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File: 104 KB, 750x500, Vietnamese+Recipes+Cuisines+Banh+Mi+Chicken+Sandwich+Ga+Nuong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12086853 No.12086853 [Reply] [Original]

what makes banh mi sandwiches taste so good?

>> No.12086872
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RIP my favorite hole in the wall banh mi sandwich place that closed down when the owner sold it to a new guy and he started decreasing portions and the quality of ingredients.

>> No.12086900

i hate when that happens. rip in peace anon

>> No.12086917

fuck off with that gay shit.

>> No.12086935

It's got mayo and pickled shit in it...I'm out...

>> No.12086941

>banh mi
>user was banhed for this post

>> No.12087887

use a bread made from rice flour and mix the mayo with butter.

>> No.12088012

The stand up bahn mi
It's much like a taco all parts add up to greatness
First you need a nice supple piece of french bread
fillings must be above average to do the sandwich the favor
The better part of the bahn mi is cilantro along with jalapenos, the real kicker here is going to be the pickled carrots and Chinese radish
I for one skip on the pate, it spoils the entire sandwich personally
Pate is fine for those who already enjoy such flavors unfortunately it just isn't a joy of any sort for me

>> No.12088016

It tastes good to you because it sounds all fucking ethnic and exotic, and you eat that shit up because (((they))) want you to.
The rest of us call it a fucking sandwich.
But not you! You're so special. We love you, my inclusive diversity promoter.

>> No.12088020

It’s the fresh veggies. The same reason Subway is good. A lot of American sandwiches tend to be meat+cheese but other cultures bring veggies to the table, and flavors other than “roasted”

>> No.12088026
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Same but it died because extended construction killed for traffic for too long

>> No.12088031

*Foot traffic

>> No.12088116

I have never tried banh mi.
What are they like?

>> No.12088121

Nothing in Surry Hills was ever any good.

>> No.12088123

Among the best of sammies
Top tier
From great pork or beef it will be hard to make a mistake after that

>> No.12088130
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>> No.12088147

>rip in peace
>rest in peace in peace
Gets me every time

>> No.12088168

It was in Minneapolis

>> No.12088179
File: 35 KB, 480x480, B7CF29C9-3CC4-4610-8243-6912D89D4D76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im gonna call him gay for my lack of taste
Imagine being this white

>> No.12088181

I don’t know why, but this graphic makes me mad every time. A New Yorker crates this thinking jalapeños were exclusive on New York banh mis. They are on the sandwiches EVERYWHERE

>> No.12088186

My favorite vietnamese place had the same shit happen. Their garlic chicken was phenomenal. When the new owner came through I questioned if I was even eating chicken

>> No.12088213

But bird's eye is a much better choice and are much more common for that reason.

>> No.12088384

The ingredients, I guess. I can't read your mind to know what you like about them.

>> No.12088394

this I buy giant bags of them and use them for banh mi and green curry and basically anything else from that part of the world. Jalapenos are just shit unless unless they're in corn bread.

>> No.12088397

my favourite chicken shop is going through this, at least with my business. stopped selling garlic sauce :(

>> No.12088569

not gonna buy banh mi in NYC then

>> No.12088583

>he can’t handle other countries calling their sandwiches different things

>> No.12088682

skinning dogs while they're alive

>> No.12089210

>he doesn’t like pickled carrots

>> No.12089216

i have food autism about those same things but i like banh mis anyway

>> No.12089218

Is it true you get banned for saying NIGGER here?

>> No.12089233

I got b& for asking why people here talk like retards (‘za, deenz, ‘cados etc). Nobody cares about niggers.

>> No.12089251

everyone in this thread is wrong. GF is viet and mom owns a restaurant and showed me how to cook most of their dishes.

Wanna know why bahn mi is good? sugar, cilantro, and specific viet style baugette. the meat is seasoned with brown sugar and some hosin. if you wanna replicate the meat just season with some hosin and soy sauce, and when cooking sprinkle in more brown sugar

>> No.12089265

>the meat is seasoned with brown sugar and some hosin
You're aware that there are many types of banh mi, right? Also, char siu > vietnamese bbq pork on a banh mi. But dac biet is the GOAT.

>> No.12089278


>> No.12089280

dude can't even spell "banh mi" correctly

>> No.12089331

the unique bread made with a combination of rice flour and wheat flour gives a pleasing crunch while maintaining the soft glutinous nature of bread, combined with the liver pate and pickled veggies for extra savoriness

>> No.12089338

Take your homophobia elsewhere.

>> No.12089345

>what makes banh mi sandwiches taste so good?
pickled veg

>> No.12089413

no u

>> No.12089422

>Fuck of with this Hamburger shit Kraut. Just call it a sandwich.

>> No.12089457


>> No.12089465
File: 55 KB, 467x590, gay5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. I'm gay. Like actually, in real life gay. So what?

>> No.12089469
File: 10 KB, 216x234, trannyjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. seething discord tranny
go dilate

>> No.12089499

heh, what a queer

>> No.12090457

I’d sue over that shit, you should tell the owner

>> No.12090478
File: 176 KB, 808x716, Madness People.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're definitely the faggot if you dislike crunchy pickled vegetables on a sandwich.

>> No.12092174


>> No.12092178

>banh mi with that much meat in it
fucking lies

>> No.12092278

chinamin are fucked in the head

>> No.12092283

Quick google search shows that the traditional Banh mi sandwich was destroyed years ago by fat fuck American housewives declaring that the "have found the perfect recipe , even better than the traditional"
These women need to get a grip and leave stuff alone.

>> No.12092290

i know that feel from when my local butchers closed, and they were the only place to get my landjaeger fix from. they also had a smoked beef brisket sandwich that was so good i cry thinking about it. it was fucking huge for $5. the landjaeger was so delicious. they sold it, new guy shits it all up somehow, then sells shop to pakis or some other raghead. who puts the stake through its heart.

>> No.12092299
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>> No.12092300

>You're aware that there are many types of banh mi , right?
So he was completely correct then and you're just being a pretentious cockgobbling soyboy?