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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 344 KB, 1600x1200, iPhoneUpload_dmrrqzl08l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12049679 No.12049679 [Reply] [Original]

American Airlines sure does take care of you. I got the whole can of soda!

>> No.12049683

God I can feel my ears caving in from seeing that

>> No.12049694

Canada dry of all things.
They must really hate their customers.

>> No.12049701

>that'll be $15.85 sir

>> No.12049703

What? Are you implying Schweppes is better? Because you're asking for an ass beating if so.

>> No.12049707

Not particularly. It's just that it's very much an acquired taste.

>> No.12049871
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>being able to tell the difference

>> No.12049890

That bland packaging would kill whatever appetite I had to eat "mini pretzels."

>> No.12049894

It definitely tastes different.

>> No.12049898

I'm sure they do. I'm just joking.

>> No.12049899


>zoomer detected

I bet you only play video games to collect outfits instead of actually playing the game. kys yourself

>> No.12049906

You have to pay for drinks on American owned airlines now?

>> No.12049913

Well I did on Jetblue. You can get the pretzels for free and water that's about it

>> No.12049916

Most of them serve stuff like OP's pic for free. It's only a small number of ultra-discount carriers who would charge for that (Jetblue is the only one I can think of in the US...Ryanair in the UK would be another)

General practice is that it's only alcohol you have to pay for, and if you're in First or Biz class that's free.

>> No.12049923

>being this assblasted over literally nothing

>> No.12049926

Fly BA, they give you as much complimentary booze as you can handle.

>> No.12049985

When I flew trans-atlantic to and from America I got free drinks

>> No.12050019

Top Airlines for in-flight meals fucking GO

>> No.12050028

>Being such a retarded fatass that you don't eat before getting on the plane

>> No.12050037
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Utilitarian packaging is GOAT

>> No.12050047

>eating before will help you in a 10-12 hour flight

>> No.12050073


>Wasting 12 hours of your life in poor class seats during a flight

>> No.12050099

>They must really hate their customers.
I honestly cannot think of an airline that has anything but pure, boiling rage for their customers

>> No.12050111



A good meal perfectly fills for 10-12 hours. Your body could even perectly manage 10-12 DAYS.

>> No.12050114

>millonaires shitposting on a cantonese basket weaving forum

>> No.12050117

>muh fasting

Eat shit.

>> No.12050133

Southwest is as close to a good airline as they come
aldo, fu/ck American Airlines. been a lifelong customer with elite status, more than a million miles with them; last Wed they cancel my Friday flight (no reason given) and say “sorry, we can’t rs you until MONDAY, you’re in your own” so fuck them right in the 787 pussy
/end rant
//also fu/ck domestic first class...your chopped chicken salad for lunch is garbage
///Singapore airlines ftw and the hot sky waitresses

>> No.12050144

If you wanted more you should've bought a more expensive plane ticket. This is what they serve so they can keep the ticket price down for your broke ass/Kippa wearin head.

>> No.12050150

>being hungover during the couple of hours you spend between connecting flights
a special kind of hell everyone should experiment from time to time

>> No.12050167
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These pretzels

are makin' me thirsty!

>> No.12050262

the flight attendants maybe. the corporation couldn't give a shit

>> No.12050263


>Cannot manage to live 12 hours without eating something


>> No.12050268
File: 2.61 MB, 4032x3024, 99C4FE3C-8A96-4798-9CE0-906396F44110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aeroflot is surprisingly comfy even though I am aware it also depends from where your flight departs.

>> No.12050283

>all that disgusting sauce underneath EVERYTHING
Why can't anyone make a microwave dish without this happening

>> No.12050306

you get multiple """""free""""" meals on a transatlantic flight in my experience

>> No.12050312

What’s the deal with airline food?

>> No.12050348

Jesus christ why eat at all if that's the slop they're serving.

Can Americans really not fast for 24 hours without literally dying?

>> No.12050393
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There it is. Took awhile.

>> No.12050436


>> No.12050455

all that looks like disgusting slop tbqh

>> No.12050542

I wonder how many gallons of jet fuel have been wasted flying cases of soda no one drinks up into the air on planes

>> No.12050549

Is that on a B737 or MD83?

>> No.12050551

B____ Airlines?

>> No.12050556

Pig disgusting slop-o-shit

>> No.12050559

That looks dogshit
Oh thats right aeroflot is literal dogshit. Worst airline I flew on. Fuck that shit

>> No.12051487
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>that'll be $700

>> No.12051804
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>Paying more money for prepress and printing for airplane food packaging.

>> No.12051828

>tfw for awhile you used to get those delicious sugary Roasters peanuts
now it's airline brand pretzels. when I went to the caribbean, I got biscottis ffs (delicious coffee cookies)

>> No.12051836

>not paying $50 for delicious meals/extra service
If it's hidden in the cost and you're not stuck with the choice of choosing between cheap and higher cost (you'll always choose cheap) then the decision has been made for you and you're left with luxury. Tell me why this is bad.

>> No.12051908

This one time my flight got stuck on departure. As a reward the flight attendants gave me like 5 Titos vodkas of that size for free. That was a good way to fall asleep on my 6 hour flight

>> No.12051973

>no ice
kys yourself

sounds illegal

all delta flights have biscottis and coke products

>> No.12051999

I remember when economy class got an actual hot meal with silverware and it was included in the airfare (crack, sip, etc.)

>> No.12052009

Generally beer, wine and meals are complementary for international flights on most American airlines. Soft drinks and something like pretzels are usually complementary on domestic flights. Cheaper airlines like Allegiant usually don't.

>> No.12052023
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>> No.12052028

The post I was commenting on was shit taking the packaging. I was saying it looks unimpressive on purpose to save money. I don't see how this comment correlates.

>> No.12052029

>sounds illegal
you sound like a fucking faggot

>> No.12052030

>American Airlines
>serves Canada Dry.

>> No.12052032

>world record for most alcohol drunk on an international flight is held by an Australian man
>He drank 52 beers on a flight from Sydney to London
>Then went straight to a pub when he arrived

>> No.12052043

>I remember when economy class got an actual hot meal with silverware and it was included in the airfare (crack, sip, etc.)

In the late 90's and early 2000's that would be First Class getting that kind of service.
>small white linen "table cloths" on the tray
>white bone china with the Airline logo
>actual silver, silverware
>several wine options with the meal
>Omaha steak, chicken cordon blue or baked orange roughy
>chocolate mouse or cheesecake for desert
>on a 3 hour flight from LAX to Columbus Ohio
>getting a $900 flight on an expense account

Of course, I haven't flown since 9/11

>> No.12052067

>not reporting your flight attendant for giving away free items to people, even yourself
You only make the industry more expensive for the rest of us.

>> No.12052222

>last Wed they cancel my Friday flight (no reason given)
737 8s indefinitely grounded. AA had a few of those in their fleet.

All others, if you use grey hound, do you expect them to serve you peanuts? You get way you pay for.

>> No.12052252
File: 114 KB, 906x680, going back from japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was pretty alright. The bottom left part looks like some sort of beans and sliced ham, but don't remember for sure.

>> No.12052267


>> No.12052378

>737 8s indefinitely grounded. AA had a few of those in their fleet.
Are those the Boeing's that keep going down all over the place?

>> No.12052388

no name is incredibly based

>> No.12052402

Lufthansa is the best
They give me shittons of free beer every flight that I end up sleeping like a rock going overseas

american and canadian economy seats are literally third world tier in service

>> No.12052426


>> No.12052744

Is that an Auchan brand? It looks like an Auchan brand.

>> No.12052990


You can just buy these at the liquor store and take them in carry on

>> No.12053198


>> No.12053208

The beans are definitely edamame.

>> No.12053292

fuck off

>> No.12053320

Пиздyй oтcюдa.

>> No.12053506

>carry on
I don't know if you heard, but Mossad did this thing called 9/11 and now you get detained for trying to bring any liquids onto a plane

>> No.12053670

You can still buy all kinds of liquids at the shops that are past security checkpoints. You're just not allowed to bring your own mystery liquid through security.

>> No.12054332

>be flying in europe
>flight attendants offering drinks
>american tourists refusing left and right because they think it's not free

>> No.12054340
File: 102 KB, 409x799, Pure Michigan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12054371

Cyka and blyat-pilled

>> No.12054440

I could be worse it could be poo-in-the-loo indian shit.

>> No.12054560

I love the airplane biscoff cookies

>> No.12054737


You can still take liquids under 3fl. oz

Those bottles are under it

>> No.12055188

Now take that can and peel it apart, fold the aluminium into a knife and hijack the plane. Take snacks away from us as well.

>> No.12055232

Yeah, I've only done some fairly short hops around Europe with Lufthansa but they were always nice about giving me cheese sangewedges and beers. And the former weren't bad either. They have like two kinds of creme cheese and a sliced one in there so it's not dry.

>> No.12055272

What Jet Blue would definitely have free soda and snacks? I got 5 free beers once. I was in the front row and the flight attendants just kept giving me more when I was done.

>> No.12055295

Idiot they raised the liquid allotment up to 3.4 fl. oz. per bottle and there is literally no limit to the amount of bottles you can bring on.

>> No.12055377

Schweppes is better.

>> No.12055434
File: 24 KB, 342x450, osama-bin-laden-part-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your flight was from where to where? How long is the trip?

>> No.12055592

Don't tomatoes taste delicious when you're flying?

>> No.12055724

Literally any airline I've ever been on all you have to do is ask for the whole can, and they give it to you.

>> No.12055735

Post your hands fatty

>> No.12055801

You also get free alcohol

>> No.12057199

My brother.

>> No.12057208

Have you ever tried tearing one of those cans in half and using the sharp aluminum as a knife to hijack the plane with? It seems like it would be easy, but I can't afford a plane ticket.

>> No.12057224

I remember going on holiday as a kid, and the airline were serving the meals, think it was meatballs or something. Not only was the food fucking disgusting, the smell was so bad I thought I was being tortured. I had to keep my face in a pillow for like 3 hours, then the old cunt beside me ordered another serving 2 hours later and I spent the entire rest of journey imagining her death

>> No.12057230

God. If I ever have kids I hope none of them are bratty little shits like you were.

>> No.12057233

>"never flown on a plane but I must also shitpost", the post

>> No.12057242
File: 328 KB, 758x924, united.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

much better than United

>> No.12058846
File: 262 KB, 1536x2048, C_rF-5zXkAEfT84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spirit has the exclusive mile high lemonade!!! You done goofed!!

>> No.12058933

flying with iceland air waa surprisingly bad, didnt get any service at all other than water. even on a six hour around dinner time they didnt serve food. layovers were way too short also

>> No.12058941

They don’t offer tendies for shorter flights

>> No.12058943

imagine being this retarded

>> No.12059055

It's an airplane flying thousans of kilometers above ground and traveling at 0.7 times the speed of sound; it is not a fucking restaurant. If you can't go by the 5 or so hours of your flight without stuffing your pie hole with food, then you can buy the food items or a more expensive ticket.

Personally, I am still very impressed that I can even get water with ice, or a warm meal, in a fucking metal tube flying over the ocean.

>> No.12059072

Flew with JAL last year, food was okay.

Gonna fly with Finnair in 2 weeks. What am I in for?

>> No.12059747

Salmiakki. Lots and lots of salmiakki.

>> No.12060344

Microwaved container is 'eh' but the shit on the left looks fucking good

>> No.12060354

it's canadian

>> No.12060364

Airline food is comfy.
Sure it's not incredible, but having a hot meal alongside a bunch of smaller goodies is a really nice feel when cramped in some seat for hours.

>> No.12060366

I'm super sick right now and can't keep anything too flavorful down so pretzels and ginger ale sounds really good to me.

>> No.12060373

I don't know if you still can, but delta used to serve these little lunch boxes that had insanely, unreasonably good salami, crackers, cookies, and something else in them. The best crackers I ever had were in those little packages. They tasted amazing.

>> No.12060391

rent free

>> No.12061219
File: 222 KB, 381x313, 12F15FEA-BE61-40DC-A867-988652C69115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why can’t I stop thinking about Americans?

>> No.12061224

I thought they had to stop letting people keep the cans due to them very easily being turned into knives.

>> No.12061232

Every airline will give you the whole can if you ask for it.

>> No.12061233
File: 116 KB, 1000x1000, ver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

canada dry is dogshit, i only fuck around with Vernor's and above