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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12078275 No.12078275 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Food combinations only you seem to enjoy. For me, it's popcorn and milk.

>> No.12078282

Avocado toast with soy milk

>> No.12078286

Ketchup and grilled cheese. It's basically pizza.

>> No.12078289


Damn anon. Growing up, my family used to tease me about liking milk and popcorn.

I thought I was the only one.

>> No.12078291

this but unironically

>> No.12078312

1800s Americans often ate popcorn as a breakfast cereal. I used to do that with Cracker Jacks and soy milk. I sometimes wish I didn't give a fuck so I could eat bowls of sugary corn pops like Jesse Pinkman


>> No.12078313

Chili with beans

>> No.12078333

I fucking love popcorn and milk

>> No.12078383

Cigarettes and chocolate milk

>> No.12078590

>ice and milk
>ham and jelly

>> No.12078600

I've done that. It's also good with mustard or pickles.

>> No.12078735

maple syrup on scrambled eggs (they gotta be salted tho)

>> No.12079244
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there is nothing better than slamming a tall glass of milk after eating a bowl of ice cream

>> No.12079246

wisconsin anon

>> No.12079253

california, actually. happy cows, bruv

>> No.12079257

Honestly I like that

Mozz. Sticks and ketchup

>> No.12079258

Nice. You ever mixed a little chocolate milk into vanilla ice cream to make soft serve?

>> No.12079273

no but now I feel like a retard for never having heard of this before, that sounds delicious. Gotta get me some of that fancy chocolate milk that comes with a $2.00 bottle deposit and see how it comes out mixed with vanilla icecream

>> No.12079283

Disgusting and embarrassing. White people are such a fucking joke

>> No.12079293

It's incredible, you should try it. When I'm too lazy to pour a glass, I just chug it out of the gallon. I have to tell myself I've had enough once I hit 10 or so massive gulps, but I'll still sneak in a few more.

>> No.12079298

Hot dogs with peanut butter

So salty so rich

>> No.12079307

Mac & cheese/corn on top of mashed potatoes

>> No.12079312
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>t. mad you can't have delicious dairy

>> No.12079335

Tuna salad and salty potato chips

>> No.12079350

salty coins and milk

>> No.12079356

Tuna in chicken stock

>> No.12079499
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Redhot potatoe chips and mint ice cream.

>> No.12079501
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>> No.12079507

For me a black coffee and a hamburger
And then a cigarette with more coffee

>> No.12079568

meth and gatorade

>> No.12079725

I don’t mix them, I take alternating mouthfulls of chips and them ice cream.
The hot chips stimulate certain taste buds in the mouth, and probive a nice crispy texture.
Then you follow with a spoonfull of mint ice cream. The ice cream contains milk and cream, which helps neutralize the hot flavor from the chips, and the mint follows and also cools the taste buds and the mouth.
Then you go for the hot chips again once the ice cream is fully swallowed. Etc.
mint chocolate chip ice cream isn’t as good for this, but the chocolate flavor can combine with the hot chip flavor to give a hot chocolate flavor similar to the way the ancient Aztecs and Mayans combines chili peppers and chocolate.

>> No.12080507

used to do a couple slices of sharp cheddar on a hamburger bun as a snack when I was feeling lazy. No regerts

>> No.12080780
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I drink milk with everything I eat, absolutely love the stuff, between me and my dad we’d crush a gallon every two days in our house growing up

>> No.12080795


>> No.12081098

wasabi and tortellini

>> No.12081438
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Fried Rice with Mayonnaise

>> No.12081558
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crack and whores

>> No.12081727

I have more than I can list/remember.

Ketchup and cottage cheese unironically.

Cottage cheese and peanut butter.

Assam tea brewed with Linden leaves in a teapot I've never washed with soap- ever.

"Ake" (raw liver poké)- not very common, even in Hawaii, where it originated.

Raw meat (beef or lamb) dipped in a blend of Bleu cheese dressing, crushed garlic, and this insanely-hot Carolina Reaper-Thai chile-Trinidad Scorpion Chile paste I make.

Mayo on pizza- I rarely eat pizza however since it's so unhealthy.

Everything bagels with cream cheese and apple butter.

Ricotta and sugar on toast.

Milk and vodka.

>> No.12081734

how big those tittes? B? C cup?

>> No.12081799

this cigs and choclate milk were GOAT before I quit smoking, I also added cookies to the mix

>> No.12081852
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>> No.12082064

Try putting tomato straight in your grilled cheese. Cut it thin, de-moisturize it, put it between layers of cheese. 10/10 imo

>> No.12082163

Bread with peanut butter and sliced banana with greek yogurt on top

>> No.12082193

>Everything bagels with cream cheese and apple butter.

Oh my fuck that sounds good.

>> No.12082197


>> No.12082235
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>> No.12082243

This is basic bitch as fuck. Jesus anon, throw some eggs and yeast in there or something.

>> No.12082282
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I used to go to the movie theatre and i’d get a box of jujifruit and a bag of popcorn with lots and lots of butter and salt. Take out all the liquorish jujifruit and put those in the trash they are yucky. All the other flavors of jujifruirt when you chew them up and then put some buttered popcorn in your mouth, that is the most decadent of all delicacies

>> No.12082286

Sliced banana and mayonnaise sandwich. It takes on this very interesting banana cream pie flavor.

>> No.12082295

>t. butthurt Asian

>> No.12082298

mcdonalds chicken nuggets and caramel dipping sauce that you'd usually get with the apple slices as a kid. Sometimes i'd say fuck it and eat all of it in an ungodly nugget apple caramel sandwich.

>> No.12082310

Ever since I was a kid I've loved eating jam (jelly for Americans, i.e. strawberry jam) toast with bacon on top. Jam n bacon toast ;P it's delicious

>> No.12082316

One time, hanging out with my oneitis, she had us get movie theater popcorn at the theater, buy a box of m&m's, then we drove back to her house to watch that apocalypse movie with nick cage and she poured the m&m's on the popcorn and shook up the bag. I knew she was the one before, but that sealed the deal really.

>> No.12082318

that doesn't sound bad. what kinda jam we talking here?

>> No.12082350

Marmalade on pancakes. People keep telling me it's weird, but I don't see how it's any weirder than jam.

>> No.12082367

mortadella with condensed milk, flavor heaven.
some lemon drops makes it perfect.

>> No.12082404

That commercial is like a nightmare.

>> No.12082418

Why is milk so fucking good with popcorn
It's like you can choke if you eat it with water but the milk makes it just
Way more enjoyable

>> No.12082424

35% cream & fruit loops

>> No.12082433 [DELETED] 
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Your mom's pussy and Jack Daniels

What a fucking whore she is

>> No.12082436

Things were like that before 9/11

>> No.12082457

this ironically

>> No.12082788
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Drinking plain milk is absolutely disgusting what the fuck is wrong with you people

>> No.12082807
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all the weird shit in this thread, and you single out the most harmless one.

>> No.12082821

They have no idea

>> No.12082839

I don’t think anyone but me does the following..:
Peanut butt jelly
Crunches nacho cheese Doritos inside...or sometimes on the side but it’s a fucking ODB era WU-Tang party in your mouth..

>> No.12082969

funyuns and salsa
doritos and easy cheese
pepperjack cheese stick and horseradish packets

>> No.12083141

The sweet apple butter mixes well with the roasted onion overtones of everything bagels and it tastes reminiscent of an Indian chutney. I highly recommend it.

>> No.12083174

I like eating plain pringles and pepperjack cheese together.

>> No.12083359

>a gallon every two days
Not as big a feat as you seem to think, anon.

>> No.12083366

Roasted garlic chocolate tzatziki or talatouri.

>> No.12083370
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>> No.12083377

fucking this I don't know why but it's literally the goat combination
also I put mustard on pretty much everything if I feel like it

>> No.12083380

Peanut butter and pickles

Not like, a pickle dipped in peanut butter, but I always eat the two at the same time

>> No.12083784

My God, I thought I was alone....
I'm also going to say maple syrup and eggs

>> No.12083801
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pork and peas

>> No.12084370

I'm gonna go have a glass of milk just to spite you anon.

>> No.12084528
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fuck you and fuck the dairy industry

>> No.12084551

Apple juice and salted pretzels

>> No.12084841

The patrician way is to put the popcorn in a bowl and pour the milk over it to eat it like cereal.

>> No.12084876

Nope, pb&onion is a delicacy

>> No.12084890

Thank god i'm not the only one. Topping it with crispy bacon bits completes it.

>> No.12084940

No adult would drink human milk, but fucking cow milk?!

>> No.12084942

Frozen blueberries and peanuts

Raw oats with salt, cinnamon, honey and evoo

Hot sauce on salads (as a major part of the dressing)

>> No.12084978

>hot sauce on salad
Yep, mayo, ketchup and some good spice

>> No.12084986

Mayo, red wine vinegar, zhoug, and salt = best dressing

Sub zhoug out for any green hot sauce if unavailable

>> No.12085018

Liver paté with rice and egg yolk aioli with maggi seasoning. Works with baguettes too

>> No.12085850

pizza with olives, pineapple, and feta on it. Doesn't need much else - peppers maybe, + ofc some more melty cheese.
Olives just complement pineapple so damn well on a pizza. Not so much very fresh tasting olives though - black olives work well here