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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12056581 No.12056581 [Reply] [Original]

>used to laugh at these carnivore idiots on YouTube like Sv3rige
>have bad acne
>absolutely nothing worked
>start getting desperate
>started eating raw liver
>acne disappeared in a week

Uhh...what now?

>> No.12056599

Liver has a lot of B12, iron, and vitamin A I think. You could've had a deficiency. You don't have to go full raw carnivore to eat liver though. We simply aren't carnivores.

Cutting out sugar, even from fruits, helped my skin, but wheat and milk are fine for me.

>> No.12056622

You've got a vitamin deficiency, chances are you only eat specific kinds of foods and/or don't drink water enough (or you only drink beer or soda) and your body's screaming for nutrients

>> No.12056674

Forcing water down your throat is the stupidest health trend there is right now. I've done this shit for months and it makes utterly zero difference. Of course you should drink water but it's the exact same with food. Eat when you're hungry, drink when you're thirsty. You don't need to drink 3 litres of water every day.

>> No.12056781

3 litres of water per day is absolute minimum unless you live in your mums basement you fucking faggot

>> No.12056783

Stop eating fast food and watch acne disappear. It’s that easy.

>> No.12056802

Why does living in my mom's basement make me need less water

>> No.12056811

less sweating, not being active..

>> No.12056859

I live in my mom's basement and I sweat a lot. I probably drink a gallon of water a day directly from the tap.

>> No.12057158

Ayy raw liver gang. Truly the patricians choice, especially if its veal liver. If this thread is still up tomorrow I'll post the liver I have in the fridge waiting for me to devour.

>> No.12057386

>absolutely nothing worked
Have you tried eating what your body evolved to eat, a vegan diet?

>> No.12058200

Yeah, you can eat raw liver from time to time, but your main focus should be on raw pork and raw beef

>> No.12058525
File: 24 KB, 323x207, carnism hairloss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw went vegan
>penis grew 2 inches
>hair grew back
>acne cleared minutes after my last glass of dairy milk
>muscles bulged after 2 weeks
>really horny and no longer lose erections after 5 minutes
>skin looks amazing
>girls nostrils flair when I'm around and I can sense them staring at my ass
>tinder matches every 15 minutes after new vegan profile pic
>dump ugly balding gf for qt vegetarian gf
>she worships my superiority
>church appointed me pastor

>> No.12058630

Even better when you strap the raw liver to your face with some saran wrap for about 30mins.

>> No.12058737
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>> No.12058742


>> No.12058745

The one time I did keto, my acne just disappeared.

>> No.12058753


You are not getting blood to your brain.. The delusions are starting again.

>> No.12059199

IIRC 10k IU of Vitamin A are often taken to treat acne

Carbs cause acne not fats and protein.

>> No.12059374
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Taste best at room temp imo.

>> No.12059384

>Carbs cause acne
All carbs are not the same.

>> No.12059414


The salt water meme really only works if you're getting enough sodium, magnesium, calcium or potassium. Otherwise your kidneys are working hard as fuck to re-uptake those minerals rather than pissing them away. You also tend to sweat less and are unable to cool your body as efficiently as your body is desperate to hold on to said minerals.

>> No.12059461
File: 697 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_8772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So fucking good

>> No.12059481

What liver is this? How is the texture when chewing?

>> No.12059509

Veal liver. The parts you see on the side are sinew which are too tough to chew. It is a bit slimy but firm also. kind of like the white of a soft boiled egg. No real taste after you get it in your mouth, just a bit irony when it first hits the tip you your tongue. After that no real chewing is necessary, you can pretty much just swallow the bites.

>> No.12059520

Yeah cause it's all going to my fat hog that I use to fuck more women than all the carnists combined

>> No.12059534

I highly doubt that vegetables were as intuitive as a nice big land cow with giant milk tits, to the common human diet I mean