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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12089849 No.12089849 [Reply] [Original]

Just made this
Too rare or not enough
(Don’t worry I’ve got more than just this on my final plate)

>> No.12089856

What cut?

>> No.12089858

Not too rare enough

>> No.12089859

Looks maybe a tiny bit on the rare side for me personally. Did you let it come up to room temp before cooking?

>> No.12089864

Take it straight off the fucking cow why don’t ‘cha

>> No.12089869

Yes had it sit with seasoning for four hours out of the butcher before I cooked it

>> No.12089872

Enjoy mad cow

>> No.12089875
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t. America

>> No.12089877

Why did you throw it across the cutting board?

>> No.12089884

Perfect. This is how I eat every steak.

>> No.12089885

Honest question what’s the full meal and what’s the cut? These are super important in determining the quality of the meal and how you should cook the meat to compliment the food

>> No.12089908

I live in public housing (military) and I’m only 18 and grew up not cooking. I’m learning everything from this Pakistani Cunny Appreciation board. I’m pretty basically using a skirt steak with a rub of garlic powder, ground pepper and crushed red pepper and my main side is broccoli steamed (from a bag) but including extra virgin olive oil and pinches of some peppers. I also have and I know this is super sacrelig, insta mashed potatoes with some seasoning thrown in. With it all I’m drinking cheap Cab Sav from the Francis Coppola brand.
I know that overall I’m not making great food but please keep in mind this is after only a month and a half of learning to feed myself and I’m trying to figure it out one bit at a time on a terrible government salary.

>> No.12089914

(I didn’t I just still don’t understand grain in steak so I cut it super shit. I’m trying)

>> No.12089921

People in this thread are going to try to tear you apart but I really believe in you and the journey you’re going on to learn how to cook. You’re already making a lot of great decisions and I have a lot of faith in your learning ability especially over a short period. Based anon.

>> No.12089929

Reading through this all you seem super receptive to constructive criticism while disregarding shitposts.
I’d love to see where you are in a year with making food. You’ve got a great attitude for learning

>> No.12089931

The prions that cause mad cow aren't denatured by cooking. Enjoy.

>> No.12089934

This thread is too positive I’m calling sameposting

>> No.12089941

This. Plus it’s a perfect rare steak with a plausible sear, evidence of salt/pepper/spices, and would eat/10.

>> No.12089954

You should cut thinner and more methodically. More importantly when it comes to skirt if you can’t seem to figure out grain at all despite it still being as obvious as anything, cut thin and diagonal on maybe a 67.5 or steeper angle, but definitely don’t get above like a bit below 80. Good luck

>> No.12089968

Your cut is more rare than the scarlet of that cutting board wtf. You NEED to cook for longer. That shit looks gross

>> No.12089973

Chicken breast

>> No.12089974
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You’re crushing it on multiple levels. :)
I’d eat that for sure.

It looks like you cooked your meat right from the fridge. I could be oh so wrong so please take this with a grain of salt (see what I did there?) Try letting it sit out for like 30-40 min before cooking it and it will have more of a gradient than a hardline in the center.

>> No.12089979

I literally recognize that knife and the circle burned into the cutting board. Are you in yokota, dorm 330, floor 2?

>> No.12089986


>> No.12089991

/ck/ gay sex hookup in progress

>> No.12089994

So I took it back from the Japanese butcher place but it did feel frozen for a bit.
I let it sit for what felt like a couple hours but idk also I keep my room at like a 57F

>> No.12090001

This is spooky. I hope you don’t mind but I’m not gonna say where I live. I will say I used your kitchen because someone in my building fucked up our stove. Sorry I left some communal dishes to be done.

>> No.12090006

Is this real or just bullshit? I’m scared now of how I’ve been searing for decades

>> No.12090013


>> No.12090026



>> No.12090030

Now kiss

>> No.12090034

Perfect example of newfags can’t into triforce

>> No.12090041
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>> No.12090050
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Ha well if you’re hungry a few minutes can feel like a few hours. Also 57°?! So icy! Do you run hot?

But also also... Sounds like I’m wrong about the cold meat. Cary on.

>> No.12090054

show bobs

>> No.12090063

Just delete the system, off compute.

>> No.12090071
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Classy. Anyways this is a blue board. ...not that you deserve ‘em anyways.

>> No.12090082

post feet

>> No.12090092

You should always clean up after yourself, especially if it's a communal cooking area.

>> No.12090100
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>> No.12090112

Newfaggin this hard huh?

Also if you see this op look up how to tell the inside of the meat by pokin that bitch with your finger.

>> No.12090209
File: 210 KB, 1225x1337, 17033BBA-95E8-46BE-9A0F-D0604E693E6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I’m a feminist. I just wanna eat rare steak dawg. Let me live.

>> No.12090223

Sorry I offended you with my neophyticfaggin. What would the wise, learnedfaggin response have been?

>> No.12090228
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>> No.12090251

You could do that anonymously as all the rest of us do (you don’t know my gender and never will), but of course you have to do what you’re programmed to do. You probably don’t even know why you’re doing it. That being said, you’re not welcome here.

>> No.12090307
File: 401 KB, 1242x1244, 514AAE69-9CDD-4F24-8D99-6012C4D13CB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

( •-•)

Parallel reasoning for the hijab.

Jesus... this thread really took a turn huh?

>> No.12090336

Fuck off cunt

>> No.12090359

It's real. Fortunately BSE is well controlled these days.

>> No.12090388


>> No.12090526

Its true anon. Your bovine spongiform encephalopathy is showing

>> No.12091116

Thanks man
And nah I’m just from way up north, 57 feels like home.

>> No.12091119

Just stop being a trip?

>> No.12091148
File: 66 KB, 1125x681, 2530B329-95FD-4F09-AECF-A001CF62DCA0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally different reason for the hijab in Muslim cultures (Id know, my family was born in one and when I’ve been back there I’ve worn one)
Imagine instead you lived in a society where LITERALLY everyone else wore a hijab except for you. Not just women, everyone. And then you came out into the market wearing some Ms Frizzle ass shit begging for attention.

Of course you’re gonna get attention and of course you’re gonna attract vitriol.

The TOGTFO is a bullshit response people don’t mean other than a coded response to deal with people seeking attention

And there’s no reason to post with a username and password on this website unless you’re looking for special attention

>> No.12091162

I would say I’m here if you wanna peg but you’re a trip so I’m gonna pass

>> No.12091197

Did you do the whole thing on a pan?
Doesn't look like you finished in the oven

>> No.12091537

The single most important tool for cooking is a good chef's knife. You're in Glorious Nihon, so go get you one. Your first knife shouldn't cost more than $50 (at absolute maximum).


>> No.12091541

Just pop it in the microwave opie

>> No.12091544

Watch Cooking shows. I learned a ton from watching chopped and then practicing the techniques

>> No.12092457
File: 163 KB, 1242x797, 64D7A483-0F16-4AEF-9762-5FFED7E4B8EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds uncomfortably chilly. I’m from a little closer to the equator.

Mmmmm nah. Thanks though.

Honestly I can’t keep track of whom is talking to whoms’t so it makes sense to identify in some way so that more cohesive/productive conversations can happen. The option is available so I use it. That’s the point. Ya know?

I do like attention, but only like, well deserved attention. If I was seeking attention only I would have posted a picture of my bobs or feet instead of trying to have a conversation about food stuff. I don’t do that kinna stuff.

The pic was unrelated but thank you for retracting your offer.