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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 305 KB, 1200x800, sauerkraut_soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12068032 No.12068032 [Reply] [Original]

recommend me some central european or slavic foods to make

>> No.12068045

Pork and cabbage/sauekraut steamed dumplings served with black pepper yogurt sauce

>> No.12069100


Pickle every vegetable, make broth from every single bone that you got left, have a small garden on your balkon, rename you ironcast skillet into a "Gipsy pan".

>> No.12069113


>> No.12069123

i think the meme answer is pelmeni but if you wanna get innit research some good soups. i know it’s not native but my family and i all make a lot of shakshouka.

>> No.12069172
File: 3.70 MB, 899x2088, Polish food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12069183

Shchi is good, but it's Russian not central European.

>> No.12069196

i took a trip to prague, budapest, bratislava, and austria last year
i had really good
>pork with dumplings and kraut
>chicken paprikash with fried dough (langosz)
>grilled chicken with onions and eastern european mustard on some weird really good bread
>some good italian food too desu
i also like borscht and pierogi, anything with cabbage and pork is good. Kinda similar to traditional Irish food without some of the spices

>> No.12069208

oh and some really good cream of garlic soup outside the catacombs of St. Stephen's in Vienna

>> No.12069211

Make a zapiekanka.

>> No.12069216
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>> No.12069219
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>> No.12069223
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>> No.12069226
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>> No.12069227
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People saying east europe has no food culture have not read this epic book

>> No.12069230
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>> No.12069236

> (((Fishman)))

>> No.12069241
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>> No.12069244
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>> No.12069250

Yeah whatever, fuck off with your racist parentheses

>> No.12069254

Buttermilk+Borsch soup is Lithuanian

>> No.12069255
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City Chicken technically isn’t Polish but it’s a staple among Polish-Americans.

>> No.12069262

Lithuania and Poland were the same country once. The most famous words in the Polish language are
"Lithuania, my fatherland"

>> No.12069265

> Slavic foods
> posts a book by a Jew

They just stole the recipes from Slavs they lived among.

Actual Jewish food is stuff like goat and figs.

>> No.12069273

It's not a book about ethnic Jewish cuisine, you moron.

>> No.12069277

Latkes are just potato pancakes invented by poles
Yes, most jewish food is just polish food.

>> No.12069278
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>Buttermilk+Borsch soup is Lithuanian

Please, us Polacks taught you heathen savages how to cook.

>> No.12069281

To be fair, it's kind of a fusion thing. All in all, it's great stuff. If you can put your racism aside and just let your tastebuds take over, you will like what's in this book.

>> No.12069282


>> No.12069291

>It's not a book about ethnic Jewish cuisine, you moron.

No shit, dumbass. But the thread is about Slavic food and don't get a book written by a Jew if you want to find out about that (unless you're looking for a recipe that incorporates baby blood).

>> No.12069294

>1985 memes
this takes me back

>> No.12069299

It's about the food he grew up eating in Belarus, you tard among other things.

>> No.12069302

Most of the recipes in the book are of east european origin. They might be slightly modified for jewish tastes, but they are 90% east european.

>> No.12069303
File: 366 KB, 1500x799, honey cake medovik - mar 18 2018 - 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medovik (honey cake). It's pretty good. Pic related, although I didn't use enough sweetened sour cream filling between the layers.

>> No.12069320
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>> No.12069325
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>> No.12069331

i love hunter's stew that's been cooked for days. nothing better

>> No.12069332


Hey guys, what are some good African recipes?

Here's a book by an Eskimo!

>> No.12069340
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I hate Flaki (cow stomach soup) but my dad thought it was the best shit ever.

>> No.12069353


Korean style carrot salad that is popular in ex-USSR countries

>> No.12069354
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>> No.12069362
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>> No.12069363

I think if an Eskimo lived in Belerus as a young child and grew up there, he'd know a thing a two about what they eat. He's probably know more about it than some trailer trash burger /pol/tard.

>> No.12069365 [DELETED] 

Do you know what the pale of settlement is? Jews essentially ARE Eastern European. Their cuisines are almost indistinguishable. Bagels were invented in by Poles in Poland. No, Poles today don't very much eat bagels. But they still invented them.

>> No.12069371

He's confusing Ashkenazi Jews with Mizrahi Jews, I think. He's just assblasted because the guy is Jewish.

>> No.12069373

Do you know what the pale of settlement is? Jews essentially ARE Eastern European. Their cuisines are almost indistinguishable. Bagels were invented by Poles in Poland. No, Poles today don't very much eat bagels. But they still invented them.

>> No.12069376

Yes. Mediterranean food is very different from north east European food. And ashkenazi jewish cuisines and east european cuisines are much much more similar to each other. This is as clear as day.

>> No.12069398
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>> No.12069413
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>> No.12069420

Cabbage rolls are my fave.

But not those tomato sauce ones. My family makes them smaller and with fermented cabbage leafs. With a little salted pig fat for taste mixed in with the rice filling. No tomato sauce.

>> No.12069424

you should post sekacz
i dont have a picture

>> No.12069426

My favorite pierogi to this day were the ones my grandparents made. The cheese and potato ones. They were so peppery.

>> No.12069432
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>> No.12069508
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boiled onion

>> No.12069540

All north Europe food is the same. That's why English food is so shat on. It's all carbs on carbs, and maybe in the case of German or Polish food, there is some fermented cabbage.

>> No.12069551

What's the 5th image from the top in the middle called. The cold salad thing. My aunt makes those sometimes and it's great.

>> No.12069557

Absolute crack

>> No.12069560

Why come Ukranians have pierogi (pelmeni) but Russians don't? What Russian call pirozhki is some kinda pastry, not like a pot sticker type of food at all.

>> No.12069561

Literal crack. If you eat this, you will test positive at a random drug check at work for heroin.

>> No.12069579

if you listen to the unkranian "language" it's an amalgam of polish and russian. they don't have their own language. every other word is a loan-word from either polish or from russian. when you listen to it it's like half the time you hear polish, and half the time you hear russian. ukraine shouldn't even exist. it's a non-country. like a belgium of the east.

>> No.12069602

The best "sausage" I have ever tasted (I hesitate to call it "sausage" because most sausage is ground up mystery meat, and this wasn't that) was at this random Polish market I happened to visit. It was basically unground, lean as fuck pork meat in tube form. They had just fried it up in thin slices, so it was hot and godly. I really regret not asking them about what it was. I wish I had. But at the time, I really didn't think they would tell me their secrets.

>> No.12071290


>> No.12071476

Exactly. But in my opinion and I'm polish I think Ukrainian sounds more like a retarded tryhard version of Russian

>> No.12071523

chopped onions, leek and garlic
lard and bacon bits
cooked buckwheat
fry it all together using the lard (or butter) instead of oil
top it off with sour cream and dill

>> No.12071528

>Why come Ukranians have pierogi (pelmeni) but Russians don't?
they do? Russians have pierogi which are pastry and pelmeni which are smaller, consist of different dough and preparation entirely
where do you think siberian pelmeni come from?

>> No.12071760

Boris makes funny slav cooking videos


>> No.12072139

they got in them?

>> No.12072405
File: 80 KB, 500x334, dsc_60140193gk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> they got in them?

Pirogi can have all kinda fillings but the most common are potato & cheese (either white “farmer cheese” or cheddar) but there are also kapusta & meat as well as “desert” pirogi with fruit that are boiled not fried (my favorite are blueberry).

Check your frozen food section the next time you’re at the grocery store.

>> No.12072458

>fake accent
>squat xD
absolute reddit tier

>> No.12072654

fuck those are good

>> No.12073602

russian is 80% slavic, kyou fucking idiot

>> No.12073604


>> No.12073605

big y?>>12069398
i love this

>> No.12073686

Potato vodka, alternatively the more authentic experience of a 5 gallon water jug filled with 5 bags of sugar and quick rise baking yeast, give it a few weeks to ferment and invite your most slavic friend for zapoy, you don't go outside until the jug is empty or you both die

>> No.12074842

what's that cake in the top middle called? I had some in krakow a few years ago and I've always wanted to get it again.

>> No.12074892

Sarma my friend. Changed my life when I first was invited to my jugo friends place.

>> No.12074898

was about to ask you what food you liked in austria and i have to say i did not expect this answer, but yeah it's a classic.

tried anything else?

>> No.12074907

posting schnitzel as non austrian food. Thats why we only let you guys clean our toilets

>> No.12075614

Grandfather's ashes

>> No.12076294

new england pollack bro

>> No.12076308

(here we go...)

>> No.12076329

Kremowka? Or sernik?

>> No.12076522

lmao this guy gets it


>> No.12076529

I had a Russian soup called "solyanka" when I was there recently that was amazing

>> No.12076558

Idr what it’s called, but if I recall correctly it consists of imitation crab meat, onions, diced hard boiled eggs, canned corn, and mayonnaise

salt and peppered to taste

sounds pretty fucking wack but it makes sense once you eat it

>> No.12076838

wanted to write this. Soljanka is the best soup ever, the combination of the meaty broth, lemon and sour cream is just heavenly. I used to cook it every winter until I stopped going outside.

>> No.12076876

:). amen

>> No.12076879

Chicopee here

>> No.12076890

>Check your frozen food section the next time you’re at the grocery store.
This, and if you live in Canada you'll see them absolutely everywhere