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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 646x646, HP_Sauce__43745.1500991355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12075846 No.12075846 [Reply] [Original]

bought this because I found it in some asian supermarket, how the fuck do I use this?

>> No.12075865

It’s literally the same as A1 steak sauce.

>> No.12075873

You gotta use it with HP

>> No.12075942
File: 8 KB, 300x168, ironlady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Harry Potter sauce is good on pretty much anything

>> No.12075948

On bacon sandwich or sausage sandwich. On full english

>> No.12075959

It's fucking nothing like A1 sauce.
Different ingredients, flavor and consistency.

>> No.12075961

Put it on anything meaty

>> No.12075970

Fucking search with your favorite search engine. We're a bunch of neets that either eat mom and dads cooking or go and buy pre made food.

>> No.12075989

It's the same fucking thing you mongo

>> No.12075997

Asian? It’s a British product. Us Brits only use it on bacon or sausage butties

>> No.12076012

>a1 on a blt

>> No.12076015


>> No.12076018
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beg to differ, but they are not the same fuckface

>> No.12076022

>It’s a British product.

>> No.12076028
File: 3.03 MB, 2559x1434, xFjsiL2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anoint yourself and make woke videos

>> No.12076031
File: 1.72 MB, 3264x2448, F21CAC96-2D9D-4FFE-89D3-EDF4F1BC72E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12076032

>HP Sauce was invented by Frederick Gibson Garton in Nottingham, England in 1899.

>> No.12076043

yeah but asian stores have these niche products from other countries where I live

>> No.12076047

Holy shit....I had this like 20 years ago and completely forgot of its existence until this thread.

>> No.12076054

It’s owned by Heinz and made in the Netherlands.

>> No.12076055

You faggots are essentially making the argument that Heinz ketchup is a fundamentally different product than French's ketchup.

They're just different brands of the same fucking product, with slightly different recipes. Good God British people are autistic sometimes.

>> No.12076061

>different recipes
Yup, completely different.

>> No.12076062

>Implying it's the Brits saying that A1 and HP are different

>> No.12076068

So? When a Mexican made person moves to the US doesn’t make suddenly American.

>> No.12076070

>They're just different brands of the same fucking product
With different ingredients, flavour and taste.

>> No.12076073


>> No.12076074 [DELETED] 

We don’t have A1 Steak Sauce in the UK, you’re obviously arguing with an American.

>> No.12076087

You can get it in TK Max and big Sainsbury’s. It’s got a weird medicinal taste to it. It’s a lot runnier than HP as well.

>> No.12076096

You’re correct. I always assumed it was American, like HP, it was in fact created in the UK

>> No.12076103
File: 105 KB, 640x592, 66CD9263-EC6B-4022-8215-0E61CD7D22B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resarch before you post, dipshit

>> No.12076115
File: 300 KB, 1212x1210, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally ate a bacon sandwich, stuffed with bacon, covered in HP sauce, every day for breakfast, for 4 months, while working on a job that had bacon as part of its breakfast buffet

think i probably lost a couple years off my life doing that

i have no regrets

>> No.12076122

You’re a bit slow.

>> No.12076129

You can’t get it in Sainsbury’s or TK Maxx (a clothing store kek), it’s exclusive to Tesco.

>> No.12076166

Eating poorly generally lessens quality more than quantity. You can acclimate to other foods and enjoy them just as much, if not moreso, because they don't make you feel like shit afterward.

>> No.12076191

>you can enjoy other foods as much as a bacon sandwich, with toasted fresh buttered bread and hp sauce
That's a noble dream lad

>> No.12076306


they are not the same no matter how many times you post this thread
just kill yourself ya fucking attention whore

>> No.12076546

I got turned onto HP at an Irish pub in NYC, it's really good on sheppard's or cottage pies, or say bangers and mash. It's a bit sweet for me so I prefer A1 sauce.

>> No.12076610

The morons saying that HP and A1 are the same have likely never tried the two or just drumming up bullshit for reactions or likely have no taste buds after doing meth their whole lives. They don't know what they're talking about, the types that will lives their whole lives on minimum wage jobs doing the punch in punch out thing and blaming others for their problems.

>> No.12076657

im sorry lad but im froom the fookin uk and im bloody tellin ye that it's the bloody same. same garlicly lemon shite

>> No.12076759

HP sauce = brown sauce

Brown sauce = steak sauce

Steak sauce = A1 sauce

HP sauce = A1 sauce

It's not hard, nigga

>> No.12076905
File: 138 KB, 300x100, 4c-201-Chicken_Head.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good British logic there.
You should copyright that.

>> No.12076918

dollop onto plate

dab sausages into sauce

insert sausages into mouth

>> No.12077037

>imagine having this shit taste buds

>> No.12077055
File: 898 KB, 3024x4032, 71l0tycikky01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HP fruity is better tbqh gents

>> No.12077329

>HP Sauce Baby Edition
Still delicious though. Recommend this one for their first time.

>> No.12077332
File: 30 KB, 540x540, BrownSauceDaddies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only ever had brown sauce at my grandparents house and they never bought HP, they bought this one and it was lush,

>> No.12077374

>Saw this at my kroger along with other abominations in the brit food aisle, thought about getting it then but remembered I hate A1 sauce.
Hard pass, the brit food aisle is an abomination before the gods.

>> No.12077414

That looks pretty good for sausages and eggs. Might give it a shot

>> No.12077515

Brown sauce, put that on a brekkie roll or in a stew.

>> No.12077531
File: 259 KB, 700x934, USSection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always laugh when I see Brit sections, does not reflect realism all that much. This is what the American section looks like in most British supermarkets

>> No.12077559

i've never seen any of those products in the US. wtf?

>> No.12077566

Bacon sandwich.
Nice on sausages with mash.
Nice on chips (fries) with fried egg.
There's not many uses for it to be fair but it's nice.

>> No.12077570

Seconding this, the 'US aisle' in the UK is pretty much this stuff.

>> No.12077595
File: 105 KB, 500x500, Froot_Loops-0003800039122_500X500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you, some kind of faggot that doesn't like lucky charms and froot loops?

>> No.12077607

What are you some weirdo in some amish cult?

>> No.12077626

I guess most of our stuff isn't approved by your cult leader Merkel and isn't halal therefore not on your shelves. Learn what a cost benefit analysis is.

>> No.12077644

You sure you live in the US anon?

>> No.12077655
File: 74 KB, 550x250, notbacon2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how long have you been sticking things up your ass?

fucking retard, kill thyself

>> No.12077658

I don't care for Lucky Charms which they always have but I'd buy the shit out of Froot Loops but I've never seen any store carry them in their American section.

>> No.12077674

It is most traditional on a Full English Breakfast, or with pretty much any one of the normal components of one (especially bacon or sausages) but is good in general on eggs or meaty things. Try it on a cottage/shepherd's pie - or with scrambled eggs and hash browns (either our lazy frozen kind of hash browns, or the real kind, both work well).

It is. Heavier on the tamarind.


>> No.12077691

Looks good
Do you live under a rock?
>Hurr durr never seen PB, Lucky Charms or Hershey Syrup.
Get outta here with that bullshit.

>> No.12077703

A1 is best on one of those pies. It's more savory then sweet, but then you euros like the sweet, you know far from reality because you handed everything over to that german cunt merkel.

>> No.12077709

Why did you even bother fighting WW II when you just handed everything over to a fucking german?

>> No.12077812

I wouldn't call HP sweet - the dominant flavour by far is the vinegar. The molasses, dates and tamarind are very much secondary to that.

Chip shops above a certain point in the north mix it with 'non-brewed condiment' (a basic alternative to malt vinegar, ingredients: water, acetic acid, caramel) to make what they call 'chippy sauce'.

>> No.12077901

if you want to get really fucking crazy, try it on shrimps
no joke, you will not go back to a cocktail sauce

>> No.12077956

You shelve it in your butthole clearly.

>> No.12077986

That's why I voted leave

>> No.12078811

I chippy sauced ur mum last night m8

>> No.12078841

It's too bad that the vote by the people of the UK doesn't seem to mean squat when people with financial interests override it, it appears that that's what's going on.

>> No.12079282


Fuckin Northern cuck go be racist in Greggs at pakis

>> No.12079310

West Midlander actually. What is these racist meme? Never experienced such a thing in Greggs.

>> No.12079341

Not always, one can get Colman's mustard powder though it's pretty expensive here in the states, a little bit goes a long way.

>> No.12080062


>> No.12080065

one upvote for Griffindoor!

>> No.12080069

You drink it when you're low on health points

>> No.12080073

Do you live in fucking Nowhere, Wyoming?

>> No.12080311
