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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 88 KB, 767x767, waterglass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12072060 No.12072060 [Reply] [Original]

How do you make this shit appetizing lol

>> No.12072062

by not being american

>> No.12072063
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>> No.12072100

add a lemon for fresh flavor
this or sliced cucumber would be another idea

>> No.12072163

>t. sip shill

>> No.12072164

I compensate by having flavorful food.

>> No.12072182

That condensation on the glass is pretty appetizing to me.

>> No.12072207
File: 52 KB, 500x500, green-tea-bag-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Green tea bags.

Antioxidants and flavor.

>> No.12072217

I think it's tasty as is but a lemon/lime/orange slice or add some berries if you have to. If you are an adult this really shouldn't be necessary though.

>> No.12072223
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Pic related.

>> No.12072230

This, plus the gentle clink sounds of the ice on the glass.

>> No.12073478

Umm just drink it you dumb nigger.

>> No.12073503

I genuinely only drink water, I don't understand how people have a problem with it

>> No.12073506

Add carbon dioxide

>> No.12073588

White people don't flavor their water because "it's too spicy"

>> No.12074765

by smoking weed.
cotton-mouth will have you drinking like a gallon a day no problems, it's so refreshing and cold.

>> No.12074769

nobody used to drink water before the coca cola industry got that "8 glasses per day" bullshit promoted in the 1960s... people used to drink fruit juice and milk because THOSE DRINKS NATURALLY TASTE GOOD LOL.

>> No.12074812

Nobody used to drink water because access to clean water wasn't a common thing.
People drank low-alcohol beer because that could be made relatively safe.

>> No.12074814

Make it cold and maybe add some lemon or lime. Cold water is best water though.

>> No.12074854

Yeah I love water borne disease, it adds so much flavor

>> No.12074857

Run until you're half ded, plain water tastes great after

>> No.12074862

Be thirsty. There's nothing better.

>> No.12074863
File: 41 KB, 550x550, FEED5C28-3E99-46C8-870C-C970881A8051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by being a based and redpilled memelord

>> No.12074871

This is one of the most worthless and unfunny posts I've ever read. I normally wouldn't reply to such a post but your post in particular has struck me as just utterly useless. There's no joke to it, no punchline, it's not relevant to the thread, it's just unfunny meme spouting. It has to be made by a 14 year old, and if it's not, may God have mercy on your soul.

>> No.12074968

My dustbowl-living grandpa only drank buttermilk

>> No.12074975

>make water appetizing
You mean there are maniacs that aren't content with just the refreshing sensation of ice-cold water sliding down their throat? Ultimate mark of a manchild is that they can't go a meal without consuming 50 grams+ of sugar in their beverage

>> No.12075167

make hot, strain through ground coffee beans.
not bad!

>> No.12075170

Add a cheeky slice of lemon for a little kick.

>> No.12075181
File: 36 KB, 600x829, Nellie_n_Joes_key_lime_juice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few drops of lime juice or lemon juice works wonders.

>> No.12075204

nice! now I can be hydrated AND put sticks in my ass!

>> No.12075216

are you supposed to eat the asparagus after drinking the water?
does just drinking the water still make your piss stink?

>> No.12075220

by not being a faggot

>> No.12075255

do americans really do this?

>> No.12075280

what kind of third world shit hole do you live in where water tastes bad?

>> No.12075287
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>> No.12075346
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>> No.12075410

hope those are activated

>> No.12075414

i like plain water but sometimes adding citrus, carbonation or a drop or two of edible essential oil is nice

>> No.12075441

haha get a load of this dumbass

>> No.12075458

Wake up at 3AM with your throat dry and thirst as fuck and drink a cup

>> No.12076220

Under rated

>> No.12076237

Nah, he's right. It was common to not drink plain water unless you were poor. It was either tea, beer, wine, or mead.

>> No.12076282

Amerilards BTFO

>> No.12076292

Unfunny, twitter tier humor

>> No.12076399

It's literally a /ck/ meme.

>> No.12076404

chill out whitey or ill put a quarter twist of black pepper on your french fries and get you hospitalized from 3rd degree burns

>> No.12076405

milk doesn't taste good
fruit juice has more sugar than coke

you're a fucking nigger

>> No.12076455

>fruit juice
>from the store

Sugar and fruit concentrates are not natural.
Maybe back then they would make juice from actual oranges but nowadays just about all prepacked juice is sugar and fruit concentrate to make the flavour and maybe add in some pulp cause some people like it and makes them feel it is organic.

IMO water has to be cold

>> No.12076484


>> No.12076488

For me, its WATER

>> No.12076492

That's your problem... not everything has to be sugar-loaded fat smothered in gravy, ya fuckin ambulocetus. Just shut the fuck up and drink your fucking water.

>> No.12076501

Its true. Humans have been drunk through most of history

>> No.12076505
File: 117 KB, 840x650, sanpellegrino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't drink tap water
Sparkling mineral water is where it's at

>> No.12076508
File: 79 KB, 1024x576, 20081118-super-tanker_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sugar and fruit concentrates are not natural.
Maybe back then they would make juice from actual oranges but nowadays just about all prepacked juice is sugar and fruit concentrate to make the flavour and maybe add in some pulp cause some people like it and makes them feel it is organic.
I don't know about that. Sunny D, sure, that's just orange sugar-water. They're also peddling this "half the calories" OJ where it's 50% water and sucralose (but still charging the same!) which some retards fall for but most OJ is just OJ with no sugar added, either reconstituted or not. What you may not realize is that OJ at the supermarket is so old (average is around 9 months old) that just before bottling they infuse it with essential oils from fresh orange skins or it would have no discernible taste.
OJ from Brazil usually gets concentrated and stored in supertankers like pic related and eventually makes it to the US where it gets a shot of fresh aromatic compounds and reconstituted with water and bottled. So yeah it still is crap but they don't add sugar to it.

>> No.12076520

If you don't find water appetizing then the problem is not the water, but you.
Instead of changing the water how bout you git gud nigger faggot

>> No.12076531


even fresh fruit juice is not healthy, you're losing most of the useful micronutrients and antioxidants to oxidation, oxidation occurs at the surface so when you juice, you're basically maximizing the exposed surface to be oxidized.

when you juice a fresh fruit it pretty much becomes the equivalent to flavored sugar water, which is the same as the shit in stores.

just eat chopped fruit for fuck sake, or even better eat it whole like an adult.

>> No.12076532

found the white boi

>> No.12076538

I fucked up the quoting there, didn't know he had a paragraph break in there.

>> No.12076539

>milk doesn't taste good

the only nigger here is you faggot

>> No.12076557

>American education
I am sure many third worlders who have to deal with water borne diseases visit /ck/ daily

>> No.12076583

Just serve non-shitty water. It's worse when you get served shitty tap water at a restaurant, you gotta filter it and serve with neutral odor ice