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File: 128 KB, 750x1000, carb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12087719 No.12087719 [Reply] [Original]

Everytime I try making carbonera my eggs scramble

>> No.12087739

Take the pan off the heat for a minute to let it cool down.

>> No.12087743

You are such a failure joohn

>> No.12087805

>Bacon and egg spaghetti
Sounds good anon

>> No.12087823

This has literally never happened to me. Just mix the cheese and eggs beforehand. Take pasta out of water and put it in mixing bowl. Then pour egg/cheese mixture in. The pasta by now shouldn’t be so hot that your eggs cook

>> No.12087825

Looks good. Wala.

>> No.12087827

carbonara is fucking vile. Overly salty and bacon ruins everything. Just make Bolognese or some other dumbass American shit.

>> No.12087897

Keep the temp low. Basically the temp from the boiling leftover pasta water you add to it is enough.

>> No.12087916

well that means you're a shitty cook
are you asking for help?

>> No.12087940

let the pasta cool down and mix the cheese with the eggs.

>overly salty
then don't over salt it
"traditional" recipe doesn't call for bacon.

>> No.12087941

Watch the Molly vids on it, she makes it really obvious what steps you have to take to avoid that

>> No.12087944

>not bacon

>> No.12087958

Are you retarded?

>> No.12087963

all cured meat tastes the same fucknut, and your ego doesn’t change that fact.

>> No.12087966

holy shit that looks gross

>> No.12087969

Return to your fast food threads

>> No.12087970

it doesn't call for prosciutto either, retard. i suspect you're behind at least five fast food threads this past week.

>> No.12087979

>nit-picking faggot
He clearly meant pancetta. Whoop de doo he got one foppish ingredient that starts with a P mixed up with another.
The point he was making still stands.

>> No.12087985

>The point he was making still stands
the point that he's a retarded tastelet and should go back to his mcchicken thread?

>> No.12087986

They all taste the same you dumb faggot. Rotten dried meat. Salty to fit the needs of a fat American. What is it to you? Eat real meat.

>> No.12087990

This is an embarrassing meltdown

>> No.12087991

This isn’t 1964 Slovakia you faggot. Fresh meat exists now. Slim Jim inhaling motherfucker.

>> No.12087994


>> No.12087998

Come on. Actually give me something besides some canned meme answer you learned from someone older than you in discord. Then I might actually take your opinion seriously.

>> No.12088002

itt tastelets
probably think all bacon should contain nitrates and come out of a costco bag. go reheat your mcdonalds, fatass american pigs.

>> No.12088003


>> No.12088004

Why would anyone take you seriously? Your claim is that cured meat is inherently bad and indistinguishable from any other kind of cured meat. It's laughable

>> No.12088008

Why do Americans think salt is a nutrient? literally no other country thinks dried meat is an acceptable meat besides third world countries. Genuinely curious, please provide an answer thatbisnt a shitpost.

>> No.12088013

It’s disgusting and salty, just like other American foods.

>> No.12088014

I'd be curious if you can actually name a country that doesn't have a revered traditional form of cured meat. Go for it.

>> No.12088018

It's so comfy to just sit back and watch all these mentally-ill Dunning-Krugers argue with each other.

>> No.12088019

t. britbong

>> No.12088024

t. Fatass

>> No.12088029

Every country that isn’t Slavic, impoverished or American. Nasty fuck

>> No.12088036

Inb4 you say sushi is preserved meat

>> No.12088041

What's your opinion on Rauchshinken, Katenspeck, Wurstchen, and all the other cured meat Germans consume?

>> No.12088043

>bringing up battle/war era foods designed to sustain people at the bare minimum and when food was scarce
Oh boy here we go

>> No.12088044
File: 155 KB, 1000x850, map-of-europe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a map of countries with cured meats, just in case you were confused

>> No.12088047

Why would I need to bring up sushi when Japan has time of actually cured fish like Katsuobushi

>> No.12088050

>modern Germans do not eat wursts
Now this is shitposting

>> No.12088051

A rainbow map that shows nothing. GG. Eat your salt, peasant.

>> No.12088054

kek. good bants bro

>> No.12088094
File: 153 KB, 339x339, 1544801516864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally no other country thinks dried meat is an acceptable meat
>except great charcuterie is French and Italian
>except great jamon is Spanish
>except great jwipo is Korean
>except great charqui is Peruvian
>except great lutefisk is Nordic
>except great rousong is Chinese
>except great carne seca is Brazilian
>except great York ham is English
>except great vobla is Russian
Go on, what first world countries are you talking about? Which ones? I will tell you what cured and dried meat products they enjoy there, because they're a universal product.

>> No.12088101

Can you at least pick a county that isn’t ravaged by poverty and doesn’t use dried meat in a cultural preservation sense like surstromming? I’ll wait.

>> No.12088112
File: 16 KB, 213x237, i made this for you op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End your crappy bait thread, you already lost.

>> No.12088161

>no rebuttal
South Americans.

>> No.12088261

correct. bacon overpowers everything its put on unless its 2 strips on a burg.
Umm mate, salt is one of the most important nutrients in the body.

>> No.12088302

There was no Slovakia then you faggot

>> No.12088305

wow very funny he say dumb thing make people upset. thrills will be here here on the 4chan cooking board we have the best comedians.

>> No.12088313

skip the eggs, and use egg noodles

>> No.12088593
File: 3.47 MB, 404x404, 1529288930665.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slovaks deserve the die penalty

>> No.12088658

The traditional recipe absolutley does. What the fuck.

>> No.12088669

big yikes of the week

>> No.12088700

lmfao kys

>> No.12088707

Weeb alert

>> No.12088711

Are the Americans waking up or something? What is this?

>> No.12088720
File: 18 KB, 262x225, A5B5E133-73D7-4829-BA2A-BC74C4D9CCB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12088977

The secret is to use a double boiler, in fact it's the only way to make real carbonara. The idea of mixing raw egg with pasta at the end is completely wrong, and will never result in a good sauce. All you'll get is raw eggs with pasta, or like yours, scrambled. So many chefs get it wrong.

What you should do is cook your bacon, and in the meantime start heating up your pan of water. Then place your egg yolks into a large heatproof bowl. Place this bowl above the pan of water when it begins to simmer, and gently heat the eggs while whisking. Moving the bowl back and forth to make sure as to not overcook the eggs. To be clear, your bowl should NOT touch the water. The steam is what should heat the bowl gently.

If you do this properly your eggs will thicken, at which point you should take some bacon fat, and slowly drizzle it into your egg mixture, similar to how you'd make hollandaise, whisking continuously. Once thickened to your desired consistency, then season to taste with salt.

After this cook your pasta, then drain it while reserving some pasta water. Mix the pasta with your pan of bacon, toss in a mixture of pacorino and some parmesan to coat, then place everything into your bowl with the sauce. If it's too thick, then thin it out with a tiny amount of pasta water at a time, until the desired consistency is reached. Season to taste with more black pepper, and cheese if needed.

>> No.12089025
File: 115 KB, 440x535, 1478671169646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12089056

Pizza Hut should make a Slim Jim pizza.

>> No.12089079

>let the pan chill for a sec
>use only yolk
>you can mix the yolk with a tablespoon of cream to maka pasta a'la carbonara which imho is better
>after you put the pasta in a pan again put it on absolute minimum heat
>mix it all the time as long as the heat is on
>don't heat it any longer then just for the sauce to stick to the pasta