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File: 58 KB, 992x558, GTY_eggs_jef_140403_16x9_992[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12054690 No.12054690 [Reply] [Original]

Are there really savages out there that don't refrigerate their eggs?

>> No.12054752

I put them in the fridge but in stores here across Europe they are just kept on regular shelves in the supermarket.

>> No.12054755

I keep them in the fridge just because i keep 36 or so at a time.

>> No.12054766

Oh boy yet another thread about egg cuticles
thanks /s4s/

>> No.12054768

Yup, I never keep them in fridge because they are safe here and cooking with cold eggs is shit tier.

>> No.12054779

Probably because yuropeens can't afford refrigeration.

>> No.12054782

When I used to buy eggs from the supermarket I kept them in the fridge but now that I get my own backyard eggs I know I can trust, I just keep them on the counter.

>> No.12054910

Rather it isn't necessary

>> No.12054915

storebought eggs go in the fridge, eggs from my chickens stay out

>> No.12054932

I wish I had a farm :( do you raise anything else?

>> No.12054974
File: 73 KB, 640x469, 1547474782631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

? Refrigerating eggs is overkill, unless you plan on storing them for 3 months, suspicious source, or something retarded like that. Egg is, by definition, not really perishable food. What's more, if you keep eggs for ~4 days or more, those eggs are easier to peel after boiling. Peeling boiled fresh egg is annoying as fuck, it just doesn't work. I imagine refrigerating eggs slows down this process. Is this one of those retarded American overboard way of doing things?

>> No.12055009

our eggs are cleaned you have to refrigerate them. Finding a dirty egg is a million dollar lawsuit

>> No.12055081

> Is this one of those retarded American overboard way of doing things?
They refuse to vaccinate their chickens against Salmonella, meaning their chickens are vulnerable in the first place, and then to add to the problem they get triggered by a feather or a bit of chicken shit so they pressure-hose the eggs which removes the natural layer of protection eggs have.

>> No.12055087

cows, goats, sometimes pigs or horses but not at the moment. hunt a lot of venison and sometimes beaver as well.

>> No.12055407

This video might not seem related at first but it contains some good tips about egg storage, in particular, lack of refrigeration.


>> No.12055416

Eggs have a natural protective layer so they don't need refrigeration, however, American eggs are washed before being sold so they lose their protective layer so those need to be refrigerated.

>> No.12055451
File: 52 KB, 1280x1263, egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Washed Unrefrigerated Eggs < Washed Refrigerated Eggs < Unwashed Unrefrigerated Eggs < Unwashed Refrigerated Eggs

>> No.12055464

Unrefrigerated eggs are only good for up to three days without refrigeration you dumbasses. Maybe a little longer if they are your eggs from your own chickens.

>> No.12055474

I keep mine weeks at a time in a cupboard with no problems.

>> No.12055515

maybe if you live on the fucking equator or something lmao. eggs take weeks to go bad

>> No.12055548

well also fucking americlaps put their chickens into the tightest possible spaces for muh profits

>> No.12055559

reading all of these responses, the people whos eggs have to be refrigerated are getting garbage tier eggs. A real egg doesn't have to be refrigerated and can stay on a shelf for a while. How do you think it would work in times before refrigeration?

>> No.12055664

Christ, crawl out of big egg megacorporate ass for a few seconds and smell fresh yolk!

>> No.12055666

The chicken sat on it, dummy

>> No.12055770

>they get triggered by a feather or a bit of chicken shit
I think most people don't enjoy touching feces

>> No.12056489

that's just an american thing, everyone else is comfortable boiling the shit off of eggs

>> No.12057728

In America eggs are 'cleaned' with chemicals that strip the protective layers of the shell, and make it porous, alowing bacteria in. They have to be stored in refridgeration.
In europe eggs are not treated and thus can be left on the counter. For Americans who cannot wrap their heads around that consider that if eggs went bad that fast without refridgeration how could they ever grow and hatch into chickens?

>> No.12057733

>don't clean your eggs so you can touch poop and clean it later

>> No.12057801


When did that start in the first place?
Surely back when people had chickens the knowledge that they keep fine for weeks just the way they are was there, so when did they start to wash them?

>> No.12057886

How did the photographer get out without breaking any eggs?

>> No.12057890

1960's. Researchers discovered that washing the eggs and then refrigerating them results in them keeping longer than the natural-and-unrefrigerated method.

>> No.12058570

So iow, factory farmed eggs could then be warehoused for months losing nutrients and quality before being passed off to a stupidly credulous populace. Wonderful.