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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 639x470, Dunning Kruger Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12057777 No.12057777 [Reply] [Original]

>searing seals in the juices
>my homemade spaghetti sauce is good
>cast iron has the best performance
>spices are for preserving food
>soybeans have more hormones than meat and milk
>japanese knives are fragile
>nonstick pans are bad
>islay single malt is not entry level casual tier
>lagers are low quality beer, the only good beers are loaded with sugar, hops, and alcohol
>dry red wine is the only good wine
>it's calories in calories out bro! you can live off pure glucose!
>the employer has to make up the difference if you don't tip

>> No.12057780

But my home made spaghetti sauce is pretty good I think.

>> No.12057787

>searing seals in the juices

How do I stop my burgers from broiling /ck/? I take fresh ground beef, work it into 3-4 patties, start cooking them on medium heat and usually the first one comes out fine but every subsequent once starts just pouring water out and ends up broiling in it instead of searing.

>> No.12057790

soybeans have more drastic effects*

>> No.12057792

>>it's calories in calories out bro! you can live off pure glucose!
nobody says that. they say in terms of weight control, all that matters is calories. nobody claims it's healthy to eat only chips and drink soda, just that your body doesn't care when it comes to weight loss or gain.

>> No.12057797

lol guys!
I just learned a term!
If you have ever heard a job you knew these people exist long before this term came to be.

>> No.12057802

>If you have ever heard a job you knew these people exist long before this term came to be.
Nobody's arguing they didn't exist you brainlet fuck. Dunning and Krueger were the first to research and describe it extensively. Do you even understand how science works?

>> No.12057812

To be fair, you need to have a pretty high IQ to understand Dunning and Kruger

>> No.12057824

More like Dinning-Kruger effect, am I right?

>> No.12057831

Ketofags and veganfags
Anyone religiously following a meme diet

>> No.12057839

According to /ck/ if you don't autistically pluck the lettuce off your cheeseburger it makes you a vegan extremist who wants to ban meat, and if you ever skipped breakfast even once you're a preachy ketofag who won't leave me alone.

>> No.12057848


>> No.12057851

I wonder how a mix of veganism and keto would look like, maybe something like raw veganism. Imagine how insufferable they are

>> No.12057862

>he employer has to make up the difference if you don't tip
keep being good goyim, Amerisharts

>> No.12057863
File: 30 KB, 300x300, 1496088573696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol you gotta break the pasta bro it cooks better
Someone went out of there way to follow me into the kitchen and tell me this

>> No.12057867

>I can't pick which shitpost to use today so I'll just post them all

>> No.12058027

Let the pan get to searing temp again before putting the next Patty

>> No.12058099

>you shouldn't salt eggs before cooking
>you have to temper eggs for custard
>a larger pot of water returns to the boil faster when you add pasta
>add oil to butter to stop it burning
>searing meat seals the juices in
>the alcohol all cooks off
>avoid cured meat because of the nitrates
>throw out any mussels that don't open
>raw vegetables are more nutritious
>stale bread goes hard because it dries out
>removing the seeds makes chillies less hot
>braised meat can't get dry
>food fried at a high enough temperature absorbs less oil
>salting beans makes them tough
>you can't add water to melted chocolate
>lard is less healthy than butter
>marinades penetrate meat

nice quads btw

>> No.12058111

Nobody should be eating long pasta anyway. The only necessary types are Rigatoni and a stuffed shell like Ravioli. The rest are just italians being bored so they shape it into bad designs.

>> No.12058238

I thought aussies were range banned finally

>> No.12058249

I’m with you anon, op hasn’t tried out spaghetti sauces. Mines pretty good, it’s at least one of the best I’ve ever had

>> No.12058290

>meat is healthy

>> No.12058296
File: 360 KB, 534x460, check.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it when some asshole who doesn't know anything about psychology namedrops the Dunning-Kruger effect because he doesn't realise that makes him a victim of it.
But I will acknowledge those sevens.

>> No.12058328

If your benchmark is $2 garbage sauce from walmart then I’m not sure what you’re proud of. It’s like saying you’re able to make better hamburgers than McDonalds - so what?

>> No.12058329

But a few that you posted are true though.

Tempering eggs helps to get a consistent anglaise, curdling is very easy without practice.
Alcohol does cook off, it'll evaporate, though not not before imparting flavor into the food, which is the general use of liqueurs in cooking
The mussel thing used to be right, we used to have horrible qc for seafood in general so it paid off to be extra safe about it
Bread does lose moisture content as it ages
Many varieties of chili peppers do become less spicy when cooked in sauces and such over a long period of time when you remove the seeds, it only has no effect in something that is cooked quickly
You should not ever add water to chocolate while cooking, it'll seize.

>> No.12058336

Alcohol doesn’t cook off though, not to the extent that people assume

>> No.12058343

>radiatori is a bad design
Kill you are self

>> No.12058353

People just mistake alcohol itself for the alcoholic beverage as a whole, so when people say it'll cook off, some people manage to think it means the entirety of the beverage you added will magically evaporate.

>> No.12058354

>starts just pouring water out and ends up broiling in it instead of searing
Can't fix stupid

>> No.12058727

Only from /pol/

>> No.12058755
File: 456 KB, 994x664, 1534675936283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12058873

I mean yeah, most of those are phrased to be technically correct because it's a (you) generating copy pasta. Like "the alcohol _all_ cooks off", or specifying that staled bread "goes hard _because_ it dries out", or "you don't _have_ to temper eggs". Here's a chocolate and water recipe though:

>> No.12058880
File: 55 KB, 520x386, alcohol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really boils off surprisingly slowly.

>> No.12058892

>a fucking shitposter
you on the left dumbass

>> No.12058897



>> No.12058902

>it's calories in calories out bro!
It is if you're talking about weight.
>you can live off pure glucose!
Who has ever claimed here that you don't need vitamin C or electrolytes to live?

>> No.12058921

I want to be contrarian, but all I can come up with is that home made spaghetti sauces can be very good, you arrogant shithead.

>> No.12058931

Take cover, here we go!

>> No.12058955
File: 71 KB, 1200x900, 1445549544071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone using the term meme unironically.

>no u

>> No.12058962

>He fell for the anti-meme meme

>> No.12058966
File: 63 KB, 300x300, ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no, some anon said REDDIT!
It's.. It's over guys..

>> No.12058975

CICO nutters think micronutrients are a librul hoax

>> No.12058976

>it's calories in calories out bro! you can live off pure glucose
Nice DK yourself here.
The cico meme is about weight gain/loss. Not general health or nutrition.
And when it comes to weight it holds true.

>> No.12058989

Flyovers need to be range banned now that the aussie menace has been eliminated for good and I do mean for GOOD

>> No.12058990

Sick digits OP. But you're still a shithead

>> No.12059001

>the employer has to make up the difference if you don't tip

What does this have to do with the Dunning-Kruger effect? This is simply a fact. An employer is still required to pay minimum wage if the employee doesn't get enough tips to equal minimum wage. Many employers will try to get out of it some way or another, but it doesn't change the fact that it's a true statement.

>> No.12059024

So does chopping off a leg.

>> No.12059049

I don't think you'll gain much weight doing that.

>> No.12059172

Just make sure it's someone else's and then eat it.

>> No.12059264

>not cutting someone else's leg off and sewing it onto your own

>> No.12059339

You're obviously not an economist. DK to the hilt.

>> No.12059344

What does being an economist have to do with it?The topic has nothing to do with economics.

>> No.12059416
File: 45 KB, 600x600, 08f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Putting your ingredients in the pan while the oil is cold will retain nutrients and melt away fat
My sister 32 years old single

>> No.12059503

>all laws are always followed
>the employer would NEVER find a way around that!
In real life and not your fantasy world, you just made a poor person pay for your night out

inb4 implications, I’m a software developer

>> No.12059676

>can be
Sure and some people can get laid

>> No.12059726

checked but how do you make a bad spaghetti sauce unless you're Jack or that one lady that added like ton of garlic and vegetable oil to it. Hell you can even just grill plum tomatoes and blend it and it's still passable.

>> No.12059739

that's actually not a horrible to do it (the reasoning behind it is shit though) but you heat the pan and keep a squirt bottle of oil in the fridge. You can cook eggs on stainless steel without even seasoning it

>> No.12060079

Price fixing (i.e. wage law) and its repercussions have a lot to do with economics

>> No.12060083

ok so noone can say anything about any group of things because there are exceptions

>> No.12060091

In your mind, what did that mean?