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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12055368 No.12055368 [Reply] [Original]

i bought some cheap pork sirloin chops but apparently you can't just cook them in a pan normally without adding liquid? Is this true? Can I just put some water in there?

>> No.12055388

where did you hear that nonsense from? no, you don't need to add liquid, other than the little bit of oil or butter.

>> No.12055393

brine em first, they'll stay moist after you cook them

>> No.12055394

pretty much very site that comes up when you type "how to cook pork sirloin chops" says you need to braise it because they are cheaper cuts than regular pork chops.

>> No.12055405


>> No.12055418

>don't add liquid, just add some liquid!
lol, ok retard

>> No.12055419

Why didn't you say that magic word in your first post?

You can cook them two entirely different ways. You could just sear them, exactly like you would a steak. That requires no additional liquid.

You seem to be asking about braising them. That does require liquid. In fact that's the very definition of a braise. Water would techically work but it would taste awful. Use something flavorful like stock, wine, cider, etc.

The braise isn't necissary though. They will be juicy and tender as long as you don't overcook them.

>> No.12055426


>> No.12055429

>they will be juicy and tender as long as you don't overcook them

You're playing a dangerous game anon, pork is one of the most parasite-prone meats. That shit needs to be nuked.

>> No.12055430

why does the word matter? They imply there are cheaper pork chops that require it.

>> No.12055435

>That shit needs to be nuked.
you can cook them in the microwave?

>> No.12055601

What third world country do you live in?
You can eat pork medium no issue. Pigs aren't raised as literal feces dwellers who feed off of whatever rancid slop the family threw in its cage anymore. They're high value products raised in stable environments, properly innoculated, and fed consistent grain based diets. There's nothing about pork that makes it dangerous other than the cultural methods of caring for them for thousands of years before any knowledge of germ theory or proper veterinary practices cause them to be prone to disease. A modern piece of pork is as safe as any cut of beef.

>> No.12055612

>melted butter is not butter in a liquid state

Go back to grade school science class.

>> No.12055647

You've never been to a hog farm. Shit and carcasses all over

>> No.12055656

3 generation pig man, son. You've never been to a hog farm or any other type of farm you limp wristed faggot. Go larp elsewhere.

>> No.12055678

Don't waste your time trying to save face. I'll never meet you

>> No.12055698

>he types, breathing a sigh of relief

>> No.12055705

Trichinosis is about extinct in commercial pork. All the cases nowadays come from wild or home raised animals and even those cases are very rare.

>> No.12055710

wtf a third generation pigman?

>> No.12055950

>3 generation pig man
Christ, imagine the smell!

>> No.12055992

Is it true you slaughter the pigs by drowning them in the lagoon?

>> No.12056041

Absolute fucking bullshit unless you come from Uganda or something. In the west pork is one of the safest meats at the moment and the official guidance for temps has been lowered drastically. It can even be eaten medium officially now and good cooks/chefs are pushing medium rare at fine establishments. The only meat you really have to get all worried about is chicken. Because chickens are dirty as fuck.

>> No.12056045

Lol, don't listen to this chump.

>> No.12056055

Still doesn't change that the fda decreased the safe temp range to include medium. Plus trich is almost none existent and who care fully fucking treatable.

>> No.12056519

This. Brine for 30 minutes atleast, give it a quick sear and then throw them in the over. Come out perfect every time

>> No.12056533

how do you brine them?

>> No.12056548

This is absolutely false. I cook my pork chops with a definite lighter pinker color in the middle About a medium of it was a steak. Juicy and tasty and i don’t live in the third world so I don’t get sick.

>> No.12056703

I made that mistake too, at the store they were cheap as fuck and I figured I would just google up a good recipe when I get home.
Well I found out there is no good recipe for this crap, its the very worst part of the pig. I forget where, but some respected site that describes the best uses of the different pork and chop cuts simply stated "we do not recommend this cut". Meaning, good fucking luck with your shitty meat, you have not a chance of good results.

>> No.12056837

um can you return it?

>> No.12056846

It's a fat you idiot not a liquid

>> No.12057022

well i cooked one in a pan. took way longer than advertised and tastes vaguely like some kind of meat so i put a ton of ketchup on it and it was good

>> No.12057050
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>he eats well done pork steaks

>> No.12057094

You do realize you've replied to the wrong person right?

>> No.12057101

want a better recipe? I buy cheaper cuts of pork like that fairly often and do this;
>liberally salt pork and leave it on a rack in the fridge for a couple hours to dry brine it
>pat dry
>rub all over with oil
>sear on high heat in pan until it has a nice crust on both sides, if there's a strip of far, render that
>remove, rest, don't worry about it being undercooked
>throw some minced garlic & ginger (chilli, onion, whatever aromatics) in the pan, saute them for a little, don't burn, if the fond is burning too, then deglaze immediately
>deglaze with chinese cooking wine, wine, stock, or water
>you could cook some veges in this liquid now, like brocolli, or just make the sauce
>add some soy sauce, sugar, and vinegar (rice wine preferably)
>aditionally, you could add some chilli oil/paste, sesame oil, or anything you'd like really
>add more liquid if it starts to dry out/ you don't have much
>now mix a little corn starch with luke warm water into a slurry
>slice your pork thinly, pour the juices into the pan
>if the pork is cooked through, add it to the pan and just warm it for a few seconds, if it's red, then cook it a little longer in the sauce, i like it to be a little pink.
>when you're about to serve, taste, adjust seasoning, and then stir in your slurry to get a thick sauce
>top with toasted sesame seeds and or fresh herbs
>serve with rice.

ANY cut of pork is good for this.

>> No.12057113

meat isn't really on a good- bad spectrum, aside from how fresh it is
It's more on a lean - gristly or fatty spectrum
lean meat needs to be timed perfectly, and can't be overcooked or it will dry out and be tough
fatty and especially gristly meat needs to be cooked for longer to render the fat and break down the connective tissue, or it will be tough.

>> No.12057125

im not doing that shit. ill stick to ketchup

>> No.12057142

nah, step it up anon
you could just ignore all of the ingredients you don't want to use, and still follow the technique, which lets you use the flavour from the pan and juices to flavour your veges and gives a simple sauce. Maybe add a bit of butter at the end instead of a starch slurry.

and it also gives you a way to cook it med-rare and if you get it wrong, easily cook it some more, by just putting it back in the sauce

>> No.12057145

its gunna taste like shit either way so id rather one and done

>> No.12057150

You're wrong. You can make any cut of pork taste amazing with a bit of effort.

What i laid out isn't hard at all either. It's super basic technique, that is well worth learning, as you can adapt it for most meat.

>> No.12057160
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like why'd you even make this thread?
You're reconciled to your food being average-bad because of some nonsense you read and any effort beyond pan cooking, maybe adding some water, and putting ketchup on it is incomprehensible?

>> No.12057167

because i thought just cooking them normally would fuck them up totally instead of just making them normally shitty

>> No.12057204

atleast dry brine the other one
just doing that will make a big difference

>> No.12057646

This has to be bait.

>> No.12057655

What the fuck is wrong with Americans? Pork loin is literally the most expensive cut everywhere else in the entire world. It's very lean so it's difficult to cook properly but it's the most noble cut on pig.

>> No.12057668

Brown meat in oil/butter, pull out
A big chopped onion in, 5 min
A beer and a half in, boil
Reduce to simmer, pork back in
Toss in some herbs, whatever you have medley, a nice tbs scoop
On goes the lid, check situation in 30 min

Braising is simple as fuck

>> No.12057730

Too much work for no reward. Just pan fry it until done.

>> No.12057742

eh to be fair it is fat. but it's liquid fat.

>> No.12057891

>A beer and a half in
i dont drink alcohol

>> No.12057895

>why does the word matter?
Normally you don't braise pork chops. You're asking about an unsual choice of preparation method.

>>They imply there are cheaper pork chops that require it.
that's not true at all. some people might choose to braise pork sirloin chops but I'm not sure why anyone would do so. It sounds to me like you're getting your recipe information from people who can't cook.

>> No.12057898

so what?
If the beer triggers you sub pork stock instead. but it's not like cooking with beer will intoxicate you.

>> No.12057899

>It sounds to me like you're getting your recipe information from people who can't cook.
literally every recipe on the first page of google says to braise it

>> No.12057906

This might come as a shock to you, but google provides horrible cooking advice, especially when you're a noob with weak-ass google fu.

Consult expert chefs or trusted cookbooks, not the goddamn internet which is polluted with momblogs, can'tcooks, and all sorts of other bullshit.

>> No.12057908

>Consult expert chefs or trusted cookbooks
i just want to cook a pork chop not become the next emeril lagasse

>> No.12057917

That doesn't change the fact that the internet has no barrier to entry and thus is filled with bullshit bad advice.

>> No.12057918

then what is the archlinux wiki of cooking wikis?

>> No.12057946


>> No.12057957

I wouldn't know, every one I've seen has been bullshit.

What part of "avoid the internet for cooking advice" are you finding difficult to understand?

>> No.12057982

the part where I need the internet to learn how to do shit

>> No.12058016

expert chefs have their videos up on the internet, can i watch those?

>> No.12058022

Sure, just make sure you're picking a chef who is cooking to their strong suit.

for example, Ramsay is great for learning British or French from, but you'd be a retard to listen to him talk about Asian food or hamburgers.

Use internet to download trusted noob cookbook. Follow directions.

>> No.12058028

i don't want a shitty cookbook. It's fucking 2019, there should be an archlinux style wiki for cooking.

>> No.12058035

of course, this italian grandpa helped me learn how to make a killer carbonara

>> No.12058036

>i don't want a shitty cookbook
Yes, anon. I know you're whining like a little baby about it, but fact is that muh cookbook is the best option because you don't yet know how to separate the bullshit from the real information.

>>there should be an archlinux style wiki for cooking.
I agree, there should be. But there isn't. I'm not trying to argue with you, I'm trying to help you. Getting a trustworthy cookbook might be a small hassle from the get-go, but it is more than worthwhile because it will save you from wasting time and ingredients via the alternative.

If you like to be spoonfed get Jamie's Food Revolution by Jamie Oliver. If you're a bit higher level than that get The Professional Chef, which is a culinary school textbook. I'm sure you can find both online.

>> No.12058040

I would have to chop the binding and scan it with optical character recognition

>> No.12058044

No you wouldn't, you could use it as-is. That has the added benefit of not requiring batteries, an internet connection, or annoying you with little beeps and popups and whatnot while you're trying to learn.

Or you could just get the PDF.

>> No.12058046

are they searchable pdf?

>> No.12058051

I wouldn't know, since PDFs suck ass compared to paper. But I would assume that any modern PDF would be searchable.

>> No.12058825

>Shit and carcasses all over

Symptoms of bad farmers, not bad animals.

>> No.12059093

I ate a cheese stick (forgot to wash my hands) while I was cooking the pork chops and I'm still alive.

>> No.12059646

Thank God I don't live in a third world shithole

>> No.12060922

Room temperature, cook in plenty of butter, medium rare. Should come out juicy.