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12094686 No.12094686 [Reply] [Original]

I have one of these things and its great for making pizza and all, but lately I think its been getting too dirty since every time I try to preheat it in the oven, the kitchen starts to smell like a crematorium...
Now I know youre not supposed to be too agressive with cast iron pans, but since I dont use it for cooking I dont really have a need for the protective layer that accumulates when you fry shit with them, right? Seems like its mostly flour that mixed with oil and grease at some point and turned basically into coal.
So should I just scratch it off with a knife? Or is there a way to do it more efficiently with some baking powder chlorine wizardry?

>> No.12094692


>> No.12094705
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>> No.12094771

you're supposed to just put it in the sink and soak it for a few days, idiot.

>> No.12094799

neat thanks

>> No.12094808

Read this: https://www.seriouseats.com/2010/06/how-to-buy-season-clean-maintain-cast-iron-pans.html

>> No.12094830

I use it for pizza too and just use a plastic scraper to lift off the burnt cheese. Just scrape it smooth. I use it to bake bread as well and nothing ever sticks so it's just the cheese melting and burning. No biggie.

>> No.12095273

If you use it at the temperatures needed for pizza ll the stauff that was burned on ought to turn to ash eventually anyway. if not run the pan through the self cleaning cycle of your oven, then scrub it with a stifff wirebrush. if your oven doesnt get hot enoughplace it on a stack of wood and light the wood on fire, all the dirt and splotchy seasoning will be burned off.

>> No.12095325

>trusting fake news

>> No.12095824

Season that shit. Cleaning is a breeze if you maintain it properly

And no, you definitely don't need "the protective layer" of burnt flour and grease. That "protective layer" is also known as colon cancer. Get that shit off there. You need polymers created from hot, clean oil.

>> No.12095831

Be as rough with it as you want, worst possible case is that you may want do a quick round or two of seasoning.

>> No.12096159
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>trusting me trusting him

This seems to have done it I hope. Will see when I try to use it next time.

It did kinda turn into ash but mixed with too much oil to come off on its own other than the occasional flake. The problem was that it was too indistinguishable from the metal itself that I didnt even realize there had been a layer of shit forming over the three years Ive used it.
Not sure what a self cleaning mode is but if my oven had it I wouldnt have spent an hour cleaning it by hand earlier...
The idea with the fire is pretty neat though. Ill keep that in mind if not enough came off from scraping it. Will have to use my barbecue though since third floor apartment isnt the best place for an open fire...

Does it really even need to be seasoned though? Its only got dry dough and oil touching it since I dont use it for regular cooking like people do with smaller cast iron pans. Figured thats when you actually need the seasoning to get that le rustique flavor or something...

>> No.12096407

I'm this guy >>12094830 and I seasoned it before but melted cheese still gets stuck so no, I don't think it's worth the bother. Once that cheese burns on the seasoning is fucked. And I have a small and large cast iron skillets I keep well seasoned to the point I can cook eggs in them w/o sticking, so it's not like I don't know how to season.

>> No.12096499

it'll season on it's own eventually, for the purpose of pizza I wouldn't be extremely concerned with the quality of seasoning, just oil it before use. if you think the current surface is bad then scrub the shit out of it with water and a plastic brush. I find heating my pan before scrubbing with water helps the stuff on the surface to release faster

>> No.12097812

>third floor apartment isnt the best place for an open fire
there is such a thing as "outside", aka the world beyond your apartment door.

>> No.12097817

>Not sure what a self cleaning mode is
Your oven heats up to ultra high temperatures for a few minutes so absolutely everything organic in it turns to ash and can be wiped out with a wet rag.

>> No.12098501

>I find heating my pan before scrubbing with water helps the stuff on the surface to release faster
That's a good idea. I only scraped the bigger pieces off like that and soaked in in soapy water for a few hours but not everything came off.
If my kitchen still smells like a garage suicide attempt after heating the pan Ill try heating the pan before scrubbing.

Problem is that the outside world is also the first world, so open fires for cast iron cleaning is still a big nono in my immediate vicinity.
And I dont really feel like carrying the pan to the nearest open field or forest like a madman just to light a massive fire in a ritualistic pan cleaning action...

Sounds like a solid idea but my shitty ass oven maxes out at like 280C. We may have to get a new one at some point so Ill keep a self cleaning mode in mind if not just to clean the pan.

>> No.12098514

>does it need to bea seasoned
If the bare iron is uncovered it'll start rusting so yes you do need make a new protective layer if you strip it completely. Don't worry too much about how to treat it, I soak my cast iron, scrub with soap and whatever else I want without ever having had to do anything to it. Using steel wire would probably require reseasoning afterwards though.

>> No.12098620
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Ok bit of scrubbing, bit of scrapping, bit of soap seems to have done the trick. Minimal amounts of carcinogenic smoke and the pan seems to work normally still.
Thanks ceekay!

>> No.12098635

is that fuckin deli salami instead of pepperoni? cursed cursed cursed

>> No.12098636

>extra oregano
this guy fucks

>> No.12098676

No thicc pepperoni at lidl when I went. Only like 8 different kinds of thin salami for some fucking reason...

>this guy fucks
I wish. Also its dry basil and I ran out of oregano after making pizza for 4 days in a row...

>> No.12098697

I also have one of these but only used it for pizza once or twice because i cant think of any reason to use cast iron to cook pizza.

>> No.12098880

Makes for a crispy crust even without a pizza oven that reaches the 500C to make proper one. Basically its supposed to fry the bottomside of the pizza so that it can cook through before the toppings burn so you dont end with the soft, shitty usual homemade pizza.
Imo it makes really good shit but it takes a bit of practice.

>> No.12098882

Sounds like a great reason not to shop at that shithole.

>> No.12099819

>no oregano
this guy cucks