IMG_4002 (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys do cook vegetables on your grill right?

>> No.12096964

>when you get so buttblasted you keep repeating yourself.
You should go back.

>> No.12098004

>grill thread
>posts a pic of a bbq
fucking Americans

>> No.12098049

The funniest thing is that Americans have to get their bbqs out just to make a grilled cheese sandwich.

>> No.12098062

>propane grill
you might as well use a stove.

>> No.12098095

Lump charcoal or wood or kill yourself.

>> No.12098439

t. mod of /r/castironskillets

>> No.12098440

le epic maymay

>> No.12098549

I never use the cover because it just becomes a home to thousands of stink bugs over the winter

>> No.12098588

i never bought one. covers are a bit to anal for me. plus you have to go back after you've eaten and the grills cooled down to cover it.