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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12091767 No.12091767 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone cooked with fresh shrooms? Does it damage the psilocybin?

>> No.12091771

Just eat them plain you pussy

>> No.12091779

Plain is a shitty recipe

>> No.12091858

High heat destroys psilocybin, yes. You can make tea out of them but only if you use water that’s not quite boiling.

>> No.12091874

This, it dies off somewhere around 130 degrees Fahrenheit but haven't read up/done them in a while.

Taste like ass, at least the dry ones. I would have a small piece of toast with chicken salad to choke em down

>> No.12091894

I love mushrooms, but shrooms taste like ass both fresh and dried. I don't see any reason to cook with them; it's like cooking with pot in a way that actually tries to use the flavor of pot.

>> No.12092015

just put them on a pizza dumdass

>> No.12092215

>not researching psilocybin yourself
High heat absolutely wrecks most psychedelic drugs

>> No.12092221

Nah. You can heat that shit up. We made very effective tea once...... and it actually tastes pretty good.

>> No.12092226

Why would you want to ruin their flavor by diluting them?

>> No.12092350

These are rather phallic looking mushrooms

>> No.12092395

like everyone else says, heat destroys the drug.
grind it up and mix with orange juice is what I do. apparently if you mix it with lemon juice it makes it stronger. tea's popular too.
some people grind them up and mix them into melted chocolate.

>> No.12092414

if you make a tea it will probably take noticable affect much faster and be more intense, although may not last as long as just eating them

>> No.12092429

do not recommend
eating greasy food w/ shrooms never feels right
your body will not thank you

>> No.12092438

Cut some ginger fresh and make tea with them both. The ginger will help your stomach.

>> No.12092450
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just let them dry and eat them with a glass of orange juice

>> No.12092658

those look like penises hahahahaha
holy cow

>> No.12092667

>shrooms are hard to eat

try getting a glass of mescaline gloop past your gag reflex you fucking pussies lol
THAT is suffering and you will almost certainly throw up

>> No.12092672

Any easy way to produce them in an appreciable quantity?

>> No.12092706

Okay, since no one else is gonna point it out, I guess I'll just go ahead and say what everyone else is thinking.

That mushroom looks like a winky! Lol!

>> No.12093036

The strain is called penis envy uncut
Source am growing these

>> No.12093051

don't even eat them with something else it will disrupt the metabolization

you should not eat 4-8 beforehand

>> No.12093055

you can even eat them with something else it will enhance the metabolization

you should eat 4-8 beforehand

>> No.12093119

You don't eat psilocybin mushrooms for the taste dingus. If you eat too much, I guarantee nausea.

>> No.12093135

Crunchy peanut butter sammich. Also look up lemon tekking. It's basically making a tincture, but the alkaloids or citrus or whatever accelerate the trip. Good if you're trying to cut the time down, but it will typically be somewhat more intense.

>> No.12093145

>Eating cock shaped fungi
Haha. Gay!

>> No.12093150

I don't know man, oranges require fairly warm temperatures and a decent bit of space. Probably easier to buy them.

>> No.12093157

The jar technique ain’t bad. Mushrooms are ridiculously hardy and cheap to get started.

>> No.12093161

Follow this method exactly and you’ll be fine.

>> No.12093210
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It's a shame they taste so iffy.
I want to experiment more with psilocybin but shrooms always make my tummy ache and ruin my trip. I've tried tea, pizza, yoghurt, dried shrooms, semi-fresh shrooms, growned up dry shrooms, it's always the same nauseating feeling along with spurts of euphoria...

>> No.12093211

coarsely grind it up and cover it in melted chocolate that isn't too hot then let it solidify

>> No.12093451

That's a penis.

>> No.12093479

For the best high I reccomend starting with tea since it hits harder, then eating more as you go to make it last

>> No.12093545

Any salad with psilocybin mushrooms. Yummy!

>> No.12093957

What does it taste like?

>> No.12094016

I get gut rot everytime I do shrooms. I giggle for 1 hour then 6 hours burning bloated stomach and paranoia. Without fail I think why am I doing this again. ill never do this again.

So ginger will remove the gut rot? Or just "help"

>> No.12094090
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>people still eat shrooms and do fake drugs when 99% pure research chemicals exist

>> No.12094134

Is because of the mushroom (IBS type response?) or because of the psilocybin?

>> No.12094154

Hahaha benis :DDD

>> No.12094162

My stomach is usually ironclad. Can eat spicy for breakfast with no problems. Its been a while 5 or so years and Id like to try them again. but I remeber this time..... pain and suffering / 10

>> No.12094165

>still spends a fortune on potent mystery substances you have to test to not fucking die instead of getting a lifetime supply of homegrown 100% real and safe shrooms for basically free

>> No.12094200

>you have to test
Uhhh... What?

>basically free
Not to start off with
And what's the point when the vomit inducing feeling ruins the trip.

>> No.12094230

always do reactant tests on stuff that's not plant/fungus material, since you can't tell what it actually is.
can't trust the entire supply chain, so be safe.

growkits are still cheap.

ginger shroom tea is magic

>> No.12094248
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Nigga I'm not buying this shit from old mate down the road or aliexpress. Who do you think I am?

>> No.12094252

The strain is called penis envy.

>> No.12094305
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Why are those things illegal and not the cancer that is alcohol?

>> No.12094526

I’ve never eaten freshies. A good tip for making dried shrooms palatable is to grind them up and mix them into an egg salad sandwich(tofu salad works if you’re vegmode). This gets some calories into you to carry you through the trip, and the flavors of egg salad are really effective at masking the taste of the shrooms.

Have you ever had nopales? Psychedelic cactus juice tastes a little like that. But its texture is terrible and the mild citrusy taste of cactus is overwhelmed with bitterness.

Imagine being sick. You’ve only been eating toast, clear fluids, and prickly pear salad. Then you have a vomiting fit. The slippery, frothy stuff that’s mostly just mucus and bile that you puke up just when you think your stomach is totally empty? That’s it. That’s what it’s like. I hope this description hasn’t ruined nopales for anyone, they are an innocent vegetable and they did nothing wrong.

>> No.12094821

Interesting. Cacti containing mescaline are legal where I’m from and it would be interesting to harvest one.

>> No.12094841

Do it. Absolutely do it. Drinking it fucking sucks, but the trip is second only to MDMA for generating euphoria. But without causing brain damage like MDMA!

>> No.12094879

seconding this, worst taste you will ever taste but i had an intense out of body experience with only 1.25 pounds of cactus.

>> No.12095157

How intense is the psychedelic part? I’ve always been interested in psychedelics yet at the same time afraid of them.

>> No.12095236

>afraid of them
Definitely don't do higher psychedelics until you've eliminated that fear by reading firsthand accounts of experiences people have had with it. Probably the biggest factor in people freaking and having a bad trip because whatever emotions you're having will be magnified enormously.

>> No.12095270

This. I also will spend about a day focusing on what I want to get out of the trip, and then reminding myself that it's not permanent if it starts to get to heavy.

>> No.12095590

There’s a 99% chance you’re not getting LSD. There’s only a handful of people who can even produce and and I’m sure as shit willing to bet it hasn’t made it to your hands. Go suck on your monkey tranq papers. Maybe you need shrooms because your ego is inflated.

>> No.12095674
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>puke n rally

>> No.12095903
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>he doesn't know what research chems are
>he doednt know what 1P-LSD, 4-HO-MiPT or 4-aco-DMT is
Oh boy im laffin. Do your research before you sperg out henny

>> No.12095951

Ignore everyone saying heat destroys psilocybin.
Psilocybin oxidizes over time. Heat speeds up the oxidation process. Cooking them wont necessarily lower their potency significantly as they're not sitting for a while, this is especially true if they aren't exposed to much air to begin with.

>> No.12095988

Why are there so many LARPers on this board?

>> No.12096131

1p-LSD is legal where I live.

>> No.12096206

>buy LSD from a reputable vendor on a tor marketplace
>still reagent test every order to make sure
>invariably LSD every time

>> No.12096333

Do you even know what a LARPer is? Why are there so many underaged new fags on this board?

>> No.12096536

straight edge fag for most of my life until recently. whats the best way to obtain shrooms as a shutin NEET

>> No.12096552

A drug dealer?

>> No.12096609

>apparently if you mix it with lemon juice it makes it stronger
That's for the pussies, it should be peganum harmala.

The worst thing in shrooms is this totally lethargic feeling they give for the whole after-trip.

Maybe I should really try eating a little heavier beforehand like some other anon said. I always just man the fuck up and chew them with water the idea being that why to prolong the suffering by making more substance to ingest. Also I fast because stronger trip.

>> No.12096704

just make a tea maybe let the water sit with some ginger just in case, but should be fine without, takes away most of the nausea

>> No.12096719

buy grow kits online, grow yourself, never see the cops or a shady dealer in your life
its actually quite easy

>> No.12096776
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Buy a spice grinder for just shrooms. Grind them up and make chocolates. A little cinnamon and cayenne, sea salt coating. Stuff like that goes a long way for the taste. I imagine ginger would be good for the upset stomach.

>> No.12096782

In some countries the damn cops will appear at your door after a month or two if the customs happens to spot that grow kit.

>> No.12096807

why are you shipping to your door

>> No.12096823

I don't have any friends that good that they would be willing to have their home searched for me.

>> No.12096842
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The last time I had them we ground them up and mixed them with honey. Worked pretty well. Kicked in in under 30 minutes. Highly recommended.

>> No.12096858

Manufacture DMT. Google "lazyman's tek"

>> No.12096860

I believe yoghurt and muesli is the classic.

>> No.12096866

Spores are legal to own in most states. Growing them is where it’s illegal. Spores are very safe to order.

>> No.12097714

I just down em with orange juice, heard that helps with extraction anyways

>> No.12097997

those mushrooms look like cocks lol

>> No.12098600

Tea with lemon juice. The acidity of the citrus helps with the absorption of the fungus magical components.

>> No.12098638

4-aCo-DMT is literally shrooms but it's a powder that you can eat, put under your tongue, boof, whatever. Should be pretty safe.

>> No.12098747

Shrooms have a unique earthly quality to them. I actually enjoy the mild nauseous and sickly feeling they induce.
4-AcO-DMT is simply amazing. Easy to dose, easy to consume and easy to get depending on where you live. It's like a super clean version of shrooms.

>> No.12098800
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I feel like 4-ho-mipt is more of what people think they are going to experience while on shrooms. Its more of a recreational drug that is a very joyful and pleasant experience. While 4-aco-dmt is a much more in depth and can be a darker experience.

>> No.12098932

Alright you fucks, how does one acquire spores? Around here everyone is into weird fucking chemicals and pharma but i just want to produce a modest quantity of moderately potent shrooms for personal use.

The issue I have, as an experienced psychonaut, is that my sketchy friends with safe production facilities moved on to making random bullshit instead, and I'd rather not die because some Chinaman didn't give a fuck what he sent me and they kinda look like mushrooms. Any tips?

>> No.12098946

The same way you acquire any other legal product online. The harder part will be to actually bring them to produce eatable mushrooms for your pizza.
I suggests reddit unironically to find out how. Also check out McKenna cookbook.

>> No.12099010

damn nibba u eat dat u gay

>> No.12099018

That's a meme from early 2000s.

>> No.12099019

can you microdose on it?

>> No.12099128

You feel safe to ask it here, but not safe to google it? If you weren't using an adblocker, that message alone would have caused every site you visit to advertise headshops for the next few days.

>> No.12100148

>peanut butter

This and a glass of milk is the easiest method.

>> No.12100295
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How come threads about weed edibles are filled with DUDE WEED LMAO spam and fundies flipping out over perceived "degenerate" behaviour, but shroom threads are devoid of such shitposting?

>> No.12100528

Drink strong ginger tea to alleviate nausea. Works with acid nausea. Just slice some ginger into a cup with hot water.

>> No.12100541

>eating fungi dicks

>> No.12101052

Shrooms aren't popular or easier to get than weed. The stereotype is what makes shitposting. People who act stupid when they're high usually makes people think its bad and lumps everyone else in. More common in teenagers, I was when I was younger, but nowadays its just something to relax with after work, like a beer or a bath.

>> No.12102743

I should try that. I tried ginger beer that helps with other nausea for me but didn't work for psychs. I think the nausea hits me harder than my mates though.

>> No.12102749

imagine being such a little bitch that you wont trip for 4 hours cause of the literal seconds of having to chew them. kys.

>> No.12102924

I made "tea" from them the first time I tried some. Still hit me pretty hard, even though I only drank half of it.

>> No.12102942
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>wisdom of a shroom-enlightened being

>> No.12102977

Opposite for me. I feel sick if I don't have it with something heavy like a cheeseburger or pizza

>> No.12105374

how do you even get stuff from the dark web, im too much of a brainlet to figure it out

>> No.12105448


have you tried not eating poisonous mushrooms?

>> No.12105455


freshies are next level disgusting. they burst with garbage water on every bite

>> No.12105494
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Wrong. These are the uncut

>> No.12105526
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>eats garbage
>blames shrooms
i like you

>> No.12105772

Does anal insertion also serve as an effective means of hallucinogen intake?

>> No.12105933

>can't be the shrooms man
>psychedelics causing nausea is a big pharma lie man
>trust me man I've tripped a thousand times man 10 million mcg each time man never felt ill
>fuck the man man

>> No.12106568



>> No.12106781

Are... are you retarded?

>> No.12106900

just figure it out

>> No.12106914

because /pol/tards dont bother false-flagging and taking the false-flag bait in shroom threads. delete /pol/

>> No.12106924

Sporeworks. I have had many many successes with them. Totally legal unless in a select few states.

>> No.12107065

You're supposed to eat the magic mushrooms on an empty stomach and not have so much that it fills you up.

>> No.12107090

Is that 73% of alcohol ingestions causing harm ? I call bullshit on this table with no source and approximate scales.

>> No.12107100

Buddy ordered some research approximation of LSD a year ago. I don't know what they took in that party but that sure as shit wasn't LSD. They were aggressive, it was like a combat stim.

>> No.12107349

I bought bulk last time and I've only just ran out so the market has probably all changed since last time, seems the subreddit I used for current info has been banned so I'm at a loss too frankly

>> No.12108006

I don't even know how to get bitcoin without needing my ID or phone number connected to it

>> No.12108187

i dont like the RC process. the last one marked lsd was actually really bitter and started to burn my tongue. i have no idea what it actually was. so now i just grow some other things my self. its not difficult at all, you just need to read and research.

growing mushrooms yourself is actually really easy. dont get a grow kit. if anything goes wrong with it youll have to toss it. its cheaper in the long run to buy the supplies separately. the materials can easily be purchased online. a walmart pressure cooker will work perfectly. the spores are legal to purchase.

dmt extraction is also easier than baking a cake. you dont even need to use lye anymore, use vinegar. everything needed for this can be bought at the local supermarket and hardware store. the plant material of your choice online.

barring peyote, the other mescaline cacti can also be easily and safely ordered. you just stew it up for hours. the complicated matter here is actually drinking that incredibly bitter slush.

>> No.12108854

About to cook some king oyster mushrooms.
Any tips...?

>> No.12108892

Enjoy your stomach ache